THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1901-2. patrons. His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND, K.G., G.C.B. Tbe Eight Eev. the LORD BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH, D.D. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Granby, the Lord-Lieutenant. The High Sheriff of Leicestershire. The Worshipful the Mayor of Leicester. His Grace the Duke of Somerset. The Eight Honourable the Earl Howe. The Eight Honourable the Earl of Denbigh. The Eight Honourable the Earl Ferrers. The Eight Honourable the Earl of Dysart. The Eight Honourable the Earl of Lanesborough. The Eight Honourable Lord Braye. The Honourable Sir Matthew Ingle Joyce, Kt. Colonel the Honourable Montagu Curzon. Sir J. F. L. Eolleston, M.P. Sir C. B. McLaren, Bart., M.P., K.C. Sir C. H. Wigram, Kt. Hussey Packe, Esquire, D.L. The Venerable the Archdeacon of Leicester. Colonel F. Palmer. Edwin Joseph Lisle March-Phillips-de-Lisle, Esquire, F.S.A. Harry Leycester Powys-Keck, Esquire. r VOL. IX. 140 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY. fflcmmittff. The Patrons. H. A. Roechling, E-<I., C.E. The Presidents. Thomas Ingrani, Esq. All Rural Deans (being Members). The Rev. Canon Sanders, LL.D. All Professional Architects (being Fred. R. Men-ley, Esq. Members). George Stevenson, Esq. T. Harrold, Esq. Theodore Walker, Esq. The Kev. E. Jackson, M.A. A. H. Pnget, E-q. J. H. Garnur, Esq. John Wade Wurtnaby, E>q. The Rev. Canon Rendell, R.D. H. L. Goddard, Esq., F.R.l.B.A. The Rev. W.G. D. Fletcher, F.S.A. J. \V. Spuiway, K*q. The Rev. W. 0. Leadbitter, LL.D. H. Hartopp, Esq. &i)r permanent Sub-Committff. The Rev. W. G. D. Fletcher, F.S.A. Col. G. C. Bellairs, V.D. The Rev. Canon Rendell, R.D. Major W. J. Freer, V.D., F.S.A. J. W. Wartnaby, Esq. The Rev. S. Tliorold Winckley, M.A. H. A. Roechling, Esq., C.E. Hon. Secretaries. local sfttftatirs. Market Harborough District. Melton Slowbray District. W. Bragg-Bragg, Esq., Walter J. New, Esq., B.A. (Lend.), Market Harborough. Mellon Mowbray. Lutterworth District. Hinckley District. The Rev. E. Jackson, M.A., The Rev. R. Titley, M.A., Gilmorton Rectory. Barwell Rectory. Ashby-de-la-Zouch District. Louyhborough District. The Rev. H. Barber, M.A., M.D., F.S.A., W. J. Tucker, Esq., Raveustoue Hospital, Ashby. Parkside, Loughborough. jimetarits of ii)f Sotietp. Colonel George C. Bellairs, V.D., J.P., Southcliff Hotel, Southbourne-on-Sea- Christchureh, Hants. (Financial.) Major William Jesse Freer, V.D., F.S.A., Local Sec. Soc., Antiquaries, Land., Stonygate, Leicester. (Corresponding.) The Rev. S. Thorold Winckley, M.A., Houghton-on-the-Hill Rectory, Leicester. (Editorial). librarian. C. J. Billson, Esq., M.A., The Wayside, Oadby, Leicester. John Wade Wartnaby, Esq. HONORARY MEMBERS. The High Sheriff of Leicestershire. James Neale, Esq., F.S.A., F.R. Inst. Brit. The Worshipful the Mayor of Leicester. Archts., 10, Bloomsbury Square, Loii- The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ely don, \V.C. (Lord Alwyne Compton), D.D., The H. J. Toulmin, Esq., The Piv, St. Allmns. Palace, Ely. James Parker, Esq., Oxford. The Rev. W. G. D. Fletoher, F.S.A., S. Michael's Vicarage, Shrewsbury. LIST OF MEMBERS. 