NBI STRATEGY 2017 - 2027 ABRIDGED VERSION Facts about the Nile Basin Basin Area 3,176 X 103 Km2 Location -4 0S to 310 N and 24 0 E to 40 0 E Main Tributaries Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal River Length 6,695 Km (one of the world’s longest River) Estimated Navigable Length 4,149 Km Countries Burundi DR Congo Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Facts about the Nile Basin Rwanda South Sudan The Sudan Tanzania Uganda Eritrea Basin Area 3,17M6 ajX o1r0 L3 aKkmes2 within the Basin Lake Victoria, Lake Tana, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert Location -4 0SP otop 3u1la0tNio ann (dT o2t4a0lE in t oa ll4 0th0eE Nile Countries)* 437 Million Main Tributaries Vict%or iPao Npiulela/Atilobne rwt iNthilien, tBhahe Nr Eille J Babaseiln, *White Nile, Baro Pi5b4o%r- S(2o3b8a tM, illion) BlueT eNmilep,e Aratbtuarera, Bahr El Ghazal Night Minimum -100 c and daily Maximum in June 470 c River Length 6,69P5r eKcmip (iontateio onf the world’s longest River) Max Annual 2,098 mm/yr in Ethiopia Estimated Navigable Length 4,149 Km Min Annual 0 mm/yr in Egypt 3 Facts about the9 3 Nile Basin Countries Mean Annual ow (Discharge) (m /yr) at Aswan 84 X 10 m /yr 3 3 2 Discharge/Unit area 28 X 10 m /Km 3 2 Facts about the Nile BasiBnurundi DR Congo Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Basin Area 3,176 X 10 Km Main Consumptive Water use Location Agriculture -4 0S to 310 N and 24 0 E to 40 0 E Compiled by Milly Mbuliro, GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist (Nile – SEC, Entebbe) Basin Area 3,176 X 103 Km2 *Source: UN Population Division World Population Prospects 2012 Rwanda South Sudan The Sudan Tanzania Uganda EriMtrea in Tributaries Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, Location -4 0S to 310 N and 24 0 E to 40 0 E Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal Major Lakes within the Basin LakWhe Victaortia’s, L aoken T?an a,J Lanake Kuyoagray, L a-k eM Alaberrct h 2013 Main Tributaries Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr ERl Jivaebre Ll,e Wnghitthe Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, 6,695 Km (one of the world’s longest River) Population (Total in all the Nile Countries)* 437 Million Date Blue Nile, AtbAacrtai,v Bitayhr El GhazaElstimated Navigable Length Venue 4,149 Km Facts% ab Popoulautiotn t wheithin N thiel Neil eB Bassiin*n 54% (238 MillionF)acts about the Nile Basin River Length Jan 6,695 Km (onNeC oof Rthee P wroojerlcdt’ sE loenCcgotieuvsnettn Rrieievssser) All Centers 0 0 TemperatureEstimated Navigable Length Nig3ht M2inim4,u1m49 -K1m0 c and daily Maximum in June 47 c 3 2 Basin Area 3,176 X 10 J Kamn Basin ANreEaLTAC/NELCOM Meeting 3,176 X 10 KKmigali Burundi DR Congo Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Precipitation Fac0ts Maba0x oAnunuta lt 20he,098 Nmm0il/eyr iBn Eathsiionpia 0 0 0 0 Location Countries -4 S to 31 N and t2h 4 E toL oc40atEion -4 S to 31 N and 24 E to 40 E Facts about the NilMei nB1 A1an –nsi 1u2an lF 0e mb m/yNBIr in ERg eMEMBERygpiotnal Meeting STATESfor National NBI Desk Ocers Entebbe Main Tributaries Victoria Nile/AndlbeTrBtu HrNunidlEieM, BNaDahRin CIor LTn EgroilEb Jua EBbtgyaeprAtli,e WsShiIENttehio N piCaileO, BKeaUnryaoN PibToRr-SIoEbSat, Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, Mean