| A typical folk plant in Korea 식용 食用 Food Outdoor Exhibitionn 참취 东风菜 Aster scaber Thunb. 고사리 蕨菜 Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. ex Hell. 두릅나무 刺老鸦 Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. 쑥 艾草 Artemisia princeps Pamp. Garden of Eat, Heal and Enjoy 다래 猕猴桃 Actinidia arguta (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. 도라지 桔梗 Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A.DC. 머위 蜂斗菜 Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. - Flower Garden for Eating, Healing, and Enjoying - 음나무 刺楸 Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz. 잔대 日本轮叶沙参 Adenophora triphylla var. japonica (Regel) H. Hara 더덕 沙参 Codonopsis lanceolata (Siebold & Zucc.) Traut Three gardens (Vegetable Garden, Flower Tea Garden, and Medicinal 약용 药用 Medicine Herb Garden) were made in the shape of a petal based on the subject 익모초 益母草 Leonurus japonicus Houtt. of plants that our ancestors enjoyed eating and loved to look at. 쇠무릎 牛膝 Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Nakai 질경이 艾草 Plantago asiatica L. 쑥 Artemisia princeps Pamp. Medicinal herb Garden 艾草 삽주 苍术 Atractylodes ovata (Thunb.) DC. The Medicinal Herb Garden displays plants used as medicinal herbs 엉겅퀴 大蓟 Cirsium japonicum var. maackii (Maxim.) Matsum. 음나무 刺楸 Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz. (i.e., Stewartia pseudocamellia, Epimedium koreanum, Saururus 느릅나무 榆树 Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (Rehder) Nakai chinensis, Bupleurum latissimum, Meehania urticifolia, Arisaema 민들레 蒲公英 Taraxacum platycarpum Dahlst. 인동덩굴 金银花 Lonicera japonica Thunb. amurense f. serratum etc.). 용재 用材 Construction materials Flower Tea Garden 소나무 松树 Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. 산딸나무 四照花 Cornus kousa F.Buerger ex Miquel The Flower Tea Garden was made to show how flowers were used in 싸리 荆条 Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. people’s daily lives in the production of tea, ferments, or liquors through Exhibition Hall Infomation 물푸레나무 白蜡树 Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance 벼 稻谷 Oryza sativa L. the process of drying or fermentation. Crocks and liquor bottles were 오동나무 梧桐树 Paulownia coreana Uyeki used to form the garden. Crataegus pinnatifida, Sorbus commixta, 수수 高粱 Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench 2015 05. 05 ~ 08. 02 다래 猕猴桃 Actinidia arguta (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. Taxus cuspidata, Oenothera biennis, Rosa multiflora, etc., were 왕골 莞草 Cyperus exaltatus var. iwasakii T.Koyama Cheongwadae Sarangchae 조릿대 Sasa borealis (Hack.) Makino planted. 华箬竹 (Special Exhibit Hall and Outdoor) 관상용 观赏用 Ornamentation Vegetable Garden 작약 Paeonia lactiflora Pall. Operating hour : 09:00~18:00 Wildflower Blooming in our life 芍药 The Vegetable Garden was formed based on the shape of a traditional 할미꽃 白头翁 Pulsatilla koreana (Yabe ex Nakai) Nakai ex Nakai 45, Hyoja-ro 13-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 참나리 卷丹 Lilium lancifolium Thunb. dinner table. Wood and table cover were used to form the garden. Exhibition Information 동백나무 山茶树 Camellia japonica L. Vegetables were designed that traditional Koreans enjoys for meal 진달래 金达莱 Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz. (02)723-0300 초롱꽃 风铃草 Campanula punctata Lam. (i.e., Cirsium setidens, Allium microdictyon, Peucedanum japonicum, 매발톱 尖萼耧斗菜 Aquilegia buergeriana var. oxysepala (Trautv. & Meyer) Kitam. 맨드라미 Celosia cristata L. Euonymus alatus etc.). 鸡冠花 배롱나무 紫薇属 Lagerstroemia indica L. Directons and Transportation 원추리 忘忧草 Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L. 향신료 Spices By Subway 香料 초피나무 花椒树 Zanthoxylum piperitum (L.) DC. Medicinal Herb Garden Leave Exit No.4 of Gyeongbokgung Station on subway Line 배초향 藿香 Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & Mey.) Kuntze Stewartia pseudocamellia, Epimedium No.3 and turn toward the elevator, head on for, about 800m in 산초나무 山椒树 Zanthoxylum schinifolium Siebold & Zucc. koreanum, Angelica gigas, Meehania urticifolia, 음나무 刺楸 Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz. that direction. You will find Cheongwadae Sarangchae is located Disporum uniflorum, Thymus quinquecostatus 고추 辣椒 Capsicum annuum L. var. japonica in front of Cheongwadae Fountain. 박하 薄荷 Mentha piperascens (Malinv.) Holmes 황기 黄芪 Astragalus mongholicus Bunge 들깨 野芝麻 Perilla frutescens var. japonica (Hassk.) Hara By Bus 생강 Zingiber officinale Roscoe Flower Tea Garden 生姜 고본 细叶藁本 Angelica tenuissima Nakai Crataegus pinnatifida, Sorbus Get off at Hankook Ilbo Bus Stop(Walk for 20 minutes / 1.4km) Sokgasan Garden commixta, Weigela subsessilis 1500, 272, 406, 708, 8272, 7022, 7025, 9710 염료용 染料 Dyeing materials Hydrangea serrata f. acuminata 치자나무 栀子 Gardenia jasminoides Ellis Rosa arugosa, Rosa multiflora, Get off at Gyeongbokgung Bus Stop(Walk for 15 minutes / 1km) Polygonatum odoratum var. 