D D N N A Fungi SCIENCE A TECHNOLOGY N I I ACTION THIRDSECOND EDITION EDITION D D N N A Fungi SCIENCE A TECHNOLOGY N I I ACTION THIRDSECOND EDITION EDITION The kingdom of fungi includes organisms that are important Classifi cation level Example 1 (cultivated Example 2 their name from the colour of their uredospores, which are visible as both economically and ecologically. By breaking down dead mushroom) (Blue whale) yellow /orange pustules on infected leaves and stems. Millions of spores 1 Domain Eucarya Eucarya are dispersed by the wind and infect other plants. Rusts are very common organic material, such as plants and wood, they facilitate the and sometimes live in harmony with their hosts – e.g. Phragmidium 2 Kingdom Fungi Animalia recycling of nutrients in ecosystems. Fungi are neither plants violaceum on blackberry leaves. However, many are serious pathogens 3 Division / Phylum Basidiomycota Chordata nor animals but share some characteristics of both; forming of cultivated crops; e.g. Puccinia graminis causes black stem rust on The kingdom of fungi includes organisms that are important4 Class Homobasidiomycetae Mammalia barley and wheat. their name from the colour of their uredospores, which are visible as a kingdom on their own. They generally cannot move around 5 Order AgaricalesClassifi cation level CetaceaExample 1 (cultivated Example 2 yellow /orange pustules on infected leaves and stems. Millions of spores likeboth animals economically but, like them, and they ecologically.do require an external By breaking source down6 dead Family Agaricaceae Balaenopteridamushroom)e (Blue whale) Mushrooms are dispersed by the wind and infect other plants. Rusts are very common oforganic food. They material, do not contain such chlorophyll,as plants likeand plants, wood, so they facilitate7 theGenus 1 Agaricus Domain BalaenopterEucaryaa Eucarya Mushroom is a general term used to describeand sometimesany macrofungus live in inthe harmony with their hosts – e.g. Phragmidium cannot make their own food by photosynthesis. They 8 Species 2 A. bisporusKingdom B. musculusFungi Animalia Agaricales Order, which is in the Basidiomycota Division. There are reproducerecycling by ofmeans nutrients of spores in ecosystems.rather than seeds Fungi and in are that neither Fig. plants 2 Examples of classifi cation system for violaceum on blackberry leaves. However, many are serious pathogens cultivated mushroom3 and blueDivision whale. / Phylum Basidiomycota about Chordat 6,000 speciesa of Agaricales of which about 1000 are edible and Teagasc is a state organisation that provides research, advisory respectnor animals they are similarbut share to ferns some and mosses. characteristics of both; forming of cultivated crops; e.g. Puccinia graminis causes black stem rust on 4 Class Homobasidiomycetaesix are Mammali deadlya poisonous. and training services for the agriculture and food industry in They can be saprophytic, barley and wheat. Ireland. Over 1,500 staff work at over 100 locations throughout the a kingdom on their own. They generally cannot move around 5 Order Agaricales Cetacea on dead organic matter whereas parasites and symbionts live on or in parasitic or symbiotic. country. They work with all sectors of the agriculture and food like animals but, like them, they do require an externalother source living organisms. While6 symbionts Family may benefi t their hosts,Agaricaceae parasites Mushrooms Balaenopterida have a distinctivee industries and with rural development agencies. Teagasc employs can damage or even kill them. Potato blight and Athlete’s Foot are of food.BACTERIA They do notARCHAE containA chlorophyll,EUKARYA like plants, so they 7 Genus Agaricus reproductive Balaenopter fruitbodya that is Mushrooms over 200 scientists and 300 research technicians in research, and examples of fungal diseases. made up of a stipe (stalk) many other specialist staff in training and advisory roles. Green Mushroom is a general term used to describe any macrofungus in the Slime 8 Species A. bisporus B. musculus cannot makeFilamentous their own food by photosynthesis. They and a cap. On the under side molds Fungi secrete enzymes into the substrate on which they live that reduce Spirochetes Bacteria Entamoebae Animals of the cap, protected from Agaricales Order, which is in theTeagasc Basidiomycota is fi rmly focused Division. on the challenges There are facing the agri-food reproduce byGram meansMethanosarcin of sporesa rather thanFungi seeds andthe in organic that matter to a formFig. 