Annual ow (Discharge) (m 3/yr) at AswBasnin Are8a4 X2 120 9 F meb3/yr Nile Day celebrations3 ,(1R7e6g Xio 1n0a3l Kanmd2 National) Bahr Dar, EthiRowapndia (foSro urtegh SudioannTahel ScuedalnebrTantzaionians) Uganda Eritrea Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal 3 2 Discharge/Unit area Basin Area Location28 XA 1p0ri3l m3/Km 2 3,13786t hX N 1i0le- KTAmC MeetMinaj-g4o0rS L taok 3e1s0 wNi tahnidn 2th4e0 EB atosi 4n0 0 E Entebbe Lake Victoria, Lake Tana, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert River Length 6,6290 5 Km (one of the woRrilvde’sr lLoennggetsht River3)0 6,6954 0Km (one of the world’s longest River) 0 Fac0 ts abo0 ut the0 Nile Basin Main Consumptive WLaoctera utisoen Main TribAugtarCircomiueslptuileredR bwayn Tdoa m WSaoautk-h4o S,u PdSarno tjToehc e3 tSsu1 dOaNn caeTnra,n dNza i2nleia4-SEEC U t-VgoEain cd4tate0obbriEeaE rNitrielae/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, Estimated Navigable Length 4,149 Km Estimated Navigable LengPtohpulation (Total in all the N4i,l1e4 C9o Kumntries)* 437 Million Compiled by Milly Mbuliro, GIS/RemoLtee Sbenasninog Snpecialist (Nile – SEC, Entebbe) Major LakeMs awinit hTrinib tuhtea rBieassin Lake VictoVriiac,t Loarikae N Tialen/aA, lLbaekret NKyiloeBg, lBau,ahe L Nar kiElel ,JA AalbtbeaSlr,yrt Wari,a hiBna tAehr raN bEi lRe Ge, hBpuabzrolaicl Pibor-SoIbraant , (I3slamic2 Republic of) Countries Countries Basin Area*Source: %UN PPopoulpatuionl aDivtiisoion W worlidt Phoipnula ttihone P rNospileect sB 20a12sin* 3,176 X 10 Km54% (238 Million) Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal Population (Total in all the Nile CoRuivnetr iLees)n*gtQh uiz 437 Million Location Te6m,6p9e5r aKtmure (one of the world’s longes-t4 R0ivSe tro) 310 N anNdi g24ht0 EM tino i4m0u0mE -100 c and daily Maximum in June 470 c What’s on? JRaniver uLeangrtyh - MarcBhuru nd2i 013DR Congo Egypt Ethiopia6,69K5e nKyam (one of the world’s longest River) Burundi DR Congo EgyIprtaq Ethiopia Kenya % Population within the Nile BasiEns*timated NWavhigaatbl ie5s 4 Lt%ehn e(g2 t3mh8 aMjoillrio dnM)eatienr TmribinutaanrietP sore4fc, 1pip4op9it aKtumiWolnaesttio Bann kdistribution in Vtihcteo rNiai Nleil eB/AalsbMieanrxt? ANnilen,u Baahl 2r,0 E9l 8J ambmel,/ yWr hiint Eet Nhiloep, iBaa ro Pibor-Sobat, Facts about the Nile Basin Jordan Date TemperatAuEcresttiivmitayted Navigable LeCnogutnhtries Night Mini4m,1u4m9V eK-1nm0u0ec and daily MaximumIs riane lJune 470 c Min Annual 0 mm/yr in Egypt Send your answer to: [email protected] Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal 0 0 3 Countries Rwanda South Sudan The Sudan Tanzania 3 Ugan2da Eritrea Rwanda 3South Sudan The Sudan Tanzania Ug9anda3 3 Eritrea Jan PrBecaispinit aAtNrieoCanoRe Project Eectiveness Ma3x,1 A76n nXu 1a0l 2 K,0Am9llR8 iCv menrm Lte/eyrnsr ginth EthMioeBpuariunan dAi nnDuaR Coln goowE gy(DptischaErtghieop)i a(m Ke/nyyra)6 a,6t 9A5s Kwman (one o8f4 t Xh e1 0wo mrld/’sy rlongest River) Answer to the previous quiz question Kuwait e 3 3 2 0 0 0 l 0 Major Lakes within the Basin Lake Victoria, LakeM Tiann AaM,n LnajaukoaBerul rLK0unay dmoki egmsa /wD, yRL riCat oihnkgieo nE A gthlEybgyepei p tBtrtasinEthiopia Kenya Lake Victoria, Lake Tana, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert N Discharge/Unit