2008 WWW.AGENZIAGIOVANI.IT Project Type: Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Type of Activity: Bilateral exchange Project Reference Number: IT-11-2-2008-R1 Project Title: Dialogo Interculturale e Nuove Tecnologie insieme per i giovani Applicant: Squeezezoom Bottega Associazione Culturale Applicant Address: Via della Battaglia, 9 Applicant Postal Code: 40141 Applicant Town: Bologna Applicant Country: Italy First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information Second Theme: Other Project Description: The Cultural Association Squeezezoom Bottega, specialised in audiovisual projects for young people organise an international exchange between 15 young Italians, from 15 to 17 years from the city of Bologna and 15 young Spanish, from 15 to 20 years, from the small villages of the mountain community of the Consortio de Guadalteba in the province of Malaga. In this phase, the group of Spanish young people and 2 group leaders will be hosted in Bologna. Squeezezoom Bottega will organise all the activities together with the Italian participants. The main idea of the project is developing intercultural dialog through the use of video and new technologies. The principal objectives are fostering youth participation in the public life of local communities, establishing a deep dialogue between cultural back grounds extremely different, using Internet and new technologies as privileged language of European youth. Concretely, it will be organised a permanent audiovisual laboratories which will follow all the activities and cultural visits of the groups, in order to produce a video, a travel journal and a pictures reportage that will be exploited to promote and foster intercultural exchanges and Youth in Action programs among the local institutions and communities. Young participants will be involved in all the phases of the shooting, editing and production of videos and other digital materials. Venue Country: Italy Venue Town: Bologna Granted amount: € 4.764,00 Pagina 2 di 434 Project Type: Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Type of Activity: Bilateral exchange Project Reference Number: IT-11-3-2008-R1 Project Title: Videocreazione: una vetrina delle nostre culture Applicant: Squeezezoom Bottega Associazione Culturale Applicant Address: Via della Battaglia, 9 Applicant Postal Code: 40141 Applicant Town: Bologna Applicant Country: Italy First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information Second Theme: Other Project Description: The Cultural Association Squeezezoom Bottega, specialised in audiovisual project for young people organise an international exchange between 15 young Italians, from 15 to 17 years from the city of Bologna and 15 young Spanish, from 15 to 20 years, from the small villages of the mountain community of the Consortio de Guadalteba in the province of Malaga. In this phase, the group of Italian young people and 2 group leaders will be hosted in the small village Canete la Real. The "Centro de Information Juvenil Consorcio Guadalteba" will organise all the activities together with the young Spanish participants. The main idea of the project is developing intercultural dialog through the use of video and new technologies. The principal objectives are fostering youth participation in the public life of local communities, establishing a deep dialogue between cultural back grounds extremely different, using Internet and new technologies as privileged language of European youth. Concretely, it will be organised a permanent audiovisual laboratories which will follow all the activities and cultural visits of the groups, in order to produce a video, a travel journal and a pictures reportage that will be exploited to promote and foster intercultural exchanges and Youth in Action programs among the local institutions and communities. Young participants will be involved in all the phases of the shooting, editing and production of videos and other digital materials. Venue Country: Spain Venue Town: Canete la Real Granted amount: € 4.070,00 Pagina 3 di 434 Project Type: Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Type of Activity: Multilateral exchange Project Reference Number: IT-11-5-2008-R1 Project Title: “A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet” Applicant: Comune di Settimo Torinese Applicant Address: Piazza della Libertà, 4 Applicant Postal Code: 10036 Applicant Town: Settimo Torinese Applicant Country: Italy First Theme: Art and culture Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information Project Description: Il progetto “A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet” si propone di costruire un percorso tramite cui isogge coinvol, giovani residen in cinque differen paesi europei, possano conoscersireciprocamente e possano sviluppare il proprio senso di ciadinanza europea grazie al mezzo dicomunicazione