". '·-· τ, "^*ψ 'Γ-·'··**:-·Α· ·«a «* ri] 3 The Democrat. 88. VOLUME SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1921. NUMBER 39. I PAKK à Milk Pasteurization. SOUTH PARIS NORWAY. fjfiiUCS AMONG THE FABMERS. 4 Attorners at Law, People In Oxford County, wLo farnlal The Qreat Event of the Year MAIN Β CUT :: milk (or (be Portland market, may bi BitSIL, OParfc Intereated In the from thi Morton T. Garland of Bnokfleld «u the wbo left tbla Herri'·it· «1ΙΤ7 "SPUD THE FLOW." following Among jonog people ». FLOWERS Pre·· In to In lown week to attend aobool In the varions Ic- ιίΆΛ Portland regard paateurlza Thursday. PARK. tlon. stitutiona were Charles Franois Cam· Roland Frenob of tu In town JMSTD. 9unepal \®opk a "The of I CROWDS ATTEND THE OXFORD COUNTY PAIR Klngflold Leslie Olbaon· a The Oarden. question properly safeguard se?eral lut week. mlnga, (for post-grad- 4 Auctioneer, §peeialtg Backyard Portland la day· uate end Glenn R. Mclntlre fur licensed Tie log the milk supply of agali courte), MAIN*. true, good firmer friend·, we're had to hoc AS THESE MANY YEARS. «η1 an' diacuaaed and In this connection li FOR LO! Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Bowker of Port- Bowdoln Mlaa Margaret Elaen- iOCTH PARIS. spade, «cratch, being College; Wreaths and But now we're eattn' titer· from our own gai may be Interealing to learn that Roche» land were in town Wed Dead ay. winter, Brown University; Mlaa Laures- Modem»· Pillows, All Set Pieces den r««i patch, ter, Ν. T., where a keen Intereat l« taker teln Foster, Laaaelle Seminary; Mlaa An' bean·, that look ao splendid, a cllmbln' uj ( on the and Other AI»o Prof. W. 8. the musical di- in health Is now the About Five Hundred Cattle Qrounde, Department· Wight, Snale L. Bradbury, Naaaon STEVENS, the pole, public subjects, just or Institute; MADE TO ORDER 1 rector of Bethel, wae in town a day DU MAROI'ERITE Not only feast the palate—feast the eye, an center of a heated dlapute over milk pas- Well FHIed.--But One Accident of Consequence. Stephen J. Cammlnga, Dean Academ* ; feaat the soul. two last week. F. Kent'a Bill Sem ç OSTEOPATH. An' teurization. Clayton Parington, 5 m. that's standing up, ·ο grace 4 Ρ m··t0 Tbar$d»y p. corn^ proudly "A oompulaory milk pasteurization or- Henry W. Stuart of Portland flatted nary; and Mlaa Uldlne N. Bennett, itJaod»? Bualneaa Makln"gatn»t the olè grey fence, a frieze thai dinance has juat been preaented in that Ια of all a county Μ η. H. P. Andrew*, Norway, bad a relative· in town last week and attended Gray's College. Me. "boat· 'em all." spite temptations tbe Block. Norway, oity by a committee of the oounoil. It la the while not □ne exhibit of ohina. There the oounty fair. The teacher·' meeting of Flrat soyts w E. P. Florist.- An' georgeoua red tomatoe·—Where thin) fair offer·, skies smiling hand-painted TiL-phoee 70. d'ye some oitizena In addi- Universal let S and Sobool waa held CROCKETT, they «et their dye? being oppoaed by refused to shed tears on Tues- waa a dlaplay of water color· by ay broadly large C. S. MoArdle of Ν. Υ , -an be aiade by telephone. 8cheneotady, Perhaps the west wind brings It from the erlm tion to the small milk dealers. The milk when tbe Oxford John D Cole, Norway, alio one picture wltb Mra. I. W. Walfce Friday evening. ^.pjntauau son sunset day County Agricul- a citizen of Sooth If sky. dealers to the ordinance because There wete oil· long Paris, spend- M re. Annie Seaaiona baa been eleoted Greenhouse, Porter South Paris Who rays the beets an' dont make « objeot tural Sooiety opened its seventy-ninth by Freedy Bradbury. by a vacation here. Street, cabbage of them to If ing from Mt. Bebekab fine display, the expense It will put they exhibition. The Volstead aot has been Mrs. H. P. Andrew*, alto one by MIm delegate Hope Lodge & Son, An' the are to to beld In Portland Longley carrot's airy fairy plumes that In th< foroed to pasteurize their prodnot. in full force in Oxford for tbe Mattle Richard·. There were crayon· Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bessey of Rum- tbe aaaembly be TsL 111-3 breeze· County fï away; "Among those who have joined In the Mr·. Llda an oil ford were of reUtivea in town next month. Nor In can flower thai past two months or more, and every- by Pletoher, painting by guests Norway, My Lady'a garden any Is director of Tbe ladlea served Innobea blows forum Dr. John R. Murlin, thing is dry and perhaps will remain so Mr·. A. E. Tboma·. There were origi- during the past week. following Outvie the chalice that on vine the of vital economics of the