141 SUBSCUIBLNG MEMBERS, 1902. Alkins, Hugh, Esq., J.P., Thorneycroft, Cooke, Mr. J. H., 15-4, Clarendon Park Hinckley. Knucl, Leicester. Ashby, T. H., Esq., Elmsleigh, Nar- Corah, J. A., Esq., Oadby Hill, Leicester. borough Road, Leicester. Cott, The Rev. A. JJcICenzie, M.A., Asliby Bailey, Thos., Esq., Holme Lacy, St. Magna Vicarage, Lutterworth. Peter's Road, Leicester. Crewe, Hugo Harpur, Esq., Stanley's, Buker, Chas., Esq., Friar Lane, Leicester. l.ymington, Hampshire. Barfoot-Saunt, \V. H., Esq., J.P., Oxen- Crick, F., Esq., Houghton House, Lei­ don, Market Harborough. cester. Barber, The Rev. H., M.A..M.D., F.S.A., Crowtber-Beynon, V. B.,Esq., M.A., The (Hon. Local Stc.), Ravenstorie Hos­ Grunge, Kdilh Weston, Stamford. pital, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Curtis, R., Esq., Market Place, Leicester. Barker, Mr. J. W., Belvoir Street, Lei­ Cunis, W. J., E*q., Halford Street, Lei­ cester. cester. Betlairs, Col. G. C., V.D., .I.P., (Hon. Curzon, Col., The Hon. Montagu, (Presi­ Sec.) Southcliff Hotel, Soutbbourne on- dent), Garats Hay, Loughborough. Sea, Christchurch, Hants. Dalgleish, Richard, Esq., J.P., Asfordby, Bennett, A. H., E*q., Market Street, Melton Muwbiay. Leicester. Deane, Henry, Esq., 1, New Street, Beresford, The Rev. E. A., iHoby Rectory. Leicester. Bickley, J. W., Esq., Acacia House, Dickinson, The Rev. F. B., M.A., Manor Melton Mowbray. House, Ottery St. Mary. Biggs, The Rev. H. S., B.A., Grammar Dickinson, J. S., Esq., Friar Lane, Lei­ School, Lutterworth. cester. Billson, C. J., Esq., M.A., (Hon. Libra­ Donaldson, A. B., Esq., The Lodge, rian), The Wayside, Oadby, Leicester. Bitteswell, Lutterworth. Bird, G. B., Esq., Walton-on-the-Wolds, Draper, A. T., Esq., Friar Lane, Leicester. Loughborough. Drummond, Captain C. G. A., Enderby Blakeney, The Rev. Richard, M.A., The Hall, Leicester. Vicarage, Melton Mowbray. Elgood, T. S., Esq., 90, New Walk, Hlanil, Chas., Esq., Gaddesby, Leicester. Leicester. Bland, Edmund, Esq., S. Martin's, Lei­ Ellis. Miss Susan, Stoneygate Road, cester. Leicester. Bloxsom, M., Esq., Hazelwood, Crump- Everard, T. W., Esq., J.P., Nanpantan, sail Green, Manchester. Loughborough. Bouskel!, Frank, Esq., Friar Lane, Lei­ Faire, A. W., Esq., Elmcote, Elm Road, cester. Leicester. Bragg, W. Bragg, Esq. (Hon. Local Sec.), Feaks, Mr. Chas. E., 44, Stretton Road, Catherine House, Market Harborough. The Fosse, Leicester. Brown, A. J,, Esq., Great Glen, Leicester. Fewkes, J., Esq., Great Glen, Leicester. Brown, George G., Esq., Great Glen, Fisher, The Rev. H., M.A., Higham-on- Leicester. the-Hill Kectory, Nuneaton. Bryan, The Rev. Hugh, M.A., Stoke Flood, The Rev. S., M.A,, Ibstock Rectory, Golding Vicarage, Nuneaton. Leicester. Buszard, Marston C., Esq., K.C., J.P., Forsell, J. T., Esq., Winkadale, Bushby, The Temple, London. Leicester. Butlaml, Hobt., Esq., Stougbton Lane, Fowke, The Rev. C. R., M.A., Billesdon Leicester. Vicarage, Leicester. Cartwright, Mr. T. H., 12, Market Street, Fox, B. H. C., Esq., J.P., Maplewell, Leicester. Loughborough. Chaplin, C. W., Esq., Burrough-on-the- Franklin, Mrs. G. C., 39, London Road, Hill, Melton Mowbray. Leicester. Clare, E. Lovell, Esq., 39, Devonshire Freer, Major W. J., V.D., F.S.A. (Hon. Place, Portland Place, London, S.W. Sec.), Stonygate, Leicester. Clephan, Edwin, Esq., J.P., Southfields, Freer, Rev. A. S. Beresford, M.A., The Leicester. Vicarage, Gussage All Saints', Salis­ Collins, E. J., Esq., Mere Road, Leicester. bury. Cooke, F. C., Esq., Chesterfield House, Garnar, J. H., Esq., Knighton Drive, Hinckley. Leicester. 