P 1 ŽIDOVI I ZAGREB Što su Židovi bili Zagrebu – što je Zagreb bio Židovima? To je esencijalno pitanje koje se postavlja uvijek kad raz- mišljamo o sebi. Esencijalno zato, što porijeklo i identitet vučemo iz dva korijena: pripadnosti židovskom europ- skom korpusu i zagrebačkoj sredini, odnosno hrvatskom društvu. Bezbrojni znameni židovske prisutnosti u međuratnom i još ranijem razdoblju snažno su bili ubilježeni u zagre- bačku urbanu i pojedinačnu memoriju. Njihov se sjaj ugasio i tek pokoji još zatitra kao iskra iz tame. A zajedno s njima ugasilo se i sjećanje na kozmopolitsku, velegradsku i europsku atmosfe- ru Zagreba te epohe, koju obilježavamo i kao „zlatno doba” povijesti zagrebačkih Židova. Što su Židovi bili Zagrebu – što je Zagreb bio Židovima? Iz židovskog gledišta lakše je odgovoriti na drugi dio pitanja. Zagreb im je u određenoj povijesnoj i civilizacijskoj konstelaciji dopustio da ga izaberu kao mjesto života i šansu egzistencije. U materijalni i duhovni napredak Zagreba ugrađivali su rad i talent, znanje i vjeru. Postepeno su postali dio liberalnog društva i vjerovali da su stekli domovinu. No 1941. surovo su razbijene iluzije o integraciji i san o domovini koja je Židove odbacila kao strano tijelo. Odgovor što su Židovi bili Zagrebu nije dorečen. Nije ispravno ni dovoljno da on ostaje na nama. Židovski Zagreb, kakav je bio do početka Drugog svjetskog rata, zatrt je i nestao u nepovrat. On pripada povijesti i sjećanju. Dr. Ognjen Kraus Predsjednik Židovske općine Zagreb JEWS AND ZAGREB What have Jews been to Zagreb – and what has Zagreb been to its Jews? This is an essential question which always comes up when we think about ourselves. Es- sential because we draw our origin and identity from two sources: our membership in the Jewish European corpus and our place in the Zagreb community and Croatian society. Countless marks of the Jewish presence between the two world wars, and even earlier, have been etched in Zagreb urban and personal memory. Their glow is all but gone now, with only an occasional spark gleaming from the dark. With them has been lost memory of the cosmopolitan, metropolitan, and European atmosphere of Zagreb from that time, the golden age, as we call it, for Zagreb Jews. What have Jews been to Zagreb – what has Zagreb been to its Jews? From a Jewish perspective the second half of this question is the easier to answer. At a certain historical and cultural juncture Zagreb consented to be their chosen place to live and their chance for a life. They built their labor and talent, knowledge and faith into the material and spiritual advancement of the city. Gradually they became part of liberal soci- ety and believed they had found a homeland. But in 1941 their illusions about integration were savagely shattered as was the dream of a homeland that rejected the Jews as if they were a foreign body within it. The answer to what Jews have been to Zagreb has not been fully articulated, nor is it right or even permissable that this be left to us. Jewish Zagreb, as it was until the onset of World War II, has been obliterated and is forever lost. It belongs to history and memory. Dr. Ognjen Kraus President of the Jewish Community of Zagreb P 2 ŽIDOVI I ZAGREB Ova izložba zasniva se na kulturno-povijesnom vodiču ŽIDOVSKI ZAGREB, objavljenom 2011. godine. Vodič i izložba međusobno se upotpunjuju i čine cjelinu. Naša je zamisao da provedemo sve zainteresirane onim područjima kulture i umjetnosti, arhitekture i privrede kojima su Židovi obilježili Zagreb, ali i pokažemo što im je Zagreb značio. Čak i letimični pogled na doba u kojem je židovska zajednica u Zagrebu nastajala, rasla i razvijala se, pomoći će u otkrivanju dubokih tragova koje su Židovi ostavili na našem gradu. Nažalost, Drugi svjetski rat zaustavio je taj uzlet, a zbog posljedica Holokausta židovska zajednica u Hrvatskoj gotovo je nestala. Zato vodič i izložba toliko zalaze u prošlost. Mno- ge su adrese ugašene, a mnoga su mjesta zaposjeli drugi. Sadašnju topografiju poput sjene natkriljuje povijesna i bivša. Predstavljamo najvažnije javne zgrade i druga, napose umjetnička ostvarenja i djela Ži- dova koja čine urbani i kulturni identitet Zagreba. Predstavljamo i osobe koje su zadužile našu zajednicu i grad. Ali prikazujemo i sadašnjost, a u njoj će svatko razabrati našu vjeru u budućnost. Sanja Zoričić - Tabaković Predstavnik židovske nacionalne manjine Grada Zagreba JEWS AND ZAGREB This exhibition is based on JEWISH ZAGREB, a cultural and historical guide, published in 2011. The Guide and the exhibition enhance each other and, together, they create some- thing larger. Our idea was to bring all those who are interested to the culture and art, architecture and economy where Jews left their mark on Zagreb, but it is also meant to show what Zagreb meant to them. Even a fleeting glance at the time when the community of Jews of Zagreb began, grew, and flourished will help make visible the deep