The Road To A D MINK |_ _ NEWSPAPER DIVISION Every ’ Day Should True Peace Leads 4-2 OHIO STATE MUSEUM Begin With The Through Mary holic Times Morning Offering Vol. Ill, No. 50 Columbus 16, Ohio, Friday, September 17, 1954 Price Tan Cents; $3.00 A Year Columbus Will Join Fourteen Enter Saint Charles Merger Of St. Francis, St. Anthony’s In Fight To Outlaw Seminary Dept. More than 10 per cent of the June graduating class at St. Will Give City New 300-Bed Hospital Charles High School have signified Lewd Comic Books their intention to become priests by entering St. Charles Seminary. St. Francis Hospital, long a city landmark in downtown Columbus Uns week joined with several cities in the na­ Columbus will merge its facilities with those of St Anthony tion in ciacking down on comic books which stress crime, sex Registration figures announced Hospital also in Columbus, it was announced this week by and horror. this week indicate that 7 of the 65 St. Charles graduates were on Bishop Ready The merger will/ become effective June 30, Mayor Maynard E Sensenbrenner announced that a 15- hand for the opening of classes at 1955 member citizens committee will be appointed, probably with­ the Seminary Monday. In all, there Operated bv the Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis, the in the next week, to assist in drawing up an ordinance out­ are 14 freshmen enrolled al the hospital ha<- served the citizens ot the Columbus community lawing the objectionable comics. E. Broad St institution. and surrounding territorv for almost a centurv It will con­ In a radio talk Monday, the may­ St. Charles alumni who are em­ tinue to ope;ate at the present site or denounced such books as “im­ harm to the souls and minds and barking on a four-year course at until the merger date next year, tion arriving at this decision, moral” because they “serve no hearts of those who read it.” the minor seminary are Patrick Bishop Ready indicated. Saint Francis has received the cor­ useful purpose,” and “inflame the Archbishop Noll said that di­ Dolan. 664 E. Fourth Ave. Joseph The familiar Gothic structure at dial help of President Bevis and minds of our youth.” ocesan campaigns against indecent Ewald. 1122 Linwood Ave.; Rich­ the corner of Sixth and State the authorities of Ohio State Uni­ The mayor said the primary pur­ literature have been successful ard Janita. 1191 E. Twenty-Third streets in Columbus opened its versity. The details of the closing pose of an ordinance would' be to with as much as 70 per cent of Ave.; John Leach. 1930 W. Lane doors in 1850 as Starling Medical have been settled to the satisfac­ ‘‘keep such comics away from the news dealers when individuals co­ Ave.; Robert Sifferlin, 379 S. College. The Sisters of the Poor of tion of both the Administration of children.” operated in the drive by doing “fol­ Gould Rd . James Walter. 606 St. Francis took over the adminis­ Saint Francis and the University Safety Director George 0. low up work.” Crescent Rd.; and Thomas Hager­ tration of lhe building as a hos­ which held ownership to the real Doyle, who has been assigned by ------------------ o.i------------------man, New Philadelphia. pital in 1865. property under the terms of the the mayor to appoint the com­ Other new students are Eugene II The same order of nuns has op­ 99 year lease. mittee, said he would name Cath­ Catholic Knights Arnold ot Zanesville. Joseph Schil­ erated St. Anthony Hospital at Tay­ “All of us who cherish Saint olics, Protestants and Jews to the der of Chillicothe, Donald Scott of lor street and Hawthorne avenue unit. Of Ohio To Meet Francis and what it contributed to Newark. Robert Sagan of New Lex­ since its foundation by the Order the welfare of Columbus express a The first function of this com­ Bishop Ready will celebrate a ington. Paul Fox of Lancaster, in 1891. A million dollar expan­ prayer of thanksgiving to God for mittee, Doyle said, is to draw up Pontifical Low Mass at 9 a. m. Paul Raymond of Cleveland sion program is in the process of its splendid mission to the sick the ordinance banning the sale of Monday, Sept 20. in St. Joseph Ca­ Heights, and Santo Garzarelli, Jo­ being completed which will facili­ through almost a century. We ex­ immoral comics. The ordinance thedral opening the Catholic seph Savoia and Thomas Semet- tate the merging of the two hos­ press as simply but sincerely a* then would be subject to the ap­ Knights of Ohio Convention. kosky. from Ss. Peter and Paul Mis­ pitals next spring possible our praise and affection to proval of City Council. The Catholic Knights, a frater­ sion House. 