Newspaper of Current Events in the Highlands, the Islands and in Scotland SUPPORT incorporating THE LOCHABER DIARY GAELIC For 10/- per annum fruth THURSDAY, 24 AUGUST, 1967 you can JOIN DI-ARDAOIN, 24 AN LUNASDAL, 1967 AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH 6d Abertarff House Inverness SCOTLAND'S BI-LINGUAL NEWSPAPER Hopes Soar For North Industry The types of project in the news last week have caused the hopes of those who wish to see an industrial North of Scotland to rise considerably. But one requires huge amounts of electroity at a cheap tariff which the north cannot offer at present. The first project which the setting up of a chemical could come north is a smelt- plant at Invergorden. Occi- ing plant with a capacity of dental Petroleum has just ar- some 60,000 tons per an- ranged marketing facilities in num; it would provide em- Europe for the output of its ployment for up to 500 rich oilfields in Libya. The people. Three weeks ago the extent of the Company’s Board of Trade were ap- operations is now on such a proached for permission to scale that a refining plant is set up the plant. The appli- required to be built some- cation was made by the where in Europe, and Inver- Swiss firm of Alusuisse. gorden has already been Some dozen sites in Britain considered on the basis of have been offered to the its potential for develop- firm, six of which are in ment. Scotland. The firm’s tech- The cloud of doubt over nical director has said that the building of the firm s Invergorden provides most project in Britain may well ST CLEMENT S CHURCH, RODEL, HARRIS of their requirements, though hinge on the outcome of Rodel once had a direct ferry link with the mainland. Boats of 55 feet and over can gain accessr the entire project would be plans for successful market- to the privately-owned pier, though the entrance to the pier anchorage is safe only iit fair decided on the provision of ing arrangements of fetilisers weather. At the height of the kelp-burning last century, Rodel was a focal port for a fleet of a supply of bulk electricity which would be produced by ships10 people beween from Harris Leverburgh/Rodel and Clydeside. to Thework nearby the anonthositearea of Lingerbay and pegmatite provides depositsemployment there. to Rodelsome at a very cheap tariff. It is the oil refinery. At present Hotel has 22 rooms giving accommodation for 29 people. During the summer 12 people are known that another two alu- there is a surplus of capacity employed at the hotel. Proposals for development have been made. First a passenger ferry minium firms wants to set up in Britain. This fact may between Rodel and Newton in North Uist, then the conversion of the derelict R.A.F. camp similar plants in Scotland. cause the firm to build in sitealso atsuitable Rodel, for which tourist could chalets accommodate and the development some 20 caravans. of rock-fishing. The area around Rodel township is Hopes have also risen for Europe. [Photo by Angus MacArthur, Stornoway Scrabster to be Nas Lugha De Fhuath main north port ? EADAR NAN GINEALACH ANN AN ALBA ? The Harbour Trustees at Scrab- Chaidth 600 gearan a dheanamh Hm. Hr iff nr A. San sterment havescheme drawn for up the a develop-harbour fhaicinnris a’bhord nach ris eila bheilgeur-lcanmhainn e an earbsa achan rudgu suarachrobh iad a chaidha’fiacbainn a dhean- ris whichpotential. could realise its commercial air a dheanamh air feadhainn a Thuirtamh orra e nach a dhi-chuimhneachadh.robh an Achd a bha Limited At present Scrabster offers shel- duthchannanis ag obair ann cein am a thaBreatann. a’fuiieach ach a’ buntainn ris a’ghnothach seo weatherter for ismany foul boatsin thewhen storm- the is e ceitir dhiubh a chaidh farsainn gu leoir. tossed Pentland Firth. But the dheanamh ann an Alba. na Faodaidhrudan sin sinn fior a muradh dheidhinn gu bheil 20 HAMILTON STREET minimum draught the harbour can robhThu e in creidsinn ball dhc nach ’n robh bhord uibnir gu Shasainn cuideachd ged a tha uib- INVERNESS. TEL. 34343 Thecope withtrend is for14 feetvessels at low to water.have de dh’ aimhreit eadai nan ginea- hir de ghearan ’ga dhsanamh an bigger draughts means that Scrab- lach ann an Alba, ach thuirt e sin.Ghearan triuir a Pakistan gun ster is becoming a tidal harbour £100,000 AIRSON LUCHD- deachaidh tair a dheanamh orr.i withvessels restrictedwho have facilities most needfor theof SGRUDAIDH A’ CHANSAIR ann an tighean-seinnse ann an them. ANN AN ALBA Glascho. feetThe pier new and scheme ancillary is for buildings; an 800- Thug Buidheann Impireachd (OINNEAMH NAM BANA- the estimated cost is about hairBhreatainn a’ Chansair airson £100.000Sgrudadh do Aob- 17 BHUISLICHEAN £500,000. The Government would dotairean agus