bindex.qxd 11/10/04 10:29 AM Page 332 INDEX Page numbers in italic type refer to photos. A. Philip Randolph Institute, 49, 147, African Americans, 147–148, 235 266 African National Congress, 235 Abel, I.W., 50, 55, 73, 81 Agee, Philip, 186 abortion, 268–272 Airline Pilots, 113, 125 Abzug, Bella, 60, 76, 137 air traffic controllers, 122–128, 255, affirmative action, 268–269 277–278 AFL-CIO (American Federation of Alexander, Lawrence Sterling, 14 Labor-Congress of Industrial Allen, Richard V., 126, 192 Organizations). See also American Allende, Salvador, 234 Institute for Free Labor Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Development (AIFLD); Committee Workers, 103, 260 on Political Education (COPE); American Center for International Labor individual names of labor leaders, politi- Solidarity, 213 cians, unions American Committee on U.S.-Soviet Ad Hoc Committee on Reproductive Relations, 245 Issues, 270–273 American Federation of Government on communism, 67–71 Employees (AFGE), 103, 212 on contra aid, 208 American Federation of Labor (AFL), on defense, 91–92, 132–134 30–37 Department of Social Security, 39 AFL-CIO merger, 38–39 in Eastern Europe, 232 history of, 30–31 Evolution of Work Committee, American Federation of State, County, 258–261 and Municipal Employees executive council, 56, 102–103, (AFSCME), 73, 75, 299, 302, 307 133–134, 266–268, 295 American Federation of Teachers, 84, financial assistance to Polish Solidarity, 95–96, 101 165–167, 169–170, 186, 188–189 American Institute for Free Labor membership level,COPYRIGHTED 83, 260, 297, 306 Development MATERIAL (AIFLD), 191–192, merger of AFL and CIO, 38–39 209, 234 on oil industry, 91 criticism of, 202–203, 210 opposition to Kirkland within, 292–300 dissolution of, 212–213 perestroika committee, 229 El Salvador murders and, 195–196, on Reagan’s economic plan, 119 199, 208 on SALT II, 91–92 Kissinger Commission and, 198–201, Strategic Approaches Committee, 260 213, 313 Supreme Court and, 272–274 purpose of, 193–194 Sweeney as president of, 302–308 American Labor Alliance, 53 trade legislation results, 300–301 Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), on trade policy, 79–80 50 Africa, 216. See also individual country names Americans for Energy Independence, 67 332 bindex.qxd 11/10/04 10:29 AM Page 333 INDEX 333 Anderson, Mark, 283, 286 Brown, Irving, 162, 174, 183, 215–218, Antall, Joszef, 233–234 225, 226, 228 antiapartheid campaign, 235–236 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 80, 170 antiglobalization movement, 305 Bukovsky, Vladimir, 68–69, 168 April 25 Mobilization, 209, 212 Bush, George H. W., 6, 119, 128, 211, ARENA, 208, 210 252, 253, 276–277 Aronson, Bernard, 145, 211 on abortion, 270 Asner, Ed, 207–208 election campaigns of, 275–276, 276, “Atari Democrats,” 139, 144 278–281 Auchter, Thorne, 120 on labor, 262 Avila, Eduardo, 192 Polish solidarity and, 174 Thomas appointment by, 273–274 Baggett, Joan, 101 Business Roundtable, 87 Bahr, Morton, 210, 257–258, 272, 300, Butler, Landon, 109 302 Bywater, Bill, 288 Baker, Howard, 127 Baker, James A., III, 121, 174, 231 Califano, Joseph, 107 Baker, Jim, 228, 279, 292–294, 296 Canada, 261, 285–288, 297 balanced budget amendment, 134 Cappiello, Steve, 97 