סדור לב שלם Siddur Lev Shalem לשבת ויום טוב for shabbat & fEstIVaLs Tal and Geshem טל וגשם Tal and Geshem The Land of Israel The ark is opened and we rise. The ark is opened amd we rise. tal and geshem. In the Land of Israel, there are As I proclaim God’s name, Adonai, exalt our God. essentially two seasons, the ִכֵּי שׁם יהֶוה אְקָרָא, הבוּ ֽ ֹג ֶדֵל ֽלֵאֹלהינוּ. -Throughout the genera dry season (roughly the six ֲאדֹנָ י שׂ ָפַתי ִתְּפָתִּח, וּפַי יִגּיד ֽתִּהָלֶּתָך. .tions, the geography, the Adonai, open my lips that my mouth may speak Your praise landscape, and the seasons months from mid-March that defined the Land of First Introductory B’rakhah: Our Ancestors With Patriarchs and Matriarchs: With Patriarchs: through mid-September, Israel were prominently (when rainfall is unusual & בָּ ר וּ ְך אַתָּ ה יהוה, & בָּ ר וּ ְך אַתָּ ה יהוה, :With Patriarchs: With Patriarchs and Matriarchs imprinted in the minds of and the rainy season (in Jews. Frequently the rivers a a the other months). Should ֱֽאֵֹלה ינֵוּוֵאֹלהֲי ֽאבוֵֹתינוּ, ֱֽאֵֹלה ינֵוּוֵאֹלהֲי ֽאבוֵֹתינוּ ,Barukh atah Adonai, Barukh atah Adonai and the mountains of the our God and God of our our God and God of our insufficient rain fall in this Land of Israel seemed latter season, the land ֱאֵֹלהַיאְבָרָהֱם, אֵֹלהי ֽ]וִאמּוֵֹתינֱוּ[, אֵֹלהַי אְבָרָהם, more real to our ancestors ancestors, ancestors, suffers a drought. The ִיְצָחקֵ,וֵאֹלהַי ֹיֲעק ָב, הֵאל ֱאֵֹלהִי יְצָחקֵ,וֵאֹלהַי ֹיֲעקב, -than what they encoun God of Abraham, God of God of Abraham, God of Mishnah declares that on tered in the lands where Sukkot—approximately הַגָּ דוֹל הַגִּ בּוֹר והַ נּוֹרָ א, ֱאֵֹלהי ָשָׂרֱה, אֵֹלהִי רְבָקה, ,Isaac, and God of Jacob, Isaac, and God of Jacob they dwelled. In this vein, the time that ushers in the ֵאֶל עְליוֹן, גּוֵֹמֲל חָסִדים ֱאֵֹלהָי רֵחלֵ,וֵאֹלהֵי לָאה, Yehudah Halevi, living in great, mighty, awe-inspiring, God of Sarah, God of rainy season in the Middle Spain, could write, “I am Rebecca, God of Rachel, East—the world is judged טוִֹבים, וֵקוֹנַה ֹהכּל, ָהֵאַל הָגּדַוֹל הִגּבּוֹרוַהנּוָֹרא, ,transcendent God in the West, but my heart who acts with kindness and God of Leah, regarding rainfall (Rosh is in the East.” The liturgy, Hashanah 1:2). In the time ו זוֹכֵר חַסְדֵ י אָ בוֹת, ֵאֶל עְליוֹן, גּוֵֹמֲל חָסִדים which is the spiritual life and love, and creates all, great, mighty, awe-inspiring, of the Temple, the holiday ֵוּמִבֵיא גוֹאִל לְבֵני בֵנֶיהם טוִֹבים, וֵקוֹנַה ֹהכּל, וזֵוֹכר ,of the Jewish people who remembers the loving transcendent God, would be celebrated with a preserves this attitude: ceremony of pouring water ֽלַמ ַען שׁמוֹ בַּאֲהָבה. ַחְסֵדָי אבוֹת ]וִאָמּהוֹת[, deeds of our ancestors, who acts with kindness its temporal rhythms, at the foot of the altar, expressed through its and who will lovingly bring a and love, and creates all, symbolizing the circulation ֵוּמִבֵיא גוֹאִל לְבֵני בֵנֶיהם מֶ ֽ לֶ ְך עוֹזֵר וּמוֹשִֽׁ יעַ וּמָ גֵ ן. prayers, are geared to the redeemer to their children’s who remembers the loving of water, below and above. b ֽלַמ ַען שׁמוֹ בַּאֲהָבה. seasonal life of the Land of In post-Temple times, the ָבּרַוְּך אָתּה יהוה, ,children for the sake of deeds of our ancestors Israel. And we, who may prayer for rain was post- מָ ֵ ג ן אַ בְ רָ הָ ם . מֶ ֽ לֶ ְך עוֹזֵר וּפוֹקֵ ד be deeply attached to the divine honor. and who will lovingly bring a poned till the end of the lands in which we live, still ,holiday, Sh’mini Atzeret וּמוֹשִֽׁ יעַ וּמָ גֵ ן. You are the sovereign redeemer to their children’s experience the intimate who helps and saves children for the sake of since it was thought to be connection we have to the b inappropriate to pray for ָבּרַוְּך אָתּה יהוה, Land of Israel. We pray and shields. divine honor. rain while we dwell in the ָמֵגַן אְבָרָהֵם וּפוֹקד ָשָׂרה. facing toward Jerusalem a Barukh atah Adonai, You are the sovereign sukkah. During the summer and we pray for the peace Shield of Abraham. who helps and guards, months, no rain falls in the האַּתָ ּגִ בֹּור ל עוֹלָ ם אֲ דֹנָ י, of Jerusalem. Other places Land of Israel and plant life may be our home, but this saves and shields. depends on the dew that מַחֵּיֵה מִתיַם א ָ תַּה, רב לה ִֽוֹשׁ ַיע. is our homeland. a Barukh atah Adonai, appears overnight. Parts In praying for rain in Shield of Abraham and On the first day of Pesah|.