@A@tt@tr VOL. 18, 1\1o.3, MARCII 2OO4 trr l 2> \q "t- . ROMAN PROVINCIAL COINS III: THE STATUES IN THE TEMPLES AND SHRINES . THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS - THT Ii]SE AND FALL OF CLEOPATRA II SELENE EXPLAIN/NC THE MARKET PRICE OF THE'TRIBUTE PENNY'; EVIDENCE FROM 132 AUCTIONS Online Electronic Auctions by Tom Cederlind. (Our first auction, including quality ancient coins in all price ranges, will be held very soon.) Be sure to register to participate at www.tomcederlind.com. • TOM CEDERLIND PO Box 1963, Dept. C Portland, OR 97207 (503) 228-2746 Pax (503) 228-8130 Email: [email protected] Vol. 18, NO.3 Inside The Celaforw ... March 2004 Consecutive Issue No. 201 FEATURES 6 Roman Provincial Coins III: The Statues in The Celatot'" the Temples and Shrines incorporating by Cornelius Vermeule Roman Coins Gild CU/lure 18 The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress - The Page 6 PublisherlEditor Rise and Fall of Cleopatra II Selene Kerry K. Wetterslrom by Michael Burgess [email protected] 34 Explaining the Market Price of the 'Tribute Copy Editor Penny': Evidence from 132 Auctions W. .leffrey Wmter by John G. Matsusaka For Back lssues From 1987 10 May 1999 contact: DEPARTMENTS Doris J. Sayles [email protected] Page 18 2 Editor's Note - Gaming Next Month Art: Parnell Nelson 4 Letters to the Editor 17 On the Road - The Cela to(s Show & Club Schedule P.O. Box 839 Lancaster, PA 17608 29 Caveat Emptor! Fakes Found in Uncleaned Coin Tel/Fax: 717-656-8557 Express mall (FedEx & Lots by Jim Phelps UPS only) to: Kerry K. Wetters/rom 32 People in the News - Profi les in Numismatics 87 Apricot Ave Leola, PA 17540-1788 33 Art and the Market www.celator.com 34 Book News The Ce/a/of(ISSN #1048-0986) is an Page 34 ifldependent joumal pu~ishoo on the Coming Events first day 01 each month at 87 Apricot 36 A~, Leola, PA t7$4(l It is circulated internationally Through subscriptions 38 Th e Internet Connectio n Ab out the cover: and special distributions. SubscriptK>n rales. payable In U.S. fundS, are $30 by Thorn Bray & Kevin Barry Cover images include: per year (Periodical rate) within the Marble Funerary Urn Un~ed Slates; $36 to Canada: $48 por ANT1QlJ1TlES by David Liebert (courtesy of Museum of year to all other addresses (ISAL). 39 Advertising and copy deadline is the Fine Arts, Boston). filSt workday of each month. Unsdjc· 40 ilCOI II S: of tbe jhl ible by David Hendin bronze of the Isthmian ~ed articles and news releases are Poseidon after Lysip­ w&Icome, howeve< put>ication cannot be guaranteed. Unless expressly 42 The Market - Recent Catalogs, etc. pos (courtesy of Royal­ slated, TIle C9/alo..-ne~he r enoorses by Jeff Winter Athena Galleries), AR FlO. is responsible for the cont"nts oj Tetradrachm of Dem­ advertisements, lettefS-le>-the-<ldilor. feature articles. regular columns and 43 crhrough the £ ooking glass etrius Poliorce\es press releases in ~s pages. induding (courtesy of CNG, Inc .). any opinions slaled therein. and the by Wayne G. Sayles accuracy oj any data provided by its contributors. Periodical postage paid 44 Ask the Experts by James A. Hauck (USPS .006077) Lancastel. PA The Gelator office t 7603 and addillonal oMices. 46 Cartoon - Quotes From The Past ill ~closed Friday. Copyrigh1C2004, Paradigm Mard112"& 19". 01- Numismatics & Publishing. Inc. 47 Professional Directory fic::e hours.a~gene r­ Postmaster: please send address changes to: 54 Club Directory ally 'f1' !\~J 6P P.O. Box 839 EST. PleasJ'keep i Lancaster. PA 17608 55 Classifieds - Index of Advertisers mind that this is a FOUNDED 1987 BY ~~~~r:;~=;;: WAYNE G. SAYLES ing to reach us. EDITOR'S ' COMING NEXT ~'.' MONTH NOTE ~~ IN THE CELATOR® Recently there was some I nter­ Daaan and Celtic Imitations net discussion ofRepublican Denarii about having a "Lifetime Guarantee" by Phillip Davis on any ancient coin's authenticity that you may purchase. Part of the discus­ Twelve Caesars, Nine Years sion centered around the fact that edge, yes, maybe even some expertise, and 856 Dollars many Internet sellers of ancient coins, on how to detect a counterfeit. Or they especially on cSay, don', offer a guar­ will know whom to consult if a coin's by Robert Boston antee of authenticity for the coins that authenticity is questioned. The dealer Humor In Numismatics they aTC selling. Indeed, many cBay community historically has done an sellers only offer refunds if you return admirable job of vetting their inven­ Byzantitis the coin within a well-defined, usua ll y tories for potential fakes, but with the very brief period (e.g. 3 10 10 days). advent of the Internet and World Wide by Bill