YOUTH CHORUSES Season Finale Concert June 24, 2021 HANDELANDHAYDN.ORG 1 H+H YOUTH CHORUSES June 24, 2021 Streamed Online 7:00pm 2,535th Concert PERFORMERS New Voices Collaborative Pianists Nurt Villani, conductor Julia Scott Carey Andrew Mattfeld Treble Chorus Maria Rivera White Youth Chorale Concert Choir Dr. Jennifer Kane, conductor Marisa Tully, assistant conductor Chorus of Tenors and Basses Dr. Kevin McDonald, conductor Chorus of Sopranos and Altos Alyson Greer Espinosa, conductor SEASON FINALE CONCERT “Hope Is the Thing with Feathers” Laura Nevitt World premiere commission by the Handel and Haydn Society (b. 1985) “Neesa, Neesa” Traditional Seneca “I Am” Melanie Horne Hampshire Young People’s Chorus (b. 1972) K.C. Conlan, artistic director Reka Peterson, assistant director “Hotaru Koi” Ro Ogura (1916–1990) “Akai Hana Shiroi Hana” Mie Nakabayashi “Where’er You Walk” George Frideric Handel Worcester Children’s Chorus (1685–1759) Bel Canto and Cantare Ensembles Dr. Pamela Mindell, conductor “Kyrie eleison” from Messe Basse Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) “I’m Bound Away” Donald Moore (b. 1946) “Sweet Nymphe come to thy Lover” Thomas Morley (c. 1557–1602) “The Moon” Andy Beck (b. 1986) "Der Mond kommt still gegangen" Clara Schumann (1819–1896) “Love is Love is Love is Love” Abbie Betinis (b. 1980) “Cambiar El Mundo” Jim Papoulis (b. 1961) “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” James Weldon Johnson Cassandra Extavour, soprano (1871–1938) Reginald Mobley, director and countertenor Stefan Reed, tenor Dana Whiteside, baritone SPONSORS The H+H Youth Choruses are supported in part by the Parker Family Foundation, John and Janis Raguin, and the Lynn Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. The Chorus of Tenors and Basses is endowed in perpetuity by Lucas Wegmann. The Education Program is funded in perpetuity by Karen S. and George D. Levy. The Education Program is supported by the Remsen M. and Joan G. Kinne Endowed Fund for Education and the Ronald Woodward Education Fund. The Handel and Haydn Society is funded in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. HANDELANDHAYDN.ORG 3 TEXTS + TRANSLATIONS Nevitt: “Hope Is the Thing with Feathers” (Text: Emily Dickinson) Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all. And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. I’ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me. Traditional Seneca: “Neesa, Neesa” Seneca words: Neesa: Grandmother Moon, or Winter Moon Gayweeyo: The Creator who is in Everything Horne: “I Am” I am the water, I am the wind in your hair. I am the bird in the tree. I am the starry sky, I am the mountain so high. I am the scent on the breeze. I am nature, I am beauty. I am the earth and the sea. I am the moonlight, I am the canyon so wide. I am the storm rolling by. I am the sun so bright, I am the sweet butterfly. I am thee field and the sky. Ogura: “Hotaru Koi” Ho, ho, hotaru koi, Hey, hey, come, firefly Atchi no mizu wa nigai zo, The water over there is bitter Kotchi no mizu wa amai zo, The water over here is sweet Ho, ho, hotaru koi. Come, firefly. 4 YOUTH CHORUSES SEASON FINALE CONCERT Nakabayashi: “Akai Hana Shiroi Hana” Akai hana tsunde I'll pick a red flower and give it to you Ano hito ni ageyo I'll put it in your hair Ano hito no kami ni Red flower, red flower, in your hair Kono hana sashite ageyo Blooms and sways like the sun Akai hana akai hana I'll pick a white flower and give it to you Ano hito no kami ni I'll put it on your chest Saite yureru daro White flower, white flower, on your chest Ohisama no youni Blooms and sways like the moon Shiroi hana tsunde I'll pick a red flower and give it to you Ano hito ni ageyo I'll put it in your hair Ano hito no mune ni Red flower, red flower, in your hair Kono hana sashite ageyo Blooms and sways like the sun Shiroi hana, shiroi hana Red flower sways in your hair Ano hito no mune ni With kind smiles Saite yureru darou White flower sways on your chest Otukisan no youni With a kiss from your beloved Handel: “Where’er you walk” Where’er you walk Cool gales shall fan the glade Trees where you sit Shall crowd into a shade Where’er you tread The blushing shall rise And all things flourish And all things flourish Where’er you turn your eyes Where’er you walk Cool gales shall fan the glade Trees where you sit Shall crowd into a shade Fauré: “Kyrie eleison” Kyrie eleison, Lord, have mercy Christe eleison, Christ, have mercy Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy HANDELANDHAYDN.ORG 5 Moore: “I’m