70 T H E PE OPLE OF000 ; THE EVEN TH DAY ABBATH ’ E N J OIN E D ON ISR A E L ; —A N D 9 § 5 33 3 E A E £ E E § E E E § E B Y A L FR E D E A R L E M D , . PH ILA D E LPH IA PA , . P H I L A D E L PH I A S E L D E N B R O . , P R I N T E R N 15 h h O . t in Nor N t Street . E n ter ed a cco r d in to a ct th e 1881 g of Congress , in year . by A L FR E D E A R L E M D , . I n th e Ofiice th e a t t . of Librarian of Congress , Washing on HIS little book is not design ed to be an exhaustive disquisition of the topics on which it trea ts ; but merely a compen ’ dium o f the author s views, with a few f n T h e o the leading arguments i their su pport . importance of the subject dema nds its investigation as of or it involves the question the legal , spiritual , n of ature the dispensation under which we live . The Sabbath belonged to the ministration of condem na tio n ’ and death ; the Lord s Day is under that o f the spirit of of the and righteousness . The latter has none t properties peculiar o the former . We might with a s s u of much propriety a s me, that the fourth day the m of " onth July, kept by the people the nited States our n n of as atio al birthday, came in the room the s of eventh day the month Thargelion , observed at A n mm r o o f of a s the s in co emo ati n the birth Apollo, iv PROEM . ’ or to assert, that the first day of the week, Lord s Day , is to be hallowed as a substitute for the seventh day Sabbath of the Jews . To show that they are distinct institutions ; the Sabbath a divine requirement under ’ u the law, the Lord s Day a vol ntary observance under is the gospel the chief object of the following pages . In the preparation of this work, we have aimed at br evitv and perspicuity in the hope of securing its of n perusal by a much larger number readers, tha would have been the case, had we furnished an elab orate production . But notwithstanding its concise o ur ness, we think our proofs are ample, and posi tions impregnable . a We e rnestly desire and pray, that the church may speedily divest herself of every shred of Judaism to and Romanism, that may attach her that she may n s awake and put on her beautiful garme t (Is . lii . L); i and that she may look forth as the morning, fa r as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army 10 with banners . Cant . vi . B E FT PI 0 R O O CS. 1st —G ’ t D a R t . od s Seven h y es , 2d —T h e t R t to th e P G o d . Sabba h es eople of , 3d —N o S t th e P t A . abba h During a riarchal ges , 4 h — i th e t t . Orig n of Sabba h , 5th -T h e t i . Sabba h Enj o ned on Israel Only , 6th —T h e t it . Sinaic Covenan made w h Israel , 7th —T h e t t th e i n o f . Sabba h Commemora ive of Del vera ce ti B 43 Israel from Egyp an ondage , 9th —T h e t t . Sabba h a Res , — 10th . T h e P t S t enal y for abba h Breaking , 11 h — 1 i fi G ’ D a R t t . Typ ica S gni cance of od s Seventh y es and th e t D a t Seven h y Sabba h , i2th — t th e t . Abroga ion of Old Covenan 13th —T h e ’ D a . Lord s y 14th - . Concordance , ’ h G o d s S eve n t D a y R e st. OD’S seventh day rest is recorded in these words A nd on the seventh day, God ended his work which he made ; and he rested on the seventh day G od from all his work which he made . And blessed s u on the eventh day, and hallowed it ; beca se it he a ll G od rested from his work, which created in mak i ”— t. 2 3 ing Gen . ii . , . The text announces, that — l st. On s G od the eventh day, ended his work which he made . 2d - d r . G o ested on the seventh day from all his work which he made ; and — 3d . a a ll Bec use on it he rested from his work , G od l which created in making it, he b essed the sev enth day and hallowed it . ’ 8 s on s SE V E N T D A Y R E ST H . was six s It Jehovah alone, who in the first day m e r ade heaven and arth , the sea, and all that we e in them and it was he alone wh o rested on the seventh da his w y from all work , hich he created in making xx n ot it (Ex . man, nor any other creatures . It was t n not a rest of inactivi y, but a cessatio from all his work which he made on the previous six days . is His resting does not imply passivity, for there noth his ea ing passive in nature ; nor that he c sed to act, a ctus sim licissimus to for as he is p , he cannot cease be a s ctive . Jesus ays My Father works hitherto, I ” - 17 and work . John v . Nor can he act without a d esign ; nor entertain a purpose without a reason . The only reason here stated for his blessing and hal lowing the first seventh day, is, because on it he rested a . from all his work, which he cre ted in making it God blessed and hallowed the first seventh day ; not every succeeding seventh day . He blessed it ; made it a day of happiness to all sentient existences ; to a joyous day the myriads of holy angels, who ex ul ted over the sublime architect ure that had been produced out of nothing ; a blissful day to the first in m of his o Adam, made the i age Creat r, instated in ’ B E ST 9 Gon s SEVENTH DAY . t th e e a nd Eden , invested wi h subordinat ownership of new- d n supremacy the born world , and omi ion over the lower animals ; and to Eve his compa nion and helper ; and a da y of harmless pl easure to the co untless varieties of living creatures that inhabited the earth, the air, and the waters . He hallowed it set it apart from the previous six days, and all others in the future ; as the day that completed the creation o n v week, and which sin was unknown in the uni erse f d i n o G o . Jehovah The attr butes of Deity , radiati g the o f from divine centre, illumined the whole realm fl of nature, every object re ecting the glory its infinite author . t The firs seventh day, thus blessed and hallowed , h although segregated from all other days, was bot proleptical and typical . to It was proleptical of the seventh day Sabbath , be imposed upon Israel after the lapse of about twenty-five centuries and incorporated in the Sinaic is covenant, to be made with that nation . This evi dent from the language employed by Moses in the en unciation of the fourth section o f the Decalogue Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy . ’ 10 s on s SEVENTH DAY REST . tliou Six days shalt labor, and do all thy work . But the seventh day is the Sabbath of Jehovah thy G o d in it thou shalt not do any work ; thou , nor thy son , - th m nor thy daughter ; thy man servant , nor y aid servant nor thy cattle ; nor thy stranger that is in SI" a within thy gates. For days Jehov h made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that are in them , and rested the Seventh da y ; wherefore Jehovah blessed ” —11 8 . the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it . Ex . xx . 17 Compare Ex . xxxi . T h e S a bba th R e st T T H E P E PL E O F G O D O O . ’ G OD S seventh day rest was typical of the gospel i day, and the rest nto which comers to Christ enter when they believe on him ; as is clearly set forth in r e the letter to the Hebrews . The sacred writer, ferring to Ps . xcv . 8 says f Where ore, as the Holy Spirit says T o - i i i day , f ye w ll hear his vo ce , n o t t th e t Harden your hear s , as in provoca ion , I n th e day of th e temptation in th e wilderness h t t t W ere your fa hers emp ed me , P t roved me , and saw my works , for y years .
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