27 Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 31 (2017) 27-32 © Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, 2017 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinarni SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF znanstveni časopis MARITIME RESEARCH POMORSTVO 2 1 1 Assessing1 impact of cruising tourism in Slovenia Maja2 Uran Maravić , Daniela Gračan , Željko Zirdum Faculty of Tourism Studies University of Primorska, Slovenia, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT ARTICLE INFO This paper aims at presenting cruise tourism in Slovenia. Slovenia has a small coastal strip (46 km), Review article which is the reason why there are only a limited number of ports. The only passenger terminal for Received 8 April 2017 large cruise ships is located in the Port of Koper. Cruise tourism started in Slovenia in 2015. Since the KeyAccepted words: 26 April 2017 beginning, the number of cruise ships has grown substantially. The aim of the study is to investigate the impacts of cruise tourism in the city of Koper, as perceived by local tourism stakeholders. The results have shown that there is still a strong support to develop this sector of tourism. Cruise tourism Port of call Economic impact Tourism stakeholder Slovenia 1 Introduction at the Port of Koper, marking a consistent rise of arrivals since then [12]. Cruise tourism is the fastest growing sector of nauti- The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate some per- cal tourism, as many authors claim in tourism [4] [5] [10] ceived impact of cruise tourism in Koper and consequently [14] [19] [6]. This fact makes the cruise tourism a very at- in Slovenia. The main contribution is to show how local tractive tourism product for worldwide destinations and hospitality establishment owners as tourism stakeholders many seek to get a piece of the market. The growth of a perceive the impact of this sector of tourism on the local cruise industry is associated with a number of regulatory community. and policy developments as the tourism (and other) au- 2 Cruise tourism thorities become aware of its benefits but also its negative impacts [14]. In terms of tourism development and plan- ning, tourism authorities always seek to maximize positive Nautical tourism is a very broad notion. Nautical tour- impacts of different sectors of tourism and minimize nega- ism includes all types of voyages by sea, and boating on tive impacts. They are willing to invest into the develop- rivers and lakes [12]. Cruise ships were the first large ves- ment of certain sectors of tourism if the positive impacts are high and they have a strong support of local tourism sels built on purpose for vacation and relaxation rather stakeholders. than commerce and freight. Over the years, this type of The nautical tourism in Slovenia began in the late voyage has become an integrated experience offering vis- 1960s. In Slovenia, there are three specialised ports for its to various places for fun and recreation in a relatively yachts – the three marinas. There are additional public –short period. Some definitions for cruises are listed below [12]: quays in all three municipalities of the Slovenian Istria – and at the yacht centre in Izola. Cruise ships docking takes A cruise is a vacation on board a craft. place in the Port of Koper. Cruise tourism has existed in Cruises take place on board all kinds of crafts, particu- Slovenia since 2005, when the first cruise ship docked larly yachts, sailing boats or motorboats. These days, M. Uran Maravić et al. 28 / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 31 (2017) 27-32 cruises are defined primarily as sailing to tourism-re- tributes can offer world and extended-length cruise op- – lated destinations on board large, luxurious ships that tions and the daily world cruise price is more expensive as can accommodate over 3,000 passengers. compared to those on an extended-length cruise [13]. Cruises are voyages by sea on board a vessel for the Diedrich has analysed, from different angles, the de- – purpose of entertainment, usually at several ports of velopment of cruise tourism on the Caribbean island call. of Belize. She has concluded that all types of tourism in Cruises are a luxurious form of a voyage, which include Belize have the potential to generate negative impacts and all-inclusive vacations on board a cruise ship for at are vital. She has suggested to the Belizean government to create a synergy between the cruise tourism and national – least 48 hours with a specific itinerary where the pas- senger ship visits (different) ports or places. tourism policies. Namely, the Belizean government failed Cruises are longer seagoing voyages on a fixed route, to enforce self-imposed restrictions on the cruise tourism purposefully and frequently revised. growth [4]. Cruises are sailing by sea or inland waterways on a Weeden et al. have discussed the maturity of certain