nal varloua kinds' Rotb for tbe Universaiist oburcb at tbe fair: golden my squash department for an indefinite any rate on deaigna of by and Newton of Sooth grows. merit period,—at Mr. Mr·. Stanley were University of Roohester, who sees were it Gore Miller. There were several On Tneaday the ladlea Mra. Lizxie Heating, Ο, I could discourse longer—yea, countless Tuesday morning tbe indications apeci Portland visited relatives here last week Plumbing, in the that the would make mena of work lira. Helen Sam peon, Miaa Delia Mra. Jeaaie hours bcgullo— prospect plan would not let go its severity for a day or orayon by and attended the fair. Noyee, Work. of a cen- and Mra. Sheet Metal On backyard garden riches—for nothing more for tbe pasteurizing all milk at two at least. Thomas Pratt. There were quite a num- Whitman, Mra. Izab Sanborn A SPECIALTY. worth while tral depot of distribution. a ber of Ruth Church- Mr. and Mrs. Π. A. Morton and Kath- Maud Wednesday, Mra. Ines CEILINGS Can M other Nature ahow ua in her wondrous Tbe society's grounds had been busy pencil drawings by DeCoater; jTIil "The real from the of leen Richardson have moat of the Β Mra. Lotta Mra. Alice picture-book. fight, viewpoint place for several days before the open- ill, June Smith, Alice Dyer, Plora Whit- apent Billa, Aabton, An' the best of It taste as consumera a hand in tbe affair, all also work week at their at Pond. Mclntlre, Mra. Abbie Heatb, Mra. Honor Dr. A. Leon Sikkenga, part la, they good's taking ing. Those who bad midway concessions man, young people; fanoy camp Sbagg they look. concerne the whether Mrs. Etta s: question pasteuri- to in on and by Marlon Ames, Mnaa Taylor, Lora Downing, Lebroke; Thnraday, PHYSICIAN, So sow, good farmer friends, let us figure on began pour Friday Saturday Robert L. Whittle of Portland visited OSTEOPATHIC this zation destroys milk properties Impor- Orace Rand, Bernioe Tburlow, Mra. 0. Hill, Mra. Hllia, Mra. Annie plan, before the fair and one, at least—tbe Porter, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Whittle, That "we'll eat what we can, an' what we can't tant aa to nutrition and health. Oppo- K'izabeth and Bertha Bowker. Beck, Mra. DeCoater, Mra. Sanborn, MAINE merry-go-round—bad been there nearly Cooper for a few days last week through the If the children see and never we'll can." nents of the process assert that the vita· There waa a of the Mra. Alice Danfortb, Mra. Sampaon and JOBWAY. you always spending Mabt Maxim. if not quite a week. Must of the mid- large dlaplay fruit, fair. Tel Residence 324-3. which reoeive so muob attentloo exhibitora H. E. Oli- Mlaa Nnvea. mines, way shows travel by auto truck, and being EHiogwood, can blame them if the idea that life from are killed as a was Mra. Edward E. Mra. Alioe R Office 224-2. saving, you they get The Talbot Farm. nowadays dietarlans, they used tbe concrete road for traveling ver Buok, E. O. Prencb, Β F. Richarde, Earl Oleason In West Sumner sev- Witt, result of milk to such tem- H. eral the week on ao- Danfortb and Mra. Izab T. Sanborn have is one carnival of ? Down below the Harrlman and the bringing high about as soon as it was opened. Many W. G. Conant, E. G. Parnbam, F. day·» during past grand gleeful indulgence perature. But opinion is still di- J. W. G. I. C. count of down of the sled fac- been oboaen delegatea from the Uni- Cumminga (arms on Pore Street is the expert of tbe exhibitors of oattle at tbe various Crookett, Cobb, Conant, shutting vided on ibat If all consumers R. W. 8. P. L. veraaiiat chuich to the atate convention Talbot farm. Like the two farm· men- point. fairs traveled tbe same way, and even King, J. Colby, Wyman, tory. Now take them the hand and let them see could afford to certified milk—that A. A. W. H. John Mo- t) be held in Watervllle this week. by you tioned one oannot fail to notice buy trotting horses arrived on a horse Poll- Jenkins, Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bird of Bean above, raw Roy Worcester, Mr. and Mra. F. W. Sanborn bave re· is, milk carefully safeguarded against man. Keen, O. N. Coz, E. C. Brigga, John I Hastings make next Let them look around this firm because of the fine buildings They resembled the famous Frenob are of his father, Amos A. your saving deposit. bad of any sort—there would be G. N. Herman Mass., guests turned from their visit In Meredith Cen- wbioh tdorn it—a two-story bonse with germs oar· described by our world wide sol- Wallingford, Emmons, from Worcester little demand for Such C.
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