Harlandale ISD Regular Meeting Monday, November 14, 2016 6:15 PM Agenda of Regular Meeting The Board of Trustees Harlandale Independent School District A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Harlandale Independent School District will be held Monday, November 14, 2016, beginning at 6:15 PM, Schulze Elementary School, 9131 Yett Dr., San Antonio, TX. The Board may go into Closed Session on any agenda item, if permitted under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In such event, the Board President will announce the applicable Government Code Section prior to the Board going into Closed Session. 1. Meeting called to order A. Roll call and recording of Board Members present B. Declaration of quorum present. C. Recording of Superintendent and staff members present. D. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance 2. THE BOARD WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE 5 DISTRICT SUPERIOR ACHIEVEMENT RATING ON THE FINANCIAL INTEGRITY RATING SYSTEM OF TEXAS FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING JUNE 30, 2015. 3. Announcements and Recognitions 4. Citizens To Be Heard - 30 Minute Limit/Five Minute Maximum Per Speaker. Citizens are offered an opportunity to address the Board without prior approval. The Board, however, will not comment or engage in discussion. Presentations shall be informative only - no Board action will be taken. The topics addressed shall be limited to those specifically included on the Board's agenda and/or school district related. Presentations shall not include statements which may be considered defamatory, inflammatory, and/or threatening, against a person or the District; and speakers shall not mention students names unless naming your own child, nor address a complaint against a District employee or officer. Such complaints will be handled through the guidelines set out in District Policy. At all other times, members of the public shall not enter into any discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. 5. Information and Discussion A. Curriculum Committee Report - David Abundis, Chair 22 B. Finance Committee Report - Carlos Quezada, Chair 24 C. Superintendent quarterly report on District goals. 84 D. Report gift(s) accepted on behalf of the Board per policy CDC (Local). 87 6. Consent A. Approve the October 17, 2016 board meeting minutes. 89 B. Approve the renewal of the MOU’s/Contracts/Agreements for the 2016-2017 school 93 1 November 14, 2016 years for the following agencies/vendors: Curriculum & Instruction Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service San Antonio Sports C. Approve the submission of the ESL Waiver to the Texas Education Agency. 107 D. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the budget amendments to the General 108 Fund and General Fund’s sub-fund for the 2016-17 fiscal year. E. To consider and take appropriate action regarding organizations meeting the guidelines 112 of Board Policy GE (Local) Relations with Parents or Parents’ Organizations for 2016- 2017. F. Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award RFP 171022 for the 114 purchase of turkeys and spiral hams. G. Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the purchase of the 116 District’s VoIP telephone system upgrade, and maintenance and support agreement from Layer 3 Communications. 7. Individual Items A. Approve the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2016 117 as presented by Garza/Gonzales and Associates. B. Discussion and possible action to approve option on the warranty for the Memorial 121 Stadium Turf and process for same. C. Discuss and take possible action on the increase of employee health insurance 122 contribution by the District. D. The Board will discuss and consider possible action on realignment of the board. 8. Convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 through 551.084. A. The Board will discuss the recommended Regular Personnel Report (TGC 551.074). B. The Board will consider action related to the Board President and board member performance, duties and responsibilities (TGC 551.074). C. The board will review and discuss the GEAR UP Program with SAISD and vendor contracts and claims by District, if any. (TGC 551.071). D. Consultation with attorney regarding the purchase of real property located at 150 E. White to expand district facilities and adoption of resolution approving purchase and authorization of Superintendent to execute the required documents (TGC 551.071 and 551.072). E. Consultation with attorney regarding the purchase of real property located at 215 Mosaly to expand district facilities and adoption of resolution approving purchase and authorization of Superintendent to execute the required documents (TGC 551.071 and 551.072). F. Consultation with the attorney on the Koontz McCombs contract regarding the STEM Early College High School (TGC 551.071). 2 November 14, 2016 9. Convene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session. 