- ,,76' The Fifth Estate R A D I O T E L E V I S I O N - C A B L E S A T E L L I T E BroadcastingmMay18 IN I1I0//I1I6MIN STOP-LAW- M I - I0IL5 (!S S-11 Xf1CIS ?AV IrIVW N I0Z AaVaAI1 7I790d !1 L9/030 NIA 4i0b00 I0It5 LO_RJ MN& asa`p 100 - Urswra LivingA WITT/THOMAS PRODUCTION g ?4ff By far America's highest rated first -run movie network. Nobody else even comes close. Coming this fall... Universal Pictures Debut Network II. Already sold in 130 markets. MCATV . 1987 MCA T/ PII a9h: rESEr,EO NTI SON SEO'EmúE' 19E5 -MA"^ 1987 BosEd c. SLdi:o'E7 f/CrE NE..C+.¡ i. C'E ^C. ,, LE' SM.s Broadcasting DI May 18 Basic cable growth skyrocketing ABC, CBS, NBC announce fall schedules "At Large" with NCTA's Jim Mooney CABLE GROWTH Series of factors are spurring AUCTION BID Proposal calling for auctioning significant growth among basic cable programing parts of nonbroadcast spectrum is floating around services. PAGE 39. Capitol Hill. PAGE 77. HUE AND CRY Hollywood producers testify on OUT OF THE BLOCKS o ABC, CBS and NBC Hill against colorization of black -and- announce their new fall programing schedules. Capitol Program decisions are being affected by shift to white movies. PAGE 78. people meters. PAGE 42. MARTI GRADES Radio Marti gets report card on its second birthday. PAGE 80. SENSE OF INDECENCY NAB executive committee releases statement seeking clarification of FCC DEBT DILEMMA Although much has been made indecency ruling and condemning broadcast of of the debt broadcasters are carrying, some indecent or obscene material. PAGE 45. experts conclude industry is not, in general, overburdened by its borrowing. PAGE 82. FIRST TIME OUT Dennis Patrick conducts first meeting as FCC chairman. PAGE 45. INSIDE SCOOP o Former CBS newsman Bill Leonard discusses his career in book, In the GRAMM -RUDMAN Senate Foreign Relations Storm of the Eye." PAGE 84. Committee cuts back future funding for USIA. PAGE 46. AD PRIMER o Columbia business school seminar examines cable advertising's potential. PAGE 88. TOUGH TALK 0 In this At Large" with BROADCASTING, NCTA President James Mooney JUST IN CASE Cable industry taking first hard look reviews the benefits of past legislative victories at high- definition technology. PAGE 91. and addresses efforts to undo others on the Fifth Estate playing field. PAGE 47. METER MEN Producers fear people meter introduction will skew network program requests. NCTA 87 o Cable industry turns its eyes to Las PAGE 93. Vegas for the start of its annual convention. PAGE - 59. The agenda appears on PAGE 60 and a listing of ALL LINED UP CBS and ABC finalize Saturday exhibitors begins on PAGE 62. morning programing schedule. PAGE 97. FULL SPEED AHEAD House Commerce Committee FORENSIC ENGINEER o NCTAs Wendell Bailey passes fairness doctrine bill by 33 -8 vote PAGE relishes being association's point man on 77. engineering issues. PAGE 119. INDEX TO DEPARTMENTS 84 Riding Gain 86 Advertising & Marketing 88 Datebook 30 Journalism 77 Stock Index 81 Business 82 Editorials 122 Law & Regulation 26 Syndication Marketplace ... 94 Business Briefly 18 Fates & Fortunes 115 Monday Memo 91 Cablecastings 10 Fifth Estater 119 Open Mike 36 Technology 86 Telecastings 99 Changing Hands 91 For the Record 100 Programing Closed Circuit 9 In Brief 120 D Movie 68 -69 Li INDEX TO ADVERTISERS: Allied Satel.ite Equipment 10O American Federation State County Municipal Employees 23 American Classics Americom 92 o AmeriTrust 95 0 Associated Press Broadcast Services 20 -21 o Blackburn & Co.. Inc. 90 0 Black Entertainment Television 57 o Blair 0 Television Front, Second Covers, 3 o CBS Radio Network 87 o Chapman Associates 1000 Donald K. Clark. Inc. 96 o Classified Ads 105 -114 Columbia/ Associates 0 Embassy Television 31 D DIR Radio Network 8 o Charles C. Earls & Associates. Inc. 101 0 Firstmark Financial 97 o Milton O. Ford & 94 Television Greenwood Performance Systems 1150 Harris Corp. 24 -25 o E.F. Hutton & Co.. Inc. 51.72 -73 o Katz American Television 350 Katz Continental o o NBC Radio 37 o H.B. La Rue 93 o Lorimar 4 -5, 19 0 R A. Marshall & Co. 36 0 MCA TV 6 n Mobile Satellite Link Corp. 83 Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. 38 L. Richards Inc. 91 o Services Network 27 o Panasonic Broadcast Systems 61.63.65 0 Paramount Pictures Corp. 48 -49 D Professional Cards 103 0 Cecil Inc 0 Directory 102 o SONY Broadcast 16 -17 0 SONY Professional Tape 33 o Howard E. Stark 32 0 Thoben -Van Huss & Associates. 99 United o Washington International Teleport 75, 77, 79 Broadcasting Co. 67 0 USA Network 28 -29 0 Viacom 11. 12 -13 o Ward -Beck Systems Ltd. Fourth Cover Wer!heim Schroder & Co. 98 0 WFMY-TV 15 0 ytbrld Wide Bingo. Inc. 18 o Xerox Corp. Third Cover N W Washington. D C 20036. Second-class postage paid at Washington. D C.. Broadcasting (ISSN 0007-2028) is published 52 Mondays a year by Broadcasting Publications. 