'leIJUIlr" eruos pue rTzrry pepnJJureq ]l?qt tc"J sqt {q u,rotls sr s" e:e,t sltuttl ct:eue8 srq aariap lueJr3ru8rse o1 petdccce,t\ou erE u€ql sldeorrocct:eue3 rrp€orq pEq all puu 'erurt u,rouI ,\\oue.Ie ueqt sercads;oreqlunu relleurse q]lu Surleepse,tr oq sE eqt le uorlJe .lo.srnoJ elqeuos"ere'-l D l)aog Jo uortcase o1 snue8eql peJnp.r(/g8l) tu€qtu3g 'uourrcads e pelrc pue sercadseqt Jo uortducsoppapuBdxo ue pepl^oJd(tt8l '.utrf 'ranEqcS rsneqcs) J"e.{BurA\olloJ eqt tnq aqt tE DUDM4!y roJ ed,{}e e}Ii)tou prp 3H oupunl Dtzuly :serradseuo uo posuqsE,\\ pue (tt8l ron"qJs) .. Iluetu crturx3EruutuleD ul nllnc l-ttnrEJrloxaurnrElueld op ur^ 'sesueunJocuDlCruElnuoq 'snrlll1J r ated zuty snqo.Dl )e snuDl$oq)S,,Srrr:nouoq.ueu cqt qtl^\ (€t8l) lonpqJs {q peqrr.s^epsE^\ Dtzulu ronEqls D!zu!drJo ]uarualBlsulau 'spue13 1uoue1r1IEurolxa puE slrlsur Suruedos:cqtue'(1r:e ue tnoqlr,\\io qll'!\) spoes 'oseqt tulo.Iuer e^eqqJrq,r Jo serf,edseql Io euo ur sBuoleq,r.z.ry tEq] puEpesluSocer eq UDJ suorsr^rpqnsJoleur eerqt'eloq,r r se dnorS eql urq]r.{\'tpqt etetsot roqtEJ'uorl€ue,\ srql IIe ssnJsrpot lodDd srqt ur pepueturtou sr ]l stooqs ]Jero uoqs Suueaq sue]s ele:]so-td qlrd\ sluEldol seeit II"us tuo:gsoSuej qJrq,\\ ruro.l ejrl puE'uoltetuoJeld'puu13o,ltlcouuoc 'stueurelr3 'stualuelr1 eqt Jo uortrsodpuu od€qsoqt aqt Jo uorsn1Jo :c:8rp pue aduqseql oql ()1lue(rlqcet]e rr3ql puP rJuJc:^rq3plo aporu Jleql puP sleqlu! aqt 1t' (SoloqdloLulqt 'su?urels '(lInrJ 'luoloJJIp eqt lo ]uoruoSuc.!rEpuE raq!unu eql aql Jo ocuecsrqJpur sonssrl eql '"tsot lo oloJ eql e r) trnr] eq1Jo ..urrsrq.p Jo cpour pue Jo oer8epoql .qt ur sllcc rql 'edEqs ;o edeqsaqt'ptsf,t eqt ot poqce u (lrJe)qt,\\orS e Jo eJu.sqn:o erusssjd oq] poJs SurpnlcursJelieJeqJ fuelu ur uorter:e^ elqpJoprsuoJsr ereql dno;3 eql ulqll1yeltsoddo 'I.eu seleelpu" Jepuelse uo suopal[1oclleors qll^\ olJIpe]eFr"l e;o Sutlstsuoosofrquo 'snoJcEtsnrJsleoc pees :s.ralcgreqJ gur.\\o11o1 eqr ,{q dno;31 seraqloSot plaq ?ip tt ut satreds oq1 :eee.etrAr\ .qt urqtr,{\scrlods 1o atelqluess" snoeueSoJeteqp sr cpuro)jcaegcql uo!]JnporluI psrprrsnr.]o s.rridsruo lo.rrA\ollaql put sarradsu:tlo sp.3s ae.rcu\llu p1\ | r.1 lrr.u,r .lo pro).r rsr.t ll eq ol srteddE srq-L lur ut .^Ert l1lzulY ur ,{ xrJrdsa)sars3ds 3ulos ur qrrq{ spies Lurojlua.r e^nq sio.ds.soq^\ lo III'dnor8 lErntELrD ruroJot prreptsuor.rlr sirrrds urrlxrrsnV urarsu3pup urals:,\\-qlnos p:rElarJor.qlunullr?trr!1ipreDutlllitD,)d.iH D tDDg Jo tnuI"k)rn7 uorlr.s'rr:&y lPna DutwllD)odlH pur' snttl ailnS uortrrs rq ol paiaPlsuorriE se^Iltler ls.sol:rt:rr:riu suoururquor 1\3tri.'n usnpnr-t 1,r).t'rg 'u:Bpnrl (qnrrg r: rrany,irl t PuDtt.ttoultPy pulr ustpnrl (:root,t S),1ourD y ( |Jtt'l) oqolil)ltol|^ 'y '\nBpnJI 'uiiipnr .lrq^d srrreds ^\eu :Jr: uaipnr.l s4r.us y pup uripnjf s7/r/]rruto) v 'tullb y L ,trql,] y 'ue8pni-Lr]t/orrr./.rr'/ rrzury ErteIsnV ur s.A\ ur:]s.,{\ qtnos or JItuspuasr qJrq,{ snurfi rqr roJ p:sru3o..r ern strr.ds:,\t3,$Lp:tursridsrsnu!t3qtJouorsr\errpuDp xtsur:!rrrrnr)qrSrr.tr?y(986t)6ft it:(t)SErsrrin),i (3rur3Irerg'3E]ruredsotditaxrrulriN)rrnnqrsr/:rrYJouorsr\.rpur?ru.Lu.rrtsur.)lIulorlxt{ ui;pnrl lJEJtsqv 8009 Ertrllsnv urJ]sr]\\'o3|rqfs trrrts lrr.l | | uatpnrl J (UloJlEl,\,1 (auularlraug'auaurredso;da1 'auaru1r,ttr41) ranuqJSDtzu!d Jo uolsl^ar puu luarualalsuraU ltt (9ll6t)6rf s tt :(flE'?rsr^fN Nullsia!o1. 