Balcerowicz, Leszek, 233 Carey, Ron, 280, 296, 305–306, 309 Barkan, Al Carter, Jimmy, 5, 80–83, 105–108, as director of COPE, 72, 73, 75, 98, 136–137, 157, 166, 176–177, 298 108, 113–114 arms control and, 69 retirement of, 100–101, 142 election campaigns of, 75–78, 108–115, Barkley, Alben, 35–36 137, 144 Barry, John J., 294, 295, 300 foreign policy of, 80 Barzani, Mustafa, 70 labor law reform and, 85–87 Becker, George, 256, 295, 296 Meany and, 77–79, 89 Beirne, Joseph, 50, 55 minimum wage policy of, 79, 80 Bell, Daniel, 105 National Accord and, 108–110 Bensinger, Richard, 232, 260 on situs picketing, 84, 86–87 Berlin Airlift, 60–61 trade policy of, 79–80 Bethune, Ed, 120 on visas, 70–71 Biden, Joseph, 276 Carter, Rosalynn, 107 Bieber, Owen, 296 Casey, William, 119, 174 Bielecki, Czeslaw, 186, 189–190 Catholic Church, 270–271 Biemiller, Andrew, 43, 83–84 CBS Radio, 128 Bilderberg Society, 8 Celinski, Andrzej, 190 black lung program, 120, 121 Central America. See El Salvador; Blanchard, James, 152 Nicaragua Blaylock, Ken, 103, 202–203, 207, 212 Chaikin, Sol “Chick,” 91, 114 Blumenthal, W. Michael, 107 Chamorro, Violetta, 206, 209, 211 Board for International Broadcasting, “Changing Situation of Workers and 226 Their Unions, The” (Evolution of Bork, Robert, 272–274 Work Committee), 259–260 Borusewicz, Bogdan, 186–187 Chavez, Cesar, 53, 168, 290 Boyle, Emmett R., 256 Chavez-Thompson, Linda, 304 Brennan, Peter, 65 Chenoweth, Eric, 182 Bricklayers Union, 101 Chile, 68, 168, 234–235 Bridges, Harry, 71, 262 China, 52, 236–237 Brinkley, David, 227 Chojecki, Miroslaw, 182, 183 Brinkley, Susan, 227 Chretien, Jean, 297 Brock, Bill, 224–225, 242–243 Christ, Hans, 192 Brooks, George, W., 53–54 Christiani, Alfredo, 210 bindex.qxd 11/10/04 10:29 AM Page 334 334 INDEX Christopher, Warren, 170, 282 Communist Labor Federation (CGT), Chrysler Corporation, 144, 245 184, 216 Church, Frank, 46, 60 Communist Party, 63 Church, Sam, 250 Kirkland on Vietnam War and, 41 CIA, 52, 81, 83, 217, 221 perestroika, 228–233 AFL-CIO and, 169, 170 comparable worth, 269 Polish solidarity and, 174, 186–187 Confederation of Salvadoran Workers Rockefeller Commission and, 59–61 (CST), 194 Citibank, 233 Congress of Industrial Organizations Citizen Action, 306 (CIO), 51 civil rights, 264–269 AFL-CIO merger, 38–39 Civil Rights Act (1964), 42–44, 264, history of, 31–34 273, 274 Conquest, Robert, 231 Kirkland on, 56, 264–265 constituency quotas, 72, 101, 136 Solidarity Day and, 129 Contadora process, 205 Cleary, Ed, 207 Continental Airlines, 253 Clews, Carter, 118 contra aid, 208 Clinton, Bill, 95, 156, 226, 255, 290–291, Contract with America, 289 297, 311–312 Coors, Peter, 252 employment and, 307 Coors Brewing Company, 252 NAFTA and, 279–288 Cranston, Alan, 140 NATO and, 310 Crockett, William K., 28 1992 election of, 275–276, 278–281 Cruikshank, Nelson, 39 PATCO and, 128 Cuomo, Mario, 257, 278 Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 282, 288, 290 Czechoslovakia, 62–63, 215 Coalition for a Democratic Majority, 75, 142 Danbury hatters’ case, 125 Coalition of Labor Union Women, 103, D’Aubuisson, Roberto, 196, 199–200 270 Davis, John, 180 Coia, Arthur, 296 Davis-Bacon Act, 112 Colby, William, 59 Dean, Howard, 307 Cold War, 4, 50. See also