5226 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-HOUSE 1\{AROH 4 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. R. 13060. An act to recognize the high public service ren­ dered by :M".aj. Walter Reed and those associated with him in 1\lo.NDAY, March 4, 19~9 the disc(}very of the cause and means of transmission of yellow fever; (Legislative day of Saturday, March ~. 19~9) H. R. 13632. An act for the relief of Ruth B. Lincoln; The House met at 10 o'clock a. m. at the expiration of the H. R. 13658. An act for the relief of Hugh Anthony McGuigan; recess. H. R. 13812. An act for the relief of Lieut. Robert O'Hagan, COMMITTEE TO WAIT UPON THE PRESIDENT Supply Corps, United States Navy; l\Ir. TILSON. Mr. Speaker, I send a resolution to the clerk's H. R. 14659. An act to provide for the appointment of two desk and ask for its immediate consideration. additional judges of the District Court of the United States . The SPEAKER. The clerk will report . the resolution. for the Eastern District of New York; The clerk read as follows: H. R. 15712. An act making appropriations for the military and nonmilitary activities of the War Department for the fiscal House Resolution 350 year ending June 30, 1930, and for other purposes; Resolved, That a committee of three Members be appointed by the H. R.16274. An act to provide for the establishment of a Speaker to join with a similar committee appointed by the Senate to municipal center in the District of Columbia; wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that the H. R.16661. An act to amend the act entitled "An act author­ two llouses have completed the business of the present session and are izing the paving of the Federal strip known as International ready to adjourn unless the President has some other communication Street adjacent to Nogales, Ariz.," approved May 16, 1928; and to make to them. H. R. 17053. An act making appropriations for the legislative The resolution was agreed to. branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints as the committee th~ gen­ 1930, and for other purposes ; tleman from Connecticut [l\fr. TlLsoN], the gentleman from On March 1, 1929 : Oregon [Mr. HAWLEY], and the gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. H. R. 5952. An act for the relief of Robert Michael White; GARRE'IT]. H. R. 8295. An act for the appointment of an additional cir- cuit judge for the ninth judicial circuit; MESSAGE FROM THE SEN ATE H. R.12409. An act to grant to the city of Fort 'Vayne, A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, Ind., an easement over certain Government property ; announced that the Senate had passed, with amendments in H. R. 13461. An act to provide for the acquisition of land in which the concurrence of the House is requested, a bill of the the District of Columbia for the use of the United States; House of the following title: H. R.13957. An act to repeal certain provisions of law re­ H. R. 13929. An act to provide for the enlarging of the Capitol lating to the Federal building at Des l\Ioines, Iowa ; Grounds. H. R.15468. An act to repeal the provisions of law authoriz­ The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the ing the Secretary of the Treasury to acquire a site and build­ amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill ing for the United States subtreasury and other governmental (S. 5715) entitled "An act for the relief of J. H. B. Wilder." offices at New Orleans, La.; MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT H. R.1993. An act to correct the naval record of William E. A message in writing from the President of the United .states Adams; was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of his sec­ H. R. 2486. An act for the relief of Andrew Jackson Seward, retaries who also informed the House that on the following jr., deceased; clates the President approved and signed bills and joint resolu­ H. R.l1406. An act to consolidate or acquire alienated lands tions of the House of the following titles: in Lassen Volcanic National Park, in the State of California, On February 27, 1929: by exchange; H. R. 9168. An act for the relief of Simon A. Richardson ; H. R. 11722. An act to provide for the commemoration of the H. R. 9597. An act for the relief of Fred Elias Horton; and Battle of Monocacy, 1\fd. ; H. R. 5769. An act to authorize the consolidation and co- H. R. 12351. An act amending section 72 of the Judicial Code, ordination of Government purchases, to enlarge the