감나무 柿子树 Diospyros kaki Thunb. pluriflorum 171, 272, 708, 109, 601, 1020, 7025 지치 茈草 Lithospermum erythrorhizon Siebold & Zucc. Vegetable Garden 봉선화 凤仙花 Impatiens balsamina L. Get off at Hyoja-dong Bus Stop(Walk for 5 minutes / 350m) 쪽 大青叶 Persicaria tinctoria H.Gross Cornus kousa, Cirsium setidens, Allium 신나무 Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala (Maxim.) Wesm. 0212, 1020, 1171, 7016, 7018, 7022 茶条槭 microdictyon, Aster scaber, Syneilesis 뽕나무 桑树 Morus alba L. palmata, Hemerocallis fulva, Dryopteris 쑥 艾草 Artemisia princeps Pamp. crassirhizoma 양파 洋葱 Allium cepa L. 옻나무 漆树 Rhus verniciflua Stokes Indoor Exhibition Wildflower cooking video_ Botanic Art of Korean Medical Plants Pressed Flower Art Ethnobotany The meal of the scholar who have lived Botanical Art & Illustration is a genre of artworks that depicts the intricate details Pressed flower craft consists of drying flower petals and leaves in a flower Ethnobotany(John W. Harsberger, 1896) is the scientific study of the with wild fl owers of 250 years ago. of a plant, which are hard to capture with a camera. This art form attracts plant press to flatten and exclude light and moisture. relationships that exist between people and plants. Ethnobotanists aim to details by adding artistic touches to the accurate representation of the plant. document, describe and explain complex relationships between cultures The dishes of Imwon Kyungjeji「Jeongjoji」of Poongsuk Seo Yoo-Ku were Medicinal plants are used for therapy and prevention of disease with plant’s and (uses of) plants, focusing primarily on the way that plants are used, reproduced by Moon Soung-Hee(Natural food expert). parts(root, stem, fruit, leaves, plants, etc.) since the earliest days of civilization. managed and perceived across human societies. This includes use for The video is composed of porridge meal(Bangpoong porridge meal, They comprise about 18% of 297,000 plants species worldwide and 30% of food, clothing, currency, medicine, dye, construction, cosmetics and a lot Gobinamul) and meal(Nutritious cooked rice, Bamboo shoots and leaves of Korean native plants(Korea National Arboretum, 2013). Chinese matrimony vein soup, Cucumber kimchi, Pan-fried ginger, Mountain Jeong Hyang-SoonㅣFor youㅣ Do Ju-HyeonㅣLongingㅣHydrangea more. Purpose of this exhibition is to introduce ethnobotany and useful Aquilegia buergeriana var. oxysepala serrata f. acuminata (Siebold & Zucc.) plants of Korea. siberian chrysanthemum leaves salad), beverage(Omija herb drink), flower Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb.f. (Trautv. & Meyer) Kitam Wilson Bibimbap. Ethnobotany in Korea Flower Tea Exhibition_ In South Korea, mountain forests account for 64% of national land, hence Flowers in Memory of 600 years, Bloom in Teacup the various plant resources. Koreans have traditionally relied on plant Filled the history of 500 years of Joseon Dynasty and 100 years of modern Park Seung-HeeㅣThoughts on mom Lee Ji-HyunㅣReminiscence in Kim Hyung-HaeㅣTraveler’s composureㅣ resources for medicines and food. As a result of analyzing the status of history in the memory of flowers. It is represented with hope and dream, the ㅣPulsatilla koreana (Yabe ex Nakai) fragranceㅣSyringa oblata var. dilatata Lycoris squamigera Maxim. regional use of folk plants in the private sector, folk plants found on the teacups filled with pain and pleasure, aspiration and effort toward the future. Nakai ex Mori (Nakai) Rehder, Betula platyphylla var. japonica (Miq.) Hara Korean Peninsula apparently consist of 974 taxa(Korea National Arboretum, 1) Baekwhacha (Hundred flowers tea) 2013). With regard to the use of folk plants, they are used as food(58.3%), Paeonia obovata Maxim. Baekwhacha means tea with hundred flowers from Baekdusan(Mt.) to (Flower and Bird painting) medicine(27%), construction materials(3.7%), ornamentation(2.4%), fat(2%), Folk Painting Hwajodo Hallasan(Mt.). Hundreds of flowers are mixed in a predetermined ratio, and this spices(1%), dyeing materials, animal feed, fuel etc. flower tea takes to ferment for 6months. Allium microdictyon Prokh. Paris verticillata M.Bieb. Folk painting is the unsophisticated drawing with the public’s dream that anonymous artists have painted breaking the traditional framework, and 2) Rose of Sharon tea also is the drawing of the nature in warm color. In folk painting, there are It is representing the feast of flowers that link the Wildflower Pictures_ many types of paintings according to the materials, like Hwajodo(Flowers spirit of Korean Peninsula using Korean national flower. and Birds), Chochungdo(Plants and Insects), Dongmuldo(Animals), Gyeongsang-do l Aster scaber Thunb. Ulleung-do l Cirsium nipponicum Jeolla-do l Plantago asiatica L. 3) One flower (Maxim.) Makino 15 Choices of Wild Flowers-Map in Korea Sansoodo(Mountains and Water), Pungsokdo(Manners and Customs), The central city, Seoul is represented with five colors (Obang color - five It introduces 15 attractions wild flower blooming spots in Korea. Moonjado(Writing Character). colors to represent the four directions and the center), and have bloomed four seasons in the tea cabinet around Namsan(Mt.). Gwangneung
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