324 E. North Broad­ The new addition to St. An­ the Sisters of Saint Francis who Doyle said he would be open to nal and insurance organization way, Columbus. f & thony’s will increase its capacity have so well served Columbus.” any suggestions in drawing up the formed 63 years ago. last convened A total of 13 sophomores, eight ■>. by 120 beds. The hospital equip­ St. Francis' School of Nursing, statute. He added that It is too in Columbus in 1901. At the pres­ juniors and 10 seniors registered ment now at St. Francis will be situated at 308 E. Town St., is owr> early to tell whether the work of for the 1945-55 school year. moved to St Anthony's w hen the ent time the 8172 members are ed by the Sisters, and will con­ the citizens’ committee would in­ mostly in the archdiocese of Cin­ St. Charles Seminary, founded former hospital closes The Sisters tinue to serve as a residence and volve censorship of the indecent from St. Francis will at that time cinnati and the diocese of Toledo. in 1923 by the late Bishop James training school for student nurses. books. be added to the staff of the new, In connection with the conven­ J. Hartley, and maintained by the Eventually, it will come under the “There may be some way to get enlarged St. Anthony's. tion, a traditional dinner will be Columbus Diocese, has trained 98 administration of St. Anthony's the publishers to screen their own In announcing the merger. Bish­ held Mondav at 6:30 in the Desh­ priests now stationed m the Di­ Hospital, which has never had a books,” Doyle said. op Ready declared: ler-Hilton Hotel. ocese. nursing school. The anti-comic book drive also Pictured is the well known Columbus land mark, St. Francis Hospital, which will close “In behalf ot the Administration its doors next June according to an announcement by Bishop Ready. The 106 year-old of Saint Franeis Hospital it is my St. Francis Hospital has long gained impetus in other parts of been held in esteem in the com­ the country. structure has been run as a hospital by the Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis for the past 90 duty to announce the merger of its Fr. Curran Tells Psychologists facilities with those of Saint An­ munity for the charity extended to In Houston. Tex., dealers were years. No indication has been given as to the disposal of the building when the Sisters the poor. Since it was established given 30 days to remove crime, move to combine their staffs and equipment at the new and enlarged St Anthony's Hospital, thony Hospital, effective June 30. 1955. Until that date Saint Francis m 1862. the hospital has handled horror, and sex comic hooks from To Exercise Humility, Caution also in Columbus. 209.832 emergency cases, and has sale after the Ctiy Council passed will continue the medical and sur­ NEW YORK — (NC) — The psychologist who turns a pos­ gical services under its skilled treated 290.325 patients. an ordinance banning them. The The hospital was founded by a council’s action also banned other sible meory — often untested and only vaguely defined — stall The Hospital School will ton Quality Counts . tinue at its present address and group oi Fianci'can nuns who publications which “prominently into a philosophy and way of life, tn some cases, almost a re­ Six Priests came here from Aachen. Germany. feature” criminal acts illustrated ligion, is not a true scientist and must be treated with a great eventually wig come under the Saint Anthony Hospital administra­ They began their work in a small by photographs or drawings. building on Rich St. near Holy deal of caution. To Be Invested tion In Albuquerque, N.M., the na­ So spoke Father Charles A. Cur­ Pontiff Urges Spiritual Cross Church The quarters, how­ tional president of the Junior “The announcement is made ran. professor of psychology at St. Curran, approaches his subject ever. provided space for only 24 Chamber of Commerce, E. Lamar As Monsignors with sentiments of sorrow Saint Charles Seminary, in his address as with humility and caution. “This Franeis’ long history of devoted bed patients T”.o year* later anx­ Buckner, announced that the or­ ious to expand the hospital, ’he retiring president of the American is all the more true when deal­ Bishop Ready will invest six service tn, the citizens of Colum­ ganization will set up commit­ Sifters purchased liuee lots on E. tatholi^ Psychological Association. ing with such a highly complex lidnbus priests with new title/ as Renewal Of Sodalities bus has merited the affection of tees to investigate comic books Main St Plan- for this building Father Curran returned to this and variable subject of investi­ monsignors tn ceremonies schedul­ the whole community Fortunately, in every community.
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