communism Debs, Eugene V., 251 collective bargaining, 6, 241, 278 “Defense Democrats,” 133 Commission on Critical Choices for DeGaulle, Charles, 225–226 America. See Rockefeller deindustrialization, 6 Commission Delaney, Joseph, 41, 42 Committee for the Present Danger, 245 Dellums, Ron, 137 Committee on Political Education democracy movement, 215 (COPE), 49, 72, 75, 112–114, democracy promotion, 195, 214–222, 314 142–143, 145 Democratic Party, 6, 134, 151–152. See leadership of, 100–101 also individual names of politicians, scorecard on Congress, 140, 144, operatives 242–243 Democratic Leadership Council, 276, Commonor, Barry, 113 279 Communications Satellite Corporation, Democratic National Committee, 101, 89 306 Communications Workers of America Kirkland as speechwriter for, 35–36 (CWA), 50, 73, 75, 89, 257–258, 262 liberal constituencies of, 100–101 Communications Workers of America v. National Institute for International Beck, 277 Affairs, 223 communism, 2–3, 67–71. See also “process liberals,” 84 Solidarity; individual names of com- deregulation, 124, 131, 253 munist organizations and leaders Devine, Donald, 126 bindex.qxd 11/10/04 10:29 AM Page 335 INDEX 335 Dignity (Polish underground press), 186 Fahrenkopf, Frank, 224 diversity Fair Employment Practices Commission, on AFL-CIO executive council, 56, 265 102–103, 266–268 Farabundo Marti Liberation Front civil rights and, 264–269 (FMLN), 194 constituency quotas, 72, 101, 136 Fascell, Dante, 224 Kirkland on, 101 Ferraro, Geraldine, 150–151 on presidential ticket, 150–151 Fishman, Sam, 152, 154 racial, 107 Fitzsimmons, Frank, 53, 122, 244, 246 Sweeney and, 306 Flying University, 164 Doherty, William C., Jr., 192, 206 Foley, Thomas, 288, 289 Dole, Elizabeth, 252, 253, 276 foreign policy, 7–8, 51–54, 57–59, 314. Dominczyk, Miroslaw “Coleslaw,” See also individual names of countries 183–184 under Carter administration, 80 Donahue, Thomas R., 56, 79, 95, 99, democracy promotion and, 214–218 158, 258–260 international labor movement, AFL-CIO presidency election and, 170–171 302–304 PATCO strike and, 122, 126 Coors and, 252 Foreign Relations Committee, 46 Kirkland retirement and, 296, 298, 300 Fortune, Ronald, 204 on NAFTA, 286, 289–290 France, 183, 184, 216, 297 Teamsters and, 246 Fraser, Douglas, 112–113, 122, 125–126, views on Kirkland, 257, 312 158, 167, 202, 244–245 Donovan, Raymond J., 117–119, 240, free trade area of the North Atlantic, 297 242 Free Trade Union Institute, 186, 189, Dorfman, Red, 37–38 223, 226 Dority, Douglas, 297, 300 Dotson, Donald R., 240–242 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 50 Duarte, Jose Napoleon, 204, 205, 208, Garment, Leonard, 256 210 garment industry, 34, 57, 101, 118 Dubinsky, David, 34, 50, 56–57, 217 Gates, Robert M., 187 Dubrow, Evelyn, 101, 311 gay rights, 129, 151, 266, 268 Dukakis, Michael, 276 Gdansk accords, 179 Dunlop, John T., 77, 78, 109, 110, 117 General System of Preferences, 181, 234 Georgetown University, 30, 311 Eagleburger, Lawrence, 177, 178 Georgia, 76 Easterling, Barbara, 304 Georgine, Bob, 93, 246, 248, 300, 302, Eastern Airlines, 252–253, 255, 295 312 Eastern Europe, 167. See also Solidarity Gephardt, Dick, 307 Kirkland criticized
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