Sacred Heart Church, 200 So. 5th St. St. Mary’s Church, 2300 W. Madison Ave. Sacred Heart Parish Center, 2301 W. Madison Ave. Sacred Heart Parish Office 204 So. 5th St. 402-371-2621 Nochebuena Dic 24: 3:50 p.m. Proseción de Niños, Sta María 4:00 pm Sta. María 6:00 pm Sta. María 11:00 pm Música Navideña, Sta. María 12:00 pm Misa de Medianoche, Sta. María 4:00 pm St. Leonard, Madison 6:00 pm St. Leonard, Madison (bilingüe) 6:00 pm St. Peter’s, Stanton Navidad Dic 25: 8:30 am Sta. María 10:30 am Sta. María (bilingüe) 9:00 am St. Leonard, Madison 10:00 am St. Peter’s, Stanton PARISH LITURGIES Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Teen Ministry Saturday Eve Vigil Masses St. Mary’s Church Lynnette Otero, 402-371-2621 St. Mary’s Church 24/7 every day RELIGIOUS FORMATION 5:00 pm Reconciliation 204 So. 5th St. 402-371-2621 Sunday Masses Sacred Heart Church IMMACULATA MONASTERY Sacred Heart Church 4:45 pm-5:20 pm (M-T-W-Th-F) & SPIRITUALITY CENTER 7:30 am St. Mary’s Church 300 No. 18th St. 402-371-3438 Masses: S-M-T-W-F-Sa: 7:00 am; Th-5:00 pm St. Mary’s Church 4:00 pm-4:45 pm (Saturday) Holy day Masses: 7:00 am 9:30 am, 11:30 am PARISH WEB SITE: Vespers: 5:30 pm daily (Thursday-5:00 pm) Weekday Masses www.SacredHeartNorfolk.com Monastery Website: www.mbsmissionaries.org. (Please check page 4 for changes) NORFOLK CATHOLIC SCHOOL ST. JOSEPH HOME Sacred Heart Church Grade School 401 No. 18th St. Mass-Friday & Sunday: 9:30 am 5:30 pm (M-T-W-Th-F) 2301 W. Madison Ave. 402-371-4584 FAITH REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICES St. Mary’s Church Jr / Sr High School 2700 W. Norfolk Ave. Mass-1st Wednesday–11:00 am 8:20 am-(W & F) 2300 W. Madison Ave. 402-371-2784 7:20 am-(T & Th) December 22, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Advent Walking With You To Meet Jesus Caminando contigo para conocer a Jesús page 2 SACRED HEART PARISH WELCOME TO SACRED HEART PARISH! From Fr. Pat …If you are new to our parish, we look forward to meeting you. Please stop by the Parish Office Monday-Wednesday Dear Friends in Christ, Queridos amigos en Cristo, (8:00 am-5:00 pm) Thursday (9:30 am- 5:00 pm) or Friday (8:00 am-3:00 pm) to In the bulletin article last week, we spoke about En el artículo del boletín de la semana pasada, register. You may also stop by the Wel- the need the difference between knowing Jesus and hablamos acerca de la de la necesidad de saber la come Desk at either church for registra- knowing about Jesus . Our personal and communal diferencia entre conocer a Jesus y saber acerca de tion information. Jesus . Nuestra oración personal y comunal nos ... We ask you to notify us if you are prayer help us in this endeavor. As we consider ayuda en este esfuerzo. Al tener en cuenta esta moving from the Parish, have a change this distinction, it is useful for each of us to ask of address or phone number. ourselves the fundamental questions to what de- diferencia, es útil para cada uno de nosotros ha- …If you have not been active in the gree to we truly know Jesus versus knowing about cernos preguntas fundamentales como hasta don- practice of the Catholic Faith, we en- Him. Honest self-reflection is important in this de realmente conocemos a Jesus ò, lo que sabemos courage you to return. If you would like acerca de él. discernment. La autorreflexión honesta es importan- to speak to someone on staff, please do te en este discernimiento. not hesitate to contact us. We welcome In terms of our lives of personal prayer, it is you! important to ask ourselves whether our conversa- En términos de nuestras vidas de oración per- …If a previous marriage has kept you tions with the Lord are monologues or dialogues. sonal, es importante preguntarnos si nuestras from receiving the Sacraments, we invite Do we find ourselves doing most of the talking, conversaciones con el Señor son monólogos o you to contact a priest. are we spending time listening to the Lord in diálogos. Nos encontramos hablando la mayor …If you cannot come to Church be- terms of what He has to say to us, or are we truly parte del tiempo, estamos pasando tiempo escu- cause of illness, please notify us so that doing both? In terms of our communal worship, chando al Señor en cuanto a lo que tiene que de- we might minister to you at home, cirnos, ¿o realmente estamos haciendo ambas hospital, or nursing care facility. the questions are equally interesting. Do we truly ... Bulletin article deadline : FRIDAY’S see the readings from the