predetermined route. The purpose of cruising is entertain- markets of cruise tourism and its characteristic. They ment, sports, education, or visiting specific destinations. have found the evidence of this maturity in the sector’s Cruise tourism is a luxurious form of travelling, involv- continued commissioning and bringing into service ever- ing an all-inclusive holiday on a cruise ship of at least 48 larger ships, which are able to offer an extensive range of hours, according to specific itinerary, in which the cruise facilities and on board activities, such as sports amenities, ship calls at several ports or cities [17]. They are usually health and wellness spas, celebration venues, children divided in home port and ports of call. From operational services and enhancement opportunities. In addition to perspectives, efficient cruise ports help to support sched- innovations in the ship design, there has been a consider- ule reliability and allow a continuous passenger transfer able investment in the development of the exciting itiner- to onward flies and/or day excursions. For cruise lines, the aries and the provision of new and emerging ports of call. diversity of itineraries being offered is the incentive to in- They have stated that, as a consequence of these and other crease the number of cruises but also to add new ports in expansion activities, the majority of the cruise operators their itineraries, particularly on new markets [14]. are now able to offer more specialized or customized serv- The facilities and service attributes of cruise ports ices [19]. Their findings have been very important for the are crucial to the cruise experience of a growing number Adriatic area, since this area is now slowly maturing and of passengers. This experience is also conditioned by the it does not need to repeat all he mistakes made on the sequence (and therefore the choice) of ports of call, since Caribbean. each port offers different amenities and therefore a differ- Dwyer and Forsyth have discussed the economic im- ent passenger experience. Yet, whereas the requirements pacts of cruise tourism. They have tried to develop a and thus the performance attributes of cruise ports dif- framework for assessing the economic impacts of cruise fer from what is the case of cargo ports, the literature on tourism for a nation and its sub regions. They have argued cruise ports is scarce and does not cover well the recent that the framework is of a value in considering policy to- developments in this industry [14]. wards cruise tourism. The knowledge of impacts can be Cruise tourism is reported and discussed by many au- valuable in planning infrastructure. They have also stated thors. Authors have given a general description of cruise that it is possible to examine the advantages and disadvan- tourism [17] [14] [6]. They have also discussed different tages, from a regional and national viewpoint, of measures cases of development of the cruise tourism all around the designed to encourage cruise tourism, if impacts and net world. [4] [11] [12] [13] [19]. They have analysed impacts benefits are calculated [5]. of cruise tourism, [5] [2] [1] as well as the characteristic Brida et al. have also focused on economic impacts. of cruise tourists [1] [16]. A large scope of researches on They have done researches on cruisers’ experience and nautical and cruise tourism has been carried out in Croatia the economic impact of cruise tourism on the specific case as well [11] [15] [7] [8] [9]. In the following part, some of of a home port destination. They have analysed in detail the listed studies will be discussed. spending characteristics of a cruise tourist in the South Pallis et al. have made a strong review on issues con- America’s home port of Cartagena de Indias. Their de- cerning the research on cruise tourism. They stated that tailed analysis of cruise tourists has set up a strong foun- the future growth potential will require more careful dation for a decision making regarding the development of considerations of the market and the physical capacity of cruise tourism [1]. some ports and their regions to accommodate cruise itin- Butt has talked about waste produced on board cruise eraries as well. They have suggested that the future re- ships and its impact. She has stated that cruise ships rep- search is likely to underline what these potentials could be resent less than 1% of the global merchant fleet, yet it has and the factors that will constrain them [14]. been estimated that they are responsible for 25% of all Marti has researched into trends in the cruising in- waste generated by merchant vessels. She has concluded dustry in the years 1985-2002. His main contribution has that all cruise vessels should vigorously pursue a waste been the following one – only ships possessing certain at- reduction strategy and for ports to provide adequate re- M.
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