N° 33-2000 ISSN 1161-2398 BULLETIN DU CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE MYRIAPODOLOGIE LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS ~ LISTE DES TRAVAUX PARUS ET SOUS-PRESSE MYRIAPODA & ONYCHOPHORA ANNUAIRE MONDIAL DES MYRIAPODOLOGISTES WORLD DIRECTORY OF THE MYRIAPODOLOGISTS DEMANGE J.M., GEOFFROY J.J., MAURIES J.P. & NGUYEN DUY • JACQUEMIN M. (EDS) © CIM, 2000 N° 33-2000 ISSN 1161-2398 BULLETIN DU CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE MYRIAPODOLOGIE Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de Zoologie-Arthropodes, 61 rue Buffon F-75231 PARIS Cedex 05 Is Onychophora a polymammal ? DEMANGE J.M., GEOFFROY J.J., MAURIES J.P. & NGUYEN DUY- JACQUEMIN M. {EDS) © CIM, 2000 SOMMAIRE I CONTENTS I ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Pages I Pages I Seite A vant-propos I Foreword I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ~o11tact ~Irvf --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 A propos du ~e11tre I11tematio11al de rvfyriapodologie --------------------------------------------- 3 What about the ~e11tre I11tematio11al de rvfyriapodologie ----------------------------------------- 4 ~Irvf : Statuts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ~!rvf: ~)1-laws_----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 FIIlallcial COiltributiolls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Bila11 fi11a11cier 1999 I Fi11a11cial bala11ce 1999 ------------------------------------------------------ 8 I11tematio11al co11gresses I ~o11gres i11tematio11aux --------------------------------------------------9 I11 memoriam Narcis rvfrsic -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 I11 memoriam Ted Easo11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 I11 memoriam rvfaria ~risti11a Vice11te --------------------------------------------------------------- 14 lil memoriam Ja11 J arosz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 I11 memoriam Vill;r Aelle11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 About some Web Sites I Quelques 11ouvelles des sites Web -------------------------------------17 Biblio data-bases ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Ico11ograph;r --------------------------------------..:-----.----------------------------------------------- 20 Hothouse illhabitants ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 How man;r rvf;rriapoda are there ? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 ~e11tral Europea11 Workshops 011 Soil Zoolog;r ----------------------------------------------------23 ~hecklist of the rvfillipeds of North a11d rvfiddle America--------------------------------------- 25 ~Irvf Questiollllaire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 Proceedi11gs, books, bulleti11s, journals ------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Sujets actuelleme11t abordes ou e11 projet /Matters being dealt or scheduled-----------------29 Tableau a11a1;rtique sommaire des travaux parus et sous presse e11 1999 Analytical summarized table ofthe works published or in press in 1999 --------------------- 36 Liste des travaux parus e11 1999 (et debut 2000) et sous presse List ofworks published in 1999 (and early 2000) or in press ----------------------------------- 41 Alllluaire mo11dial des m;rriapodologistes I Directory ofthe myriapodologists --------------- 59 Allllo11ces - Allllou11cemellts - Allzeige I 011 recherche - Wanted - Gesucht ------------------ 80 Cover picture: « By any chance, is Onychophora a mammal ? » Peripatopsis moseleyi (Wood-rvfason, 1879), South Africa, Natal, District Petermaritzburg Photo b;r H. Ruhberg & H. Bosch, 1974 J.M. DEMANGE, J.J. GEOFFROY, J.P. MAURIES & rvf. NGUYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN (EDS), 2000 Avant-propos I Foreword The CIM at the very end of the century This issue number 33 of the Bulletin du Centre International de Myriapodologie states with the situation of the CIM at the very end of the century and millenium and mentions some questions dealing with the very near future. The present bulletin is the result of the work realized by the CIM-secretariat during 1999-2000, in collaboration with colleagues that have sent informations and answered the questionnaire. We are this year particularly happy and proud because we won the score: 115 reply forms to the questionnaire is obviously the best score never obtained since 1969. Thank you very much to all of you for help and contribution. In 2000, the CIM file is composed of 231 active members. 