area 28 X 10 m /Km Location The sing-l4e Sm to s3t1 iNm apnEsdot ri2mt4atEne tdo i N4n a0tvriEaga bblaes Lienn aggthricultural trade com4m,14o9d Kimty by volume among the Nile n Jan NELTAC/NELCOM Meeting Kigali i a 3 9 3 M Population (Total iMn eMaallan ti nhA eTn rNnibuailuet lC aoroiuewsn t(Drieissc)*harge) (m 4/y3r7) aMt iAllisowBnaansin r8i4pV Xaic r1tPoi0aoripna mu Nslai/tlyteairo/tAneCl bs(oT euiorsnt atNmril ielnaes ,ai Bzllahe th.reM E Nail iJlnae b CCeooln,u Wsnuthimritepest )Ni*viele W, Baatreor uPis4be3o7r -MSoilbliaotn, Agriculture 11 – 12th Feb Regional Meeting for National NBI Desk Ocers Entebbe Rwanda South Sudan The Sudan Tanzania Uganda Eritrea Discharge/Unit area 28B Xlu 1e0 N3 imle3, /AKtmba2ra, Bahr El Ghazal Compiled by Milly Mbuliro, GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist (Nile – SEC, Entebbe) % Population within the Nile Basin* Libya 54% (238 Million) % PoRpwaundlationSo uwthi Stuhdain Tthhe Seu dNanileT aBnazasnian* Uganda Eritrea 54% (238 Million) *Source: UN Population Division World Population Prospects 2012 22nd Feb Nile Day celebrations (ReMgajioonra Ll aakneds Nwaitthioin athl)e Basin Bahr DEgayrp, Et thiopia (Lfaokr er egViciotonraial c, eLalekber Taatinoan, sL)ake KyogaB,u Lruandki e ADlbR Ceorngto Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Temperature MaiRinv eCro Lnesnugmthptive Water use Night MinMimeummb -1eA0rg 06scr,t i6ac9nuTt5eldt mK usdmreapie l(yonr aMteua reoxifm thuem w ionr Jldu’ns elo 4n7g0ecst River) Night Minimum -100 c and daily Maximum in June 470 c Mtajh or Lakes within the PBoapsiunlation (Total in all the NileL aCkoeu Vnitcrtieosr)ia*, Lake Tana4,3 L7a Mkei lKliyoonga, Lake Albert April 38 Nile-TAC Meeting Entebbe CWhompiled bya Miltly’ Msbu lioro, GnIS/R?em oteJ Seannsing Supecialisrt (Nyile –- SE CM, Enteabber) ch 2013 Precipitation Estimated Navigable Length Max Annual 2,098 m4m,1/4yP9rr eiKncm iEptihtaiotipoina *Source: UN Population Division WorldM Poapuxla tAion Pnrouspaeclt s2 2,01298 mm/yr in Ethiopia Population (Total in all %th eP oNpiluel aCtoiounn twriieths)i*n the Nile B4a3s7in M* illion 54% (238 Million) RwSanudda i ArSaobutiha Sudan The Sudan Tanzania Uganda Eritrea Compiled by TomC Woauanktori, Persojects Ocer, Nile-SEC -EntebbMein Annual 0 mm/yr in Egypt Date ActivityMin Annual 0 mm/yr in Egypt Venue % Population within the Nile Basin* 54% (238 Million) 0 0 WhaAtlg’esri aon?3 JanuaryTe -m Mperat9urreBcur3hund i2013DR Congo EgyMpajt or LakeEst hwioiptiahiNni gthhetK MBe3nainysaiinmum R-w1a0ndca and dSoaiulyth MSu9adaxnLi3makueThem V iiScnutd oJaunrinae, L 4a7Tkanecz aTnaiana, LakUega Kndyaoga, Lake Albert Mean Annual ow (Discharge) (m /yr) at Aswan 84 X 10 m /yr Mean Annual ow (DischaJragne) (m /yr) at AswNanCoRe 8P4ro Xje 1c0t E mec/tyirveness All Centers Temperature Precipitation Burundi DNR iCgonhgot MEingypitmumE -thi1o0pi0ac aMnKdaenx yda Aainlyn uMaal x2im,09u8m m inm J/uynr ein 4 E7t0hciopia DischaQrgue/Uiznit areDaate Activity 28 X 10 3 m3/Km 2 Discharge/PUonpiut laarteioaVne (nTouteal in all thHea lNa'ible t Crioanugnletries)*28 X 10 3 m43/3K7m M2illion Send us your comments and viewJasn NELTAC/NELCOM Meeting Kigali Precipitation Max Annual 2,098 mmM/Myari' ntian nA E natlnh-Suiaoarprl ai0a mm/yr
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