Università IUAV di Venezia DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Best Practices Catalogue (Vol.2) IUAV_TERRE working group, coordinated by E. Gissi and F. Musco Team: Elena Gissi, Vito Garramone, Giulia Lucertini, Francesco Musco, Matelda Reho 2013/2014 1 The TER.R.E. project “TERritory, eneRgy & Employment” is financed by the European Union through the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Authorities of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein. University Iuav of Venice Ca’ Tron, S. Croce 1957 Venice, Italy Tel: +39 041 2571726 Fax: +39 041 2572424 www.iuav.it/climatechange The authors are: G. Lucertini, E. Gissi, V. Garramone, F. Musco, M. Reho To cite this publication: G. Lucertini, E. Gissi, V. Garramone, F. Musco, M. Reho (2014), Decision Support Systems for sustainable development through renewable energy sources. Best Practices Catalogue (Vol.2) , CORILA editore, Venezia CORILA editore (© 2014 CORILA) ISBN 978-88-89405-30-7 © CORILA Consorzio per la Gestione del Centro di Coordinamento delle attività di Ricerca inerenti il Sistema lagunare di Venezia. 30124 Venezia – Palazzo Franchetti, San Marco2847 Tel. +39 041 2402511, Fax. +39 041 2402512 [email protected] www.corila.it 2 Decision Support System for sustainable development through renewable energy sources. TERRE guidelines. (Vol.2_Best Practices catalogue) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 5 2 Analysis of BP 6 3 BP Catalogue - Plans 13 3.1 Biomax Biogas Plant 13 3.2 Photovoltaic System in Polesine 18 3.3 One hectare of sky 21 3.4 Prato allo Stelvio . A practice of energy self-sufficient and participatory 24 3.5 Solar Park 28 3.6 Güssing Model an example for a sustainable energy supply 33 3.7 EcoEnergy Strem - an example for a sustainable development of a village 40 3.8 Wind energy in Burgenland 48 3.9 Sustainable Energy Self Sufficiency in the community of Preddevor 54 3.10 Applying of measures for energy efficiency in Dimitrovgrad 62 3.11 Stadtwerke Schwäbisch Hall GmbH 67 4 BP Catalogue – Projects/Plants 75 4.1 Sustainable School of Montegridolfo: “The school which makes school” 75 4.2 Valle di Primiero 79 4.3 Implementation of the village of Újszilvás promoting home composting pilot project 82 4.4 Geothermal heat system 86 4.5 Migration of heating-cooling system of Szolnok College Tiszaligeti Campus to bivalent ground source heatpump system 90 4.6 Installation of solar energy based, grid connected photovoltaic power generation systems to “A” and “B” Buildings of Szolnok College Tiszaligeti 93 4.7 Pedibus – bus on feet in Eisenstadt 96 4.8 Solar system 99 4.9 Using biomass, as a renewable energy source, in the district heating of Odorheiu Secuiesc 103 3 4.10 Maritza East Complex and photovoltaic plants located on Dimitrovgrad’s territory. 108 4.11 Solar plant - Kanfanar 113 4.12 Ciburiprodukt, heating of the entire plant on wood chips collected on local farm (the remains of pruning, etc.) 117 4.13 Photovoltaic (PV) panels SEA-R project 121 4.14 Plant for biogas production from diary manure 126 4 1 Introduction In the project TERRE the identification of the Best Practice (BP) plays a very important role. The selection of BPs aims at learning from others' experience of demonstrated success. BP catalogue is part of the broader process of benchmarking: comparison method designed to identify, understand and adapt particularly significant practices (recognized as a best practice or practice with a high performance) implemented by others, in order to improve each pilot area’s performance or business. The project TERRE allows the creation of a BP catalogue, which is a collection of BPs selected by each Partners (PP). This catalogue is regarded as an essential part of the Decision Support System (DSS), and with the whole DSS, it contributes to “underline potentialities and opportunities, as well as critical issues, conflicts, bottlenecks, risks and threats, which might arise from the implementation of local development strategies based on RES”, as specified in the TERRE Application Form [pp. 61]. Having a BP catalogue means to evaluate and share experiences with those who have faced, worked on and solved similar problems in the past. The assumption of this research process is the widespread collection and the continuous exchange of information, between partners, on the knowledge of: “what others did”, the method they used, the difficulties encountered and solutions enabled. By studying and comparing different realities that have characteristics of excellence, the University IUAV of Venice intends to acquire and capitalize suggestions and examples to be transferred to TERRE partners