Satellite Symposium for the 2011 Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society Regstister online at http://www.cnsmeeting.org/index.php?page=hillyard_symposium Cognitive Electropysiology: Signals of the Mind A Festschrift for Steven A. Hillyard Saturday, April 2, 2011, Grand Ballroom A Hyatt Regency San Francisco Schedule of Events 8:15 am Welcome and Overview George R. Mangun, UC Davis 8:30 am Session 1: Attention in Sensation and Perception Chair: George R. Mangun, UC Davis Speakers: David Woods, UC Davis and Martinez VAMC - Fishing for Attentional Modulation In a Sea of Stimu- lus Processing; Bernhard Ross and Terry Picton, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto Neuronal Networks - Underlying Selective Auditory Attention; Max Hopf, University of Magdeburg, Germany - 3URÀOLQJWKH6SDWLDO Focus of Visual Attention; Antigona Martinez, UC San Diego - 7KH5ROHRI6SDWLDO$WWHQWLRQLQ2EMHFW%DVHG Selection; Ariel Schoenfeld, University of Magdeburg, Germany - 7HPSRUDO'\QDPLFVRI2EMHFW%DVHG$WWHQ- tion; Matthias Mueller, University of Leipzig, Germany - %DVLF0HFKDQLVPVRI)HDWXUH%DVHG$WWHQWLRQLQWKH +XPDQ%UDLQ 10:15 am Coffee Break 10:30 am Session 2: Attention and Cognitive Control Chair: Wayne Khoe, UC San Diego Speakers: Steven J. Luck, UC Davis - &RQWURORI9LVXDO$WWHQWLRQE\:RUNLQJ0HPRU\John McDonald, Simon Frazier University - &RQWURORI,QYROXQWDU\&URVV0RGDO6SDWLDO$WWHQWLRQ; Marty Woldorff, Duke University - Attentional Control of Visual Processing; Jyoti Mishra Ramanathan, UC San Francisco - Attentional Control of Multisensory Integration 11:30 am Break for Lunch 1:00 pm Session 3: Development and Plasticity Chair: Wolfgang Teder, North Dakota State University Speakers: Helen Neville, University of Oregon - (IIHFWVRI([SHULHQFHDQG*HQHVRQ$WWHQWLRQ; Eric Courchesne, UC San Diego - 'HYHORSPHQWDQG$XWLVPVince Clark, University of New Mexico - $UWLÀFLDO$W- WHQWLRQXVLQJ%UDLQ6WLPXODWLRQ 2:00 Session 4: Integrative Mechanisms of Mind Chair: Michael I. Posner, University of Oregon Speakers: Ken Paller, Northwestern University - Attention and Memory; Steve Hackley, University of Mis- souri, Columbia - Attention to Reward; Ed Awh, University of Oregon - (OHFWURSK\VLRORJLFDO0DUNHUVRI,QGL- YLGXDWLRQ'XULQJ9LVXDO6HOHFWLRQDQG6WRUDJH; Robert T. Knight, UC Berkeley - 2VFLOODWRU\$FWLYLW\DQG%UDLQ 1HWZRUNV 3:00 pm Closing Remarks Michael S. Gazzaniga, UC Santa Barbara Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2011 Annual Meeting Program A Supplement of the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Neuroscience Society, c/o Center for Mind and Brain University of California, Davis 267 Cousteau Place, Davis, CA 95616 ISSN 1096-8857 © CNS www.cogneurosociety.org Table of Contents CNS Committees . 1 Schedule Overview . 2 Poster Schedule . 4 Graduate Students Present . 6 George A. Miller Prize. 7 Young Investigator Award. 8 General Information . 9 Exhibitors . 12 Symposium Sessions . 13 Slide Sessions . 19 Poster Session A . 33 Poster Session B . 57 Poster Session C . 82 Poster Session D . 104 Poster Session E . 125 Poster Session F . 147 Poster Session G . 168 Poster Session H. 193 Poster Session I. 218 Poster Topic Index . 242 Author Index . 244 Hyatt Regency Floor Plan. 256 Advertisements . 258 A special thank you to our sponsor of the CNS 2011 Meeting in San Francisco, California Cover photo by Scott Sharick Photography © istockphoto.com The CNS Program Committee reserves the right to change the meeting program at any time without notice. This program was correct at the time of print. 2011 Committees and Staff Governing Board Slide Session Committee Roberto Cabeza, Ph.D., Duke University Chair: Roberto Cabeza, Ph.D., Duke University Marta Kutas, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego Silvia Bunge, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley Helen Neville, Ph.D., University of Oregon Kalina Christoff, Ph.D., University of British ColuMbia Michael I. Posner, Ph.D., University of Oregon AluMit Ishai, Ph.D., University of Zurich Daniel Schacter, Ph.D., Harvard University Kevin Oschner, Ph.D., ColuMbia University Michael S. Gazzaniga, Ph.D., Tamara SWaab, Ph.D., University of California, Davis University of California, Santa Barbara (ex officio) Marty Woldorff, Ph.D., Duke University George R. Mangun, Ph.D., University of California, Davis (ex officio) Young Investigator Awards Committee Patti Reuter-Lorenz, Ph.D., Chair: Charan Ranganath, Ph.D., University of Michigan (ex officio) University of California, Davis Silvia Bunge, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley Program Committee Sabine Kastner, Ph.D., Princeton University Chair: Patti Reuter-Lorenz, Ph.D., University of Michigan Christof Koch, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology Marie Banich, Ph.D., University of Colorado Kevin LaBar, Ph.D., Duke University Randy L. Buckner, Ph.D., Harvard University Eleanor Maguire, Ph.D., University College London Peter Hagoort, Ph.D., University of Nijmegen Lorraine K. Tyler, Ph.D., University of Cambridge Founding Committee (1994) Anthony Wagner, Ph.D., Stanford University Michael S. Gazzaniga, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara Poster Committee George R. Mangun, Ph.D., University of California, Davis Chair: Stephanie Ortigue, Ph.D., Syracuse University Steve Pinker, Ph.D., Harvard University Xu Cui, Ph.D., Stanford University Patti Reuter-Lorenz, Ph.D., University of Michigan Nadine Gaab, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School Daniel Schacter, Ph.D., Harvard University Brian Gonsalves, Ph.D., Art Shimamura, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Hauke Heekeren, Ph.D., Freie Universität Berlin TM Events, Inc. Meeting Staff Fumiko Hoeft, Ph.D., Stanford University Tara Miller, Event Director Amishi Jha, Ph.D., University of Miami Kerry Bosch, Event Associate Irene Kan, Ph.D., Villanova University Joan Carole, Exhibits Manager Dante Picchioni, Walter Reed ArMy Institute for Research Linda Hacker, On-Site Manager Jelena Ristic, Ph.D., McGill University Shawna Lampkin, Event Associate Ariana Luchsinger, Monitoring Manager CNS Staff Brenna Miller, Volunteer Manager Kate TretheWay, Executive Director Dustin Miller, Event Associate Sangay Wangmo, AdMinistrative Assistant Renee Smith, Registration Manager Shauney Wilson, Submissions Manager Jeff Wilson, Website & Program Manager Cognitive Neuroscience Society — 2011 Annual Meeting 1 Schedule Overview Saturday, April 2, 2011 7:00 am - 3:00 pm Steven A. Hillyard Festschrift Onsite Registration & Pre-Registration Check In, Grand Ballroom Foyer 8:30 - 11:30 am Steve A. Hillyard Festschrift, Grand Ballroom A 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Festschrift Lunch Break 12:00 - 5:00 pm Exhibitor Check-In, Pacific Concourse 12:30 - 3:00 pm Steven A. Hillyard Festschrift continues, Grand Ballroom A 2:30 - 7:30 pm Onsite & Pre-Paid Registration Check-In, Grand Ballroom Foyer 3:30 - 5:30 pm Slide Session 1, “Working Memory and Executive Function,” Grand Ballroom A Slide Session 2, “Perception and Action,” Grand Ballroom B 5:00 - 7:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open, Pacific Concourse 5:30 - 6:30 pm Welcome Reception, Pacific Concourse 5:30 - 7:30 pm Poster Session A, Pacific Concourse Sunday, April 3, 2011 7:30 am - 7:00 pm Onsite & Pre-Paid Registration Check-In, Grand Ballroom Foyer 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open, Pacific Concourse (Exhibit Hall closed from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm and 3:30 - 4:30 pm) 8:00 - 8:30 am Continental Breakfast, Pacific Concourse 8:00 - 10:00 am Poster Session B, Pacific Concourse 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Symposium Session 1, “Ingredients of the Mind: A Psychological Constructionist Approach to Cognitive Neuroscience,” Grand Ballroom A Slide Session 3, “Thinking,” Grand Ballroom B 12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch Break 1:00 - 3:00 pm Poster Session C, Pacific Concourse 2:30 - 3:00 pm Coffee Service, Pacific Concourse 3:00 - 4:00 pm Announcement of the Young Investigator Awards, Grand Ballroom 17th Annual George A. Miller Prize in Cognitive Neuroscience, Grand Ballroom 4:00 - 5:00 pm GAM Reception, Grand Ballroom Foyer & Market Street Foyer 5:00 - 7:00 pm Poster Session D, Pacific Concourse Federal Funding: Training and Research Grant Opportunities Monday, April 4, 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Grand Ballroom A We will highlight current federal training, career development, and research funding opportunities available. NIH and NSF Program Directors will present an overview of relevant funding at each agency, the grant applica- tion, review and funding processes, and provide hints for successful grant writing along the way. Come learn how to advance your research with federal support! Speakers: Kathy Mann Koepke, NICHD/NIH, Lynn Bernstein, NSF 2 Cognitive Neuroscience Society — 2011 Annual Meeting Schedule Overview Monday, April 4, 2011 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Onsite & Pre-Paid Registration Check-In, Grand Ballroom Foyer 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open, Pacific Concourse (Exhibit Hall closed from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm and 3:30 - 4:30 pm) 8:00 - 8:30 am Continental Breakfast, Pacific Concourse 8:00 - 10:00 am Poster Session E, Pacific Concourse 9:00 - 9:40 am YIA Special Lecture 1 - Michael J. Frank, Grand Ballroom A 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Symposium Session 2, “New Perspectives of the Cognitive Functions of the Angular Gyrus,” Grand Ballroom A Slide Session 4, “Emotion and Social Cognition,” Grand Ballroom B 12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch Break 12:00 - 1:00 pm Federal Funding Opportunities, Grand Ballroom A Elsevier Reviewers Workshop: A Guide to Best Practices for Journal Reviewers, Grand Ball- room B 1:00 - 3:00 pm Poster Session F, Pacific Concourse 2:30 - 3:00 pm Coffee Service, Pacific Concourse 3:00 - 5:00 pm Symposium Session 3, “The
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