Sacred Scriptures as cosas? En cuanto a nuestra devoción comunal, las BEFORE 4:00 pm. one full week before words that speak to us today, or do we see them preguntas son igualmente interesantes. the articles will appear in the bulletin. If merely as historical records of other people en- ¿Verdaderamente vemos las lecturas de las Sagra- there is a holiday, the deadline is 4:00 countering Jesus? das Escrituras como las palabras que nos hablan pm two Friday’s before the holiday. hoy, o las vemos simplemente como registros Bulletin articles MUST BE written and Are the words of Scripture are speaking to us históricos de otras personas que han encontrado a turned in or e-mailed to Dona before the today and informing the decisions we make in our Jesus? deadline. E-mail: lives? It is hard to imagine that passively listening [email protected] to the readings for a few minutes once a week will ¿Las palabras de la Escrituras nos están ha- have a great impact in the life of anyone. As such, blando hoy, e informándonos de las decisiones THIS WEEK . reflecting on them prior to, during, and after the que estamos tomando en nuestras vidas? Es difícil CHRISTMAS EVE-ALL PARISH Sunday liturgy becomes a necessary step in letting imaginar que escuchando tranquilamente las lec- OFFICES CLOSING AT NOON God speak to us in our life of prayer. turas por unos minutos una vez a la semana el December 24 gran impacto que estas tendrán en la vida de cual- CHRISTMAS DAY-ALL PARISH Prayer is more essential to us than breathing quiera. Como tal, reflexionar sobre ellas antes, OFFICES CLOSED because prayer helps us sustain our eternal life. durante, y después de la liturgia dominical se December25 Prayer is lifting our whole being to God, and let- convierte en un paso necesario para permitir que NO MASSES ting God speak with us about every aspect of our December 26 Dios nos hable en nuestra vida de oración. lives. As such, we must examine our habits to find out whether our prayer is at the surface or if it Orar es más importante que respirar para noso- tros, porque nos ayuda a sustentar nuestra vida COMING SOON… dives into the depths of the mystery of God as He eterna. La oración eleva todo nuestro ser a Dios NEW YEAR’S EVE-PARISH OFFICES reveals to us the great love He has for us. Diving CLOSING AT NOON Dec 31 into the depths of this encounter is the only way to y así permitimos a Dios hablar con nosotros sobre NEW YEAR’S DAY-PARISH OFFICES be transformed by God’s grace. We can’t dip in cada aspecto de nuestra vida. Como tal, tenemos CLOSED Jan 1 our toes to test the water—we must dive in and que examinar nuestros hábitos para descubrir si PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Jan 3 immerse ourselves in God. nuestra oración es superficial o se sumerge en las PARISH YOUTH MUSICAL Jan 8 profundidades de el misterio de Dios cuando nos PARISH OFFICE CLOSING During this last week of Advent, we are invited releva el gran amor que él tiene por nosotros. AT 1:30 PM Jan 22 to live the life of grace fully by immersing our- Sumergiéndonos en las profundidades de este CATHOLIC SCHOOLS selves in all God wants us to experience. WEEK Jan 26-Feb 1 encuentro es la única manera para ser transforma- PARISH MISSION Jan 27-30 In Christ, dos por la gracia de Dios. No podemos meter los CONFIRMATION Feb 9 Fr. Pat dedos para probar el agua—tenemos que meter- nos de lleno y sumergirnos en Dios. DIRECTORIO PARROQUIAL DE FOTOS Durante la última semana de Adviento, esta- mos invitados a vivir la vida llena de gracia me- Los directorios ya están en la oficina parroquial. Si usted se tomó la foto o tiéndonos de lleno en todo lo que Dios quiere que trajo una a la oficina para ser incluido en el directorio, su directorio grátis experimentemos. ya está disponible para recogerlo en las horas de oficina. En Cristo, Tenemos un número limitado de directorios disponibles para la venta a $10 P. Pat cada uno. Si se terminan, comenzaremos una lista y ordenaremos más. Más tarde tendremos instrucciones sobre como entrar al directorio elec- trónico desde su teléfono. STEWARDSHIP page 3 STEWARDSHIP : Our Way of Life Sharing our time, talents and treasures… Eac h parish member is asked to respond to God’s generosity by developing a relationship with God in prayer; by giving a generous share of their time through service to others; and by sharing their financial resources to support the parish and other good works.
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