BOBCATS R OCK W ILDC ATS PAGE 10 • DATING Do's AND OONT'S PAGE 14 ~E ~.EXPONENT.MONTANA. EDU T HURS DAY, OCTOBER 14, 2004 ISSUE 7 V OLUME 99 POLITICS AND POWER NOMEN EXPRESS POINT OF VIEW DURING FORUM ' "ONE THING WE SHOULD NOT DO IS FOL­ LOW THE HERD, ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE IS A BULL IN THE LEAD. ~' - DIANE KAMP­ CLAYTON ne Kamp-Clayton, political activist, speaks in the SUB on Tuesday. R ACHEL HERGETI tors Deborah Hoffmann and Frances Reid. Feminism as a term didn't work, French wanted to incite people to NEWS EDITOR The film is an informative piece about the according to Kamp-Clayton. She states become politically active. There are things general apathy among wo men toward vot­ that men should have been included in the you can do beyond the minimum. She said Women were able to speak about their ing. According to the film, 22 million single beginning, so as to not make it excl usive. you should attempt to engage other people ws on politics and the place of the women women did not vote in the 2000 election. "Enough is enough. It's our time. It's in political speech, and make your own them at "Enough is Enough - Women "One vote does indeed count;' accord­ our term:' Kamp-Clayton finished. "It's not voice heard. t Your Voices Be Heard," an event spon­ ing to both the film and the website let our voices be heard, we will be heard. "Every one of us has failed if you leave ed by MSU Students for Choice. onevotefilm.com. Women will make the difference." here thinking voting is good enough," Almost 30 people, mostly female, Kamp-Clayton spoke of the impor­ After Kamp-Clayton Finishes, French French said. ended the event in the SUB on Tuesday. tance of how women need to have stron­ was invited to address the crowd. She defended her political beliefs to akers for the night, introduced by ger and more confident voices. She is the "I'm a crazy right-wing nutcase," said a group mainly comprised of people who idents for Choice President Chelsea host of a liberal talkshow on the Moose on French. "It's true, I am." support the ideals of Students for Choice daman, were Diane Kamp-Clayton, an Saturdays from 3 to 5 p.m. She also cam­ She went on to explain that the issues by saying that while she does think about ivist from Big Timber, Kala French, an paigned for John Edwards in Iowa for the that unite us are bigger than any politi­ women's right , she has many other issues MSU Senator, and Tracy Velazquez., the primary. cal party and that politics should strive to that take precedence in her decision. mocratic candidate for Montana's lone "One thing we should not do is follow bring out this level of passion in people. 1gress1onal seat. "Voting secures your right to com­ the herd, especially when there is a bull in "Just because someone stands in front plain," French said. The evening started off by "One Vote," the lead," Kamp-Clayton said. "The only of you and looks good and sounds good Last to speak was Velazquez, who didn't -minute video about women and vot­ time to follow the herd is when the lead is a doesn't mean you should believe them," " directed by Oscar-nominated direc- cow and she yells 'It's a sale!"' French said. S EE VOICES PAGE 3 cture Focuses on Reclaiming Native Identity EMILY KUIPERS The evening began with Walt speak. Mihesuah explained that PON ENT WRITER Fleming, the director of Native she had been on sabbatical for the American Studies at MSU, pro­ last year, spending time with her Leon Johnson Hall was host viding a short introduction to the children and completing three ~sdav night to the 20th annual lecture. Fleming stated that the books. This break also gave her l4 Phyllis Berger /\temorial lecture is usually held during the "time to think" about many dif­ ·ture on native peoples. third week of September to cor­ ferent subjects. However she con­ proximately 160 students and respond with "Native American tinued to come back to the same nmunity members attended. Heritage Day" in Montana. issues facing Native Americans: s rear's lecture \\as given by However, d11e to scheduling con­ decolonization, nation re-build­ •on Mihesuah, a member of flicts, the lecture was pushed ing, and empowering the natives. Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma back this year. He also assured l\1ihesuah has published and taught I a professor of Applied the audience that 1t was mere!) extensi\·ely on these subjects, and igenous Studies al :-.:orthern coincidence that the lecture took that has earned her the description ona L'111wrsit1 . .