.. ? ., ..., ........................ -.. .lll .- ...... ., . ,. ,, Brilliant sunshine greeted us dI last week and at week's end, 71.3 hours of sumhinf:.had been recorded at the Squamish Weather Station. For the sanae period last year, the sun shone 39.1 hours. "Unlucky" Friday the 13th was certainly . lucky weatherwise. The, temperature ssared to 29 C(22.5 C in 1985) and the low for:the I week wits 7.4 on June 9 and 3.8 C in 1985. '. , .. I '. 'I ...... .\,............ , I, .I... ; . :.. Man drowned in Blind Channel On June 15, at 3 a.m. RCMP Squamish investigated the drowning of George Kenneth Willims, aged 45, of Squamish. Williams apparently slipped from a dock in the Elind Channel area where his boat was moored. No foul play is suspected and an RCMP dive team from Vancouver assisted in recovering the body, Coroncr Dr, L.C Kindree is handling the investigation and it is likely that an inquest will be ordered. ._- - .....-- .......... ,. ,. ........ .~.. Police are warning H~S~SI~S~Senjoying the sun at Portmu Park, Murrin Park, Shannon Falls, Alice Lake Park md Black Tusk to make sure 00 lock dl vduables in the trunk of their cars or cover up exposed valuables. Last week, police reported 11 incidents of theft from vehicles. Popullar items stolen include purses, cameras, suitcases, and camping equipment. Police said although the maioritv of vehicles- __--_ involved were locked at the time -of the theft, Squamish council passed a $571.25, according to the ad- wart expressed concern ov- motion at the June 10 ministration. er the dramatic increase in Police request anyine observing a suspicious meeting which will see the Speaking for the increase fees and as well cited the Sqwmkh person or vehicle to obtain licence numbers or cost of an application for the in fees, Alderman Norm comparison with other mun- physical descriptions and report the matter re-zoning of municipal land Verner pointed out that if a icipalities which indicated double, from $300 to $600. immediately to the Squamish RCMP I person cannot afford the that the proposed fee in- For the independent build- re-zoning fee then he shou- crease ,was higher than er, that increase in re-zoning ldn’t be in business in the many fees charged by other fees could mean a major first place. munichalities. stumbling block to develop a ‘*Why should this mun- “Our $300 now to be particular piece of land that icipality bear the cost?” as high or higher than most requires re-zoning. Verner said* ‘WOO a good, jurisdictions,” Stewart said, Under the new by-law, the round figure.” “I’m just concerned of that $600 application fee applies Added Alderman Ron Ba- big an increase.” to the following: for any rr: “The cost could-- run well- -- zone change; for an Official over $600. It seems only €air Alderman Terrill Patterson Community Plan amendm- the municipality should re- also spoke out against the ent; for every Development cover costs,” fee increase. application. ‘‘I think it’s very reason- “I see no need for such a Council made the decision able,” Alderman Corinne cost,” Patterson said. “For a to increase the re-zoning Lonsdale said. smaller person coming in, fees after instructing the Speaking against the mo these sort of fees are entire- administration to do a tion, Alderman Dave Ste lv out of line.” break-down of administra- tive costs to determine whe- ~ ther an increase was in ’ .38036CLEVELANQ AVE. order.. Council had also - -. studied a comparison fees featuring charged by other munici- palities, many. of which re- .Malts .Hot Dogs \CREAM / ported fees well’below the $680 amount. .Sandwiches The breakdown of costs .Candy Floss Candy Apples @Popcorn.Hot Nachos .Taco’s re-zoning application includ- ed costs incurred from a review‘ by the Technical ,.AND : U Planning Committee and the (. A Vancouver woman shopping at the. Highlands .. Advisory Planning Commis- -. ’‘YO:U.,BhKE . -.,a :. PIZZA:-, ,, ‘.I: Tli I, ,. l, -.,*. ,.I . bl sion, notification of appro- Mall June 9 is out $180 worth of gifts and other‘ .WECREATE=VpqS BAKE! . -. .I priate government ministr- items after she put her-!purchases in a- * . EAT IN OR TAKE OUT ies, public hearing, and thought.belonged to her friend,;. Lou & Merle.McKay .892.9802 AVAILABLE other administrative costs. Police said the unidentified woman I Proprietors The price tag of the re- purchases in a,vehicle she thought was the one‘she zoning process? About had borrowed from a friend qdreturned ’to the mall to continue shopping. .. When she returned, the vehicle was gone and SO were her purchases. Although she found her friend’s vehicle in the lot,. no recovery of the’purchases was made. .. COMI‘NG SOON in the HIGHLANDS MALL Appearing in Squamish Provincial Court before Judge R. Grandison on June 9, Michael Simpson, charged with impaired driving, was sentenced to 14 days in jail. Also charged with