Political. opponents are _documents ----- Confusion over passports BY RAJAH MUNAMA VA ,~.~, 'c, THERE -IS SOME confusion about the issue of passports in Namibia, and while the interim government claims that the' South African Government is responsible for this issue, the Chief of Civic Affairs and Manpower, Mr Nic Opperman, said that his Department 'acts on instmctions from the Cabinet' /" in .tlJe light of the refusal of passports to many Namibians, - especially critics of the Govern­ ment, or the failure of the rele­ vant Department to respond to passport applications, both Mr Hans Diergaardt, interim government Minister for Civic Affairs and Manpower, as well as Mr Opperman, were ap­ proached for comi.nent. The granting of passports was subject to -approval by the Ad- Continued on page 2 CROWDS leaving Sunday's ecumenical Cassinga memorial service in Lang attacks top official FUEE REPORTS ON BRUSSELS CONFEREN'CE HE WOULD NOT appear before a rem.ir~_ oneself of the background to Committee headed by the Secretary this .-Committee, which is to draft a INSIDE -TODAY for Economic Affairs, and neither_ government white paper on the min­ would he recommend such a step to ing report of the Thirion Commis­ others, said Mr Eric Lang, ~ amibian sion. This mea-ns that Mrl(ruger's businessman, in response to the ap­ Committee will essentially be review­ pointment of an Interdepartmental ing the findings of Mr Justice Community up-in-arms Committee.on Mining by the interim Thirion, comment on that, and government recently. Mr Lang also recommend, or reject, suggesllons as dead -are paraded said that in the light of the findings for policy changes', Mr Lang said. of the Thirion Commission, Mr He added that over a period of IN AN ACT descibed by the com­ driven around market places, Kruger's position as Secretary of several years, before and during the munity of Oshakati as 'barbaric Cuca-shops and the residential Economic Affairs, should be should investigations of the Thirion Com­ and irresponsible' Security forces areas of Oshakati West according be reviewed. mission, disturbing evidence had operating in the Oshakati area to eye witnesses in the area. He said he had been requested by (;ome to light on the 'riear total lack allegedly 'paraded' the bodies of A letter from the community of political office-holders and of control over the mining industry guerillas killed in action through Oshakati, described the horror of businessmeh to make a submission by Mr Kruger'-s Department, His the residential and business areas of the incident, and stated that on before the Committee which was _Department of Economic Affairs Oshakati last Sunday. several occasions in the past, when established to make recommenda­ stood indicted of pathetic -in­ The incident occurred on whaUs similar incidents had occurred, they - tions on the Thirion Report into the competence in dealing with the most known as Cassinga Day, when the had complained to _Mr Peter mining industry, and draft a national urgent and crucialissuein theNami- bodies of the guerrillas, which were Kalangula, who heads the Ovam- mining policy for the country. strapped onto the bumpers and Mr Eric Lang 'It is important in this context to continued on page 2 spare wheels of two Casspjrs, were continued on page 2 , A GIFT , . Ii- COME -TO !fWoermann, Brock & Co. -.-.- t FOR MANY SPECIALS if! AND . A SURPRISE 11 -MAl· MEl· MAY J AWAITS .- Il I POBOX86 '{"~__ _ ••C <'" .-,"- .7' 2 Sentence of seven Second tier confusion BY CHRIS SHIPANGA MR JUSTICE Johan Strydom, others from letting themselves be THE CONFERENCE of second allocated to second tiers and for ad­ amidst whistles and hisses from recruited by Swapo's armed wing. tier authorities held in Windhoek ditional funds; Swapo members and supporters, 'The court will not exercise its on May 6, has decided that Pro­ 5. each second tier will appoint a this week gave long term jail discretion to impose the death clamation AG 8 of 1980 may not representative to this committee. sentences to seven Namibians con­ sentence, but has a duty to protect be scrapped until such time as a The delegation of the Nama se­ victed in terms of the Terrorism society,' Judge Strydom said. replacement has been agreed upon cond tier distanced itself with deci­ Act. He djstinguished the first three with the consent of the ethnic sion 3 while the Rehoboth second After the Judge had passed . accused Frans Angula, 29, Norbert governments. tier. distanced itself from decision sentence, tumult erupted in the Ankome, 25, and Elkan Simon The Damara second tier govern­ 4 and the Ovambo second tier left courtroom when relatives tried to Shoombe, 21, from the others say­ ment, headed by Mr Justus the conference early. get access to the dock, and were ing they had