Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Project END OF PHASE I TECHNOLOGY GENERATION REPORT MARCH 2016 EAAPP Technology generation end of Phase I final report © Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization 2016 The contents of this publication may be used with acknowledgement to the publisher Published by: Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization KALRO headquarters PO. Box 57811-00200,Nairobi, KENYA Tel: +254 0709 104 000, 0722 206 986, 0722 206 988 Email: [email protected], Website: www.kalro.org Compiled and edited by: Foustine Wandera Jedidah Maina Tobias Onyango David Mbugua Tobias K’Oloo Rahab Muinga Design and Layout: Nogrecia Mnene Citation: Wandera et al., (eds) 2016. East African Agricultural Productivity Project [EAAPP]: Technology Generation Report 2016. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization [KALRO], Nairobi, Kenya ISBN: 978-9966-30-023-2N: Abbreviations and acronyms ADF Acid Detergent Fibre AEZ AgroEcological Zone AI Artificial Insemination AMOVA Analysis of Molecular Variance ANOVA Analysis of variance AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemists ART Assisted Reproductive Technologies ASARECA Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa ATC Agricultural Training Centre AYT Annual Yield Trial CAN Calcium Ammonium Nitrate CBO Community Based Organization CBSD Cassava Brown Streak Disease CCPP Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia CD Compact Disc CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture CMD Cassava Mossaic Disease CMT California Mastitis Test COMESA Common Market for East and Southern Africa CP Crude Protein CRBD Complete Randomized Block Design DAP Diammonium Phosphate DAO District Agricultural Officer DH Double Hundle DLPO District Livestock Production Officer DM Dry Matter DMD Dry Matter Digestibility DMI Dry Matter Intake DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid EAAPP Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme ECA East and Central Africa ECF East Coast Fever EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research ELISA Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay ES Estrus Synchronization FAO Food and Agricultural Organization FFS Farmer Field School FMD Food and Mouth Disease FCRI Food Crops Research Institute GLM General Linear Model GPS Global Positioning System HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ICIPE International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IRRI International Rice Research Institute ITK Indigenous Technical Knowledge iii KAGRC Kenya Animal Genetic Resource Centre KALRO Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization KEBS Kenya Bureau of Standards KES Kenya Shillings KEVEVAPI Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute KLBO Kenya Livestock Breeders Organization KICC Kenyatta International Convention Centre KIRDI Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute KVA Kenya Veterinary Association LAT Latex Agglutination Test LSD Least Significant Difference MAFSC Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives MLDF Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries MOET Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services NACRRI National Crops Resources Research Institute NAGRC National Animal Genetics Resource Centre NALIRRI National Livestock Resources Research Institute NARS National Agricultural Research Systems NCPB National Cereals and Produce Board NDF Neutral Detergent Fibre NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NERICA New Rice for Africa NGO Non Governmental Organization NLMC National Livestock Multiplication Centre NPT National Performance Trial NRC National Research Council NSD Napier Stunt Disease NSS National Sahiwal Stud PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction PI Principal Investigator PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal RCoE Regional Centre of Excellence RDCoE Regional Dairy Centre of Excellence RNA Ribonucleic Acid RWA Russian Wheat Aphid SAS Statistical Analysis Software SEAZ Small East Africa Zebu SHGs Self Help Groups SNF Solid Non Fat SOPs Standard Operating Procedures SSR Simple Sequence Repeat SPSS Statistical Package for Social Scientists SRS Sire Reference Schemes TALIRI Tanzania Livestock Research Institute TIMP Technology, Innovation and Management Practice TMR Total Mixed Ration TOT Trainer of Trainers TSP Triple Super Phosphate ZARDI Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute iv Foreword The overall goal of EAAPP is to contribute to increased agricultural productivity and improved livelihoods. The program objective is to strengthen and scale up regional cooperation in generation and dissemination of technologies, training and improved availability of seed and livestock germplasm for regional priority commodities. To promote this objective, specialized Regional Centres of Excellence (RCoE) spearhead research, technology generation and dissemination in Dairy, Wheat, Cassava and Rice. Technology investments in one country are expected to create substantial spillover benefits in participating EAAPP countries with shared agro-ecological zones and markets. Efforts have therefore been made for optimized use of resources through elimination of duplication of research within the EAAPP countries and emphasis placed on regional information and technology sharing among the EAAPP countries and eventually within ASARECA countries. This report provides information generated from research activities on specific thematic areas identified by regional teams addressing common constraints in within the Eastern Africa region. The report also covers results of work done to address national priority areas specific to Kenya. Generally the broad areas covered are: Dairy-Genetic improvement, Feeds and feeding, Value addition, Animal health (vaccines and diagnostics), and Marketing; Wheat/Rice/Cassava- Varietal development for disease tolerance/resistance, crop management, mechanization, value addition. The report provides progress made on technology generation and dissemination. The information generated under this project has enhanced the body of knowledge, which is crucial for the advancement of the agricultural sector in the country. For example the Assisted Reproductive Technologies used in this project has shown the potential of quickly increasing the numbers of replacement heifers intended to solve the perennial shortage of these animals in the region. Secondly, establishment of viable seed system for upland rice (NERICA) has expanded land under rice, while the wheat stem rust resistant varieties have improved wheat productivity from 3.2 to 4.5 t/ha. I wish to sincerely thank all the project Principal Investigators and implementation teams for efforts made and making timely report submissions. Eliud K. Kireger (PhD) Director General, KALRO v Preface This report provides information generated from research activities from the various EAAPP research thematic areas in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania and involving dairy, wheat, cassava and rice commodity value chains. Dairy- based projects have reports under thematic areas of breeds’ improvement; fodder and pasture research; feeds and feeding research; crop residue and agro-industrial by-products; food and feed safety; dairy health management; Value addition and socio-economics. Similarly, national and regional reports were received on crop research in rice, wheat and cassava. Thirteen regional projects involving Dairy (5) Wheat (3), Cassava (3) and Rice (2) were implemented. Similarly, the project delivered on 48 National projects in Dairy (19), “Wheat” (22), Cassava (3) and Rice (4). Research projects under the priority thematic areas were implemented using multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary teams approach. This report is a compilation of results from both regional and national projects. The project realized at least 92 Technologies Innovations and Management Practices (TIMPs) out of which 44 were from dairy, wheat (16), Cassava (22) and Rice (10) research. The TIMPs have demonstrated to increase agricultural productivity, improve availability and quality of feed, add value to primary agricultural produce, enhance early disease detection, multiply disease tolerant germplasm as well as reduce labour and farming costs. Focus for further work should be on the recommendations made from individual projects to consolidate on gains made under the EAAPP Phase I. These new TIMPs shall now be used to update the baseline inventory of technologies in the four commodities, which was done at the beginning of the project. Among the key achievements under regional research projects were in capacity building and backstopping of project implementation teams, sharing of research protocols, exchange of crop and livestock germplasm, holding joint technology dissemination workshops and joint publication of research findings. At least 25 journal papers, two books, three book chapters, 118 conference papers and diverse dissemination materials were realized from research activities across the four commodities in Kenya. Partnerships developed in the course of project implementation involved Regional, National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS), Government ministries involved in agriculture, research for development as well as the private sector. Finally I wish to recognize the efforts made by all the commodity coordinators, Dr. Tobias Onyango for dairy, Dr. Theresia Munga for cassava, Ms. Ruth Wanyera for wheat and Mrs. Winnie Kore for rice, in coordinating the development of projects and their execution. All the Principal Investigators and their teams for
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