and their main stakeholders. Considering the different contexts in which the PP are, and the limits imposed by the different language used by PP, IUAV has proposed a concise but inclusive BP format. It was developed in order to clarify key issues and main lessons learnt, and also to simplify the BPs’ reading and understanding. The format has been based on several questions and to underline the key elements of each BP’s success. It considers the ingredients and main aspects developed, as well as conflicts or barriers encountered. Specifically, it focuses on several aspects as: governance and government; relevance in local development aspects, integration and synergies of different environmental-social-economic aspects; effective participation process and synergies with economic actors, or stakeholders. 5 2 Analysis of BP TERRE Partners have selected 25 BPs (see tab. 2.1). Partner Number of BP Province of Rimini 2 Province of Rovigo 2 IUAV 2 LG Ujszilvas 3 SZMJVO 2 TOB 2 EEE 2 ODSEC 2 CTRP Kranj 1 Dimotrovgrad 2 IRENA 3 LIR 2 Tab. 2. 1 BPs per Partner The BPs do not have all the same target/scale. The collected BPs have been divided into two main groups. The first group, called “BP plans/strategies” (par. 3), is more complete, it presents and analyses plans, strategies and a set of correlated actions and aspects connected to sustainable development of strategies of territorial development related to RES. A lot of synergies between different aspects can be found in the BPs of this group. The second groups, called “BP projects/plants” (par. 4), is more focused on single projects/plans. In this group the strategies and synergies between different aspects are less evident. The integration of the two groups of BPs can lead to the elaboration of plans/strategies (group 1, par 3) combining projects/plants considered in group 2 (par. 4.). Moreover, in order to make the consultation of this “BP catalogue” easy and results-oriented, the two groups of BPs have been organized using topics and keywords. In tab. 2.2 and 2.3 the topics and the keywords used to categorize BPs’ plans/strategies are spotlight. In tab. 2.4 and 2.5 are spotlight the topics and the keywords used to categorize BPs’ projects/plants. 6 Governance Local Energy Environmental Economic Social Integrations/ Conflicts/ Best Practice PP /government development issues aspects aspects aspects synergies vulnerability 3.1 Biomax Provinceof X X X X X Biogas plant Rimini 3.2 Photovoltaic Province of X X X X X X System Rovigo 3.3 One hectare X X X X X X X IUAV of sky 3.4 Prato allo X X X X X X X IUAV Stelvio 3.5 Solar Park X X X X X LG Ujszilvás 3.6 Gussin X X X X X X X EEE Model 3.7 EcoEnergy X X X X X X EEE Strem 3.8 Wind energy X X X X X X X TOB Burgenland 3.9 Sustainable Energy self X X X X X X X X CTRP Kranj sufficiency 3.10 Energy X X X Dimitrovgrad efficiency 3.11 Stadtwerke Schwäbisch X X X X X X X X IRENA Hall GmbH Tab. 2. 2 BP – plans/strategies – topics 7 Best practice iciency EnergySupply EnergySaving Energy Eff EnergyPotential Sustainability Territorial Development Environmental Benefit Biodiversity Conservation/ Management Environmental Policy/ legislation Landscape protection/ management Investment Plans Jobcreations Governance Decision SupportSystem Participation Capacity building Raising awareness Knowledge transfer Natural resource management Integrated tourism heritage Natural Renewal Energy Sources Fossil Energy RenevalEnergy Demand 3.1 Biomax X X X X X X Biogas plant 3.2 Photov. X X X X System 3.3 One hectare of X X X X X sky 3.4 Prato X X X X X allo Stelvio 3.5 Solar X X X X X Park 3.6 Gussin X X X X X Model 3.7 EcoEnergy X X X X X X X Strem 3.8 Wind energy X X X X Burgenland 3.9 Sustainable X X X X X X X X X X Energy self sufficiency 3.10 Energy X X X X X X X X X efficiency 8 3.11 Stadtwerke X X X X X Schwäbisch Hall GmbH tab. 2. 3 BP – plans/strategies – Keywords 9 tab. 2. 4 BP –projects/plants - topics Governance/g Local Energy Environmental Economic Social Integrations/s Conflicts/ Best Practice PP overnment development issues aspects aspects aspects ynergies vulnerability 4.1 Sustain. Province of X X X X school Rimini 4.2 Valle di Province of X X X Primiero Rovigo 4.3 Composting X X X LG Ujszilvás pilot project 4.4 Geoth. X X X LG Ujszilvás heat system 4.5 Heating- X X SZMJVO cooling system 4.6 Solar X X SZMJVO energy based 4.7 Pedibus X TOB 4.8 Solar X X X ODSEC system 4.9 Using ODSEC biomass 4.10 Maritza X X X X X Dimitrovgrad East Complex 4.11 Solar X X X IRENA plant Kanfanar 4.12 X X X IRENA Ciburiprodukt 4.13 SEA-R X X X LIR project 4.14 Plant for X X X X X LIR biogas 10 tab.
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