Canad. Math. Bull. Vol. 24 (3), 1981 ON THE TOTAL VARIATION OF A FUNCTION BY B. S. THOMSON 1. Introduction. There are a number of theories which assign to a function defined on the real line a measure that reflects somehow the variation of that function. The most familiar of these is, of course, the Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure associated with any monotonie function. The problem in general is to provide a construction of a measure from a completely arbitrary function in such a way that the values of this measure provide information about the total variation of the function over sets of real numbers and from which useful inferences can be drawn. One standard strategy is to employ a construction of Carathéodory (known nowadays as "Munroe's method II" after Munroe [9]) which has been used to yield Lebesgue-Stieltjes and Hausdorff measures. One writes MX) = inf[l \f(K)-f(ak)\: U W, b^X, bk-ak<^ for each natural number n, and then ftf(X)=lim^(X). n—>oo Such a construction yields an outer measure with the property that every Borel set is measurable (i.e., a metric outer measure in the sense of Munroe [9]). If / has bounded variation on an interval [a, fo], then it can be checked that lif([a, b]) is exactly the variation of / on that interval; this would lead one to expect that (JLf(X) describes the variation of / on the set X in some sense and that the study of [if in general should have some import. In fact, though, the measure ju,f may vanish if the function / is too highly oscillatory: Ellis and Burry [5] have constructed an example of a continuous / that is not of bounded variation on [0,1] for which fif ([0,1]) = 0. Bruckner [2] has gone on to show that this behaviour is typical, namely that except for a first category subset of the space C[0,1] every such iif must vanish. Browne [1] uses essentially the same construction with some minor modifica­ tions. Bruneau [4] introduces many interesting ideas and can be considered a sourcebook on the subject; one of his main ideas is to construct the variation vf(K) for a function / on a compact set K by comparing / with functions of Received by the editors, July 26, 1979 and, in revised form, February 21, 1980. 331 332 B. S. THOMSON [September bounded variation and then extending vf to a measure on the Borel sets by familiar methods. There is really no unique or canonical way of assigning a variation measure to an arbitrary function and so the problem depends on the type of application one has in mind. Our main motivation rests in the study of the derivation properties of the function and within such a viewpoint there is a natural method of constructing some useful variation measures. In the study of the ordinary derivative certain concepts arise naturally: these are the notions of a Vitali cover of a set and related ideas. We can use such ideas to give variation measures that answer familiar problems in derivation theory. We present immediately the definitions that lead to the theory. DEFINITION 1. A family 3* of closed subintervals of [a, b] is said to be a full cover of Xç[a, b] if for every xeX there is a positive number 8(x) such that every interval of length less than 8(x) that has x as an endpoint necessarily belongs to 3F. Such a family 3 is said to be a fine cover of X if for every xeX and every positive number e there is an interval I e & with length less than e and that has x as an endpoint. DEFINITION 2. Let /be a real-valued function on [a, b] and & a family of closed subintervals of [a, b]; then we write V(/,^ = supX|/(M-/(ak)| where the supremum is with regard to all sequences {[ak, bk]}^ 3F with pairwise non-overlapping elements. (Write V(f, 0) = 0.) f DEFINITION 3. Let / be a real-valued function on [a, b], then \\ff and ip denote the set functions 4ff (X) = inf{ V(f, &):&& full cover of X} and <fc(X) = inf{V(f, &):&* fine cover of X}. f These set functions ij/f and i/* are metric outer measures for any real-valued function / on [a, b] and since they are constructed directly from concepts arising in derivation theory, it may be anticipated that they will reflect the derivation properties of the function /. We will investigate these measures within a more general framework that may obscure the simple constructions defined above. 2. Derivation bases on the line. The constructions given above arise within the context of ordinary differentiation on the real line. There are many different ways of generalizing the ordinary derivative and to each such way 1981] TOTAL VARIATION 333 there would correspond a similar construction. For example, the symmetric derivative of a function / is defined to be /^(JCO) = lim [f(xo + h) - f(x0 - h)]/2h h->0 and a study of this derivative or the related extreme derivatives would involve notions similar to the full and fine covers of Definition 1 above but with obvious changes (instead of x as an endpoint we would require that x be the midpoint of the intervals in the cover). To unify these ideas and generalize them further we introduce the following definitions. DEFINITION 4. A derivation basis on the real line is any family SI of subsets of ixR where R is the real numbers and $ the collection of all closed intervals, with the property that whenever Sx and S2 belong to 2Ï there is an S3 e 2Ï with s3çs1ns2. DEFINITION 5. If S is any subset of $ xR and h is any real-valued function defined on ixR then we write V(fe,S) = sup X |M4*i)l where {(It, xt)} is a sequence of interval-point pairs from S with pairwise non-overlapping elements {It}. (Write V(h, 0) = 0.) If 21 is any non-empty family of subsets of 3 x R (not necessarily a derivation basis) then we write as well V(Ji,2l) = inf{V(/i,S):Se2i}. These concepts provide the needed generalizations. To return to the earlier versions of our outer measures we will write S[X] = {(I,x)eS:xeX} whenever Sç^xR and XçR, and 21[X] = {S[X]:SE21} whenever 2Ï is a family of subsets of 3 x R. Then the outer measures i/>f (X) and \\ff(X) can be realized as V(h, 2Ï[X]) where h is the function h([a, b], x) = f(b) — f(a) and where 21 can be chosen separately to yield either measure. This construction is essentially due to Ralph Henstock [7] and arises really from considerations of Riemann sums in general settings. The families 21 need not have many delicate properties in order to ensure that the set functions X —> V(h, 2l[X]) are outer measures. There are a number of properties that will appear in [11] and which can be found in the other literature of the subject. We cite only two of these properties. 334 B. S. THOMSON [September DEFINITION 6. A family SI of subsets of ixR will be said to be: .1 decomposable [respectively a-decomposable] if to every family {Xa : aeA} of subsets of R [respectively countable family] that is pairwise disjoint and corresponding family {Sa:aeA}ç?l there is an S eSI with S[Xa]çSa for every index a. .2 finer than the topology on R if to every open set GçR there is an S e SI so that every (I, x)eS[G] has I^G. These definitions give rise to the following theorem which provides the basic measure theory that arises from a general family St. THEOREM 1. Let h be an arbitrary real-valued function onixR and let SI be a a-decomposable family of subsets of ixR. Then the function h*(X) = V(h, Sl[X]) is an outer measure on R. If in additon SI is a derivation basis that is finer than the topology, h* is a metric outer measure. Proof. This is proved in [11] but is straightforward in any case. More results for the measures ft* can be obtained by varying the hypotheses on the family SI. For the remainder of the paper, however, our concern is with specific applications of the theory and we drop the general approach returning to concrete examples of measures that are generated by real-valued functions / of a real variable. 3. The Peano-Jordan "measures." The classical Peano-Jordan measure, or Jordan content as it is sometimes called, can be defined as an example of the theory of the previous section. In fact, the definition given by Stolz in 1884 (cf. [10, p. 30]) was essentially in terms of limits of Riemann sums and so fits into this framework. Here we give the construction of set functions mf correspond­ ing to any function / on R: if f(x) = x then mf is precisely this Peano-Jordan measure and accordingly we may consider these set functions as generalizations of this classical concept. DEFINITION 7. The family di is defined to be the collection of all subsets Sô of ixR where S8={(lx):IeJ,xeI,\I\<8} and 8 is an arbitrary positive number. For any function / on R write mf(X)=V(f,dt[X]) (XçR). (Here / is considered to be defined on 3 x R by the device f([a.
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