Lviv Region Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction PROGRAM for 2009/2012 Presentation Plan • Current state review: Cadastre of greenhouse gas emissions in the power sector • Cadastre of emissions in industry, agriculture and forestry • Major trends Reduction pathways for emissions, priorities, and reserves • Measures to improve the situation and financial payoff Natural greenhouse effect Man-induced greenhouse effect Carbonic dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide СО2, СH4, N2O,… СО2, СH4, N2O,… 1 21 310 CFCs, HFCs, SF6,… 26900 Greenhouse gas emission ∆E Greenhouse gas emission Kyoto Protocol Emission quotas Quota trading 110 105 100 Емісії, % 95 90 85 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Inventory of Greenhouse Gases Reporting Country (International level commitments) зобов’язання) making - Region level Decision , , The Lviv Region Elementary area Authorities level Building the Emission Cadastres for the Lviv Region Point sources Linear sources Plane sources B 8 9 10 11 P 8 9 10 11 R 8 9 10 11 l1 l2 A1 A2 l A (x,y) 29 31 32 29 30 31 32 29 30 31 32 30 E *l /l A3 A4 31,P 1 9,R R 1 50 51 52 53 E * A / A 50 53 50 51 52 53 31,B B 4 51 52 Major Inventotry Sectors: - power engineering, - industry, - agriculture, forestry Fixed Emission Sources: Electricity and Heat Production CO2 specific emissions from burning coal, natural gas, firewood for heating, black oil, and peat bricks by boiler plants at the elementary area level 2 km x2 km within the „Heat and Electric Energy Sector‟ Fixed Emission Sources: Electricity and Heat Production Greenhouse gas emission structure at the 2 km x 2km elementary area level within the „Heat and Electric Energy‟ sector TPP HPP Boiler Plants Firewood, Black Natural Coal Natural gas Natural gas Coal black oil, oil gas peat СО2 equiv.(tons) 1, 2, 749,420 96,070 630 273,460 243,270 087,460 31,990 Fixed Emission Sources: Electricity and Heat Production CO2 emission structure within the „Heat and electric Energy Production‟ sector at the administrative district level (log.scale) Fixed Emission Sources: Electricity and Heat Production CDE greenhouse gas emission structure within the Electric Energy and Heat Production sector Fixed Emission Sources: Housing Sector CO2 specific emissions from burning the coal sold to general public within the region, shown at the level of elementary areas 2km x 2km (kg/кm2) Fixed Emission Sources: Housing Sector CO2 specific emissions from burning the natural gas sold to the general public within the region, shown at the level of elementary areas 2km x 2km (kg/кm2) Fixed Emission Sources: Housing Sector CO2 specific emissions Prism Map for the emissions from burning the natural gas sold to the general public within the region, shown at the level of elementary areas 2km x 2km (kg/кm2) Fixed Emission Sources: Housing Sector CO2, CH4 та N2O Total Emission Prism Map for the emissions from burning the fuel of all types sold to the general public within the region (kg/кm2; CDE) Fixed Emission Sources: Housing Sector CO2, CH4 та N2O Total Emissions Structure for the emissions from burning the fuel of all types sold to the general public within the region (tons; CDE) The whole region: 3% 1% 0% 2% Камяне вугілля 94% Природний газ Скраплений газ Дрова для опалення Торф'яні брикети Industry and construction: burning the fuels Greenhouse Gas Specific Emission Map for burning the coal for industrial needs (2km x 2 km, kg/km2; CDE) Industry and construction: burning the fuels CO2, CH4 та N2O Total Emission Prism Map for the emissions from using all types of fuels in the processing industry sector, at the 2km x 2 km area level (kg/кm2; CDE) Accompanying Emissions: Coal Extraction (Black Oil Emission) СН4 specific emissions during coal extraction (кg/кm2) Annual levels of the accompanying methane emissions during coal extraction Annual coal output СH4 emissions Region (tons) (kgs) Lviv 2 012 000 33 566 196 Accompanying Emissions: Oil and Gas Extraction Direct Effect Greenhouse Gas (СH4, CO2, N2O) Emissions during Oil and Natural Gas Extraction (кg/кm2; CDE) Map of Gas and Oil Fields Power Sector Fixed Sources: Overall Emissions СО2, CH4 та N2O Specific 3,00E+09 Emission Spatial Distribution 2,50E+09 Prism Map for emissions from 2,00E+09 burning the fuels by the fixed 1,50E+09 sources within the Power Sector 1,00E+09 ( kg CDE/km2, scale with values raised to 0.4 power) 5,00E+08 0,00E+00 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fixed Source Types (CDE): 1 – Housing Sector 2 – Industry 3 - Electricity and Heat Production ( TPP excluded) 4 – Electricity and Heat Production (TPP) 5 – Coal Extraction 6 – Oil and Gas Extraction Mobile Emission Sources: Transport Sector CО2, СН4 та N2O Specific Emissions from the Combustion of Motor Petrol by Vehicles Owned by the General Public and Legal Entities, CED (kg/km2) Mobile Emission Sources: Transport Sector Estimated greenhouse gas emissions evaluated on the basis of fuel combustion and mileage figures Emission СО СН N O Fuel type 2 4 2 evaluation (kgs) (kgs) (kgs) method Petrol 144, 094, 562 68, 616 6,653 Estimations based on fuel Diesel Fuel 276, 814, 592 14, 569 14, 569 combustion figures Natural Gas 21, 605, 361 77, 024 7, 703 Petrol 152, 596, 531 62, 132 5, 300 Estimations based on Diesel Fuel 280, 370, 744 21, 403 11, 573 mileage Natural Gas 16, 467, 780 63, 784 6, 132 Mobile Emission Sources: Transport Sector Emission Inventory Results Comparison for estimations made on the basis of the fuel used and mileage Emission Relative Difference Старосамбірськ ий район Mobile Emission Sources: Transport Sector Carbon Dioxide Emission Structure for the fuel combusted by road transport in the Lviv region, by fuel grades, vehicles types, and administrative districts Mobile Emission Sources: Off the Road Transport Methane specific emissions from the fuel combusted for the operation if mobile equipment during construction works (kg/km2) Mobile Emission Sources: Off the Road Transport СО2, CH4 та N2O Specific Emission Spatial Distribution from the petrol, diesel fuel, and natural gas combusted for the operation of machines in the agriculture ( kg CDE/km2) Mobile Emission Sources: Off the Road Transport CO2 Specific Emission from the diesel fuel combusted for the locomotive draft Mobile Emission Sources: Overall Cadastre Overall Cadastre of СО2, CH4 та N2O specific emissions by the mobile emission sources from the petrol, diesel fuel, LNG, and natural gas combusted (kg CDE/ km2) Mobile Emission Sources: Overall Cadastre Nitrous oxide emission structure for mobile emission sources Types of mobile sources: 60000 1 Road Transport 50000 (private property) 2 40000 Railway transport 30000 3 Road transport (owned by legal 20000 entities) 4 10000 Off the Road Transport 0 1 2 3 4 Power Sector Overall Emissions from Mobile and Fixed Sources СО2 Overall Specific Emission Prism Map for emissions from all Power Sector source subclasses ( kg /km2, scale with values raised to 0.4 power, 2km x 2km areas) Power Sector: Overall Emissions from Mobile and Fixed Sources Methane (CH4) Overall Specific Emission Prism Map for all Power Sector source subclasses (kg/km2) Industrial Sector: Cement Production Greenhouse gas emission during the cement production process Carbon Sulphur Cement, Company dioxide dioxide tons СО2, tons SO2, tons Mykolaivcement 1, 128,000 562,300 338.4 Public Corporation Industrial Sector: Meet Foods Production Non-methane volatile organic carbons (NMVOCs) specific emissions during the meet foods production process Agricultural Sector: Cattle Breeding Methane (CH4) specific emissions from internal fermentation in milk livestock, households Agricultural Sector: Cattle Breeding Methane (CH4) specific emissions from the internal fermentation in pigs, households Agricultural Sector: Cattle Breeding Methane (CH4) specific emissions structure for emissions from manure disintegration, by districts within the Lviv region Forestry Forest growth: carbon dioxide absorbed (positive process) Forest felling: Greenhouse gas emission (negative process) Forestry: absorption Map showing carbon dioxide absorbed by forests within the region (tons/km2) Forestry: carbon balance “Absorption” – “Emissions” Carbon Balance Bar Graph, tons (administrative districts level) Forestry: carbon balance “Absorption” – “Emissions” The Lviv region Śląsk Voivodship Emissions Structure Overall emissions, CDE 1% 1% Житловий сектор 7% Транспортний сектор (фіз. власність) 23% 13% Транспортний сектор (юрид. власність) Переробна промиловість 3% Переробка нафти 5% Виробництво електро- та теплоенергії (ТЕЦ ) Виробництво електро- та теплоенергії (ТЕС ) 11% Виробництво електро- та теплоенергії (котельні установки ) 28% Позашляховий транспорт 6% Супутні емісії - видобуток вугілля 2% Супутні емісії - видобуток нафти та газу Emissions Structure Emissions Structure at the administrative district level (log. scale) Emissions Structure: Power Sector Емісії СН4 (Гг) Emissions Structure by specific greenhouse gases 40 35 Activity Classes: 30 1 – Housing Sector 25 2 – Transport Sector 20 3 – Fuel burnt in industry 15 4 – Heat and electricity production, oil processing 10 5 – Off the road transport 5 6 – Accompanying emissions (fuel products 0 extraction) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Емісії СО2 (Гг) Емісії N2O (Гг) 0,12 5000 4500 0,1 4000 3500 0,08 3000 2500 0,06 2000 0,04 1500 1000 0,02 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Emissions Structure: Power Sector The percentage share of specific greenhouse gases and fuel types in the overall emission level ( with the account of greenhouse effect factor) CH4 N2O 8% 0% CO2 92% Emissions Cadastre: 50 km х 50 km cells Divided into 50 km х 50 km cells
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