5 No I (1986) of its closcrclirtivcs in Baeckeqwhilemaintaining Ilyltctcal.vmmuF,ndl. as a distinctgenus. H.vpotalvmma with its more nurnerousand exsertcdstamens with basifixed anthers is distinct, but its reniform seeds,anllrers opening in slits, and fruit morphologl', sho\\'that it is more closely related Io Rinzia than Rinzia is to Bentham's seclionsHclrmogia. Iluhingtonia and Sthidiomyrtus of Bae(ked. Rir',zlais reinstatedhere as the typc spccies,Rinziajinlana, has beenfound to belong to a group ol specieswhich can be separatedfrom their nearestrelativcs on the basisof the followingcombination ol characters: ( l) Filamentsllattened rather than tcrcte:ind oltcn *'ith an emarginateapex (especialll, thc f ilamentsoi the antcpetalousslamens). (2.)Anthers attached(but only at the mid-point) to thc adaxialsurface of the filament (scctcrminology and morphologysection below, and alsoFigure I parts2 and 3) rather tlran dorsifixed and versatiie(as in scction Euryomyrtus ol Buetk.eaL. and some related easternAustralian species)or basifixed(as y1 H.1,pocall,ntnta),but seethe note under R. (ornosa which is an cxception as it hasdorsilixed, versatileanthers. (3) Stamens l0 (or l2 when tire I'lowr:rsare 6-mcrous),or when lesshaving one or morc of thc antcsepalousstamens missing. (4) Flowersborne on a welldevelopcd anthopodium, but havingonl),- a rudimcntary pcclu nclc. Thc first of thcsecharacters (llattened lilaments) separates Rl/?.zid from the other species of Baeckeinaethat have reDiform sccds.Therc arc parallel developmentsol flattcncd filarncntsin othcr groups of specieswithin the Baeckeinaebut the spcciesin tltesegroups have different seeds, anther attachmcnt and placcntatlon. For examplc, Baer'lrerr drurnmondii tyasincludcd in sectionRrrzl4 by Bentham( 1867).but whilc its stanens have bload filaments, its anthers.placentation and secdsindicate that it is not closelyrcliited Io Rinzia as the genusis deflned lrere.lt is felt that the combination of charactersgiven abovcquitc adcquatclyjustifies the reinstatementofRi ziato gencriclevel. Systematicl'osition of Rinzra Rlr-ula was placedbv Schaucr( I 843)in the Baeckeae.while Bentham( 1E67)treated the genusas a sectiono[ BaetkeaL. which he placedwith Hypctr:ttllrttmu,S(holtzia, Astartea "Baeckeaeae" a:.ldBalaustion as a subtribe of the tribe I.eplospermeae.Niedenzu (1898) apparentiy recognisedthat thc speciesplaced in section Rll?zl4by Benthanrtl'ere more closelyrelatcd to Hlpocel.|mmu as he removedthcm lrom Baetkea and placed them in Hlpotalynrttta (he perpetuatedthc error with Baetkeadruntmctnrlli however). While this placementrccogniscs the cLoserelationship between the speciesplaced in Rrn;la and those in Itypocalvnma it ignores the dillerencesbetween thcm. Briggs and -lohnson (1979) considcred that Bae(keo neededluthcr study to determine whether or ltot its scctions (including scction Rirzla) deservedgeneric rank and placed it in a Bqet:keosuballiancc ol their Chameldrclum alliance. subsequently(.tohnson and Briggs 1985) they have abandoncdsuballiances tn the Chamclautianralliance. It is outsidethe scopeof this paper to considerthe relativemerits of thcse placements abovethe genuslcvcl. The more recentsystem o1'Briggs and .lohnsonis not usedbecause it has only beenproposed informalll'. '(SZI {aq dN , LUorJIIV) (0lx) saurltnor€tnSorrrpup,r\EIr 3ur^{oqs qBr3d o.