functions as amended (U. S. C. title 28, sec. 145), by changing the bound­ of the General Supply Committee, to authorize the erection of aries of the divisions of the southern district of California and a public warehouse for the storage of Government supplies, terms of court for each division; and for other purposes. H. R.12638. An act for the relief of David A. Wright; On February 28, 1929 : H. R. 12793. An act for the relief of Alonzo Durward Allen ; H. R. 4266. An act for the relief of certain officers and former H. R. 13721. An act for the relief of Edwin I. Chatcuff; officers of the Army of the United States, and for the settle­ H. R. 13752. An act to provide for the construction of a ment of individual claims approved by the War Department; children's tuberculosis sanatorium; H. R.13831. An act granting the consent of Congress to the H. R.13857. An act to amend the act entitled "An act for .Momence conservancy district, its successors and assigns, to the relief of contractors and subcontractors for the post offices and other buildings and work under the supervision of the construct maintain, repair, and improve a dam across the Treasury Department, and for other purposes," approved Kankake~ River at Momence, in Kankakee County, Ill. ; and August 25, 1919, as amended ; H. R. 16658. An net to amend sections 116, 118, and 126 of H. R. 13931. An act to authorize appropriations for construc­ the Judicial Code, as amended, to divide the eighth judicial tion at military posts, and for other purpo. es; circuit of the United States, and to create a tenth judicial H. R. 15201. An act to extend the times for commen~ing ~nd ~~~ . completing the construction of a bridge acr_oss the Ohio Rtver H. R. 2474. An act for the relief of the San Francisco, Napa, at or near Maysville, Ky., and Aberdeen, Ohio; & Calistoga Railway ; H. R.15382. An act to legalize a trestle, log dun;tP. and boom H. R. 5286. An act for the relief of J. H. Sanborn; in Henderson Inlet near Chapman Bay, about 7 miles northeast H. R. 5287. An act for the relief of Etta C. Sanborn; H. R. 5288. An act for the relief of William F. Kallweit; of Olympia, Wash. ; H. R. 15577. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to H. R. 5289. An act for the relief of Loretta Kallweit; dispose of material to the sea scout department of the Boy · H. R. 5758. An act amending the act approved May 4, 1926, providing for the co;nst:r:uction and m.aintenance of bathing pools Scouts of America; or beaches in the Distnct of Columbia ; H. R. 15724. An act to authorize the Secretary of the lnterior H. R. 10238. An act for the relief of Lieut. L. A. Williams, to exchange certain lands within the State of Montana, and for Supply Corps, United States Navy; other purposes; H. n. 10657. An act to authorize the assessment of levee, road, H. R.15727. An act to relinquish all right, title, and interest of drainage, and other improvement-district benefits against cer­ the United States in certain lands in the State of Washington; tain lands, and for other purposes; H. R. 16026. An act to extend the times for commencii~g an~ H. R. 10957. An act to amend the act entitled "An act for the completing the construction of a bridge across the l\llssour1 relief of contractors and subcontractors for the post offices and River at or near Randolph, 1\Io.; . other buildings and work under the supervision of the Treasury H. R. 16565. An act authorizing the Hawesville and c:mn~l­ Department, and for other purposes," approved August 25, 1919, ton Bridge Co., its successors and assigns, to construct, mamtam, .as amended by act of :March 6, 1920 ; and operate a bridge across the Ohio River at or near Cannelton, H. R. 11360. An act to authorize the Se<:retary of ~he I~terior Ind.; to convey or tranBfer certain water rights rn connectiOn With the H. R. 16881. An act to approve, ratify, and con:fir~ an act of Boise reclamation project; the Philippine Legislature entitled " An act amending the cor,: H. R. 12390. An act for the relief of Frarrk C. Messenger; poration law, Act No. 1459, as amended, and for other purposes, 1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5227 enacted November 8, 1928, approved by the Governor General of H. R. 13132. An act for the relief of J. D. Baldwin, and for the Philippine Islands December 3, 1928 ; other purposes ; H. R.16954. An act granting the consent of Congress to the H. R.13521. An act for the relief of Minnie A.
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