1705 DeSales Street. U.S. and possessions. one year $70. two years $135. three years $190 Canadian and and additional offices. Single issue $2 except special issues $3 50 (50th Anniversary issue $10) Subscriptions. $100 for lirsl- class. Subscriber's occupation required. Annually Broadcasting o Cablecasting other international subscribers add $20 per year U.S. and possessions $235 yearly for special delivery Ann Arbor. Mich 48106 (35mm, full year $55). Microfiche of the $6.95. Microhim of Broadcasting is available from University Microfilms. 300 North Zeeb Road. Yearbook $105. Ac,osx Dial to Broadcasting. 1705 DeSales %ad, Ohio 44691 ($37ryr ). Postmaster please send address corrections Broadcasting is available from Bell & Howell. Micro Photo Division. Old Mansfield Mosier St.. N W wéshington. D C. 20036. 11 It 1P 28 B d 11 Mt! o 'M WELCOMES WABC NEW YORK to the distinguished list of stations broadcasting the / program Exclusively over the DIR Radio Network./ A D:tDIR RADIO NETWORK For further MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL information !El L9RJM/Ui contact Michael Abramson at DIR Telepictures PRODUCTION (212) 371 -6850 C mpi:- CC1osoci Circuit J Anybody's guess could be ratified or rejected. Television Stations, at meeting last week, NAB action is not last broadcaster that he's "committed to delete sunset." Telephone coincidental study sponsored word on subject. Number of groups, It's not been decided how Markey will go by three networks last winter to test including TV networks (which fear about it. accuracy of Nielsen people meter backlash from radio reaching their measurements in prime time appeared to medium), are preparing joint petition for confirm suspicions that new technology is reconsideration that will ask FCC to clarify Separate stations underreporting children and teen -agers. language at risk and will seek to obtain Former FCC Chairman Mark Fowler and was Compared to telephone results, there exemption for "artistic" material and for former Common Carrier Bureau Chief 14% underreporting by Nielsen PM in both broadcasts before or after certain hours. Albert Halprin- latter left agency on categories. Surprise was that study also Friday -apparently will not move into young adults. indicated underreporting of Growing field their post -FCC future in tandem, as they 18 -34 by PM as well, 14% in case of had discussed. Word circulating in men and 10% in case of women. And in Still another candidate for FCC slot Washington last week was that Fowler case of older adults, study indicated vacated by former Chairman Mark Fowler would join Latham & Watkins law firm, women. overreporting for both men and has surfaced: James V. Dunbar Jr., where his ex- Common Carrier Bureau What it all means is unclear. communications and corporate attorney chief, Gary Epstein, is partner. Coincidental study, said one source with Berry, Dunbar, O'Connor. Jordan & Announcement is expected shortly that involved, "is not necessarily right; it's Eslinger of Columbia, S.C., and Atlanta. Fowler-now on vacation in Virgin just different. We don't know with absolute Senator Strom Thurmond (R -S.C.) Islands -will join firm early next month. certainty what the truth is." As to cited recommended Dunbar to White House last Halprin has yet to make decision; he is results, he said, "We already knew kids month. Dunbar is former vice president studying number of prospects. weren't pushing the buttons. But the of Cosmos Broadcasting, and his firm young adults, that's a big question mark." represents South Carolina Broadcasters Association. Dunbar says he's received Shifting burden White House letter asking for background Meltdown on his past political involvement. Still Advanced Television Systems its wings with FCC's general freeze on new low -power considered to be leading contenders are Committee, which earned future high- applications and major changes in Bradley Holmes, former aide to FCC technical standards work on not similar applications -in effect since September Chairman Dennis Patrick, and Craig definition television, has found to current 1983 about to thaw. FCC's LPTV Smith, president of Freedom of Expression success in effort improve -is brief revival of branch was expected to put out public Foundation. Among others in field: John NTSC TV system. Despite group after notice today (May 18) announcing that Rook, owner of KCDA(FM) Coeur D'Alene, improved -NTSC standards group's first national window for such Idaho; Joesph Flaherty, vice president and long inaction, recent resignation of applications will open June 22 -July 2. general manager of engineering. CBS chairman due to retirement, plus ATSC's efficiency, Pittsburgh will be lone filing location for operations and engineering division, and desire to increase organizational board to applications.
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