{\l 9 (0fx) saln^oo^\l.qlJo luetuqreli?3ur^\otls eluor€ldJo uorl.os ()1 ssorr pu€ €tuar?td uo .tn^o Jo ^\ar^eprs E (ozx) uolltluar"ld 3t]] put unrqru?dtrqiql ,{r€^oaql Jo uolsnj oqt trrr^o aqt otur al{ts oqt Jo uorlrasuraql 8ut^loqsro^ olJ :qr qSnorqr uortrosIPurpnlr?uo'l t (0tx) puPIS .^r1rauuo.r' oqsotp.^oruarr.!llu€q1r.{\auespuesplsLuorluau€]ssnol€desslutJolurLUrlUJodrlpueraqluV t '(lno p.u:1lpu'0Zx) aer^ IErx"p€ surtutls Z (Pa^orur stelrd .LUos'0p.) ra,roll I r',/rrtr!.,rz,y I ornBtJ l_''- /\ /k It \t/\l lh'lp ) -iil ,rzury uiBpnrl tutortEt,,t LI' E 4lE NuylsiaVol 5. No. I (1986) Terminology and MorphologY Anth(padiutll is uscd as defincd by Briggsand.lohnson (1979),("l-he intcrnode between ") a flower and the most distal node of the axis that it terminates to describepart oI the axis on which the flower is bornc. ln Ritlziatine anthopodium is the longcstpart of this axis, the proximal part of which is hcre reierred ro as lhe pedun(le and which is quite shortin all nembersof the genus. lril is usedto describethe outgrowth from the hilum which claspsthe seedof most specics ol the genus.This appearsto be the firsi time sucha structurehas been reportcd 1or the Myrtaceae.lt is dry andquite thin in driedspecinens but su'cllswhen the secds are soaked in water,indicating that in fresltseeds it may be 11eshy.No infornation iscurrerltl-v available as to what role it might play in the dispersalof the seeds.See photographsof seedsin Figure2. Hypanthiun has been uscd to reler to the cup or tube around the ovary. This term has bccn widely usedfor this structurein the literatureon the Myrtaccircand reflectsits most "floral probableorigin which is a devclopmentofthe receptacle.The tcrm tube"is rciected on thc basisadvanccd by Briggsand Johnsott(1979), i.e. thal it is olicn confusing.Briggs "perigynium" and.l ohnson ( 1979)used the tcrm but rejectedit in a laterpublication (Briggs and Johnson1985) in favourof hypanthiun.Where thc diameterol thc hypanthiumhas beengiven it was measuredat thc baseof the calyx lobes(this point usuallyhas the largcst diameter). Floh,er size, which is quite valuable in dilferentiating betweenspecies, is given as the diameterof 1hecirclc that would includcthe petals(e.g. 5.0 8.0mm acrosscorolla). Anther attathnten /. Exccpt in R. carnosathe anthersin Rinzia are attachedat their mid- point to the adaxialsurface ol the filamcnts(see Figure Ll) ratherthan beingdorsifixcd and versatile (i.e. attnched at the tip of the filament to the mid-point) as in sectiott Euryont.,-rttt.sol Baetkt'o or basifixed as in Hypcttalyntmn. The dorsifixed, versatilc condition with terelefilaments is thc most widespreadin the natural group to which Rinzla belongs,occuring in speciesgroups with diflercnt stamenarrangements, different sized and colourcd sccdsand dilferent mcchanismsoi fruit dehiscence.and as it is also widespread in the Myrtaceae as a whole is consideredto be the primitive condition. The condition in Rinzictisinterpreted as davcloping through the extensionol the lilamcntslrom the point behind the attachmcnt point to give the appcarancethat the anlhers have moved from thc tip to the adaxial surface,with the filaments appearingnot to end at the centrc ol the anthersbut to carry o n, oftcn cxtendingpast the top of anthcrs.Although still dorsilixed this constltutcsa characterstate diflerent to dorsifixed.
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