26 new members have been registered, from Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, UK and USA. 18 previous members have been withdrawn from the list, 3 after decease, 3 after resignation and 12 after complete disappearance during more than 6 years. We are particularly sad when thinking of recent late friends such as Edward Eason, Narcis Mrsic, Maria Cristina Vicente, Villy Aellen and Jan Jarosz. As you know, the permanent secretariat of the CIM is assisted by an international committee, including founding members of the CIM, organizers of international congresses and members nominated by the plenary international sessions of myriapodologists I onychohorologists. Today, this committee is composed of: J.M. DEMANGE (Paris, France); J.P. MAURIES (Paris, France); 0. KRAUS (Hamburg, Germany); J.G. BLOWER (Levens, UK); R.L. HOFFMAN (Martinsville, Virginia, U.S.A.); C.A.W. JEEKEL (Oisterwijk, The Netherlands); A. MINELLI (Padova, Italy); H. ENGHOFF (Copenhagen, Denmark); E. MEYER (Innsbruck, Austria); M. NGUYEN DUY - JACQUEMIN (Paris, France), J.J. GEOFFROY (Brunoy, France) and J. WYTWER (Warsawa, Poland). We had in July 1999 the 11th International Congress of Myriapodology, held in Poland, another successfull and friendly meeting to add to the CIM history, wonderfully organized by Jolanta WYTWER and CoiL in the deep heart of the Bialowieza Forest. During the formal CIM session, several important decisions were taken: Jolanta Wytwer became a member of the CIM International Committee; the constitution of the CIM as a formal association was registered; proposals for next congresses were discussed for 2002 (in Natal, South Africa) and for 2005 in Bergen (Norway). So, we can be very optimistic for the future, studies by myriapodologists, onychophorologists and even « arthropleurologists » are very far from extinction. All these informations will be available in the Website of the CIM, provided in 2000 and managed as indicated inside this bulletin. This website has several aims to develop and improve and a lot of connections to install towards other websites or addresses. The first version is to be checked during 2000 with the active collaboration of myriapodologist navigators. Enjoy your visit ! And now, let us go and read what are the mille-pattes news for this year. Best wishes and regards Jean-Jacques GEOFFROY CIM General-Secretary 1 ELECTRONIC-MAIL FAX You can contact the permanent Secretariat [and answer the questionnaire] by Fax, byE­ Mail, or on the Web: Vous pouvez contacter le Secretariat permanent du CIM [et repondre au questionnaire] par Fax, par Courrier electronique ou sur le Web: (Laboratoire de Zoologie Arthropodes, MNHN) The secretariat members [email protected] (Jean-Jacques Geoffroy) [email protected] (Jean-Paul Mauries) [email protected] (Monique Nguyen Duy- Jacquemin) are listening to you We have also a provisional CIM-homepage address: http://perso. worldonline.fr/myriapoda 2 CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE MYRIAPODOLOGIE Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Zoologie-Arthropodes) 61, rue Buffon F-75231 Paris Cedex 05 (France) Cree a Paris en 1968, le CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE MYRIAPODOLOGIE (CIM) represente le groupement des myriapodologistes et onychophorologistes du monde entier. Le secretariat permanent du CIM est situe au Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris: Laboratoire de Zoologie-Arthropodes. Il a pour mission d'informer rapidement les myriapodologistes (mais aussi les autres zoologistes et biologistes qui le desirent) sur les travaux en cours ou publies dans tous les domaines de la myriapodologie (Myriapoda & Onychophora), allant de I' etude des macromolecules a celle des complexes d'ecosystemes. Pour son fonctionnement, Le CIM re~oit de la part de ses membres une aide flnanciere annuelle de 100 francs fran~ais (20 US$, 16 Euros) ou, a defaut, des ouvrages ou tires-a-part destines a constituer une bibliotheque specialisee. Celle-ci est deposee au Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Zoologie-Arthropodes. En decembre de chaque annee, tous les collegues inscrits au CIM re<;:oivent un questionnaire. Celui-ci demande a chacun la liste des travaux publies ou sous-presse pour l'annee ecoulee, mais aussi les sujets d'etude en cours ou en projet. En outre, il sollicite demandes ou informations pouvant interesser tout chercheur dont le travail touche, de pres ou de loin, aux Myriapodes et aux Onychophores. Les scientifiques interroges renvoient ce questionnaire fin fevrier et, de !'ensemble des reponses venues de pays du monde entier, nalt le bulletin, bibliographique et analytique, complete de I' annuaire, qui est envoye a to us les com~gues en avril-mai. Lorsqu'un collegue reste cinq ans sans repondre au questionnaire,
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