ir,..'t lr i i+¿--,.-$ !.. , [,¡ 148 s March 21 2OO4 Primary Election 16t CONNY B. MCCORMACK LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGISTRAR.RECORDERYCOU NTY C LERK 12400 IMPER|AL HIGHWAY NORWALK, CA 90650 (800) 815-2666 OR (562) 466-1323 INTERNET - wwwlavote.net O POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. O MARK YOUR CHOICES IN THIS BOOKLET AND TAKE IT WITH YOU TO YOUR VOT¡NG LOCATION INSTRUCTIOI{S TO VOTERS AT THE POLTS INKaVOTE IS HERE! *"*+**'*-*-6 New InkaVote Voting System Voters will see a new voting system, InkaVote, for the 2004 elections. Insert the ballot. Make Make your mark! Insert Check your ballot to make \ryHAT IS INKaVOTE? An optical scan votins svstem that is sure the holes in the ballot the pen provided next to sure circles are filled. remarkablv similar to the famiüar ounch card võtirís svstem that fit squarely over the red your vote selection. voters in IJos Angelese County have rised to cast their 6alfots for the posts. past 35 years. o TO VOTE FOR PRES¡DENTIAL CANDIDATES WHY CHANGE FROM PUNCH CARD SYSTEM? 1^2002 federal AMERICAN INDEPENDENT, GREEN, LIBERTARIAN, court rulins required California counties to reolace !ounch card NATURAL LAW AND PEACE & FREEDOM PARTIÊS systems by fhe March 2004 Primary Election. ^ o To vote for a candidate for nomination for President, fill ABC WATER CANDIDATE SMITH 1 o pur.rching in the circle next to the candidate's name. Your vote in DISTRIC Policc Officcr HOW DOES INKaVOTE \ryORK? Instead of using a this portion of the ballot is advisory only. CNDIDATEJOHNSON device to dislodge chad, the voter marks the ballot õard using an o No presidential candidates have qualified to be placed ink marker to filÏin the ôircles associated with the candidates/bãilot on the ballot for the Natural Law Party. CANDIDATE LOPEZ 3 measures. The ballot card is the same size as the former punch o (See instructions DEMOCRATIC PARTY card ballot. on inside cover of this sampleballot . To vote for delegates pledged to a candidate whose booklet). name appears on the ballot, fill in the circle next to the name of the candidate preferred. Electronic Touchscreen Vot¡ng REPUBLICAN PARry . To vote for a candidate whose name appears on the Los Anseles Countv plans to transition to an electronic baliot, fill in the circle next to the cand¡dates name. touchscrãen votins svsieni at all 5.000 votins locations in the future NONPARTISAN VOTERS when funding beõories available. Until tñen, all of Los Angeles ' Due to changes in state law, non-partisan voters Countv's 4 rñillion resistered voters have the'option of castin"s an may choose to vote for Democratic, Republican, or electrónic ballot on toîchscreen machines durinä the "earlv" võtins American lndependent candidates. See inside for period in advance of major elections. For tle March" 2, 2004 more details. Primarv Election, 1,6 l"ocations have been established for touchsóreen voting from February 18-27 (locations the TO VOTE FOR A PERSON NOT LISTED ON BALI-OT; listed on (Write-ln Votes are valid for qual¡fied candidates only.) following pages). Office 90'h Water District . Write qualifìed write-in candidate's office title and name candidate r**A 9* in the blank space inside the secrecy sleeve. E lrovided out our www net on TO VOTE FOR A MEASURE new InkaVote voting. system and Touchscreen early voting Shall l¡s Angclcs 6 o Fill in circle next to YES or NO. YES o loca County be declared . Do not vote both YES and NO. This will result in an A the sun and leisure overvote and your vote on that measure will noi count. 7 capitâl ofthe world? NO o For AbsenteeA/ote by Mail Ballots, voting instructions will be included with the ballot. FP-SBFC.O02.E FP-TP R LA 148-001 Touch fhe fufure... a Lakewood o South EI Monte County Regional Library San GabrielValley W¡Th 4990 Clark Ave. Service Center Community Room 1441 Santa Anita Ave. TOUGHSGREEN Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. 8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Daity Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. - íp.m. Sun.1p.m. - 4:30p.m. o Valencia l'OT¡NGT County Regional Library ) ALL registered voters møy go to ANY one of 16 locations to vote early. a Lancaster 23743 West Valencia Bl. Fire Training Center Community Room ç voters with an Absentee Ballot who wønt to vote Touchscreen MUST 42110 6th St. West, Rm. 67 Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. bring the Absentee Ballot to the Touchscreen site und tarn it in 8:30a.m. - 4: 30p.m. Daily Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. - íp.m. Sun. 1p.m. - 4:30p.m. ) Voters who are blind or visually impaired møy cast ballots privately. Pasa na Jackie Robinson Center . West Covina February 18th throush 27th ûncludins Weekend) 1020 North Fair Oaks Ave. County Regional Library 8: 30a.m. 4 : 30p.m. Daily 1601 West Covina Pkwy Los An eles - . Ted Watkins Community Room . Braille lnstitute County Park 103'd at Central Ave. o Redondo Beach Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. 