142 LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY. Gee, H. Simpson, KSCJ,, J.P., Knighton Hurst, William, Esq., J.P., The Grange, Frith, Leicester. Earl Shilton. Gee, Mis. II. Simpson, Knighton Frith, Ingram, Thos., Esq., Wigston Magna, I ,eice»te)[. Leicester. (iimson, Syd ney A., Esq., 20, Glebe Street, Jackson, Rev. Edmund, M.A. (Hon. Local Leicester. Sec.), Gilmorton Rectory, Lutterworth. (ileadow, Mrs. W., Stoneygate, Leicester, Jackson, W. F., Esq., 8, St. Martin's, doddard, H. L., Esq., F.R.I.B.A. Market Leicester. Street, Leicester. Johnson, Mrs. T. Fielding, Brookiield, Godson, The Hev. J., M.A., R.D., Ashby Stoneygate, Leicester. Folville Vicarage, Melton Mowbray. Johnson, Mrs. Willium Goode, Van­ Goodacre, R. J., Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Friar couver City, B.C. Lane, Leicester. Jones, Thos., E»q., J.P., Bradenham, Gran by, The Most Hon. the Marquess Knighton Park Road, Leicester. of (President), 10, Arlington Street, Joyce, Hon. Sir M. I. (President), 4, London, S.W. Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, Lon­ Green, George,Esq., Market Harborough. don, W.C. Griffith, F., Esq., Clarendon, Stoneygate, Keck, H. L. Powys-, Esq., J.P., (Presi­ Leicester. dent), The Knoll, Kingston Hill, Griinxdiuk, G. J., Esq., Kibwnrth, Lei­ Surrey. cester. Kitson, C. H., Esq., Mus. Doc., Oxon., Hardy, Tho Rev. T. B., M.A., Narborongli Hill Top, London Road, Leicester. Rectory. Lanesborough, The Right Hon. the Earl Harper, G. P., E-q., M.A., 10, Mecklen­ of, (President), Swithland Hall, Lough- burg Street, 1.fleeter. borough. Harper, Mrs., Ill, Mecklenburg Street, Landon, The Rev. Guy, M.A., The Vicar­ Leicester. age, Portsea, Hants. Hnrrison.S., Esq., F.H. I.E. A., St. Martin's, Langham, W., Esq., 24, Glenfield Road, Leicester. Leicescer. Harrold, Thomas, Esq., Castle Street, Leadbilter, The Rev. V\'. O., D.C.L., St. Hinckley. Luke's Vicarage, Leicester. Hartopp, Capt. J. Burns-, J.P., D.L., Lilley, Samuel G., jun., Esq., Southfields, Dalby Hall, Melton Mowbray. Leicester, Hartopp, Mr. Henry, Til, Barclay Street, Martin, R. F., Esq., J.P., The Brand, Narborongli Road, Leicester. Longhborough. Hassall, John, Esq., J.P., Ashby-de-la- Maxfield, M., Esq., C, Ue Montfort Zouch. Square, Leicester. Hassall, Mrs., Rearsby Rectory, Leicester. McLaren, Sir C. B., Bart., K.C., M.P., Hatchett, Major J., J.P., Ravenstoue, (President), 4'i, 13elgrave Squure, Lon­ Ashby-de-la-Zouch. don, W. Henton, G. M., Esq., Charnwood House, Merttens, Fredk., Esq., Rothley Temple, Victoria Road, Leicester. Lough borough. Herrick, Mrs. Perry-, Beaumanor Park, Moore, C. A., Esq., M.D., Ue Montfort Lough borough. Street, Leicester. Hewartl, T. H., Esq., C.C., The Elms, Morley, F. R., Esq., De Montfort Square, Hugglescote, Leicester. Leicester. Hewitt, Francis, Esq., Thornleigh, New. Walter J., Esq., B.A. Lond., (Hon. Stoneygate, Leicester. Local. Sec.), Melton Mowbray. Hiley, The Rev. A. J. W., M.A., Wood- New York Public Library, U.S.A. house Eaves, Longhborough. Oliver, C. F., Esq., Merridale, Stoney­ Hiley, E. V., Esq., Town Hall, Leicester. gate, Leicester. Hodges, G. H., Esq., J.P., Oadby, Lei­ Grain, Arthur, Esq., The Spinneys, Rat- cester.
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