------------------------------------~--~---- She's back Peacemaker? Ani DiFanco's IJlh album doesn't President Clinton was nominated for the Noble Tuesday disappoint new listeners and devotedfans. Peace Prize for the fifth straight year. Scene + page 13 WorldNation + page 5 FEBRUARY 1, 2000 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIII NO. 73 HTTP:/ /OBSERVER.ND.EDU First round vote ends in run-off for candidates vs. Renner Nagle Koelsch Rodarte morn students cast their bal­ while the Koepke/Hollis ticket By NELLIE WILLAMS lots. earned 3 percent. There were New< Wrirer "We'd like to see more voting two penalties in the campaign turnouts - that's an issue for against Koepke!Hollis and l~mily K1H'Isch and running Wednesday." Koelsch said. Bittner/Banahan for violating maln Hache! HodarlP will be in "I was happy," said Hndarte. campaign rules, but the viola­ a runoff election on "Honestly, Emily and I expec:t­ tions came after the votes were \\'c~dnPsday against Crissi1~ ed a runoff. I'm excited we're counted. HPniwr and her running matP up against I Henner/Nagle I Thirty-six percent of the stu­ MirlwliP NagiP in tlw race for becausr wP've had a good dent body turned out to vote, sluc!Pnl body prPsidnnt and experiPnce with them and compared with 37 percent last vic!' prPsidPnt of Saint Mary's. bPing friPnds with them makes year. Tlw Hnnn1~r/NaglP tirkrt was it nasier." "This is a good number - ahPad with 4:{ pPrcnnt of tlw l{odarte and KoPlsc:h plan to it's what we usually get," said VOtl'S. whilP tlH' campaign more among the stu­ Bridget Heffernan. interim KoPisrh/HodartP tirkPt was d!'nt body beforP tlw runoll's on elec:tion commissioner. "We right bPhind with 37. Wndnesday. expected more votes because FINAL VOTING WEDNESDAY "WP arP thrilll'd." HPnner "W1>'re going to go around to we had four tickets. but we're On Campus Students said about the election results. residence halls. talk to people still happy." "WP still have so much to do. and see if anyone has ques­ The election table was set up DINING HALL: We just want to get everyone tions." Koelsch said. in the lower part of the dining pumped up." "All the leg work on our part hall during breakfast and 7-9 a.m.,12-2 p.m., 5-7 p.m. Nagle is just as exdted. is done. It's now up to the stu­ lunch. and then was moved "It's a wonderful award for dent body," said Rodarte. inside the dining hall for din­ such hard work and I'm look­ In other election news. the ner. Off Campus Students ing forward to thP run-offs." Bittner/Banahan ticket "The location was really KoPlsrh would still likP to sec received 14 percent of the vote. bad," said Heffernan. HAGGAR COLLEGE CENTER: 11 a.m.- 3p.m. 'Cybersquatters' Saint Mary's examines sexuality attitudes make monitoring Friday's alumnae panel, entitled Mary's visiting professor of anthro­ By NOREEN GILLESPIE "Alumnae Perspectives on Identity pology and current professor of essential Saint Mary's Editor and Sexual Orientation, SMC and anthropology at the University of Beyond," at 4 p.m. in Dalloway's, will Oklahoma, who will lecture on In a deviation from Saint Mary's feature four Saint Mary's alumnae. Thursday evening. Bender's lecture. standard majors of the week. a col­ The women, who graduated from held in Stapleton Lounge at 7 p.m .. is By ERIN LaRUFFA laboration of groups is examining Saint Mary's during different time entitled "Sexual Identity: News Writer attitudes regarding sexuality through periods, will discuss their experi­ Anthropological and Personal Identity Week. ences and attitudes they encountered Reflections." Searching for the words "Notre Dame" on Organized by People in Support, regarding sexuality at Saint Mary's. All films show during the week an lntrrnet search engine will return GALA ND/SMC, the Office of the Dean "Our main goal involve depic:tions of numProus rnsults including the University's of Faculty, the Feminist Collective was to get a cross­ gay, lesbian and official Wr,b-site. sports-related sites and the and six academic: departments. the generational per­ "Students, particularly bisexual individuals sites of othnr schools with similar names. week is designed to foster discussion spective on what college students, are who are dealing with the attitudes were their identities. Sincn LhPsP Web addresses an~ often simi~ regarding sexuality and identity inherently interested in lar to the official Notre Dame site. it is possi­ issues on campus. at different points The Celluloid blP to confusn an unrnlated site with the one Inspired by a position paper com­ during the col­ questioning and dealing Closet. to be shown rdated to tho school. While most of the sites posed by the Faculty Assembly on lege's