Bound Away” For the sake of you, my lassie, I’m bound away, my lassie For the sake of you, my lassie, I’m bound away. I’m bound away, O I’m bound away. For the sake of you, my lassie, I’m bound away. Gold to win for you, my lassie, I’m bound away, my lassie Gold to win for you, my lassie, I’m bound away. I’m bound away, O I’m bound away. For the sake of you my lassie, I’m bound away. Far across the sea, my lassie, I’m bound away, my lassie Far across the sea, my lassie, I’m bound away. I’m bound away, O I’m bound away. For the sake of you my lassie, I’m bound away. Morley: “Sweet Nymphe come to thy Lover” Sweet Nymph come to thy lover, Lo, here alone our loves we may discover, Where the sweet Nightingale with wanton gloses, Hark her love to discloses Beck: “The Moon” O moon, Shining in the night, O moon, are you listening? O moon, silvery and brith, Come again tomorrow night, Come again tomorrow night. Nighttime will soon be done, Bringing the morning sun. Where will you go? What will you do? While you are gone, I’ll wait for you. O moon, Shining in the night, O moon, are you listening? O moon, silvery and bright, Come again tomorrow night, Come again tomorrow night. Daylight is coming soon. Where will you go, O moon? Over a cloud? Under a hill? See you tomorrow night, I will. O moon, O moon. O moon, O moon. Moon. 6 YOUTH CHORUSES SEASON FINALE CONCERT Schumann: “Der Mond kommt still gegangen” Der Mond kommt still gegangen The moon rises silently Mit seinem gold’nen Schein. With its golden glow. Da schläft in holdem Prangen The weary earth then falls asleep Die müde Erde ein. In beauty and splendour. Und auf den Lüften schwanken Many thousand loving thoughts Aus manchem treuen Sinn From many faithful minds Viel tausend Liebesgedanken Sway on the breezes Über die Schläfer hin. Over those who slumber. Und drunten im Tale, da funkeln And down in the valley, the windows Die Fenster von Liebchens Haus; Sparkle of my beloved’s house; Ich aber blicke im Dunkeln But I in the darkness gaze Still in die Welt hinaus. Silently out into the world. Translation by Richard Stokes, author of “The Book of Lieder” Betinis: “Love is Love is Love is Love” Ubi caritas et amor: Where there is charity and love Love is love is love is love, Love is love is love is love, Oh, love is love is love is love, Oh, love is love is love is love. Oh, love, love, love. All we need is love, love, love. Ubi caritas et amor, Where there’s love, Love is love. Papoulis: “Cambiar El Mundo” Cambiar: Change If we could all see Cambiar el mundo: Change the world What we all could be, Hablar a todos: Talk to everyone Then we all learn to believe. Esperanza: Hope We all have the hope Cambiar! Living in our hearts. Trying to find a way Look into my eyes, you will see We can make a change. Cambiar el mundo! Learning how to find esperanza. Hablar a todos! We all have the hope Spread the word, Living in our hearts. We can make a change together. Look into my eyes, you will see. Cambiar el mundo! Cambiar el mundo! Find the peace, Find the peace. We can keep this change forever, We can keep this change forever, Spread the word! Spread the word! HANDELANDHAYDN.ORG 7 Johnson: “Lift Ev’ryLi fVoicet Eve andry V Sing”oice and Sing # ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ 6 œ œ œ™ œ™ œ œ œ œ œ™ ™ & 8 œ œ œ œ #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1 Lift ev - ery voice and sing till earth and hea - ven ring, 2 Sto - ny the road we trod, bit - ter the chas - tening rod, 3 God of our wea - ry years, God of our si - lent™ tears, ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ?#6 œ œ œ œ œ œ™ œ œ œ œ™ œ™ œ™ 8 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ # ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ j œ œ™ œ™ ™ œ™ ™ ™ & œ #œ œ œ #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ring with the har - mo - nies of li - ber - ty; felt in the days when hope un - born had died; thou who hast brought us thus far™ on the way; ™ j ™ ™ ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ™ œ™ œ™ œ bœ œ™ ?# œ œ œ ™ œ œ œ œ #œ œ œ J # ™ ™ ™ ™ j œ œ™ œ™ œ œ œ œ™ œ™ ™ & œ œ œ œ #œ œ œ nœ œ œ #œ œ œ let our re - joic - ing rise high as the lis - tening skies, yet with a stea - dy beat, have not our wea - ry feet thou who hast, by thy might, led us in - to ™ the ligh™t, ™ ™ ™ œ ™ ™ œ œ œ œ #œ™ œ #œ œ œ œœ œ™ ?# œ œ œ œ œ œ J # ™ ™ j ™ ™ œ œ #œ œ™ œ œ œ™ œ ™ ™ & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Jœ œ œ let it re - sound loud as the rol - ling sea.
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