SUPE RFAMILY MILIOLACEA : A THREE-FOLD LAYERED WALL __ _ SUPERFAMILY MILIOLACEAEHRENBERG 1839 EMENDED · NEW SUPERFAMILY HAUERINACEA , H. V. ANDERSEN LOUISIANA STATE UNIVER SITY (RETIRED ) BATON ROUGE , LOUISIANA I.ABS TRACT crystals that are randomly oriented an d held in place b y the inn er lining or "ceil­ The Supe rfamily Miliolacea Ehr enberg , ing" of the chamb ers. Further, a photomi­ 1839, is her e restricte d to the calcareous crograph of "Quinqueloculina tuberculata imperforat e Forami niferida that have a Cushman and Todd" [= Hemim iliola jack ­ pitted exter ior surface and a wall com­ so nensi s Cushman] displays the same posed of thr ee layers. Excluded are- those three-fold arrangement of calcite layers in Foraminiferid a that hav e a smooth porce­ the wall of th e test (see Figure 4). Other laneous surfa ce, as ex hibited when viewed photomicrogr aphs reveal pores at the base in reflected light. of the pits in the genera Miliola and Described herei n as new are the genera Hemi mili ola. Hemimiliola , Hete romil iola, and Miliola­ Loeblich and Tappan , in describi ng the costata. Th ese three genera are distin­ Suborder Miliolina D elage and Herouard, guished by the texture of the out er wall of 1896, state: the test (smoot h , ribbed, or costate), th e "Test of porc elaneous high m agnesi um chamber arrangement, and the distribu­ calcit e, of fine randomly ori ente d rodlik e tion of pits (juxtapose d or separated ). Five crystals , 1.5 µm to 2 .0 µm in lengt h and new subfamilies are here d esign ate d and 0.24 µm in d iameter, see n only with the described : the HEMIMILIOLINAE, HET­ electr on microscope, th e random crystal EROMILIOLINAE , TEXININAE , HEL­ orientation refracting light in all dir ections ENTAPPANELLINAE, and MILIOLACO­ to result in the milk y opacity or porcela­ STATIN AE , which include all of the neous ap pearance in reflected light, wall known species of Miliolacea from the Gulf appears brown an d glassy in transmitted Coastal Plain . light , may have surfac e layer of variously The new Superfamily HAUERINACEA , arranged tabu lar rhombohedral crystals, here design ate d, i s erected to accommo­ commonly with organic linin g and may date all form er species of Miliolacea with a ha ve added adventitious material ; tru e smooth por cela neou s surface, as exhibited por es may occur in protoconch of some , when viewed in reflected light. generally imperforat e in post embryonic stage, but may have p se udopores ... " [see II. INTRODUCTION Loeblich and Tappan 1988 , p. 309] Evidentl y, thes e "ran domly oriented rod­ The lay ere d structure in the wa ll of like crystals" are the elements observed in Miliola wa s brought to my attention by the middle layer in the wall of Miliola and Earl Manning , then a graduate stud ent at its relatives an d the "surface l ayer of vari­ Loui siana State University, who was ously arranged tabular rhombohedral studying a foraminiferal assemblage from crystals " describes the outer layer in the the Pacific Oc ean. He recovere d an d ph o­ wall of Miliola . Tests with tabular crystals tographed a specim en of Miliola he identi­ in the outer layer of the wall do not exhibit did fied as "Qu inquelo culin a semi reticulosa a porcelaneous appearance. Why , then, Cushman" (Figur e 2). H is phot omicro ­ Loeblich and Tappan describe the entire Herouard , gra ph revealed a three-fold wall structure , Suborder Miliolina Delage and magne­ the outer a thin layer of tabular calcit e 1896, as "Test of porcelaneous high with micro sco pic punctations that also sium calcite ..." ? descrip­ Im es t h e wa ll and bottom of the pits In their remarks following the Schwager , (Figures 3, 5) . Between the pits , the outer tion of the Family Hauerinida e (1988, p. 332) layer ca n be seen to overlie an uncon soli­ 1876, Loeblich and Tappan as a dated agg r egate of rodlike structures or state: "The Miliolidae are recognized 181 Tulane 182 Stud ies in G eology and P aleontology Vol. 30 separate family, char ac teri zed by t h n ted ca lei t rods ly in g on the ca lcareous numerous perforations or p seudopore in imp r forat inn er w II of the c hamber; base of the wall." Pseudopores are defined (ibid .,, pits with p or s; p rt ur te rmin al with or with­ p. 739) as "Deep pit s in th e s ur fac of out tr e ma t op h or on o rifi ce. Eoce ne to some Miliolacea that do not compl t ly Holocene. penetrate the wall, as in