\1ihesuah place the day after Columbus Day, of "controversial scholar" due to ho the editor of the 1ournal pointing out, with a smile, the opposition to her ideas. nerica Indian Quarter!)" and irony. This was was followed by "There are more Native _.... photo by Josh Zirschky wmten several fiction and two :tl.fSC students, Dustin Walter American facultv and students Devon Mihesuah, a professor at Northern Arizona University g1·ves ~arch-based non-fiction nov­ and Shane Doyle, performing a at univers1t1es today," she said, the annual Phyllis Berger l\lemorial Lecture. and articles. ~he ha recei1 ed traditional 1ative American chant "and, surprisingly, 71 percent of natives and the need for writers to leave us - we carry them with us''. nerous awards for her teaching with the help of two drums, which these studems are female." This voice native concerns. Milhesuah She advocates reclaiming these " AU tncluding the President' brought the audience to its feet. increase has created demands said that, no matter the oppression rard for Outstanding Faculty. Mihesuah then stood up to for more useful studies on or racism, "our identities don't SEE LECTURE PAGE 3 2 THURSDAY, O C TOBER 14. 2004 NEWS Pink Triangles Mark Happy Places Homecoming Royalty Lauren Krnavek and Lars Dorseth ~ NICOLE MARQUARDT E-.XPLN N WRITER If vou\·l' st.irtl'd to notice p111k tri.111gks up around campus but don't kno"' e\actl) what the1 .;t,md for, niu'rc not ,1[011e. These tri.111gks represent the 1unch of Safe Sp,1c.:. a progr.1m t h,ll "as sta rt.:d at,\ ISL b1 j\ klissa Green, the De.111 of Students at t he time, in 199-. :afe Space was in responsl' to h,!lred toward ga~ students. '\o\\' in 2004, the program is being gin:n its well­ Jesen·ed l.rnnch. These triangles are posted on -4 photo by Charlie Capp doors, lm:kers, and am\\ ht're else that one fceb that ,1 message .:an Laurm Knzat•ek, ASAISU Vi.e Pr,·sidmt ;s congratulated after being rrownt'd Home<oming queen. The winners were be sent out. rhese triangles exist ~ photo by Charlie Capp ior one purpose; tlte) declare that an1101111ced at /,ut weekcmd'sfootb,1/l game?. Thepi11k s4i· Spt1t't' fl ia11gk iJ displt~)'t'd outsidt• the Di·1·c:rsi~vAwm't'llt'SS the sp.1ce in \\'hich the1· are posted ojfi.-e 111 th<' SUB. Safe SpclCt' te!ebmtt'S acnpt1111ce ofall p,·opk is .1 secure, .1ffirming, and inclu­ ASMSU Election Results s1w environment. rhe) celebrate get ,m ,n from b1.i.,es I'> "·ekome Tod.w, from 11 :30,1111- th.: accept,rnce of t'wn·une ,b the)' to use these '>paces. l :30pm, 111 the '\, \ \ lounge of the This ,e,n's Senate is ready to go this fall, with eJe,·en ire. \1...,L 's ...,tudent \cti1·i ties and For m.im stlllil'nt,, seeing uh, QS-\ 1s holdmg a rnnferencc ne\\lv-dected member~ and there will be ten more m the ~..., \ Queer "tra1ght Alli.rnc.:) the'e triangle., posted .iround <.tiled "Sp1ritu.1litv and "e\u,ilit~ ." spring. The ne\\ members of thi: Senate.this sentC!iter are: i.1w tt'.1111ed up together to sup­ L,1mpus "ill be .m entouraging There "111 be two local pastors (a port this t.1ust .111d to spre.1d \\Ord ,ign that they .ue not the onlr female l'nit.1n,111 m1111ster and On-Campus: Tania tl.littleider, Michelle Passmore, ,md bout the ...,,tie C,pate progr.m1. ones 111 Bozcm,rn "·ho .ire homo­ Jod Biggers from c,unpus rel.lied Bovard Tiberi ...,,1fe "P·h:<' s L1unth corre­ sc\ual, .1tcording tll QS.\ mem­ Chnsti,rn ,1ctivities) gi1 ing their .11.:s 1nth ~.1tion,1l Coming Out bers. !·or other.,, thc'>e tn.rnglcs perspetti\'C on se\u,1lit) 's place family/Graduate Housing: Tnn Bertrand D.11, 1' hich \\,ls :-..tond,11, but \\'ill will represent the begmning of a w11hm spiritu.1lit1. If you can't 11e cekbr.!led tt1d<1) on umpus. ne\\ .11titude ,!l ~ISL'; ,m attitude attend the contcreme tod.iy, there Greek: Roger Hubertt '>t.irting .1 program such .is Safr that en.:otu-.iges .111 students to is ah1.11·s QS \'s \\'eekly meeting ,\l '>p<1te stresses the importance hc:lp ere.He an .Kcepting em·iron­ - p.m. 111 Sub 106!'. And if s,1lva­ At-large: Am) Br,mger, Cale Da,is, Lar<> Dorscth, Pcte1 of not focusing one d,iy or one ment for those students "·ho .ire t10n and sc:\ 1s not enough fun, Elderum, \manda Mangun, and\'alenc I ut\ edt non th e.ich year on ksbi.111, ga)'.
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