Arthropoda Selecta 20(4): 283318 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2011 On the spider fauna (Arachnida: Aranei) of Kirov Area, Russia Î ôàóíå ïàóêîâ (Arachnida: Aranei) Êèðîâñêîé îáëàñòè, Ðîññèÿ S.L. Esyunin1, A.M. Laetin2, L.G. Tselishcheva3, A.N. Lyapunov4, A.V. Tiunov1 Ñ.Ë. Åñþíèí1, À.Ì. Ëàýòèí2, Ë.Ã. Öåëèùåâà3, À.Í. Ëÿïóíîâ4, À.Â. Òèóíîâ1 1 Department of Zoology, Perm State University, Bukireva Street 15, Perm 614600 Russia. 2 Lunacharskogo Street 11/2-87, Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov Area 613045 Russia. 3 Nurgush Reserve, Lenina Street 129À, Kirov 610002 Russia. 4 Kirpichnaya Street 14-98, Kirov 610046 Russia. 1 Êàôåäðà çîîëîãèè áåñïîçâîíî÷íûõ æèâîòíûõ, Ïåðìñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò, óë. Áóêèðåâà 15, Ïåðìü 614600 Ðîññèÿ. 2 óë. Ëóíà÷àðñêîãî ä. 11/2, êâ.87, ã. Êèðîâî-×åïåöê, Êèðîâñêîé îáë. 613045 Ðîññèÿ. 3 Çàïîâåäíèê «Íóðãóø», óë. Ëåíèíà, 129À, Êèðîâ 610002 Ðîññèÿ. 4 óë. Êèðïè÷íàÿ 14, êâ. 98, Êèðîâ 610046 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: spiders, fauna, Kirov Area, Russia. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, ôàóíà, Êèðîâñêàÿ îáë., Ðîññèÿ. ABSTRACT. A check-list of 296 spider species of ca (Clerck, 1758), to the regional list. Later, the same 152 genera and 27 families collected from Kirov Area author [Shernin, 1971] increased the spider species list is presented. Of them, 234 species are new to the of Kirov Area by 22 species. studied region. Local faunistic data and a distribution Regular investigations of the spider fauna of Kirov pattern of each species are provided. The records of area were initiated by Laetin (under the supervision of Pardosa monticola and Agyneta cauta from Kirov Area A.I. Shernin) at the Zoology Department of the Kirov are shown to be misidentifications, while those of Rob- State University in 1969. Results of the most intensive ertus scoticus and Xysticus ninnii remain doubtful. studies conducted between 1969 and 1974 were pre- sented by Laetin [1974] in his MSc thesis (unpub- ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Äëÿ Êèðîâñêîé îáëàñòè ïðèâåäåí ñïè- lished). ñîê èç 296 âèäîâ èç 152 ðîäîâ è 27 ñåìåéñòâ ïàóêîâ. Later, a significant contribution to the spider fauna Äàíû òî÷êè òî÷êè íàõîäîê ïàóêîâ è èõ ðàñïðîñòðà- of Kirov Area was made by Garkusha [1978, 1980], íåíèå. Óêàçàíèÿ äëÿ Êèðîâñêîé îáëàñòè Pardosa who investigated the spider populations of Sphagnum monticola è Agyneta cauta îøèáî÷íû, à íàõîäêè bogs in the vicinity of Biological Station situated near Robertus scoticus è Xysticus ninnii ñîìíèòåëüíû. Totphyanoy Vil. (Orichev Distr.). Garkushas data, with minor comments, were recently repeated by Alalykina Introduction [2001]. Further scarse information on the spiders of Kirov Kirov Area is situated in the east part of the Russian Area can be found in the following three works: Plain and lies within the boreal zone which includes the Tyshchenko [1971] on Sitticus terebratus (Clerck, following three subzones: the middle taiga, the southern 1758), Ovtsharenko [1982] on Drassodes villosus taiga and the subzone of coniferous-broad-leaved forests (Thorell, 1856) and Drassylus lutetianus (L. Koch, (Map). 