What makesacity?Planningfor‘qualityofplace’ SUSTAINABLE URBAN AREAS 12 Delft Centre for Sustainable Urban Areas carries out research in the field of the built environment and is one of the multidisciplinary research centres at TU Delft. What makes a city? The Delft Research Centres bundle TU Delft’s excellent research and provide integrated solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s problems in society. OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies and the Faculties Planning for of Architecture, Technology, Policy and Management and Civil Engineering and Geosciences participate in this Delft Research Centre. ‘quality of place’ The case of Urban quality is generally considered increasingly important for urban high-speed train station competitiveness. Nevertheless, large urban redevelopment schemes often fail to provide sufficient quality from a user’s perspective. This study therefore area redevelopment investigates the role of urban quality in large-scale urban redevelopment, which is here elaborated in terms of Richard Florida’s concept of quality of place. In a number of extensive case studies, it focuses on prestigious redevelopment projects around the high-speed rail stations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Lille. It provides an analysis of the role of urban quality in the development of these projects, as well as some insights in the applicability of quality of place in a wider Dutch context. In addition, the study advocates a more open and flexible planning process, based on a distinctly long-term perspective on urban quality. ISBN 978-1-58603-716-1 Jan JacobTrip DELFT UNIVERSITY PRESS IS AN IMPRINT OF IOS PRESS Jan Jacob Trip Delft Centre for Sustainable Urban Areas What makes a city? Planning for ‘quality of place’ The case of high-speed train station area redevelopment The series Sustainable Urban Areas is published by IOS Press under the imprint Delft University Press IOS Press BV Nieuwe Hemweg 6b 1013 BG Amsterdam The Netherlands Fax +31-20-6870019 E-mail: [email protected] Sustainable Urban Areas is edited by Delft Centre for Sustainable Urban Areas C/o OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies Delft University of Technology Jaffalaan 9 2628 BX Delft The Netherlands Phone +31 15 2783005 Fax +31 15 2784422 E-mail [email protected] http://www.otb.tudelft.nl What makes a city? Planning for ‘quality of place’ The case of high-speed train station area redevelopment Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. ir. J.T. Fokkema, voorzitter van het College voor Promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 20 maart 2007 om 12:30 uur door Jan Jacob TRIP doctorandus in de sociale geografie geboren te Groningen. Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren: Prof. dr. ir. H. Priemus Prof. dr. R.C. Kloosterman Samenstelling promotiecommissie: Rector Magnificus, voorzitter Prof. dr. ir. H. Priemus, Technische Universiteit Delft, promotor Prof. dr. R.C. Kloosterman, Universiteit van Amsterdam, promotor Prof. dr. J.P.L. Burgers, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Prof. dr. M.J. Dijst, Universiteit Utrecht Prof. dr. P. Rietveld, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Prof. dr. ir. V.J. Meyer, Technische Universiteit Delft Dr. ir. L. Bertolini, Universiteit van Amsterdam Prof. dr. A.K.F. Faludi, Technische Universiteit Delft, reservelid Dr. E. Louw heeft als begeleider in belangrijke mate aan de totstandkoming van het proefschrift bijgedragen. The author wishes to acknowledge the financial assistance of Habiforum, through the programme Multiple and Intensive Land Use, and of NWO- Connekt, through the programme Traffic and Transport. Unless otherwise specified, all photographs in this thesis were taken by the author. For the use of illustrations effort has been made to ask permis- sion from the legal owners as far as possible. We apologize for those cases in which we did not succeed. These legal owners are kindly requested to contact the publisher. Design: Cyril Strijdonk Ontwerpburo, Gaanderen Printed in the Netherlands by: Haveka, Alblasserdam ISSN 1574-6410; 12 ISBN 978-1-58603-716-1 NUGI 755 Subject headings: urban quality, quality of place, railway stations, high-speed train Legal notice: the publisher is not responsible for the use which might be made of the following information. © Copyright 2007 Jan Jacob Trip. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the author. To my brother Hans Contents Preface 1 Introduction . 1 1.1 What makes a city? . .1 1.2 The high-speed train . 3 1.3 The dilemma of international business location . 7 1.4 Objective of the research. 9 1.5 Approach and methodology . 11 1.6 Structure of the thesis . 18 The setting 2 The competitiveness of places . 23 2.1 Introduction . 23 2.2 Central places and cities-in-a-network . 23 2.3 Local clusters in the service economy. 27 2.4 The creative class. 29 2.5 Quality of place according to Florida . 30 2.6 Conclusion . 35 3 Connecting places: global and local geographies . 37 3.1 Introduction . 37 3.2 Global and local geographies . 37 3.3 The railway station as a node and a place . 39 3.4 The high-speed train station as a place . 43 3.5 Conclusion . 47 4 Arenas of decision-making . 49 4.1 Introduction . 49 4.2 Actors, actions, institutions . 50 4.3 Arenas of decision-making in station area development . 52 4.4 A farewell to comprehensive public planning . 55 4.5 Public and private actors’ institutions: short-term objectives versus long-term perspectives . 61 4.6 Conclusion . 64 5 Keys to the analysis of quality of place . 67 5.1 Introduction . 67 5.2 Diversity . 68 5.3 Diversity in the station area . 70 5.4 Integration . 73 5.5 Public space . 76 5.6 Conclusion . 81 The cases 6 Euralille . 87 6.1 Introduction . 87 6.2 The context of development. 87 6.3 Euralille . 91 6.4 The development process . 96 6.5 Conclusion . 98 7 Amsterdam and Rotterdam: the context of development . 101 7.1 Introduction . 101 7.2 Network position . 103 7.3 Economic structure . 107 7.4 Quality of place . 111 7.5 Conclusion . 117 8 The Amsterdam Zuidas and Rotterdam Centraal projects . 119 8.1 Introduction . 119 8.2 Zuidas . 120 8.3 Rotterdam Centraal . 128 8.4 Conclusion . 138 9 Quality of place in the projects . 141 9.1 Introduction . 141 9.2 Actors’ perceptions of quality of place . 143 9.3 Distribution of actors’ responsibilities . 146 9.4 Architecture and applied building materials . 147 9.5 Urban design. 151 9.6 Integration into the city . 157 9.7 Real estate programme . 161 9.8 Location of functions. 166 9.9 Quality of functions . 168 9.10 Functional integration . 174 9.11 Public space . 176 9.12 Third spaces . 181 9.13 The high-speed train . 182 9.14 Conclusion . 183 *** 10 Conclusions . 187 10.1 The subtleties of quality of place . 187 10.2 Applicability and usefulness of the concept of quality of place. 188 10.3 Quality of place in the case study projects . 191 10.4 Public-private cooperation and the long-term perspective . 195 10.5 Planning for quality of place. 199 Summary . 205 Samenvatting . 219 References. 235 Appendix A Interviewees and discussion partners . 249 Appendix B Questionnaire . 251 Curriculum vitae . 255 Preface This thesis is the result of several years of research, but it is also, for the present, the destination of a fascinating and often surprising journey. When the issue of a PhD thesis was first raised, three months after my arrival at OTB, I had only recently become deeply involved in a study on the feasibili- ty.
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