^m - fc V , m ■*. V C 0 JSITENTJ 5 Note: This booklet 1n It s present form 1s not complete but ha< hAnn SS*El?,e t0 y0U “ th,S P01"‘ 1" 1. Declaration of the United Democratic Front 2. UDF National Executive Coimrittee 3. UDF Regional Executive Committees 4. Statement of the UDF National General Council 5. Secretarial Report 6. Working Principles 7. Resolutions: Detentions and Treason Trial Banning of the UDF and A ffiliates in the Bantustans UDF International Relations Trade Unions- - — * — . Unemployment Forced Removals Rural Areas Militarisation (• Women ' Black Local Authorities Tricameral Parliament and Black Forum ) - Citizenship Imperialism Imperialism USA International Year of the Youth Education Namibia * New Zealand Rugby Tour 3 Declaration of the United Democratic Front We. the freedom loving people of South Africa, say with one voice to tbe whole worio that we • cherish the vision o f a united. demooaU . South A fno based on the wa of the people. • wa strive for the unity of a l people am «h united • the cpprKs^andesploitation °f w om en w a con- > onue. Women wil suffer greater rurdshcn under me acfonagamsttheevasof apartheid, econaac and al mw other forms of e«*xoOon ^ WomefV wtf be (Evicted from their ctwW* fen md fjmftes. P iw iy snd malnutrition wfli continue Ana. In our march to a free and Job South Africa, we are guided by these noble £ S J S t ^ ti & bnn'* *wh6fl**'■** Ideals *Sr Potion of a true deecracv In which a i South Africans W participate h a t govern- ment of our councrr. Ew Uat aw thba^eJSie* ,Urther Wo"' We ) • « * ^ * W « H ^ » ^ Bmwu>Soutl» Africa. A South Africa free of bantustarswd Croup Areas: tustans w il remain. • we sav aifanmrfmnrxO.ijrv< We tno»r that there wa not be an end to tte uneQual end. CBtrawtion of the land. Wealth and resources of the country. That the migratory labour system w J fcve on in accordance wfth these noble Ideals, to destroy famiy ife. and on the 20th day of August 1983 at We know that the government wil always use false Rocklands CMc Centre, Mitchells Ptein. we leaders to become its junior partners and to control Join hands as trade union, community, us. Our lives will still be filed with fears of harassment, > tannings, detentions and death. women's, student's, religious, porting Mindful of the fact that the m Ctnstitutional pro­ and other organisations to say no to posals and Koomhof measures win fu n n e r entrench Apartheid. apartheid and white domination. We say NO to the tautSc of South Africa Constitu­ We commit ourselves to uniting all our tion Bfl-attfwhicfcwa create vet anotlmindemo- cratlc constitution in the country of o urtirift people wherever they may be In the cities We say NO to the Koomhof BAs which wB donve more and countryside, the factories and mines, and more African peoete of their birthrig* schools, colleges and universities, housing f We say YES to thbirthof the United Demoaatic Front and sports fields, churches, mosques and on this historic da% temples, to fight for our freedom. We know that . • We therefore resolve to stand shoulder to shoulder • this government > determined to bee* the unity In our common ttruggle and commit ourselves to f f .our people; that M r people wit face grater hard- work together to tm t our peocfe Wing h radaSy segwaated and • organise and mobilise an community, worker, Stu­ m ,rom ^ w it h they dent, women, religious, sporting and other organisa- produce in the d a Hut rents arxJ after basic t m w ider the banner o f the Urwed Democratic Fro n t (ftarpesadincreaseJncL Out bur King stadardswil • e o n sittp e o p le regularly and honestly, and bra ve- ly and strive to represent their views and aspirations; • that: working peopfcw* be rfvided. Kacetom race: • educate a l about the coming dangers and the need from unemptaaed; men fo r unity. • b u tt and strengthen a l organisations o f the people; tacxs on our trade a n rs w il continue. • unite In action against these U s ana other day-to- * ° ***** ***** uneouaf day problems affecting our people. g fao tlon. created «» M O>> a reservoir t t cheap And now therefore fatxxx. EPyg m yian d w n o x a t fadfcies** reman. Apartheid w i s tl be U t In our dassrooat We pledge to come together In the ?j£ere*wous .an d rto rt He of our pea* w* be United Democratic Front and fight side by “ ""•d The sns of apartheid wil co o te to be side against the Government's constitu­ sumped on the a * re and refgions of o r people; tional proposals and the Koomhof bills. .......... - UDF NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairperson Curnick Ndlovu General Secretary Popo Molefe Publicity Secretary Mosiuoa Lekota Treasurer Azhar Cachalla Other Members Steve Tshwete Zoli Malindi Mcebisi Xundu Edgar Ngoyi • Makhenkesi S to file Yunus Mohomed Trevor