Behnen Usually oOlloog enough to obtain an Web, this has become an impossible & independent opinion on a coin's au­ task . There is not any way that every thenticity, even if you have doubts ancient coin being offered on the In­ Extinct Tail-less Anteater immediately and wanl another ternet can be scrutinized by a knowl­ Depicted on Sinopean Cnin ..or, person 's opinion. Unless you're for­ edgeable expert, This includes matters tunate enough 10 Jive in the same (own of attrib ution too. Is It a Black Sea Fraternity Cap as a respected dealer. collector or If you purchase your coins from a by Stephan Fregger scholar of ancient coi ns, it wou ld nor­ dealer that has earned a sol id reputa­ mally entail mailing the questionable tion of integrity and trust within the AND COMING SOON "The dealer community historically has done an admi­ The Reoolt of Foemen ius at Trier rablejob o.fvetting their inventories for potentia/fakes, but by Walter C. Holt with the advent of the Internet and Wo rld Wide Web, this has The Art af the Cainage become an impossible task." of Mende by Jonathan Perklns coin to another party. This takes time! community, then their offer of a "Life­ And that assumes that they can render time Guarantee" carries much merit as B1fZ1Intine 101-Fart2 a definitive opinion within your lim­ they arc staking their profcssional repu­ by Prue Fitts ited time frame to return the coin 10 tation on standing behind what thcy sell. the seller. Arc their exceptions to such guar­ An EchaafBllcephallis The worthwhile advice being given antees? Yes, there are a few sllch as and Aornos was to buy your coins from respected the original purchaser must be the one by William F Spengler dealers that offer a "Lifeti me Guaran­ to return the item to the seller if it is tee" of au thenticity for any coin that deemed to be a counterfeit. This sim­ Two Greek Notes they sell. Of course, the first factor Ihat ply means that if you sold or traded by Peter Lampinen must be recognized is that this is for the coin to a friend or another dealer, the lifetime of the dealer, not your life­ then you must firsl "make good" on Friap"s, The Fertility Den,;­ time. If the dealer dies, prematurely that transaction, then return the coin god on Ancient Coinage or when they're "old and grcy", thcn to the dealer from whom you pur­ by Marvin Tameanko your "Lifetime Guarantee" dies with chased it. A lifetime guarantee of au­ them. Yet their offer of such a life­ thenticity is usually between the origi­ Aphrodisias, City of Statues time guarantee is still very important, nal seller and huyer, and it is not a right by Marvin Tameanko especially to the novice collector. that can be transferred. A dealer that has been in the an­ Even with that caveat, I would be The Later Roman Empresses cient coin business for any reasonable very cautious about buying a coin from length of time (5 - 10 years) will have a seller that does not guarantee the au­ by Jasper Burns developed a certain amount of knowl- thenticity of their merchandise. ('[he eel4to'l is 11tl111ed to'l tlJ1d dedicated to the COil1 die-el1;i7twe7S at tll1tiquLtIf whose tl7t 7011tli11S tlS powe7tul tll1d tlppetllil1~ todtl~ tlS il1 thei7 0"'" ti111e, 2 The Gelator PUBLIC AUCTION to be held in conjunction with the Chicago International Coin Fair th A pril 29 - May pt, 2004 Holiday Inn O'Hare Hotel featuring ANCIENT COINS WORLD COINS MEXICAN COINS WORLD PAPER MONEY Catalogs available for $25 each. The entire catalog may be viewed on our web site starting April 1", 2004 at: www.ponterio.com ~ PONTERIO & ASSOCIATES ; .... u~ .." . - ~ uWISM RlI g' f..- " "c'''' M 1818 Robinson Ave., San Diego, CA 92103 P.N. G. #308 800-854-2888 or 619-299-0400 Fax 619-299-{j9S2; E-mail: [email protected] ~ Licensed Auction Company #968 , lUUU ~ 1•. .\\. '2163 Richard H . Ponterio - President March2004 3 Learning About 'Fakes' In Defense of the Can Be Difficult U_K:s Treasure Act I en joyed your editorial in Janu­ read with interest Ma tthew Re­ ary's Celator. There are many reck­ id's leiter to the editor (Jan . 2004). less, self-proclaimed 'experts' online, While I agree with Mr. Reid that it especi ally in the anti-forgery email lists. would be wonderful to know the find Anti -forgery education lists have spots of collectors' coins, su rely Mr. a bu il t-in problem . It is impossib le Rei d belittles the U.K .'s efforts to to learn wi thout makin g mistakes , ye t accompli sh suc h goals. The Trea­ Would Appreciate Articl es it is unethical to falsely condemn the sure Act of 1996 req uires finds of offerings of dealers.
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