www.ukrweekly.com Я5 r o( І (ЛСХ j ЖЯ — і І Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! і -xo asso– 1 CXO : -4 3E О О zno 5 -n ! oo-o ozm І -, а я q я- no оM wo ІЛ w– Ї ^ о Vol. Lll No. 25 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1984 25 cents Report death of Volodymyr Horbovy: Supreme Assembly meeting ends KERHONKSON, N.Y. - On the Another forum where strategies to defended Bandera in 1935 final day of the weeklong deliberations, organize members can be developed, the Supreme Assembly of the Ukrainian Mr. Hawrysz continued, are the secre­ JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Recent National Association approved an taries' organizing courses, scheduled for unconfirmed reports from Ukraine annual budget of 59,039,000 (based on Soyuzivka on June 17 through 22. assert that Volodymyr Horbovy, an anticipated income) with expenses Supreme Treasurer Ulana Diachuk attorney who in 1935 defended Ste­ totalling 58,030,750, and designated added, a few notes about the financial fan Bandera and other Ukrainian 530,000 in donations to various Ukrai­ status of the UNA, stating that the UNA nationalists charged with the assassi­ nian community organizations. expects an income of 52,970,000 nation of a Polish government The conclave, which began on Mon­ from membership dues and 54,440,000 minister and who later spent 25 years day, June 4 and ran through Friday, interests on UNA investments. She in Soviet labor camps, has died at age June 8, was labeled a jubilee meeting noted that 52,226,000, will be paid out 85. because 1984 marks the UNA's 90th to UNA members whose policies have JThe June 17 issue of the Munich- anniversary. matured. About 5750,000 will be paid based emigre weekly, Schlach Pere– In their closing statements, the mem­ out as dividends to UNA members and mohy, carried a brief notice of Mr. bers of the Supreme Executive Commit­ 5688,000 will be supplemented as pay­ Horbovy's death, but gave no other tee echoed Supreme President John O. ments for Svoboda subscribers. She details.3 Flis' thoughts that the ideals of the also said that about a quarter of a It is believed that at the time of his UNA have not changed since the days of million dollars in expenditures has been death Mr. Horbovy was living in his its founding. designated toward scholarship funds, native city of Dolyna, some SO miles Supreme Organizer Stefan Hawrysz and other Ukrainian community dona­ west of Ivano-Frankivske. He re­ thanked the Supreme Assembly mem­ tions, including the newly-established turned there in 1974after completing bers for their organizing efforts, citing Ukrainian National Association Foun­ a 25-year term in Soviet labor camps Supreme Advisor, William Pastuszek dation, Inc. for his activities with the Organize' for his "organizing" 52 new members. Supreme Secretary Walter Sochan lion of Ukrainian Nationalists Volodymyr Horbovy Other supreme advisors who attended and Mr. Flis spoke about the fraternal (OUN). Internal Affairs, who was killed in the meeting at Soyuzivka with new and Ukrainian patriotic goals of this, Warsaw in June 1934. Natidrialists members' applications to the UNA in the largest fraternal organization in the The Pieracki affair accused Mr. Pieracki of being in­ hand were: John Odezynsky, Helen free world. Mr. Sochan stressed ihe volved in the brutal "pacification" of Olek Scott, Walter Hawrylak, Andrew need to interest the younger generations Mr. Horbovy was perhaps best Polish-occupied western Ukraine. Keybida and Supreme Vice Presiden– in the UNA. known for his defense of OUN mem­ It was Mr. Horbovy's task to tess Gloria Paschen, he said. bers during the celebrated "Warsaw defend Mr. Bandera and two other Mr. Hawrysz stated that this anniver­ Meeting decisions process" in which 12 Ukrainian men accused in the conspiracy, Yakiv sary year is an ideal time to organize nationalists, among them Mr. Ban­ Chorny and Evhen Kachmarsky. new members and expressed hope that The working sessions during the week dera, Mykola Lebed, Ya'roslav Kar– Other attorneys involved in the this would indeed happen, based on the were presided over by Supreme Presi­ pynets and Kateryna Zarytsky, were defense of the OUN members were success of the district committee chair­ dent Flis, Supreme Vice President charged with assassinating Bronislav Yaroslav Shlapak, Lev Hankevych men meeting held at Soyuzivka on June Myron B. Kuropas and Supreme Vice Pieracki, the Polish Minister of (Continued on page 3) 2 and 3. Presidentess Paschen. The decisions at the annual meeting were passed on the recommendations of the special com­ mittees listed in last week's Weekly. Rep: McKernan becomes 100th co-sponsor of famine bill As in the past, the Supreme Assembly this year concentrated its efforts on the Rights in Ukraine, a national' human- AHRU