Manuel Mohammed V a lli Derrick Swartz • Oomo Khasu Titus Mofolo O liver Mohapi UDF REGIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES TRANSVAAL President Albertina Sisulu Vice President Samson Ndou Vice President Ram Saloojee Vice President Ismail Mohamed General Secretary Mohammed V a lli General Secretary Paul Mashatile Minute Secretary Eddie Makue Publicity Secretary Sydney Mafumadi Rural Secretary Murphy Morobe Media O fficer Mzwakhe Mbuli Education Officer Raymond Suttner Youth Portfolio Dan Montsisi Student Portfolio Mathews Sathekge Labour Portfolio Paul Maseko Women's Portfolio Amanda Kwadi Civic Portfolio Arthur Mkhwanazi Treasurer Azhar Cachalia Treasurer Titus Mofolo NATAL President Archie Gumede Chairman Rev. M. Xundu Vice Chairman B illy Nair Secretary Yunus Mohamed Publicity Secretary Lechesa Tsenoli Treasurer V icto ria Mxenge NIC Je rry Coovadia NCC Sandy Africa RMC Russel Mpanaa Youth Ndaba Students Ronnie DHAC V irg il Bonhomme JORAC Ian Mkhize NOW Nosizwe Diakonia Paddy Kearney Unions Themba Nxumalo ODF REGIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES CONTINUED WESTERN CAPE President Zoli Malindi Vice President W ilfred Rhodes Vice President Christmas Tinto Secretary Trevor Manuel Secretary Miranda Qwanyashe Secretary Ebrahim Rasool Publicity Secretary Zoliswa Kota Treasurer Joe Adam Fund Raiser Goolam Abubaker Additional Member Milfred Lesiea Additional Member Mountain Qumbula • Additional Member Graeme Bloch Additional Member Rev. Syd Luckett Education & Training Jeremy Cronin BORDER President Steve Tshwete Vice President NQola Vice President Sonwabo NQoyi Secretary Rev. M. StQfile Publicity Secretary Andrew Hendricks Treasurer Hintsa Sowisa Additional Member L u c ille Meyer Assistant Treasurer T Botha Organiser Humphrey Moxhegwana Additional Member Yure Mdyogolo EASTERN CAPE President E Ngoyi Vice President H Fazzie General Secretary D Swartz Publicity Secretary S Sizani Recording Secretary M Ndube Organiser • M Goniwe Treasurer Vacant STATEMENT OF THE UDF NATIONAL GENERAL COUNCIL This meeting of more than 300 committed and enthm i* SESE^ E-im ElF^ Meeting in the context of state repression unparalleled in the n»<t S ' on the basis of ovemhel JgpopSla? sJppS" the genuine " e e d s ^ n ^ d e ^ f d i ^ l n ^ ^ ^ apartheid “* The precondition for the achievement of peace in this country is the • struggleSSEL°J„th!.Iv for liberation11^ parJheid is a strugglesystera- forThat peace. is why we say that our Not‘one more drop of blood need be shed Not one more fam ily need liv e in misery and starve No man or woman need go without work Not one more fam ily need go without shelter i f these conditions are met. The state and its agents are engaged in the wholesale lettinQ of blood in the townships, b illio n s of rands are spect maintaining S r ^ ™ 2 rUCt¥re55r«!hne subsidies for essential food are ?educed at affordahlp S PfyS SA?F a99ressions. Instead of homes education t»L^ recreational facilities, eQual, democratic education, the people experience ever increased misery and oppression. mpnaInH at * t il?6 S t uneQualled world-wide support from ordinary men and women, organisations in a ll countries committed to the U f l c J racism, and of most governments throughout the world. Against this massive show of international solidarity, the right wina aparineiG regime.^ r/K0hl ax1s and their allies continue to bolste? the So*t!? Africans demand that imperialist their traditinnal r n lS S JV s tic e and democracy. They must abandon ^!prnmln?c ] ^ backing the oppressive and undemocratic- dStvT to sSnoI? S i lVel °f ?reei and profU* "Oietr-mtirStional 4 5 «.fW o ri I he l ust stru 99le of the South African people for peace, justice and freedom. v H We take the opportunity during this period of grave crises, when the progressive forces are being threatened on all fronts, to cautiSn those ♦H nnr 5 x organisations who differ with us to desist from attackina 9 emphasise^ , / rlthe I ra9mentin§points of commonthe ranks concern. °f the p re s s e d .nd instLd tS Statement of the UDF Rational General Council Continued Heekiia Itrpnnth^® 5 ndful that the state 1s annin9 1 ts agents, • thP hShI? f tren9then its support and broaden its base by co-opting thprJfn £ * Rajbaasis, the Sebes and the Buthelezis, and it U unity?S St°r1C dUty °f 811 th0Se "ho^PP°« apartheid i ere t n I n± ? l 3 U^ neSSf S 8nd rec°9"ised our shortcomings. We - are fully resolved in tfce coming years to increase the effectiveness and democratic content ef our organisations, to raise the oualitl «f our aitW rtrtSd leadership, to translate our 1iS ™ exoe?ienc« Mongst the people during struggle Into viable prograroeflnd to transcend the constrains of regional differences.
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