feailsanaich ann bhithB fheudarann an coinneamhNew Aork a bhaairson gu scalehave toof providedevelopment. the money As for three this an Alba. bana-bhuislichean an t-saoghail • a other harbour development airFhuair £25,000 an Dotairairson J.sgrudadh Paul faisg a chur dheth gus am faigh an fbead- schemes have also been prepared dheanamh air hormon fais (growth ehainn bana-bhuislichean a tha ’ga gairm ceart a mach a thaan ofby providingother north full ports,port facilitiesthe matter on hormone) a’chuirp ann an Oilt- anns an fheadhainn a tha ag iat- the Pentland coast is going to be highSeo Obaireadhain. feadhainn eilc a fhuair raidh a dhol dha ’n coinnein.h. one of concentrating on one or tiodhlacan airgid bho ’n Bhuid- Thuirttha a’ feargairm dhc na ’n coinneimhfheadhainn gua decline.two ports and letting others hinn seo: bheil aca ris an fheadhainn a tna The Highlands and Islands De- WesternAn Dotair Infirmary K. E. Hainan, ann an anns Glas- an ag iarraidH a dhol unn a’sgrudadh velopmentproached forBoard help haveto conductbeen ap- a cho, £12,450; Mgr T. C. Carter. gr. mean. feasibility study. Roinn Sgrudaidh Cbearcar. ann an HOUSE TO LET With the real possibility of some feasarDuneidcann, J. N. £11.284;Davidson. am RoinnPro- Furnished, three - bedroomed inlarge-scale Caithness, industrial the trustees development of Scrab- Ceimic a’ Chuirp (biochemistry), house to let in Inverness, with Inverness Cream ster harbour may well see the Oilthigh Ghlascho, £9,004. Septembergaiage, for 1st,six weeks1967. Forcommencing particu- port—which does not require con- b’cuideachd aobhar gurdha docha seo gumnach b’robh e a lars apply Box No.33, Sruth Office SCOTCH Will,SKY stantpoint fordredging—becoming the Pentland coast. a focal daoine dubha deonach air gearan Inverness. Two Sruth, Di-ardoin, 24 An Lunasdal, 1967 Birth Ben Car Sales MORRISON — At Raigmore Hos- Arasaig Agus Morar ROOTES DEALER pital,1967, toInverness, Barry and on Catriona 4th August (nee Macdougall), Garden Cottage, “Morar bhoidheach Mhic ’ic fo sgail na Creige Moire. Cluin- LOCHY BRIDGE Tomatin,brother for a Carol.son (Ian Laurie); a Ailein, Arasaig is Loch nan nibh sibh uaireanan fhathast mu FORT WILLIAM Ceall.” Moire.dheidhinn Thachair Cuirt so namu mheadhanMoinntich Tel. 2539 Marriages ’Se sin a thubhairt am bard 9*<# na linne seo chaidh. Be dithis de HOLT — COLLARD — At Christ agusleis fhathasttha gu leoiranns agan aontachadh latha an dh' uachdaran na duthcha, ama- 1 966 Hillman Hunter Church, Lochgilphed, on the 14th diugh. Co-dhuibh chan fhaigh T daindheidhinn gun diu,boglaich a bha nach sabaid fhiach mu 1 966 Austin A40 canAugust Macinnes, 1967, by RightM.B.E., Rev. M.C.,Dun- sibh aite seasamh as t-samhradh gus an do leag “a' cheud Mr badan roid. 1965 Austin A40 Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caith- eadarleanan carabhannan Gall. aicheanAch thais pail-bar- Astley” e. ’Se Port nan Luchag a their Countryman ness, Patrick Henry Edward .Lit- rachd ann na boidhchead ged is Thog e taigh ur an aite faisg air iad ris a’ cheud bhaile fearainn a 1965 Hillman Super Minx ton,(Seaforth Queen's and Camerons),Own Highlanders younger gnothach mor sin gun teagamh. Boradail, taigh a tha am barail tha ann .am Morar a deas. ’S ann 1 964 Vauxhall Victor son of Major A. H. E. L. Holt, Tha eachdraidh cliuiteach cean- bodaich as an aite, a’ coimhead ghaineacha seo agus bhan an aTraigh tha cho a ainmeil.tha a’ M.B.E., M.C., and Mrs Holt, Blar- sluaghgailte risgasda agus Gaidhealachgu h-araid ann.tha "cho coltach ri priosan." Tha seorsa do mhachair ann 1963 Austin A. 60 chasgaig, Appin, Argyll, to Pene- Direach mar a tha a’ chuis am ann’S ame baileBail ’Arasaigbeag ciatach no Ard a namtha cuideachd a tha lan charabhan- 1961 Austin A. 5 5 lopeP. L. Anne,Collard, daughter R.N. (Retd.), of Captain and Muideart 's e seo duthaich Clann Fuaran mar a thubhairt iad ris aichean as t-samhradh. Chan 1 964 Austin J4 Pick-up Mrs Collard, Lochead House, Ach- Domhnaill, Raghnallaich air taobh ’san t-seann aimisir. Tha e 'na ionghnadh sin chionn ’s bheil i 1 964 Austin A60 Van ahoish, Lochgilphead, Argyll. Garranaicha deas Amhuinn air an taobhMhorair tuath agusach sheasamh aig ceann Loch nan eadhtraighean aluinn ’s naleis raointean an Eilean da agusri YOUNG—MORRISON—At Kilmore chan eil difir sam bith eadar ap Ceall is Rudha Arasaig air an Ruma is Eige air faire. 1962 Austin A. 5 5 Pick-up Parish Church on 8th August da sheorsa an diugh. Ged a tha faobhRudha nadeas Ceipich agus airCeapach an taobh is B’ abhaist dachaidh Dhomhnal- 1959 Morris 1000 1967, by Rev. A. D. MacRae, M.A., thana cinn-cinnidhna daoine sinair fhathastfalbh o eadarchian tuath.
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