taken a leading role, Garoeb, has distantiated itself from Major expectations of another prevented from doing so . by and had also received military this deCIsion until such time as a realignment of parties through the camouflaged police-. training in Angola. congress of the Damara Council meeting of second tiers, did not A scuffle ensued between police The judge sentenced Angula to takes a final decision on Proclama­ materialise, and it appears that and family of the convicted men, 16 years in jail and 14 years to each tion AG 8. while not all second tiers are oppos­ while an attorney and the second of the other two men. The fourth The five-point statement is brief­ ed to the scrapping of AG 8, they in command of the security police, accused Bernardinus Shikongo, 41, ly as follows: are concerned about the loss of a. Colonel 'Foffie' Badenhorst, had was sentenced to 5 years while 1. Proclamation AG 8 of 1980 may political power base. BISHOP Cleopas Dumeni an altercation a60ut the incident. Desiderius Ankome, 27, Erastus not be scrapped until a replacement The presence of the Rehoboth In passing sentence, the Judge Uutoni, 29 and Vilho Kashilulu, has been agreed to and delegation at the meeting is strange ELOC accepts said courts saw deeds such as those 22, got 12 years each. implemented; in view of the fact that the committed by the accused in a Shortly after the court adjourn­ 2. that because this effects the se­ Rehoboth area is not governed by serious light, and it was for 'the ed, a scuffle broke out in the dock cond tiers in particular, they must Proclamation AG 8, but instead by Declaration same reason that the lawgiver when policemen tried to prevent the prescribed sentences similar to accused from saying goodbye to be consulted and agree on the the Rehoboth Self Government Act THE HEAD of the Evangelical those for high treason. family and friends, with one of the above; which can only be repealed by an Lutheran Ovambo-Kavango He said such deeds always led to accused grabbing a policeman by 3. a financial committee will be ap­ act of the SA Parliament. Church (ELOC) , Bishop Kleopas unavoidable chaos and bloodshed the throat telling him that 'If that pointed with one representative of Dumeni, has asked to be accepted The meeting also took place and in the process, civilians, some was your mother would you push each second tier to investigate and as a full signatory of the Ai-Gams make recommendations concerning amid reports that AG 8 could be of whom may even be sympathetic her around like that?' when a Declaration, ~rawn up by pro-435 scrapped by the interim govern­ to the cause or' Swapo, found camouflaged policeman elbowed a taxation system with reference to parties. and groups last week. ment and replaced by a 'non-ethnic themselves on the receiving end. aside an elderly woman. 'I am also personal, general sales and com­ ELOC was not present at the constitution', thus depriving 'You are all first offenders who a soldier as you are' , added the one pany tax; meeting which took place last week leaders such as Mr Peter Kalangula had been motivated by politics and accused. 4. this committee will meet with the under the auspices of the Council · of the Ovambo Administration, of not personal gain, but the courts Other camouflaged policemen Minister of Finance to discuss with of Churches in Namibia, but have a power base. take a stern view on acts of ter- . tried to keep the public away from him the manner in which funds are now given their full approval to the rorism. Penal factors such ' as the dock amid black power salutes document. I rehabilitation and deterrence would and shou.ts of 'you have already Parties and groups which signed Bodies on p not have much influence on punished them, give us back our the Declaration calling for-the im- . country,' 'Swapo will win' Continued from page 1 hardened and tr'ained combatants, humane manner'. plekentation of Resolution 435 but would , still serve to restrain bo Administration. Residents further called on the and condemning the interim Residents said they could not · 'command~rs of Koevoet to act like government, included the member believe it possi.ble that human be­ · Christians and follow the the churches of the Council of Chur­ Lang on Piet Kruger ings could lower themselves to such teachings of Christ'. ches, with the exception of the Ger­ Continued from page 1 - - - - mineral resources are utilised in a an degree, as to expose the bodies A spokesman of the Defence man· Evangelical Lutheran Church, bian eCQnomy:. socially-responsible ~anner (over­ of the dead. 'These guerrillas are force when asked for comment said and · political ' parties, including Mr Lang added that at the time the mining).
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