7p.m. 741 N. Vermont Ave. - Annex Room (1\2nd at Success) Library, 2nd Level Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. 1p.m. Weingart North - 8:30a.m. 4:30p.m. Daily 303 N. Pacific Coast Hwy Sun. 1p.m. 4:30p.m. 8: 30a.m. 4:30p.m. Daily - - - Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. o Central Library Beverlv Hills Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. - íp.m. 630 W. sth St. City Hall, Rm. G30C Sun. 1p.m. - 4:30p.m. Meeting Room A 455 North Rexford Dr. Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. 8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Daily o Norwalk Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. - íp.m. Reg istrar/Recorder-County Clerk Sun. 1p.m. - 4:30p.m. 12400 lmperial Hwy., 3'd Floor, Rm. 3002 . Carson.Regional . Easf Los Angeles County Library February 18th through March 1"t - 8:30a.m. 4:J0p.m. Daity County Regional Library 151 East Carson St. - 4801 East Third St. Community Room March 2 - Election Day - 7a.m. - ùp.m. Community Room Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. íp.m. - For more information visit our website Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. - 5p.m. Sun. 1p.m. - 4:30p.m. at www.lavote.net Sun. 1p.m. - 4:30p.m. o . North Hills . Culver Citv Mid-Valley Library County Regional Library 16244 Nordhoff St. 4975 Overland Ave. Community Room Community Room Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. Mon.-Thurs. 11a.m. - 7p.m. Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. - íp.m. Fri. & Sat. 10a.m. - 5p.m. Sun. 1p.m. - 4:30p.in. Sun. 1p.m. - 4:30p.m. FP-FD R LA 148-002 FP-FE R LA 148-003 | MULTILINGUAL ELECTION MATERIALS "on= Under federal law, voter information, including a sample ballot l] booklet containing a vote by mail application, is available in English as well as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and REPUBLICAN Vietnamese. A phone number is provided below to obtain multilingual materials and assistance. UOTERS REGISTEREII wlTH REPUBTIGAT PARTY BETOW jg:f,åg r'*t¡o- SIflP TO PRESIIIE¡TIAI PREFERETCE'S COIITEST Êü # *åxË#Ë#üt + x#$' ãiËffi tr&ffi # ffi tr'ffi ë 48r-8fi83 . $$ &*frffiË*lå!:t{FÂåi*Hf&*t*€ " *trffi$iffiäj: TO YOTE FOR REPUBTICAT CAXDIDATES, IIOXPARTISAII VOTERS ffi Ëffi ' Etr**Ê*{üüffiÅåà&ffiffiH " {ffi#fgaffiwsffiffië+ TUST FIRST SE¡.EGT PARTY IX THE BOX BEIOW. Ëíffi rç Ë lä ftrs i8 È gwË r Êtæ #'A Ë+ " &'fn$å&æ# i8 Ð "i firs ¡0x FoR AMERICAN INDEPENDENT gfrgo TOTPÂRTISAX hr äãFT*år*rle fiiåi:tã #HS ôffiffiÈË#,ffiH** ä VOTERS OXIY DEMOCRATIC Yote for One t, rÊþü' t, I tå$åffi 0:** H l' ¡ Hâ lt. t -8û04s I -8S83 * T# Fl < ld t " âl}tlä. måùr ñËTtru*?. fl#*äæ'gänõfüt. ieffiä REPUBLICAN 7+O x* ur < ff ä ì,r. (HÊür fl #ñËi{#{iË{s ä&#Ëtxï t ¡ttd' H i¡¡'*trl- æ* F{ {r1 } ìElHÐr ¡fr 13ffiì* å *1 *-ð^ ) .{Så* oJfÐ}A g PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES +{s +e 'sðå :å*ã'iq üEôìËg d4 IIOIIPARTISAT UOTERS ARE TOT ETIGIBLE TO eì-ÅlÈ 1*s00*48i*sûs3 -Ô*s. {qö}4À19 " äs}* sÔìs +d UOTE FOR PRESIIIEXT elsx. Ëåôì €sa'¡a¡H 8q*å"s-ïs¿ì¡ì uÏ*r{*. sEÔìs ôl GEORGE W. BUSH Republican 11 +O Ð ss Ëìl^J 4åã óld"ll åÈdÈ!,il4ô¡ 9lgÅlB q*'{4 2 + PREFERETCE de 4Ëåå gga{_Q,å }à4ãg 4$Lì4. Yote for One Si usted quisien obtener lnlormación sobre la ehcclÓn, incluyondo una solicitud para votar por corioo, en español, por favor llame al l-80(Þ481-86t3- $u llamada ssd conts$ladâ por un empleado quþn habk ingkß. Para obtener UNITED STATES SENATOR asistencla en su ldloma, por favor plda do habhr con un intôrprob. {Sl usl6d ya B¡LL Republican Yote for One ha sollcitado una bolsta eloctoral de muestra sn su idlomâ" h traducclón da Farmer/Businessman lS+C ósta se le ssrá enviådå äutomAticåmentê por COrruo dontro de dos StmAnas d0 BILL OURAISHI Repubtican Small Business Owner 16+C le elecc¡ónl" JOHN M. VAN ZANDT Repubtican Kung gusto ninyong makakuha ng mga materyales para sa halalan, pati Businessman 17rC ng isang pagboto sa pamamagitan ng koreo, sa Tagalog, pakitawagan JAMES STEWART Repubtican ang 1-800-481-8683. Ang inyong tawag ay sasagutin ng isang empleado Small Businessman lgrO TIM Republican . na nagsasalita ng Ingles. Upang makakuha ng tulong sa inyong wika, STOEN Assistant District lg+O pakitanong kung maaari ninyong makausap ang isang tagasalin ng wika.
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