FINLAND SHOOTS DOWN 23 RUSS PLANES Weather FINAL FORECAST—PARTLY CLOUDY Winnipeg Wheat EDITION JULY OPEN 77J4 yOL. XXXIV.—No. 166. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1941 18 PAGES GERMAN ADVANCE RUSSIA HALTED Heavy Raids Russian Soldiers Who Resist Aggression Of Nazi Hordes Nazi Thrusts Are Hurled Nipped Off On Finland Port of Turku Bombed Ten Soviet Claim Times in One Heavy Casualties Inflicted on Germans—Russians • Night Recapture Town—Says Nazis Go Into Action FINNS TO~RESIST "Drunk"—Attempt to Cross Prut TO UTMOST POWER River Foiled HELSINKI, Finland. June 26. ERLIN, June 26 — (A.P.) — D.N.B., German newt —TP)—President Risto Rytl of Finland, in a radio message to B agency, reported today ttiat Russian planes bombed his rountry even as Russian Bucharest, capital of Rumania, twice this morning. warplancs were carrying out HUN ADVANCE HALTED devastating air assaults, charged tonight that Soviet Russia had kifOSCOW, June 26—(A.P.)—Masses of Soviet troops, repeatedly threatened the In­ •1 thrown into the line after German armored units had dependence of Finland since ii^roken through in the drWe on Wilno (Vilna) in Lithu­ their peace of March, 1940. ania, re-formed the front and checked the Nazi advance, NEW BOMB BLASTS HELSINKI, Finland, June 26. Russian military dispatches declared today. —(/P)—Soviet air raiders kept up They reported Soviet troops holding tight also to devastating raids on Finland other points along the 1,000-mile battle front and said today, inflicting destruction over Przemysl, on the border of German-occupied Poland, was a wide area of the country. Heaviest hit, apparently, was recaptured in a Russian counter-attack. the Gulf of Bothnia port of Sale of vodka, wine and other* ' Turku, in southwest Finland, alchollc drinks was prohibited in which was raided 10 times last Moscow in a series of severe war­ night alone. Many were killed time rulings. Civilians were instruct­ Judgment Is and wounded there and damage ed to keep off the streets between was heavy, the government said. midnight and 4 a.m. and theatres, POLICY DECLARED restaurants and other public places The Russian bombardments con­ must close at 10:45 p.m. Reserved On tinued after Finland's declaration On the Lithuanian front, where she will resist with every means in the Nazis are attempting one of htr power and her claim that 23 their main pushes, the advance was held by massing, large numbers of Debt Act Case Soviet raiders had been shot down through yesterday. new troops in the German path. Red • The government, meanwhile, an- army leaders said. Saskatchewan Govt. Sup­ i.nounced President Risto Ryti would German infantry failed completely ' iroadcast to the nation at 8:25 in efforts to follow tanks through ports Arguments in . tonight. temporary gaps cut by the armored ;ftTie declaration or policy was shock vehicles, they asserted. They Favor of its Validity iade by Premier Juhka Rangell at did not disclose the fate of the tanks 'itL secret night session of parliament, that had tn-oken through other than OTTAWA, June 26—(CP)—Th« tcalled after repeated Russian air to say they had been "cut off." supreme court of Canada today ;|assaults had killed scores of pcr- The press published accounts of a reserved judgment after hearing: jwns, wounded hundreds more and fight along the banks of a river in arguments on a reference as to caused widespread property damage. the Ukraine where, it said, peasants the validity of the Alberta Debt VOTR OF CONFIDENCE Joined 40 frontier guards to hold off Adjustment Act of 1937 and The world was rocked with the announcement that ship pact. On a battlefront stretching nearly 2,000. miles aggression. Long reported to be the largest army and attacking Germans for two hours Rangell asserted the Soviet gov­ amendments. German forces had attacked Soviet Russia without any from Finland to the Black Sea, fierce fighting was report­ air force in the world, the Red force.'? are now being put until regular troops arrived. ernment had ignored requests for LEADS FOR ALBERTA formal declaration of war or an ultimatum. The Geiman ed in progress as Soviet troops (above) resisted Nazi to the test by the Nazi military machine. ATTACKS FOILED an explanation of these attacks, and Senator J. W. Farris, who led Itu attack took place in face of the Soviet-German friend­ Nazi eHorts to pierce Russian de­ that Finland thus had only one Alberta argument in support of the fences in the Brody and Lwow sec­ : course to pursue. He obtained a validity of the act, completed his tors In the centre of the battle front ' unanimous vote of confidence. case today and replies were made also "were encountering strong re­ The "e!;planation" is that Ger­ by Aime Geoffrion, acting for th« sistance on the part of counter­ man troops are on Finnish soil, ap­ federal attorney-general and W. N. attacking Red army troops, support­ parently to attack Soviet territory Tilley, for the Canadian Bankers ed by powerful blows of our ah: from the north as soon as the drive Armistice In Huns Claim Association and Mortgage Loans As­ force," a communique said. in the south attains sufficient pro­ sociation of Alberta, who asked that Italy s Lost Legion Farther south, repeated German- gress. the act be declared beyond the pow­ Rumanian attempts to force the (Nazi sources in Berlin claimed ^ *f* *{* ^ *{* ers of the province to enact. Prut river—boundary between Finland had decided to go formally SASKATCHEWAN SUPPORT Russia and Rumania for less than to war with Russia,. but Rangell's Syria Likely Being Driven From Pillar To Post In Ethiopia Big Success J. M. Stevenson, representing th« a year—were said to have been re­ announcement referred only to de­ attorney-general of Saskatchewan pulsed in the region around Cer- fence.) CAIRO, June 26—(/P)—In the "bad rest stumble wearily on. SHORT OF FOOD supported the Alberta argument tor nauti, capital of Bucovina, 25 miles lands" of the Danakil desert be­ In the Etiiiopian highlands where Sudanese Indians now are en­ validity of the act. He outlined HEAVY RAIDS tween the Red Sea and the eastern the rains ai-e turning mountain circling Gondar in the north, where from the Ukraine. provisions of the Saskatchewan debt fContinueo on Page Three.) ToBejouglit escarpment ot the Ethiopian pla­ streams into torrents, odd forces of Gen. Nasi's troops are knoVn to be In Battles German mechanized formations adjustment measure and asked for teau, hunger and thirst fight Brit­ Italians still put up half-hearted short of food and low In morale. were said to have suffered heavy rulings in respect to the Alberta South of this area two pKwkets of losses in yesterday's fighting in the Act which would be a guide to his TO FIGHT CATERPILLARS ain's battle against one of Italy's resistance. Opposition of Vichy Forces lost legions. Italians are surrounded. Say Land and Air Opera­ Lwow and Brody sectors of Soviet- province. ized Poland. Mr. Stevenson referred to argu- TORONTO, June 26.—(CP) — The Amidst a wilderness ot volcanic The forces in the Gondar region board of control last night voted Expected to End lava covering the ground like petri­ are estimated at three' brigades, tions Continue Accord­ more than half native. NAZI THRUST JUDGMENT IS $1,200 to combat the hordes of fied foam, broken units of forces ing to Schedule (Continued on Page Three.) (Contlnuea on page Three.) caterpillars that have invaded To­ Shortly defeated by South Africans at Kom- | Gen. Gazzera is holding out amid ronto. blotcha April 23 wander in the great the towering mountains of the Master Plan southwest despite the loss of 80O0 DAMASCUSBOMBING Danakil trough, often below the GIVE NO"DETArLS . level of the Red Sea, in one of the prisoners at Jimma. His force is BRITISH COLUMBIA ROUSES PREMIER'S IRE hottest areas of the world. estimated at 2000, the biggest re­ ABOUT FIGHTING ADOPTS SUMMER TIME maining, but his food problem is NEWS BULLETINS Harried ceaselessly by natives, VICHY, June 26.—(VP) — The less serious because this region is VICHY, June 26. —(VP)— The they are dilven from one brackish Of Hitler Is fertile. Germans have made no great VICTORIA, June 26.—((B—Prem­ French acknowledged tonight wen to the next on a journey which ! BACON BOARD WAITS ON PUBLIC REACTION ier T. D. Pattullo announced today that British forces in Syria have F^r westwai-d near the Su'ian forward movement against it is believed can have no end but : OTTAWA, June 26.—(CP.)—Before taking more drastic action : daylight saving would become effect­ driven about 50 miles north of frontier a few Italians still resist; Soviet Russia within the past 24 surrender. I the bacon board will wait for two weeks to see how the public reacts ive throughout British Columbia on Damascus and Nebck and in the ' Gambela area along the hours except for the drive in A few escaped to an internment ; to the appeal to Canadians to eat less pork so that shipments of ji July 7. The change will be made roughly halfway to the impor­ Baro liver in a primitive part oi the vicinity of Vilna. Lithuania, bacon and ham to Great Britain may be increased, an official of I: by order-ln-councU. camp in French Somaliland. The Now Known the country. according to information reach­ tant railroad and desert bus the board said today. route junction of Horns. ing miUtary circles here tonight. French dispatches from the Sir Ronald Cross Says CLAIM SUCCESSES CLAIM GERMANS HAVE OCCUPIED LWOW warfront, however, said Nebck BERLIN, June 26.—.-P)-The LONDON, June 26.—(CP.)—Reuters news agency tonight quoted still was in the hands of Vichy Britain Prepared to German high command declared roundabout, unconfirmed reports that the Germans had occupied The Left Hand forces.
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