10. Adjourn The notice for this meeting was posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on November 11, 2016. _________________________ Mr. Rey Madrigal Superintendent 3 November 14, 2016 5 HARLANDALE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCIAL INTEGRITY RATING SYSTEM OF TEXAS 2014/2015 SCHOOLS F*I*R*S*T 6 1 Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas F*I*R*S*T • Thirteenth Consecutive Year of Superior Achievement • Highest Rating Achieved (Superior, Above Standard, Standard, Substandard) • Designed to help improve management of school districts’ financial resources through evaluation of their Financial Performance • Evaluates the financial health, stability, and condition of all school districts • Texas Education Agency (TEA) is able to determine a Financial Management Performance Rating of school districts 7 2 F*I*R*S*T - continued Composed of 15 Indicators I. Critical Indicators II. Fiscal Indicators III. Efficiency Indicators 8 3 F*I*R*S*T - continued DETERMINATION OF RATING Superior Achievement – is the State’s highest rating, demonstrating the quality of the District’s financial management and reporting system. HISD Rating Score is 98 A = Superior Achievement 70-100 B = Above Standard Achievement 50-69 C = Standard Achievement 31-49 F = Substandard Achievement < 31 or No to one default indicator 9 4 F*I*R*S*T - continued MANAGEMENT REPORT – OVERVIEW OF CRITERIA REPORTING DISCLOSURES IN THE 2015 ANNUAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REPORT Reimbursements received by Superintendent & Board Members FY 2015 (EXPENSES) Compensation received by the Superintendent FY 2015 for any outside services (NONE) Gifts received by Superintendent & Board Members FY 2015 (NONE) Business Transactions between the District & Board Members FY 2015 (NONE) DISTRICT WEBSITE POSTING Superintendent’s Signed Contract 10 5 F*I*R*S*T Critical Indicators (Indicators 1 thru 5) Measure the present financial condition. #1 Timely submission of financial information. #2A. Received a “clean” opinion from the auditing process. #2B. No disclosure of material weaknesses in internal control. #3 In compliance with bond payment terms. #4 Timely payments to TRS, IRS, TWC. #5 The district is solvent with a value in Unrestricted Net Assets. 11 6 F*I*R*S*T Fiscal Indicators (Indicators 6 thru 12) Measure the fiscal responsibility of the District. #6 and #9 Measure liquidity of the District. Fund Balance in 2015 provided the cash reserve to meet current operations. #7, #8, and #10 Measure the sufficiency of assets to cover its liabilities. The liabilities were within the required percentage to assets or the multiple amount over liabilities. #11 and #12 Administrative ratio is substantially lower than the 11.05 % allowed by the State. Also the District maintained the proper amount of staffing to number of students served. 12 7 F*I*R*S*T Efficiency Indicators (Indicators 13 thru 15) Measure the efficiency in reporting and compliance of the District. #13 PEIMS reporting is accurate within the required percentage of the State. #14 Material compliance with local, state, and federal grants. #15 Foundation School Payment accommodations not required. 13 8 Harlandale Independent School District San Antonio, Texas 2015 Financial Report Management Report - Schools FIRST For the 12 months Ending June 30, 2015 Ricardo J. Hemaudez, CPA Assistant Superintemlent for Business 14 HARLANDALE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCIAL INTEGRITY RATING SYSTEM OF TEXAS (FIRST) REPORT FOR 2014-15 Table of Contents Page Introduction 1 Overview of the Worksheet 2 Reporting Disclosures 3 FIRST Worksheet for 2014-15 4-6 Reimbursements received by Superintendent and Board Members Exhibit A 15 Introduction During the 77th regular session of the Texas Legislatme (2001 ), Senate Bill 218 was passed and Governor Perry signed it into law shortly thereafter. This law requires each school district to prepare an annual financial accountability report of the district's final rating, which is included in this repo1t and reflects a rating of "Superior Achievement". Many business-related issues are covered in this report. The primary reporting tool, however, is the Financial Accountability Ratings Worksheet. This worksheet was developed by representatives of the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Texas Business & Education Council (TBEC) and the Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO). It is administered by TEA and calculated on information submitted to the Agency via our PEIMS submission each year and other documentation procured by TEA. The accuracy of PEIMS data has always been critical on the student side of the submission, and this reporting requirement adds a high degree of importance to the District's finance submission each year. The worksheet consists of 15 criteria, each weighted on a point system with the exception of the Critical Indicators. A "No" response in criteria# l, #2A, #3, #4 or #5 will automatically result in a rating of Substandard Achievement, so these first five criteria are of utmost impo1tance. Currently, the District enjoys a rating of "Superior Achievement", scoring 98 points out of a possible I 00 points on the financial accountability worksheet.
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