traces the Jews have left here. Regrettably, World War II stopped their ascent and, as a result of the Holocaust, the Croa- tian Jewish community has all but disappeared. This is why the Guide and exhibition dip so much into the past. Many of the addresses have vanished altogether, many of the places have been occupied by others. Hence today’s topography is overshadowed by the topogra- phy of the past. We describe the most important public buildings and other creative achievements, par- ticularly in the arts, that were the work of Jews, and which shaped the urban and cultural identity of Zagreb. We present the people to whom our community and city are indebted. But we also bring you the here and now, and everyone will be able to see our belief in the future. Sanja Zoričić-Tabaković Representative of the Jewish Minority of the City of Zagreb P 3 Franjo Mosinger, Menora, 1992. Franjo Mosinger, Menorah, 1992. Kapitel stupa iz predvorja sinagoge (pohranjen u zgradi Židovske općine Zagreb, Palmotićeva 16). Capital of a pillar from the synagogue entrance (kept at the Jewish Community Zagreb, Palmotić Street 16). P 4 TRAGOVI PRISUTNOSTI TRACES OF PRESENCE Prva stranica upisne knjige dobrotvorne organizacije Hevra Kadiše, oslikao Abraham Cvi Segal Najfeld iz Zagreba, 1854. First page of the register of the Chevra Kadisha charitable organization, illustrated by Abraham Cvi Segal Najfeld of Zagreb, 1854. VILIM SCHWARZ (1832.-1905.), poduzetnik, predsjednik Općine (sa Iskaznica za mjesto iz prvog hrama iz 1853. EMANUEL PRISTER (1814.-1882.), veletrgovac i poduzetnik, pred- Samuelom Mosesom) od 1861. do 1873. A pass reserving a seat in the sanctuary of the first temple, 1853. stojnik Općine od 1860. do 1861. VILIM SCHWARZ (1832-1905), entrepreneur, president of the com- EMANUEL PRISTER (1814-1882), wholesaler and entrepreneur, pres- munity (with Samuel Moses) from 1861 to 1873. ident of the Community from 1860 to 1861. Petrinjska ulica, pročelje stare općinske zgrade (posljednja kuća zdesna). Petrinja Street, the façade of the old Jewish Community Home (last building on the right). P 5 POSVEĆENJE TEMPLA SANCTIFICATION OF THE TEMPLE Pogled na Zagreb s juga, s pročeljem hrama u drugom planu, 1870. Pozivnica na svečanost posvećenja hrama 27. rujna 1867. View of Zagreb from the south with temple façade in the background, 1870. An invitation to the ceremony for the consecration of the temple, September 27, 1867. Hram, neposredno nakon posvećenja, foto: Ivan Standl, 1870. Prva fotografija unutrašnjosti novog hrama, 1880. Devetog studenog 1880. potres je izazvao oštećenja koja su ubrzo po- The temple, immediately after it was consecrated, photo: Ivan Standl, 1870. pravljena, a hram je ponovno posvećen 1881. The first photograph of the interior of the new temple, 1880. On November 9, 1880, an earthquake caused some damage that was soon repaired, and the temple was consecrated again in 1881. Ploča iz predvorja hrama u spomen Emanuelu Pristeru, danas u Muzeju grada Zagreba. Umivaonik iz predvorja hrama, danas u Muzeju grada Zagreba. Plaque from the temple entrance in memory of Emanuel Prister, today at the Museum of the City of Zagreb. Wash basin from the temple entrance, today at the Museum of the City of Zagreb P 6 TEMPL U VREMENU THE TEMPLE OVER TIME JOSEF/JOSIP SIEBENSCHEIN (1836.-1908.), građevinski inženjer i poduzetnik, predsjednik Hram, oko 1900. Dr. HOSEA/HERMANN JACOBI (1841.-1925.) rabin od 1867. do 1880., nadrabin od 1880. Općine od 1873. do 1881. i od 1891. do 1907. The temple, cca 1900. do 1925. JOSEF/JOSIP SIEBENSCHEIN (1836-1908), construction engineer and entrepreneur, president Dr. HOSEA/HERMANN JACOBI (1841-1925), rabbi from 1867 to 1880, chief rabbi from of the Community from 1873 to 1881 and from 1891 to 1907. 1880 to 1925. Posjet cara Franje Josipa I. Izraelitskoj općini i njezinu hramu, 1895. Emperor Franz Joseph I visits the Israelite community and temple, 1895. Zračna snimka Jelačićeva trga i okolice, 1933. View of Jelačić Square and surroundings, 1933. P 7 JUDAICA Keter Tora, Venecija, 1786. Na medaljonima posveta na hebrejskom „Keter Tora izrađena prema želji bogatog gospodina Moše Jehiela Rafaila Trieste”. Keter Torah, Venice, 1786. On the medallions the Hebrew dedication reads: “Keter Torah made at the behest of wealthy gentleman Moshe Jehiel Rafail Trieste”. Keter Tora, Beč, 1867. Tas. Na Pločama Zakona ugravirana posveta „Gewidmet von David und Katica Hernstein”. Keter Torah, Vienna, 1867. Tas. On the Tablets of the Commandments, the engraved dedication: “Gewidmet von David und Katica Hernstein”. Rimonim, Beč, 1864. Čaše za kiduš. Zdesna, Beč, 1860., ispod ruba na hebrejskom: „Dar Hevra kadiše za sinagogu Svete općine Vinkovaca 5665”, 1905. U sredini, Rimmonim, Vienna, 1864. Beč, 1830., u kartuši tekst na hebrejskom: „Ovo daruje Gospodu omladina Izraelitske općine Karlovca 5617”, 1847. Slijeva, Beč, 1861.
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