1866), and Oliger [1999] on Clubiona stagnatilis Although the spider fauna of Mari-El Republic, Kulczyñski, 1897, Erigone dentipalpis (Wider, 1834) Tartaria, Chuvashia [Krasnobaev, 2004: 389, 254 and and Macrargus rufus (Wider, 1834) from Sanchursk 238 species, accordingly] and Perm Area [Esyunin, Distr. Yet, in the Catalogue of spiders of the Middle unpublished data: 542 species] is well studied, the Volga region [Krasnobaev, 2004], data on 18 species information on spiders of Kirov Area remains inade- from Kirov Area are presented on the basis of Garkusha quate. The first records of three species, viz. Alloho- [1978], Ovtsharenko [1982] and Oliger [1999]. gna singoriensis (Laxmann, 1770), Araneus diadema- Thus, by the beginning of our research, 87 spider tus Clerck, 1758 and Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, species have been known from Kirov Area. Of them, a 1758), from Kirov Area were made by Krulikovskiy record of Pardosa monticola (Clerck, 1758) is errone- [1908]. These data were repeated by Shernin [1960], ous, and those of Robertus scoticus Jackson, 1914 and who also added the fourth species, Tegenaria domesti- Xysticus ninnii (Thorell, 1872) remain doubtful. Six of 284 S.L. Esyunin, A.M. Laetin, L.G. Tselishcheva, A.N. Lyapunov, A.V. Tiunov the previously recorded species are absent from the Tselishcheva; Krugloe Boloto, sweeping, VIII.2009, material collected/studied by us. L.G. Tselishcheva. Provisional results of the survey of spider fauna Oparino District (35 species) from two localities were hitherto published by Esyunin [7], Bylina Reserve, 59.849N, 47.332E: the vicini- & Tselishcheva [2009] and Tiunov & Esyunin [2009]. ty of Nizhnayay Palomnitsa Vil., VIII.2008, L.G. Tse- In the present paper, we have summarized both the lishcheva; Molomy River, c. 22 km NE of Palomnitsa literature-derived and newly collected data on the Vil., VII.2010, L.G. Tselishcheva; Shechug River, c. 24 spiders of Kirov Area. A total of 296 species of 152 km NE of Palomnitsa Vil., VII.2010, L.G. Tselishcheva. genera and 27 families is currently known. [8], the vicinity of Oparino Vil., 59.850N, 48.284E, VVI.2007, IVV & VIIVIII.2008, Renzhina; Duvan- Material and metods noe Vil., VII.2006, A. Lyapunov. Verkhnekamskiy District (67 species) This study is based on the collections made by the [9], the vicinity of Lesnoe Vil., 59.799N, 52.139E, four authors in numerous localities of Kirov Area from 1969, 1970, V.1973, A.M. Laetin. 1969 to 2009. In addition, the small material taken by [10], the vicinity of Sozimskiy Vil., 59.739N, S.V. Elshin near Chernaya Kholunitsa Vil. (Omutninsk 52.253E, VIII.2008, L.G. Tselishcheva. Distr.) in 19861989 and the material collected by G.I. [11], the vicinity of Loino Vil., 59.737N, Yuferev from Bylina Reserve and the vicinity of 52.660E, 1975, VI.1978, A.M. Laetin, VII.2006, A. Shmelevo Vil. have also been incorporated. Detailed Lyapunov. information on the localities visited is given below. [12], Porysh River, left tributary of Kama River, 12 km NE Yuzhaki Vil., 60.125N, 53.184E, 1975, VII. 2007, V.M. Ryabov. Description of the collecting localities [13], the vicinity of Kirs, 59.352N, 52.248E, VIII. 2007, A. Lyapunov, VIII.2008, L.G. Tselishcheva. Middle taiga subzone Luza District (31 species) Southern taiga subzone [1], Protected territory Khristophorovskie Bolota, Shabalinskiy District (administrative centre the vicinity of Khristophorovo Vil., 35 km N of Luza, Leninskoe Vil.) (11 species) 60.902N, 47.240E, VIII.2007, L.G. Tselishcheva. [47], nr. Gostovskiy Vil., 58.350N, 46.683E, [2], the