reported that Rep. Lawrence organizing department of the UNA, rights group based in Newark that has Smith of Florida, who serves on both specifying that 4,000 members should lobbied extensively for passage of the subcommittees where the bill has been be insured for the sum of 511 million bill, the total number of sponsors now referred, has appealed to his Florida during this next year. Among resolu– stands at 101 counting the bill's original colleagues in the House - including (Continued on page 5) sponsor, Rep. James Florio (D-N.J.). Reps. Dante Fascell (D-Fla.), chairman Other recent co-sponsors of the bill, of the House Foreign Affairs Commit­ known as HR 4459 in the House and S tee. Dan Mica, chairman of the Sub­ INSIDE: 2456 in the Senate, are Reps. Major committee on International Opera- Owens (D-N.Y.), Gary Ackerman (D– lions, and Claude Pepper, chairman of N.Y.). Bill Green (R-N.Y.), John the Rules Committee - to become co- Murtha (D-Pa.), Thomas Foglietta(D- sponsors of the famine bill. Pa.) and William Carney (R-N.Y.). A similar appeal, AHRU said, is Over on the Senate side, a total of 16 being initiated by Rep. Peter K,ost– senators have become co-sponsors of S mayer (D-Pa.) to his colleagues from his 2456, the most recent being Sens. Jeff home state. Bingaman (D-N.M.), Alan Dixon (D– AHRU also reported that two com­ III.) and John Warner (R-Va.). mittee chairmen who are co-sponsors of If passed, the famine measure would the bill. Rep. James Howard (D-N.J.) Rep. John McKernan create a congressional commission to of the Public Works and Transporta­ look into circumstances surrounding tion Committee, and Peter Rodino (D– WASHINGTON - The Ukrainian the Great Famine, which was planned N.J.) of the Judiciary Committee, arc Famine Bill, which would establish a by the Kremlin and resulted in the asking the subcommittee chairmen to commission to investigate the 1932-33 deaths of some 7 to 10 million Ukrai­ report the bill to the full Foreign Affairs Great Famine in Ukraine, reached a nians in a little over one year. Committee for consideration. milestone recently when Rep. John Last week AHRU representatives McKernan (R-Maine) became the 100th Other developments Ihor Olshaniwsky, Daniel Marchishin, ш St. George's at the hub of New York's co-sponsor of the measure in the House. and Walter Bodnar spent several days on changing Little Ukraine - centerfold. According to. Americans for Human In other actions relating to the bill, (Continued on page 3) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1984 No. 25 Poles report arrest of Bogdan Lis, Has the computer revolution leader of Solidarity underground bypassed the Soviet Union? WARSAW - Bogdan Lis, the se­ has suffered serious blows in the past cond-ranking official of the under­ and in each case they were able to ground Solidarity free trade union, has replace key people with others. 1 think been captured and arrested, the Polish this will happen again." television announced on June 10. Mr. Lis's arrest came amid growing According to The New York Times, speculation that the government is news of the arrest came in a terse planning to announce a major amnesty announcement that gave neither the next month for the approximately 600 time, place, nor circumstances of the 31- political prisoners and detainees who year-old Mr. Lis's arrest. The govern­ are now thought to be confined. ment broadcast declared that the The rumored amnesty has been des­ "Gdansk security service" had arrest­ cribed by a Solidarity spokesman in ed Mr. Lis. Brussels last Friday as a key step in what A former shipyard mechanic, he has he claimed was the government's policy been hiding since martial law was of "normalization." According to the imposed in December 1981. spokesman, Jurck Milewski who heads The newscaster described Mr. Lis as a Solidarity office in Brussels, these one of the members of the "so-called policies are intended as window dress­ Temporary Coordinating Commission ing for foreigners. (TKK)," a clandestine council com­ Mr. Lis is generally considered to posed of those former Solidarity leaders have been second in command in the who, unlike founder Lech Walesa, have underground organization, rankingjust assumed responsibility for underground behind Zbigniew Bujak, the chairman activities in defiance of orders banning of the Warsaw region of the TKK, who the union. remains at liberty. Mr. Walesa, who has remained Mr. Lis, who had been in hiding since publicly detached from the under­ the declaration of martial law, was born ground faction but retains his symbolic in Gdansk in 1952. After completing role as former head of the burgeoning mechanics school he began working as a and now suppressed free union move­ crane operator at the shipyards.
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