Miliola; pun cta­ tions." These pseudopor es occur b etw n Fami ly M fLI L ID AE Ehrenberg, 1839 the pits; however, a t th e base o f the pit they penetrate th e wall, becomin g tru Emended Diagnosis: 11 t with chambers one­ pores. half coil in I ngt h dd d in on o r more numer­ This writer con siders th e charact eri za­ ous pl n e ; wall smo th, ribbed or with costae. tion of the Miliolid ae b y Loeblich and Eo n to I lolo n (cf. Loeblich and Tappan, Tappan in their r emar ks on t h l 8, p. 352). Hauerinidae as both revealing a nd n ot - worthy. The most import ant visible fea­ ub fami ly MILi LINAE E hre nberg, 1839 ture of the entire famil y Miliolidae i s th pitted exterior wall of th e tests. This char­ Emend ed Di agnos is: T st wall smooth , pits acteristic, with the thre e-fold lay er d a lign d r r a nd omly di sposed, e longate oval, structure of the wall, i s s uffi cient to pr l oculus follow d b y chambers one-half coil in restrict the Superfamil y Mili olac a I ngth add d in diff erent p lanes . Eocene to Ehrenberg, 1839, to th e pitt ed wall gen era Holocene. (cf. Lo bl ich and Ta ppan, 1988, p. as. c~a~acterized by the g enotype speci s 353). Miliolites saxorum Lama r ck 1 804 [= Miliola saxorum (Lamarck ), 1804). G nu M ILi LA La marck, 1804 Taxonomic Note: In 1986, Loeblich an d Ty pe sp c i s: Miliolit es s axorum Lamarck, Tappan restricted the genus Dentalin a to 1 04. those species with longitudin ally costate surface" _(quoted in 1988, p. 395) and erect- Em end ed Diag nosi ·: Tes t narrow and elon­ . ed Laevidentalina for those species "very gate fusiform ; chamb ers one-half coil in length, finely perforate" with "surfac e smooth and quinqu eloculin , wit h separate floor; wall cal­ unornamented" (see 1988 p 396) ·11 t f , · , 1 us- ca r ou , pitt ed, thr ee-laye red _wit h a .~a_bu~,a; ra mg the wall of a specimen from th e surf ace layer bearing perforatio ns or pits, Gulf of !Mexi~o,SEM X7000 (pl. 4 39, fig. middle layer of rando mly oriented calcite rods, 2~ . This wnter decided to inv es ti gate an d an 1.nn. er l inmg' . or "ce t· 1in· g; " surf ace of test w. ~ther additional homogeny in th e may have longitudin al costae or r ibs; apertur~ M1hola~eaof the Gulf Coastal Plain would t er m in a l on ultim a t e ch a mb er wit appear if costate miliolid species were sep­ t rematoph ore. [E mend a ti. on to 1ad · gnosis of ;~ated from those with smooth surfac es Miliola by Loeblich a nd Tappan, 1988, P· 353.J ~ rTesubltof this investigation is present~ ed m a le I. MI LIOLA SAXO RUM (Lamarck) III. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Figur es 12-14 Miliolites saxo ru m LAMARCK, 1804 1 ANDEMENDATIONS , Anna es Mus. Hist. Nat., vol. 5, p. 352. D'OR- Quinqu eloc ulin a saxo rum (Lamarck ). Superfamily MILIOLACEA 7 301 Ehrenberg, 1839 BIGNY, 1826 , An n. Sci. Nat., vol. , P· ' no. 1, pl. 16, figs. 9-14. l935, Emended Diagno . Miliola saxorum (La marck). CUSHMAN 11 1 3 wall with punctatio~:~· . es~ free, coiled ; outer U. S . Geo!. Surv ., Pro f. Pa per 181, P: 12.' pi~pi ulariy dispersed· r:'pits Juxtaposed or irr eg- figs. 1-3; BE RGQU IST, 1942, Missifs_s . , sur ace of test s th · I 2 ig . 8' or costate; proloculus foll mo~ , nbb ed Geo\. S ur v., B ull. 49 , p. 25, P · ' Lab hers, two per vol t· owed by coiled cham- CUSHMAN and TODD , 1945, Cushman : h u ion· wall of te t . 83 t ree layers of cal 't ' s cons1 stmg of Fora m. Res ., Contr ., vol. 21, pt . : , t eol'. lar calcite that c1 e: ~ tabular layer of granu- conta1ns punct t' ANDER SE N , 19 84, Tul a ne Stu · . .AN- overlies a mass of] a ions, whi ch p 1 5 figs 5-16, oose1 y stacked, randomly ori- aleont ., vol. 1 8, no. , P· ' · Paleont., DERSEN , 1988, Tulane Stud. G eo!. No. 3 Milio lacea a nd Hauerinacea 183 TABLE I Wall and Chamber Arrangement of Pitted Miliolidae in the Gulf Coastal Plain WALL GENUS AND SPECIES CHAMBERS Miliola alphillipsi Miliola chipolensis Quinqueloculine Mil iola newberryensis Miliola saxorum Quinqueloculine Hemirniliola jacksonensis to Planispiral SMOOTH Neaguites byramensis * Neaguites inusitatus * Planispiral Heteromiliola decorata ** Texina ferayi *** BROAD Quinqueloculine Helentappanella punctatocostata Planisp RIBS to i ral Miliolacostata byramensis Miliolacostata jacksonensis Quinqueloc uli ne COSTATE Miliolacostata rolandi Picouina mississippiensis Tri serial * Pits juxtaposed.
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