E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2007 No. 33 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE With best wishes, I am, Sincerely, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the pore (Mr. SALAZAR). LORRAINE C. MILLER, gentleman from Georgia (Mr. SCOTT) Clerk of the House. f come forward and lead the House in the DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Pledge of Allegiance. f PRO TEMPORE Mr. SCOTT of Georgia led the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- THE TRUCKS ARE COMING, THE I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the TRUCKS ARE COMING fore the House the following commu- United States of America, and to the Repub- nication from the Speaker: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, (Mr. POE asked and was given per- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. WASHINGTON, DC, mission to address the House for 1 February 27, 2007. f I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN T. minute.) SALAZAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on COMMUNICATION FROM THE Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, the next this day. CLERK OF THE HOUSE sound you hear will be the rumble of NANCY PELOSI, thousands of Mexican trucks streaming Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- fore the House the following commu- across our southern border. The U.S. f nication from the Clerk of the House of Government has agreed to allow 100 PRAYER Representatives: Mexican trucking companies to send The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. WASHINGTON, DC, trucks on the highways and byways of Coughlin, offered the following prayer: February 20, 2007. America. Presently, Mexican trucks Hon. NANCY PELOSI, may only go 20 miles inside the U.S. O Creator of the heavens and Earth, The Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, You have endowed this planet, the Washington, DC. border. The U.S. Government says they ground for all our living, with innu- DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the will inspect the trucks for safety and merable gifts of nature held in delicate permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II inspect the drivers as well. Yeah, right. balance. of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- There are already 6,000 trucks a day So many resources have been given tives, the Clerk received the following mes- crossing in each direction just between by You to Mother Earth so that life for sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Mex- Your people all over the globe may be February 20, 2007, at 12:00 p.m.: That the Senate passed S. 171. ico; and only a fraction of these are in- sustained and developed. That the Senate agreed to without amend- spected. May this great Nation, led by grati- ment H. Con. Res. 67. This country has no way of inspect- tude and imagination in government, That the Senate passed without amend- study with sincerity the laws of nature ment H.R. 577. ing each and every Mexican truck for and share with others its discoveries so That the Senate passed without amend- safety, and there is no telling what that a just distribution of all Earth’s ment H.R. 514. could be in them, whether it is legiti- resources may be assured according to That the Senate passed without amend- mate cargo, narcotics or contaminated principles of justice and solidarity. ment H.R. 433 food. Not to mention, Mexican trucks That the Senate passed without amend- Then will the poor and the hungry over ment H.R. 521. are not up to the standards of the U.S. all the Earth be given voice and sing That the Senate passed without amend- trucking industry. Overweight, pol- praise and thanksgiving to You both ment H.R. 335. luting Mexican trucks driven by low now and forever. Amen. That the Senate passed without amend- paid, unqualified drivers that may not ment H.R. 49. f even be able to read highway signs is a Appointments: dangerous policy for the citizens of this THE JOURNAL United States-China Economic Security country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Review Commission. Once again, our government seems to Chair has examined the Journal of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Japan-United States Friendship Commis- be more concerned about Mexico than last day’s proceedings and announces sion. to the House his approval thereof. it is about our Nation, our highways or Commission on Security and Cooperation our people. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- in Europe (Helsinki). nal stands approved. National Council on the Arts. And that’s just the way it is. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1899 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:44 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H27FE7.REC H27FE7 hmoore on PRODPC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2007 OUR COUNTRY MUST APOLOGIZE Since DESA was started in 1986, it concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 47) FOR SLAVERY has been awarded service contracts supporting the goals and ideals of a Na- (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- from HHS, the Department of Com- tional Medal of Honor Day to celebrate mission to address the House for 1 merce, the Minority Business Develop- and honor the recipients of the Medal minute.) ment Agency, the Army, the Air Force, of Honor. Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, ladies and the Small Business Administration, as The Clerk read as follows: gentlemen of the House, today I am well as various contracts from the pri- H. CON. RES. 47 going to introduce a bill to call on the vate sector. DESA works with compa- Whereas the Medal of Honor is the highest United States Government to apologize nies from the very beginning of award that can be bestowed to a member of for the history in this country of hav- projects until their completion. the Armed Forces for valor in action against ing a slave system and for Jim Crow In conclusion, God bless our troops, an enemy force; Whereas the Medal of Honor is awarded by laws that went on for a hundred addi- and we will never forget September 11 and the courageous service of Army the President, in the name of the Congress, tional years. to members of the Armed Forces who have The State of Virginia is to be com- Chief Warrant Officer II, Jason De distinguished themselves conspicuously by mended for its action this past week in Frenn of Barnwell, South Carolina. gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their making, in essence, an apology saying f lives above and beyond the call of duty; they regretted a system of slavery in Whereas the United States will forever be ILLEGALS USING FED TO WIRE in debt to the recipients of the Medal of this country. MONEY For 246 years, our Constitution and Honor for their bravery and sacrifice in our laws allowed a system that made (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was times of war or other armed conflict; Whereas the Medal of Honor was first people slaves, that divided people from given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend awarded on March 25, 1863, during the Civil their families and treated them as War; property. And for 100 years thereafter, her remarks.) Whereas, of the millions of men and women a system of laws in many States Mrs. BLACKBURN. You know, the who have served in the Armed Forces in war, throughout the country had Jim Crow United States is a Nation founded on military operations, or other armed con- laws that deprived people of the oppor- the rule of law. Those who do not fol- flicts, only 3,443 members have thus far been tunity for equal access to education, low the law are held accountable, ex- awarded the Medal of Honor; health care, public facilities, and other cept when you are an illegal immi- Whereas 111 Medal of Honor recipients are still living as of January 1, 2007; types of programs. These ended by law grant. We have already learned that a few of Whereas it is appropriate to commemorate in the sixties somewhat through the ef- and honor the recipients of the Medal of forts of Thurgood Marshall and other our major banks are issuing credit Honor and to recognize their bravery and attorneys in Brown v. Board of Edu- cards to illegal immigrants, but a re- sacrifice for the United States; cation, but the effects are lingering. cent article in the L.A. Times uncov- Whereas the designation of a National This country needs to apologize for a ered a program through our own Fed- Medal of Honor Day would raise the aware- brutal, inhumane system of slavery eral Reserve Bank that makes it easier ness of the American people regarding the and Jim Crow laws. President Bush has for illegal entrants to send money back significance and meaning of the Medal of made remarks similar to this in Sen- to Mexico, direct to Mexico. A feder- Honor and help focus the efforts of national, ally sponsored program allows illegal State, and local organizations striving to egal; President Clinton also in the foster public appreciation and recognition of State of Virginia most recently.
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