history," with identity." tonight at 6 p.m .. is arn harmless. Notrn Dame and other col­ sexual orientation, the week is Trey said. a 1996 Emmy-nomi­ leges across the country are worried about intended to raise some of the issues The forum is nated documentary the use of their trademarked names as on campus that were brought forth in intended to pro- George Trey that chronicles how domain names for Web-sites. that paper, said George Trey. associ­ vide a different associate professor of philosophy Hollywood depicts "There are ongoing efforts to enforce ate professor of philosophy. perspective to stu- gays, lesbians and [Notre Dame) trademarks." said Larry "It seemed like something that col­ dents. bisexuals on the sil­ Williams. DirPctor of Lieonsing for the lege students would be interested in," 'This is a more student-to-student ver screen. Through interviews and University. "We had always dealt with trade­ Trey said. "Student<>. particularly c:ol­ connection. versus a more academic film dips. it displays the attitudes mark infringnm!'nt in other mediums." lege students. are inherently inter­ approach," Trey said. "Our reason behind those depictions. for bringing in alumnae is to provide HegisU~ring a domain namr,· is n~latively ested in questioning and dealing with Wednesday's showing of The fHtsy and inPxpr,nsive. Since domain names identity. This is pertinent to campus current students with a perspective Incredibly True Adventures of Two an~ nwant to snrvn only as addresses for issues." on how students who have been away Girls in Love depicts a couple strug­ Web-siWs. only o1w numeral or digit has to The week's events inelude film from Saint Mary's look back and see gling through the beginnings of a new differ b1~tween two separate domain names. showings. a lecture and an alumnae how those experiences have shaped relationship. while dealing with the Companies that register names do not check panel that will open discussion and them." reactions of their friends and family. evaluation about attitudes regarding The week will also feature Dr. All movies will be shown in the off­ see WEBSITE/page 4 sexual identity on campus. Margaret Bender, a former Saint campus lounge at 6:00 p.m. page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Tuesday, February 1, 2000 INSIDE COLUMN QUOTES OF THE WEEK "Ifthings are going "Nobody expected "My films have never "f[he students] are a well, expect Bush to this, We're just trying been shown to more big part of this Harder than run a very vague, to stick together and than three or four program and we could compassion ate work through this. " people. I am a little not have won this conservative nervous. game without them. " it looks campaign. Stephen Maio soccer team member on Claire Connelly Matt Doherty the death of coach Mike While home over Christmas Break. I made a Patrick Pierce student filmmaker men's basketball coach "foolish" purchase. I used some Christmas Saint Mary's professor Berticelli on the student on the team's win over money to buy a guitar. With a chord book and on Bush's campaign film festival St. John's some sheet music. I figured in no time at all I for president would be able to imitate my favorite stars I watch intently on MTV and CMT. They all easily strum away at the instru­ ment, and I thought I too Compiled from U-Wire reports could quickly pick up the tal­ OUTSIDE THE DOME ent. It didn't take me long to fig­ ure out that playing guitar is Stanford group scrutinizes campus recruiters harder than it looks. Just getting my fingers to stretch STANFORD. Calif. "Philip Morris actually The mission of SICD is not without across the different strings During college, many students have canceled their interviews ... I its own bit of controversy. Some was difficult enough. and high hopes of making the world a bet­ University officials worry that high­ Laura Rompf guess they wanted to avoid then added to that. I had to ter place. However. as they find them­ lighting negative information about selves getting trampled at career fairs companies will cause them to cease strum the thing. It was near- the bad publicity." and overwhelmed by the pressure to coming to campus, or will at least dis­ ly impossible! I couldn't even Assistant make money. it is easy to lose sight of courage them from hiring Stanford figure out whether to strum News Editor original ideals. Ned Tozun student<>. just up or up and down. Stanford senior Ned Tozun, founder founder, Students for lnfonned In fact, tobacco giant Philip Morris The more I thought about of a new student group, Students for Career Decisions canceled scheduled interviews with this.
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