interculturale che il cinema può rappresentare. A parre da questo strumento, infa,e avvalendosi della posizione privilegiata di vicinanza a Torino, prima capitale italiana del cinema, si intende realizzare un percorso che, snodandosi araverso inerari ad hoc lungo luoghi torinesi resicelebri dal cinema, serate interculturali dedicate alla proiezione di pellicole scelte dagli stessipartecipan come più rappresentave del loro paese di provenienza e, con l’ausilio di giovani giàavi nel campo cinematografico, conduca i giovani, ulizzando la telecamera come tesmone idealedell’esperienza, ad apportare il proprio contributo nel ruolo di regista e personaggio protagonista nelrealizzare un cortometraggio il cui tema è la visione della realtà metropolitana dal punto di vista diuno straniero. “A stranger is a friend you havent met yet” wont to build a path through which involved youngsubjects, residents in five different European countries, can reciprocally know and develop their ownsense of European cizen with intercultural media like movie. Beginning from this media, in fact, andfrom the privileged posion so closed to Turin, first Italian movie capital, the project intends to realizea film that, with young subjects involved, represents a vision of the metropolitan reality from the pointof view of a foreigner. Venue Country: Italy Venue Town: Settimo Torinese Granted amount: € 19.872,50 Pagina 4 di 434 Project Type: Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Type of Activity: Bilateral exchange Project Reference Number: IT-11-6-2008-R1 Project Title: JOIN IN AND SHARE IT: HYPOTHESIS FOR YOUTH PARTICIPATION Applicant: Brazzale Mirta per Conto del Gruppo Informale IN MOVIMENTO Applicant Address: VIA PASINI, 27 Applicant Postal Code: 36015 Applicant Town: SCHIO (VICENZA) Applicant Country: Italy First Theme: Youth policies Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information Project Description: "Join in and share it, hypotesis for youth participation" si svolgerà a Schio, Italia e coinvolgerà un gruppo di ragazzi inviati dal Comune di Landshut, Germania. Lo scambio avrà come tema la partecipazione giovanile come possibilità per i giovani di prendere parte nella programmazione e nella realizzazione di azioni che permettano loro di diventare protagonisti di ciò che fanno. I partecipanti misureranno il "grado di partecipazione" delle loro esperienze passate ed avranno modo di esprimere (tramite brainstorming e workshop) alcune ipotesi e opinioni comuni riguardo ai criteri da osservare nelle attività di coinvolgimento giovanile.I ragazzi discuteranno anche sulla comunicazione come un importante aspeo della conoscenza/informazione per i giovani: che tipo di mezzi solitamente si utilizzano? Ci sono differenze tra la cultura tedesca e quella italiana? Quanto utilizziamo mezzi virtuali e quanto quelli fisici, come ad esempio il nostro corpo?Il progeo è una combinazione di momen di confronto interculturale e avità prache durante le quali i partecipanti produrranno degli strumenti multimediali: un blog, in cui introdurranno i risultati dello scambio, un video in cui si riprenderanno le attività quotidiane e un diario con idee, suggerimen e commen personali sullo scambio.Infine , lo scambio darà l'opportunità di conoscere meglio Gioventù in Azione e illustrarlo alla cittadinanza, agli altri giovani incontrati durante lo scambio e all'Amministrazione locale. Venue Country: Italy Venue Town: Schio (VICENZA) Granted amount: € 3.816,00 Pagina 5 di 434 Project Type: Action 1, Youth Exchanges application Type of Activity: Bilateral exchange Project Reference Number: IT-11-7-2008-R1 Project Title: MI VEDO CON I TUOI OCCHI Applicant: ASSOCIAZIONE ON-OFF Applicant Address: Via Borletti, 50 Applicant Postal Code: 10060 Applicant Town: Piscina (TORINO) Applicant Country: Italy First Theme: European awareness Second Theme: Art and culture Project Description: 36 youngsters from Poland and Italy will meet in Badów Górny k. Mszczonowa and work together during 10 days on construction of a theater performance about the idea of social and cultural "revolution", and the values the 1968's events transmitted in western and eastern Europe. The theme of the exchange is both pedagogical and cultural: the reflection around the idea of "rebellion", considering the exemple of the past; the difference of perspectives about the recent history of European countries, in particular about what happened in Poland in 1968 (Anti-Semitic persecution and the March 1968 events) in contrast with the idea of the 1968 in western Europe. During the activities participants will discuss and build together with Italian and Polish theater animators a theater performances about the points that will emerge by their meeting.The performance will be open and involve local people. In addition, a documentary
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