Learning Organization - A Lasting Concept E.Timm, N.Honecker, J.Gund R. Sell E.A.Hartmann John Deere Works MA&T: Mensch, Arbeit Department of Computer Mannheim und Technik Science in Mechanical WindeckstraBe 90 KrantzstraBe 7 Engineering (HDZIIMA) 68163 Mannheim, 52070 Aachen, Germany University of Technology Germany +49-241-968840 Aachen (RWTH) +49-621-829-0 [email protected] DennewartstraBe 27 gundjuergenH@r2 52068 Aachen, Germany mannheim.deere.com +49-241-96660 [email protected]­ aachen. de Thus, the integration of learning and regular work will be ABSTRACT: more and more important. The borders between those two Today there exists an evident need to view an enterprise areas will be less strict than up to now, in most countries. as a learning system whose adaptive capabilities have to be Learning will be integrated within the working increased for the joint and participative development of environment, and the working' environment will influence organization and technology. As an example of individual learning. Normal work or daily practice will implementing the concepts of a Learning Organization into become the 'centre of learning processes. In order to remain practice, experiences at John Deere Works Mannheim will competitive, the necessity of re-Iearning as well as be described. The company has started to implement a continuous lifelong learning will be the norm - based, project that intends to integrate lasting concepts of a however, on a thorough basis of initial education and Learning Organization. Strategy and expectancies of the training. These aspects need to be taken into account in all project are described in this report. processes of designing production processes today. Keywords: This need of being flexible and competitive is supported Learning Organization, Participatory Design, by the introduction of new models of work organization, Organizational Development e.g. team work, self-organised groups, Learning Teams, INTRODUCTION: and other strategies. Creation of knowledge is nothing but In nearly every part of society today, a dynamic change of a shift from implicit to explicit learning. Groups, for structures and processes can be observed. Reality today is example, are a suitable form for spreading knowledge and characterised by complexity. Global development and making problem-solving abilities transparent. Everyone in internationalization of markets are linked to the increasing the group is an expert and can give his/ her knowledge to use of information and communication technologies. With the process of complex problem-solving. Thus. the group such decentralization of economic structures, work can function as a link between individual and conditions change. In industry, traditional (staff-) organizationalleaming. structures are changing. Less hierachical, team-oriented structures are being implemented. These changes in Organizational learning occurs as one aspect of run~ing an society and industry have impact on working and learning: enterprise, whether this is intended or not. To make these learning has to be integrated with reality of work in order learning processes more efficient and goal-oriented, to correspond to today's complex social interactions. Such however, they have to be designed deliberately. learning processes have to include technology, people, and Organizational learning transcends individual learning, as organization. it focuses on organizational change. The basis of these In PDC 98 Proceedings ofthe Participatory DeSign change processes are nevertheless individuals, their Conference. R. Chatfield, S. Kuhn, M. Muller (Eds.) subjective beliefs and actions. If organizational learning is Seattle, WA USA, 12-14 November 1998. CPSR, meant as a concept to affect all business and work P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94302 [email protected] 239 processes within the organization, on all hierarchical ISBN 0-9667818-0-5. levels, in all departments and especially between them, reorganization, including outsouring of some participation becomes a critical issue. In this report, the production processes, has created a need for re­ fundamental aspects of such a Learning Organization are qualification of workers to be able to work within 'core­ briefly described. They are applied to the case study of competency' areas. The educational concept of John Deere Works Mannheim, as an enterprise which 'learning islands' relies on 'real-world' work processes recently decided to change over to the Learning and the concept of 'complete tasks', known from Organization concept. Some results of this change process German work psychology (Hacker, 1986). This means are reported. that learners will produce a complete product - for example, in the "Assembly Learning Island" they will as a group assemble a complete tractor - including all planning, quality assurance, and organizational tasks THE CASE OF JOHN DEERE PLANT MANN HElM (JDWM), GERMANY together with the 'direct' operational tasks. This learning process is guided and supported by The company professionals in vocational education I. The JDWM produce tractors (mostly agricultural) with 4 • Qualification for participation for all workers. As a part or 6 cylinders engines ranging from 75 to 130 HP (55-96 of the indroduction program for group work, all group kW); this is the ,,6000-Series" in John Deere's tractor members attend a 2-day workshop where they learn programme. The annual production output is 28,000 methods of communication and problem solving in tractors approximately. JDWM employ about 2,200 groups. people. The Mannheim Plant has one of the longest and • Training of team leadership skills. In each group, at richest histories in farm-machinery production in Europe. least one - usually between two and four - members of The Heinrich Lanz Company, founded in 1859, produced the group take part in additional workshops to learn the first steam-powered stationary threshing machines in how to facilitate problem solving in groups. 1879 and the first crude-oil-fuelled tractor - the famous • Appointing and training of team consultants ('process "Bulldog" - in 1921. In 1956, Heinrich Lanz AG merged attendants') from within the company. Their task as with Deere & Company, Moline, Illinois (USA). Today the professionals in organizational development is to Mannheim Plant is the largest and most important John support the groups and the facilitators in applying the Deere factory outside the USA. methods mentioned above. Furthermore they consult and coach all departments and hierarchy levels concerning new forms of work organization. They also Like many other organizations the John Deere Works monitor and support the general process of developing Mannheim (JDWM) is going through a reorganization group work and other new forms of work organization process. Aspects of this process are: within the company. - segmentation of the factory in several "focus factories" : decentralizing production and service departments, - introduction of team work in all production lines, and So far, the following two main strategies have been put also in management and administration, into practice which concern learning of individuals and - reduction of hierachical levels going along with process teams: company-wide group work structures, and the oriented structures, Continuous Improvement Process. - outsourcing of departments. These change processes have started on the level of Introducing Group Work individuals and teams. Subsequently, they have affected At present there are more than 1,500 employees of the the whole organizational structure as well as technology John Deere Works Mannheim working in teams. Different design and implementation in production and information processing. Being aware of the well-known problems of In Germany, skilled industrial workers (or junior the company renewal, the John Deere Plant Mannheim craftsmen) may attend an educational 2-3 year started several different activities in parallel: programme to achieve the qualification of a • Learning Teams (so called "Learning Islands") in 'Meister' (originally 'master' in the sense of 'master different production and assembly areas. These are craftsman'). This includes in-depth knowledge of learning environments which on the one hand, serve as their technical domain, workshop management, and a special module within the regular vocational vocational teaching qualification. The people education scheme for apprentices (cf. footnote 2), on running the learning islands at JDWM are 'Meisters' the other hand are used for further qualification or re­ with substantial teaching experience from their work qualification of employees. Especially the recent in the vocational education department of the plant. 240 types of team work - from partly autonomous groups to interests and different priorities between the two sides, but self-organized groups and Learning Teams - can be gives a common frame of reference. observed. The methods of group work are based on the concepts of the participatory approach related to CIP groups can be understood as temporary project groups improvement of work organization, production processes which are based on the concepts of team work. For one and technology with a special emphasis on qualification week a group, isolated from its regular working place, is for participation (Hartmann, 1998; Sell & Fuchs­ asked to solve a specific problem. The standardized use of Frohnhofen, 1993). problem-solving methods is necessary for a successful CIP: Once a week the employees come together in a group • employees
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