| we continue with the prayer for dew on the next page. of the land remain arid its season in the Land of On Sh’mini Atzeret we continue with the prayer for rain on page xx. throughout the summer Israel, we are being both Guardian of Sarah. but other parts, such as the literal and figurative. We Jezreel Valley, continue to nourish vegetation throughout the summer because of the abundance of dew; the pray for the sake of the You are mighty forever, ADONAI— high heat during the day contrasted with the cool of the evening causes the dew to rise. Land of Israel that this Beginning with the Musaf Amidah for Sh’mini Atzeret and continuing until the first day of Pesah|.|, we add year not be one of drought, You give life to the dead; great is Your saving power: the phrase in each recitation of the Amidah, “who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall” in each recita- and that the harvest in tion of the Amidah. Although all that is required is that the announcement of this single phrase be made in the spring and fall be On the first day of Pesah|.| we continue with the prayer for dew on the next page. this service, over time, piyyutim centering on the theme of water were added to the liturgy. Sephardim recite fruitful; and we pray, too, On Sh’mini Atzeret we continue with the prayer for rain on page xx. the piyyutim for rain or dew before beginning the Amidah; Ashkenazim add them during the second b’rakhah for our own good harvest, of the Amidah, in which the winter prayer for rain is regularly added. Because the Mishnah refers to rain as a harvest of physical and God’s judgment, it is customary to recite this part of the service in the plaintive tune of the High Holy Days spiritual wholeness. and for the leader of the service to wear a kittel, the white garment symbolizing both purity and death. Pesah|.| marks the end of the rainy season; therefore, a prayer for dew is said on the first day. 2 מוסף ליום טוב · תפילת טל ותפילת גשם festivals · musaf · prayers for dew and rain 3 The following poem is attributed TIKKUN TAL. The piyyut in- cluded here is of unknown ב ִ ּתקּוּן טַ ל the sephardic tradition ב to Solomon Ibn Gabirol and is -origin. It is a simple alpha ֵלְך לָשֶׁלוֹם ֽגּ ֶשׁם. !recited in the Seph ardic tradition Goodbye to You, O Rain as a r’shut, the leader’s introduc- Welcome, Dew! betical acrostic describing .the joy and blessing of dew ֹוּב א בָּשַׁלוֹם טל. .tion, to Geshem and Tal .For God’s deliverance is mighty and brings the dew ל שׁוֹנִ י כּוֹנַֽ ְנָתּ ִכַּי רב ֽלִהוֹשׁ ַיע וּמוִֹרידַהָטּל: ,I shall sing my song, express my thoughts ֱ אַֹלהַי וִתְּבַחר אָ שִׁ י ר שִׁ י רָ תִ י .raise my voice to my protector and deliverer בּ שִׁ י רִ י ם שֶׁ שַּׂ ֽ מְ תָּ And from the day I utter these words בִּפי טוֹ ִב מִמְּסַחר ו אָ ִשׂ י ם דִּ בְ רָ תִ י .may dew descend ו נֶ גְ דָּ ְך כּ וֹ נַ ֽ נְ תָּ ו אַ ְ ג בִּ ֽ י רָ ה שׂ פָ תִ י צָעַדִי מִמְּשַׁחר ל צוּר ישׁוּעָתִ י :Our God and God of our ancestors ולִי גָ רוֹן ַֽתּ ָתּה ;with luminous dew, may the land be illumined ֹלא בׇּקְרִאִינַחר וְּביִוֹם אְמָרִתי ;with blessings of dew, may the land be blessed ו ִ י צְ רִ י הִ ְ ל ַ ֽבּ ְ נ תָּ תִּ זַּ ל כַּ טָּ ל . ;with gladdening dew, may the land be made glad כְּ מוֹ צֶ ֽמֶ ר צַ ֽחַ ר ;with joy-filled dew, may the land be joyous ֹלא וָלֵכַן ֽשׁ ָתּה ֱֽאֵֹלה ינֵוּוֵאֹלהֲי ֽאבוֵֹתינוּ ֽ]וִאמּוֵֹתינוּ[ ;with glorious dew, may the land be glorified לָבִבִי בּי סַחְרַחר בּ טַ ל לֵ י אוָֹרה, ָתּ אִ יר אֲדָמָ ה. אָ מֵ ן . ;with choice dew may the land be chosen ֱהֵיִה סְתִרַי עָתּה בּ טַ ל לֵ י בּ ָרָכה, תּ בָ רֵ ְך אֲדָמָ ה. אָ מֵ ן . ;with dew-filled songs, may the land sing כֶּאְתמוֹ ְל וּכָמָחר ;with vital dew may the land be revived וּמָ גִנִּ י אַתָּ ה בּ טַ ל לֵ י גִ ָילה, ָתּ גִ יל אֲדָמָ ה. אָ מֵ ן . ;with goodly dew, may the land prove good אֱ ֹל הַ י אַ ל תּ אַ חַ ר בּ טַ ל לֵ י דִּ ָיצה, תּ דַ שֵּׁ ן אֲדָמָ ה. אָ מֵ ן . ;My God, You fashioned my with the dew of deliverance may the land be delivered בּ טַ ל לֵ י הוֹד, תּ הַ דֵּ ר אֲדָמָ ה. אָ מֵ ן . .tongue desiring with nurturing dew, may the earth be nurtured the songs You placed in my Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu [v’imoteinu]: mouth, more than any other בּ טַ ל לֵ י וַֽעַ ד טוֹב, תּ וַ עֵ ד אֲדָמָ ה.
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