U.U.D.M. Project Report 2018:3 Drinfeld centers Markus Thuresson Examensarbete i matematik, 30 hp Handledare: Volodymyr Mazorchuk Examinator: Denis Gaidashev April 2018 Department of Mathematics Uppsala University Drinfeld centers Markus Thuresson Abstract In the first part of this paper, we describe the structure of the center Z(R-Mod) of the category of left R-modules. Its natural structure as a ring is shown to be isomorphic to the subring Z(R). In the sections that follow, we present the basics of monoidal categories by regarding them as single-object bicategories. The Drinfeld center Z(C ) of a monoidal category C is defined and its basic properties presented. The second half of the paper is devoted to describing the structure of the Drinfeld center of the monoidal categories VectC and Z2-mod. Contents 1 Basics of cateogries . 3 2 Categories of modules . 6 2.1 The center of R-mod . 6 2.2 Tensor product of modules . 11 2.2.1 Tensor product of bimodules . 17 3 2-categories . 21 4 Bicategories . 24 4.1 Basics . 24 4.2 Coherence . 32 5 Monoidal categories . 33 5.1 The Drinfeld center . 34 6 The Drinfeld center of VectC .............................. 37 6.1 Equivalence . 45 7 Categories of group representations . 45 7.1 Drinfeld centers . 50 8 The Drinfeld center of Z2-mod ............................. 55 Markus Thuresson 3 1 Basics of cateogries In order to make this paper as self-contained as possible, we present the basics of category theory. This secion, and those similar to it, are of course highly skippable. Definition 1.1. A category C consists of the following: - a class Ob (C) of objects. - for every pair of objects X; Y 2 Ob (C), a class of morphisms or arrows, denoted by Hom (X; Y ). In particular, for the pair (X; X), we require the existence of an identity morphism idX : X ! X. - for every three objects X; Y; Z 2 Ob (C) and morphisms ' 2 Hom (X; Y ) and 2 Hom (Y; Z), a binary operation ◦ : Hom (X; Y ) × Hom (X; Z) ! Hom (Y; Z) with ('; ) 7! ◦ ', called the composition. We require that the composition satisfies the following axioms: i) if ' 2 Hom (X; Y ) ; 2 Hom (Y; Z) and ξ 2 Hom (Z; W ) then ξ ◦ ( ◦ ') = (ξ ◦ ) ◦ '. ii) if ' 2 Hom (X; Y ) and 2 Hom (Y; Z) then ' ◦ idX = ' and idZ ◦ = . 0 Remark 1.2. The identity morphism idX is unique for every object X 2 Ob (C). If idX were another identity morphism, we would have 0 0 idX = idX ◦ idX = idX : Definition 1.3. A category C is said to be small if both the class of objects and the morphism classes are sets, and not proper classes. Definition 1.4. The terminal category, denoted by 11, is the category having a single object and a single morphism(the identity). Definition 1.5. Let C be a category. A morphism ' 2 Hom (X; Y ) is called an isomorphism if if there exists 2 Hom (Y; X) such that ◦ ' = idX and ' ◦ = idY . Definition 1.6. Let C be a category. Two objects X; Y 2 Ob (C) are said to be isomorphic if there exists ' 2 Hom (X; Y ) which is an isomorphism. Definition 1.7. Let C and D be categories. Then a functor F : C!D consists of the following: - a map F : Ob (C) ! Ob (D). - for every pair of objects X; Y 2 Ob (C), a map F : HomC (X; Y ) ! HomD (F (X);F (Y )) such that i) for every X 2 Ob (C), we have F (idX ) = idF (X). ii) for composable morphisms ' and we have F ( ◦ ') = F ( ) ◦ F ('). Drinfeld centers 4 Definition 1.8. Let C; D be categories and let F : C!D be a functor. Then F is full if each map FX;Y : HomC (X; Y ) ! HomD (F (X);F (Y )) is surjective. Definition 1.9. Let C; A be categories and let F : C!D be a functor. Then F is faithful if each map FX;Y : HomC (X; Y ) ! HomD (F (X);F (Y )) is injective. Definition 1.10. Let C; D be categories and let F : C!D be a functor. Then F is dense if each Y 2 Ob (D) is isomorphic to an object F (X) for some X 2 Ob (C). Definition 1.11. Let C and D be categories and let F; G : C!D be functors. A natural transformation η : F ) G is a map Ob (C) ! HomD (F (X);G(X)) such that the diagram F (') F (X) / F (Y ) ηX ηY G(X) / G(Y ) G(') commutes for every morphism ' 2 Hom (X; Y ). Definition 1.12. A natural transformation η such that each component ηX is an isomorphism is called a natural isomorphism. Definition 1.13. Let C; D be categories. An equivalence of C and D is a functor F : C!D such that there exists another functor G : D!C and two natural isomorphisms η : F ◦G ! idD and µ : G ◦ F ! idC. Theorem 1.14. Let C, D be categories and F : C!D a functor. Then F is an equivalence if and only if F is full, faithful and dense. Example 1.15. Let the categories C and D be defined as follows: Fix a positive integer n. The category C has a single object and its morphisms are n × n complex matrices, with composition given by matrix multiplication. The category D has as objects complex vector spaces of dimension n, and its morphisms are linear maps. Composition is given by the usual composition of maps. n Fixing the standard basis of the vector space C , we define a functor F : C!D by mapping n the object of C to the vector space C and mapping each matrix to the linear map which in the standard basis is given by that matrix. Then it is clear by linear algebra that F is a functor and that F is full and faithful. More- over, F is dense since all objects of D, being vector spaces of the same finite dimension, are isomorphic. Since the functor F is full, faithful and dense it is an equivalence. Markus Thuresson 5 Definition 1.16. Let C, D be categories. Then the product category C × D consists of the following: - pairs (X; Y ) of objects, where X 2 Ob (C) and Y 2 Ob (D). - pairs ('; ):(X; Y ) ! (Z; W ) of morphisms, where for X; Z 2 Ob (C) and Y; W 2 Ob (D), we have ' 2 HomC (X; Z) and 2 HomD (Y; W ). - componentwise composition ('2; 2) ◦C×D ('1; 1) = ('2 ◦C '1; 2 ◦D 1). - identity morphisms of the form id(X;Y ) = (idX ; idY ). Proposition 1.17. Let C be a small category and 1 the terminal category. Then we have C × 1 =∼ C (as objects in the category of small categories). Proof. Consider the map F : C ! C × 1 given by X 7! (X; 1) f 7! (f; id): Then we have F (idX ) = (idX ; id) = id(X;1) = idF (X) and F (g ◦ f) = (g ◦ f; id) = (g; id) ◦ (f; id) = F (g) ◦ F (f) so F is a functor. It is obvious that we can construct the inverse functor F −1 : C × 1 !C by (X; 1) 7! X (f; id) 7! f: Definition 1.18. Let C be a category. We define the center of C, denoted by Z(C) to be the class of natural transformations from the identity functor idC to itself. Example 1.19. We recall that a monoid is a set with a binary associative operation with identity. Any monoid M may be regarded as a category. Define the category M as follows: - M has one object, •. - Morphisms are all elements of M. - Composition is given by the multiplication of M. The identity of M then acts as identity for the composition, and composition is associative since the multiplication of M is associative. Drinfeld centers 6 It is clear that given such a category we can reconstruct our monoid, so the above is an equivalent definition. Now consider the center Z(M) of M. Since M has only one object and the morphisms are elements of M, a natural transformation from the identity functor to itself consists of an element z 2 M such that the diagram M x / M z z / M x M commutes for all x 2 M. Since the composition is just multiplication in M, this is equivalent to zx = xz for all x 2 M. Now it is clear that Z(M) = Z(M) = fz 2 M : zx = xz 8x 2 Mg. 2 Categories of modules In the following section, let R be a unital ring. Recall that the center of a ring R is the subring Z(R) = fz 2 R : zr = rz 8r 2 Rg. Definition 2.1. A left R-module is an abelian group (M; +) together with a binary operation · : R × M ! M such that i) r · (x + y) = r · x + r · y ii)(r + s) · x = r · x + s · x iii)(rs) · x = r · (s · x) iv) 1R · x = x for all x; y 2 M and r; s 2 R. When necessary, we refer to the action of R on M as ·M . Definition 2.2. Let M; N be left R-modules. A homomorphism of R-modules is a map ' : M ! N such that '(r ·M x + s ·M y) = r ·N '(x) + s ·N '(y) for all x; y 2 M and r; s 2 R.
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