EASTERN STATES ARCHEOLOGICAL FEDERATION .PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING DOVER, DELA WARE, NOV. 2, 3, 4, 1973 ALABAMA NEW JERSEY CONNECTICUT NEW YORK DELAWARE NORTH CAROLINA FLORIDA OHIO GEORGIA ONTARlO, CANADA ,. KENTUCKY PENNSYLVANIA MAINE (2) RHODE ISLAND I. MAR YLAND (2) SOUTH CAROLINA MASSACHUSETTS TENNESSEE MICHIGAN VERMONT MISSISSIPPI VIRGINIA NEW HAMPSHIRE WEST VIRGINIA BULLETIN NO. 33 JULY, 1974 __________ 1----_______ , Page Two BULLETIN NO. 33, 1974 of Bettye J. Broyles as treasurer. After a discussion it was decided to defer action on this matter until Dr. Robbins was able to find a temporary replacement. (Ms. Broyles was later convinced to rescind her BULLETIN resignation). ... The invitation for the 1974 meeting was then discussed. A motion was made by Martha Schiek and seconded by Dale Kirby to accept the of the invitation from the Robtlrt Abbe Museum of Bar Harbor and the Maine Archaeological Society (assisted by the University of Maine Department EASTERN STATES of Anthropology) to hold the meeting in the State ~f ~ai?e .on October 17·20, 1974. The motion was accepted. A tentative InVltatlon ARCHEOLOGICAL FEDERATION to meet in Columbus Ohio, in 1975 was offered by Martha Otto. President Robbin; then called for changes in the By·Laws which No. 33 July, 1974 were necessitated by the institution of a new publication. The pro· visions for the Publication Committee, passed during the 1972 ESAF Corresponding Secretary Editor meetings, call for changes in articles 5, 6, and 7. Presi?ent Robb~ns Marjorie Gay Martha Potter Otto therefore proposed their acceptance. (See General Busmess Meeting Standing Rock, Ohio Historical Society minutes for accepted form.) A motion for approval was made by Alabama 36878 Columbus, Ohio 43211 Bettye Broyles and seconded by Elwood Wilkins. The motion was passed. The next matter brought up for discussion concerned the annual budget for the Publication Committee. President Robbins related th.at presently the committee was retaining some cash on hand for mlS· cellaneous expenses and suggested that this be made policy. It w~s decided that the Publication Committee be authorized to depOSIt MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING - 1973 checks received from publication sales in a special account. A related discussion on the possibility of incorporating to qualify for non·profit The 1973 Annual Meeting of the Eastern States Archeological Federation was held on November 2, 3, and 4, 1973, in Newark, mailing status resulted in no action. .. Delaware. It was hosted by the Archaeological Society of Delaware and A request from Microfil.mi?g Corpor~tion .of ~menca (~ade In was held at the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge and at the John M. 1972) to include the two bibliographies In therr mIcrofilm senes was Gayton Hall for Continuing Education at the University of Delaware. discussed. It was moved by President Robbins and seconded by Martha The meetings began with the Friday morning session at 8:45 A.M. Otto that Dr. Robbins be authorized to negotiate with Microfilming Maurice Robbins, ' ESAF president, introduced Norman A. Nielson, Corporation of America and to act on this matter. The motion was president of the host society. Welcoming remarks on behalf of the passed. University of Delaware were made by Dr. L. Leon Campbell, provost After a discussion on the distribution of annual bulletms to member and dean for academic affairs. Mr. Nielson then introduced John societies it was decided that an extra 500 copies beyond the number of Witthoft, chairman of the morning session. reported members.in eac:h particular year are to be published and sold The morning's papers began with a report by Dr. Ben C. McCary, to societies needing extras for $.25. The Bulletin editor, Martha Otto, on The Williamson Site: A Progress Report on the Excavation. Richard is to act as the distributing agent. Copies will still be sold at a price of C. Regensburg then initiated a symposium on The Terminal Archaic $1.00 to the general public. with a paper entitled Social Structure of the Savich Farm Site The call for research papers by research chairman, Martha Schiek, was apparently misunderstood by many members and a disc':lss~on w~s Cemetery through its Re·Deposited Cremations and Grave Associations. held on the situation. It had been suggested that member SOCietIes mall It was followed by Preliminary Report of an Analysis of the Savich Farm Cremations by Douglas H. Ubelaker. Elmer T. Erb then con· copies of reports on the research being conducted by their members for pUblication in the Bulletin of the Eastern States Archeologic~ tinued with The Deeply Stratified Byram Site and Its Contribution to Federation. Society representatives would then only report on theIr Archaeology. The final paper of the morning session was ARe· meetings and other business during the Annual Meeting. A ~otion w~s Evaluation of the Points from the Koens·Crispin Site by Francine Weiss