driving with a blood alcohol Wed.’June 25th reading over .OS, Simpson was sentenced to 14 days concurrent. * * * 8p.m. till .MIQNIGHTd.. Appearing on June 10 before Judge C.I. Wdker, Cassidy, charged with possession of a c, was fined $20, in default 10 days, and hen one-yearprobation. .Also charged with impaired driving, Cassidy was 00,‘in default 14 days. * * efer, -charged with assault, was sentenced to two months at LMRCC and given two 1 years probation. .A MANY IMmSTORE SPECIALS * I) * 1 Arthur Mattson, charged with driving with a blood alcoh01 reading over .OB, was fined $500, in WATCH FOR FQIRTHER default 14 days. I * * DETAILS /AI NEXT Appearing on June 12, Frank Whitefield, charged DON’T MISS IT!! WEEKS SQUAMISH with driving with a blood alcohol reading over ,08 was sentenced to 14 days jail and given six months TIMES probation. * * * GARIBALDI%IIOHLANDS Police reported a breaking and entering and theft from the concession stand at the Civic Centre on MERCHANTS ASSOClATlOM June 11. Several packages of cigarettes were reported missing. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF QUR 7 Complaints were heard lo- ng and loud about the lousy It seems things are not all Britannia service. In parti- ber’s efforts to entice vis- wiather in May. Statistics rosy in the Squamish and cular, Turner said, members itors to Squamish. don’t lie! It was a cool, Howe Sound Chamber of are complaining that the “To provide a stimulus for rainy, month! The Squamish Commerce. train and boat do not stay in the tourists to experience Weather Station recorded ’ The Chamber recently dis- Squamish long enough to Squamish in a positive light 243.5 mm rain as compared S,PECIAL tributed a questionnaire to generate enough business. we felt forced, at some of our with only 61.6 mm in 1985. Chamber members in Squ- Turner said although the own expense, to provide an The high temperature rea- 2 MONTHS amish in an effort to allev- Chamber has expressed this Entertainment Package we- $55.00. ched during the month was UNLIMITED ‘ONLY iate some of the “rumblings concern to the Royal Hudson lcoming the passengers and 28.2 (31.7 C in 85) and the of dissatisfaction and dis- Society and Harbour Ferries directing them to the shops, low was -0.4 C (-0.2 C in 85). content” expressed by some repeatedly over the years, it restaurants and attractions There were 188.3 hours of (July& August) must purchase by june 27th, ’ members over the services, has been unable to change in Squamish and encourag- sunshine as compared with or lack of, the Chamber is the schedule. ing them to come back and 200.7 for the same month * Baby sitting available providing to members and “The response has always stay longer,” Turner said. last year. all morning classes tourists. been the same,” Turner said, The questionnaire includes “in that their research in- questions pertaining to Ro- dicates that the one major yal Hudson and M.V. Brit- flaw on the whole trip for annia passengers; numbers passengers is that the stay of visitors patronizing busi- in Squamish was too long, nesses, percentages of in- too few washrooms, too long come derived from such food lineups and little to do.” business, etc. Turner added that the the Questions regarding the needed to bus Britannia Chamber of Commerce itself passengers , from North are also included: do you Vancouver to Harbour Fer. Good Luck’ agree or disagree athat the ries docks is an additional KIDS CLUB-NEW SESSION Chamber is providing a factor in time constraints of in all valuable Tourist Informa- the boathain service. your future tion Service?; do you believe The Chamber, Turner poi- Thurs. 10:30 - 11:30 the Entertainment 86 Pro- nted out, is attempting to endeavors1 a ’gram is .yaluable .to the com- overcome some of .the pro- munity and business? blems indicated by mem-’ But according to Phil Tur- krs, and cited the new “You ner, president of the Cha- are here” billboard project &@mh ’6 &Jb?* ’d mber, in his letter to mem- on Highway 99 and the MEN’S WEAR LTD.. WQRK WEAR bers, most complaints are Entertainment 86 Program as examples of $he Cham- I \, .Ir .- The Squamish and Howe of Commerce, with Chamber site, its present location ai of the billboard, and Turner. Sound Chamber of Commer- members having fist pick, Squamish Junction was not Along with input from the ce has come up with a “You Turner said. adequate to provide infor- Tourism Committee, the bil- Are Here” billboard scheme He added the Chamber mation to motorists, lboard committee studied in an attempt to give local didn’t expect to recoup the “We felt we weren’t ma- two designs and finally sub- advertisers highway expo- cost of the billboard, which king contact with rubber mitted one design to Squa- sure to entice passing moto- is about $4,000, the first tire traffic,” Turner said.
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