vicinity of Luza: recreation park Bor VII.2009, A.V. Tiunov. Ustalets and protected territory Romanovskiy Bor, Svecha District (48 species) 60.620N, 47.269E, VIII.2007, L.G. Tselishcheva. [14], the vicinity of Shmelevo Vil., 58.280N, [3], the vicinity of Lalsk, 60.752N, 47.625E 47.830E, VVI.2007, G.I. Yuferev. (centre): bank of Luza River, VI.1972, A.M. Laetin, Tuzha District (57 species) VI.2006, A. Lyapunov; Krasavinskiy Bor and [15], the vicinity of Karavannoe Vil., 57.790N, protected territories Vasilevskiy Bor, Rusinovskiy 47.647E, 1970, VI.1971, VIII.1972, VIII.1973, VII. Bor, Anikinskiy Bor, Potapovskiy Bor in the 1978, 1989, A.M. Laetin; Pizhemskiy Reserve: Ya- vicinity of Vakhrushevo Vil., Bor Zabore, Bor tantsy Vil., V.2008, L.G. Tselishcheva; Pizhma River Vysota and Somovskiy Bor in the vicinity of nr. Mari Kugalki Vil., VII.2008, L.G. Tselishcheva. Papulovo Vil., VIII.2007, L.G. Tselishcheva. Kotelnich District (158 species) [4], Godovo Vil., c. 60 km SE of Lalsk, 60.401N, [16], the vicinity of Kotelnich, X.2007, L.G. 48.386E, bank of Luza River, VI.2006, A. Lyapunov. Tselishcheva. Podosinovets District (103 species) [17], Nurgush Reserve: between Vishkil and Borovka [5], the vicinity of Podosinovets Vil., 60.272N, Villages, 58.097N, 48.299E, IVVIII.2008, L.G. Tseli- 47.063E (centre): Ustyanskiy Bor, Lermontovskiy shcheva; sweeping, pitfall-traps, VIVII.2009, A.V. Bor nr. Rovdino Vil., Khomyakovskiy Bor nr. Tiunov, L.G. Tselishcheva (154 species). Utmanovo Vil., Purtovskiy Bor nr. Sholga Vil., Orichi District (66 species) Gribinskiy Bor nr. Demyanovo Vil., Gladkoe [18], the vicinity of Shalegovo Vil., Zelenyi, Boloto nr. Yakhrenga Vil., Poskotino-Kalische Bog 58.362N, 48.891E, IX.2005, leg. A. Lyapunov. nr. Schetkino Vil., VIII.2007, L.G. Tselishcheva. [19], the vicinity of Torphyanoy Vil. [Garkusha, [6], Bylina Reserve, 60.101N, 47.236E (centre): 1980], Bystritsa Vil., 58.550N, 49.188E, VI.1973, Kaiskoe Boloto nr. Lodeino Vil. and Rogovskoe leg. A.M. Laetin. Boloto nr. Golovino Vil., V.2005, A. Lyapunov, VIII. Kirov (City Territory) (98 species) 2007, VI and VIII.2008, L.G. Tselishcheva, VIII.2008, [20], 58.597N, 49.670E (centre), Kirov (Chizhi, G.I. Yuferev, pitfall-traps, sweeping, VIVII.2009, A.V. Ganino, Kholunovo Lake), VVII.1972, VI.1973, Tiunov & L.G. Tselishcheva, VIII.2009, L.G. Tseli- 1976, 1978, A.M. Laetin, VIX.2005, A. Lyapunov, shcheva; Lodeino Vil., VII.2007, A. Lyapunov; Kre- VVII.2007, L.G. Tselishcheva; the vicinity of Kirov: stoviy Pochinok, Malogorskiy Bor nr. Golovino Vil., Goltsy Vil., 1971, 1978, A.M. Laetin; Kalinintsy VIII.2007, VI and VIII.2008, L.G. Tselishcheva; nr. Vil., VI.1969, A.M. Laetin; Kstinino Vil., VIV.1993, Golovino Vil., VIII.2008, G.I. Yuferev, VIII.2009, L.G. leg. L.G. Tselishcheva. On the spider fauna (Arachnida, Aranei) of Kirov Area, Russia 285 Map. Collecting localities (B: see for the explanations given in Description of the collecting localities) and the scheme of vegetation subzones (À) of Kirov Area. The vegetation subzones: MT middle taiga, ST south taiga, CBF coniferous and broadlieved forests. Êàðòà. Ëîêàëèòåòû (Â: îïèñàíèå ñìîòðè â ðàçäåëå Description of the collecting localities ) è ñõåìû ðàñòèòåëüíûõ ïîäçîí (À) Êèðîâñêîé îáëàñòè. Ðàñòèòåëüíûå ïîäçîíû: MT ñðåäíÿÿ òàéãà, ST þæíàÿ òàéãà, CBF õâîéíî-øèðîêîëèñòâåííûõ ëåñîâ.
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