made that the business meetings be held on Thursday evenmgs but It and Deborah Odell. was not acted upon. The decision was finally made to handle society The Friday afternoon session was titled Scientific Applications in reports as they had been handled in past years. Archaeology and was chaired by Ronald A. Thomas. The first paper Bettye Broyles, treasurer, brought up the need to have the Eastern was X·Ray Diffraction Analysis of Some of the Savich Farm Point States Archeological Federation fiscal year made to run concurrent Material by Mary Ellen Didier, Alan M. Gaines, Douglas Purvis, and with the calendar year. A motion to this effect was made and was Susan Whitten. A combined paper was then presented by Ronald A. passed. Thomas and James Blackman on The Section of Archaeology Lithic The following appointments were made by President Ro~bins: Notebook Project. This paper was followed by Application of Nomination Committee Chairman, Herbert Kraft; Program ChalIman Neutron·Activation Analysis to a Study of Prehistoric Steatite Artifacts for the 1974 meeting, Herbert Kraft; Publicity Chairman, Alice and Source Material by Al Luckenbach. Thomas Meyers continued with Wellman; Exhibits Chairman, Robert G. MacKay; Publication Com· The University of Michigan Project in Neutron·Activation Analysis. The mittee Chairman, Maurice Robbins; Circulation Manager, Carol Barnes; next paper was by Neal Trubowitz on Instrumental and Chemical Publication Committee Secretary, Mabel A. Robbins; AEN.A. Editor, Methods of Site Survey and Testing in the Allegheny and Genesee Louis A. Brennan; Bulletin Editor, Martha Otto; Membership Chairman, Valleys. Dr. J. Norman Emerson continued with a paper entitled Ted Guthe. Intuitive Archaeology: A Psychic Approach. The last paper of the There being no further business to bring before the Executive afternoon waS Soil Interpretation for Archaeologists by Dr. John E. Meeting it was adjourned at 8:54 P.M. Foss. Executive Board Meeting General Business Meeting The Executive Board Meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. on The General Business Meeting was called to order at 9:05 P.M. on November 2, 1973, by President Maurice Robbins at the Howard November 2, 1973 at the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge in Newark, Johnson Motor Lodge in Newark, Delaware. The treasurer's report was Delaware, by President Maurice Robbins. given by Bettye J. Broyles. The balance as of November 1972 was The first report from corresponding secretary, Majorie Gay, con· reported as $3,134.35. Deposits made during 1973 totaled $4,534.08 cerned the following matters: E.S.A.F. Directories have been sent and cash on hand totals $445.07. The 1973 debits totaled $3,600.08 out and should be in the hands of the members; stationery has been and an unpaid bill remaining totals $2,598.70. The balance in the printed and is available to any officers or staff chai~man through Mr~. treasury of the Eastern States Archeological Federation as of November Gay; attempts to reach the Quebec society resulted ~n the news tha~ It 2,1973, is $1,914.72. ' is no longer in existence, attempts are apparently bemg ~adeto reVIve It was then reported that the frrst issue of Archaeology of Eastern the organization; total costs incurred by the correspondm,g secre!ary North America has been published and has already brought in receipts were approximately $50.00. Dale Kirby of the ArchaeolOgIcal SOCIety of $3 ,200.00. An inventory of 1500 copies above and beyond those of Virginia called for a show of appreciation for Mrs. Gay 's work as already sold is being maintained. The printing costs for this publication corresponding secretary. from Braun·Brumfield of Ann Arbor, Michigan, was $2,598.70. The treasurer's report was read by Bettye Broyles as given during Reports from the two secretaries and the chairmen were deferred. the Executive Board Meeting. Since no Old Business remained to be discussed the President then President Robbins then related the situation with the Publication called for New Business. The frrst order of business was the resignation Committee and the newly published Archaeology of Eastern North _.. __ .___ ~. __---I. _____ -I.-I ... 1 _____,___ _ EASTERN STATES ARCHEOLOGICAL FEDERATION Page Three America. The resignation of Bettye Broyles as treasurer was also Edward F. Heite on The Forgotten Landmarks, and by Budd Wilson, reported to the general membership. Industrial Archaeology. A panel discussion was then held on The The acceptance of the Maine organizations to hold the 1974 Seventeenth-Century Settler and His House. meeting in their state was announced as was the invitation from the The Saturday afternoon session was held jointly with the Council Ohio group to host the 1975 meetings. for Northeast Historical Archaeology; Edward Hinterliter was pre­ President Robbins then called upon the recording secretary, Ronald siding. The first paper was by Christian F.
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