2they Examples can absorb. of classifi cation system for sector and rural communities. One of the organisation’s objectives positives Methanobacterium Halophiles cultivated mushroom and blue whale. rain, there are ‘gills’ on which about 6,000 species of Agaricales of which about 1000 are edible and Teagasc is a state organisation that provides research, advisory Proteobacteria is to increase the competitiveness of horticultural crops such as respect they are similarMethanococcu tos ferns and mosses.Plants Within the kingdom of fungi there are four main divisions based spores form. The stipe holds six are deadly poisonous. Cyanobacteria T. Celer mushrooms, and to ensure the quality and safety of the andfi nal training services for the agriculture and food industry in Ciliates on the mode of sexual reproduction: Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, the cap above the ground Planctomyces Thermoproteus They can be saprophytic, produce, while ensuring protection of the rural environment.Ireland. Over 1,500 staff work at over 100 locations throughout the Pyrodicticum Chytridomycota and Zygomycota. Rhizopus belongs to the Zygomycota; and allows the spores to be Flagellates on dead organic matter whereas parasites and symbionts live on or in Fig. 3 Commercial mushroom crop Bacteroides in this group sexual reproduction occurs when two compatible strains dispersed by the wind. parasitic or symbiotic. Mushroom research is conducted at the Kinsealy Centre in Dublincountry. They work with all sectors of the agriculture and food Cytophaga Trichomonads mate and produce a toughother walled living Zygospore. organisms. Rhizopus While also symbionts reproduces may benefi t their hosts, parasites Mushrooms have a distinctive and current projects are in the areas of mushroom disease Thermotoga Microsporidia industries and with rural development agencies. Teagasc employs asexually by producing masses of asexual spores in a sporangium. diagnostics and control, managing spent mushroom compost and Aquifex can damage or even kill them. Potato blight and Athlete’s Foot are reproductive fruitbody that is BACTERIA ARCHAEA DiplomonadEUKARs YA Cultivated mushrooms looking for alternatives to peat for use in mushroom casing oversoil. 200 scientists and 300 research technicians in research, and Many fungi can reproduceexamples both sexually of fungal and diseases.asexually. The three main Approximately 1000 mushroom species aremade edible upbut onlyof abouta stipe twenty (stalk) Teagasc also have technical advisors who work closely withmany the other specialist staff in training and advisory roles. Green methods of asexual reproduction are: 1) bud formation in yeasts, 2) Slime Filamentous fragmentation and 3) sporulation. Moulds, yeasts, rusts and mushrooms species are cultivated commercially aroundand the a world.cap. OnMushrooms the under are side mushroom industry, particularly in the area of their obligations Spirochetes molds Animals Fungi secrete enzymes into the substrate on which they live that reduce Teagasc is fi rmly focused on the challenges facing the agri-food Bacteria Entamoebae are all types of fungi. grown on different organic substrates suchof the as woodcap, logs,protected sawdust, from under environmental and health and safety legislation. Gram Methanosarcina Fungi the organic matter to a form they can absorb. wheat straw or compost. Agaricus bisporus is the most widely cultivated sector and rural communities. One of the organisation’s objectives positives Methanobacterium Halophiles rain, there are ‘gills’ on which You can visit http://www.teagasc.ie/agrifood/mushrooms.htm to fi nd Fig. 1 Three domains of living organisms species and it is grown on a specifi c type of compost made by a specialist Proteobacteria Methanococcus Plants out more about the mushroom industry in Ireland and Teagasc’sis to increase the competitiveness of horticultural crops such as Moulds Within the kingdom of fungi there are fourmushroom main divisions compost producer based using wheatspores straw, horseform. and/or The chickenstipe holds Cyanobacteria T. Celer mushroom research. mushrooms, and to ensure the quality and safety of the fi nal CiliatesMould is a general termon for athe microfungus mode thatof hassexual a well defireproduction: ned mycelium Ascomycota,manure, gypsum Basidiomycota, and water. The ingredientsthe capare mixed above together the andground Thermoproteus Planctomyces or spore mass. Many Chytridomycotagrow rapidly and reproduce and Zygomycota. asexually. Moulds Rhizopus are belongscomposted to the for Zygomycota;a number of weeks until a rich dark pasteurised compost produce, while ensuring protection of the rural environment. Classifi cation Pyrodicticum Flagellates and allows the spores to be microscopic fungi that grow in the form of individual fi laments called forms. Mushroom mycelium (known as mushroom spawn) is then Fig. 3 Commercial mushroom crop Mushroom research is conducted at the Kinsealy Centre in Dublin Bacteroides in this group sexual reproduction occurs when two compatible strains dispersed
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