15_260890_bindex.qxd:JSC1st.qxd 6/9/09 1:30 PM Page 235 Index A Avocado(s) Aïoli Guacamole, Chef Laura’s Famous, 20 Dipping Sauce, Herbed, 186 ripeness of, 21 Homemade, 185 Horseradish (variation), 185 B Horseradish, Tongue Salad with, 30–31 Banana Leaves, Thai Fish Wrapped in, with Jasmine All-Clad slow cooker, 4–5 Rice, 128–129, 232 Almonds, toasting, 199 Barley Ancho Chile(s) in Cabbage Rolls, Stuffed, 90–91 in Chili, Vegetarian, 40–41 in Cholent, 74–75 -Chocolate Pudding Cake with Sparkling Sabayon, Basmati Rice 162–163 Brown, 140 how to prepare, 41 and Tomato Soup, 48, 230 in Mole Poblano, 118–119 BBQ Sauce, Root Beer, 184 Powder, 200 Bean(s). See also Green Beans toasting, 41 Black Bean Soup, 38 Angel Hair, Toasted, 144 in Cassoulet, 86–87 Animals, ritual slaughter of, 3 Chili, Vegetarian, 40–41 Anise, Star Anise Sauce, Szechwan Chicken with, in Cholent, 74–75 110–111 Couscous and, 141 Appetizers, 13–31 Fava Bean and Lentil Stew, 135 Artichoke Caponata, 16–17, 231 Navy, with Eggplant Ragù, Smoky, 132–133 Cheese Fondue, 15 and Pasta (Pasta e Fagioli), 49 Chicken Wings, Hot, 23 in Ribollita, 42–43 Chicken Wings, Szechwan, with Star Anise Sauce sources for, 233 (variation), 111 White Bean Ragù, 101 Guacamole, Chef Laura’s Famous, 20 White Bean Ragù, Osso Buco with Gremolata Hummos, 14, 230 and, 99–100 Kreplach with Short Ribs, VIP, 24–25 Beef Mushroom Terrine, 26–27 Belgian Sweet-and-Sour Beef and Onion Stew, Parmesan Crisps, 21 84–85 Peperonata with Crostini, 28–29 Boiled, with Vegetables, 66–67 Popcorn, Rosemary and Parmesan, 22 Braciole, 82–83, 228 Tapenade, Olive, Mixed, 18 Brisket, Rubbed, 64–65 Tapenade, Sun-Dried Tomato, 19 Cabbage Rolls, Stuffed, 90–91, 228 Tongue Salad with HorseradishCOPYRIGHTED Aïoli, 30–31 in Cabbage MATERIAL Soup, Sweet-and-Sour, 50 Apple(s) Cassoulet, 86–87 -Cauliflower Soup with Duck Confit, 56–57, 226 Cholent (Sabbath stew), 74–75 in Fruit Compote, Poached, 174–175 Corned Beef, Brown Sugar-Glazed, 70 in Sweet Potatoes, Mashed, 155 Dafina (Sabbath stew), 77–79 Artichoke Caponata, 16–17, 231 Meatloaf, 96–97 g 235 15_260890_bindex.qxd:JSC1st.qxd 6/8/09 3:01 PM Page 236 Beef continued Browning technique, 6–7 and Peppers, Casserole of, 80–81 Brown Sugar-Glazed Corned Beef, 70, 231 Pot Roast, Garlicky, 68–69, 229 Butter, baking with, 11 in Rice Dumplings, Moroccan (Kouclas Bi Ruz), Butterflying technique, 83 78–79 Butternut Squash Short Ribs, Falling-off-the-Bone, 88–89 in Chili, Vegetarian, 40–41 Short Ribs, Kreplach with, VIP, 24–25 in Peanut Soup, Senegalese, 51 Tamales, 92–94 Tongue Salad with Horseradish Aïoli, 30–31 C Beer Cabbage in Beef and Onion Stew, Belgian Sweet-and-Sour, Coleslaw, Creamy, 149 84–85 in Corned Beef, Brown Sugar-Glazed, 70 in Chili, Bison, 58–59 in Pumpkin Soup, Italian, 52–53 in Cholent, 74–75 in Ribollita, 42–43 in Pot Roast, Garlicky, 68–69 Rolls, Stuffed, 90–91, 228 in Shepherd’s Pie, 95 Soup, Sweet-and-Sour, 50 Beets Cake(s) in Cabbage Soup, Sweet-and-Sour, 50 Cheesecake, Key Lime, 168–169 in Tongue Salad with Horseradish Aïoli, 30–31 Chocolate-Ancho Chile Pudding, with Sparkling Belgian Sweet-and-Sour Beef and Onion Stew, Sabayon, 162–163 84–85 Candied Kumquats, 157 Bell Peppers Capellini, Toasted, 144 Beef and, Casserole of, 80–81 Caponata, Artichoke, 16–17, 231 in Chicken with Rice, 106–107 Carrots in Chili, Vegetarian, 40–41 Boiled Beef with Vegetables, 66–67 how to roast, 37 with Currants, Dried, 148 Peperonata with Crostini, 28–29 in Kishke, 75–76 Risotto, Creamy, with Italian Sausage, Onions and, in Ribollita, 42–43 98 in Shepherd’s Pie, 95 in Sofrito, 215 Cassoulet, 86–87 in Tortilla Soup, 36–37 Cauliflower-Apple Soup with Duck Confit, 56–57, 226 Bison Cavolo Nero, in Ribollita, 42–43 Chili 58–59 Chanterelles, dried, 9 sources for, 233 Charmoula, 187 Black Bean Soup, 38 Charnushka, 109, 181, 189 Black caraway (charnushka), 109, 181, 189 Cheese. See also Parmesan Black Forest Bread Pudding, 161 Fondue, 15 Braciole, 82–83, 228 Grits, Cheesy, 147 Bread Pudding kosher, 45 Black Forest, 161 Mascarpone, Sweet, Poached Pears with, Maple-Pecan, 176 172–173, 228 Breakfast dishes in Onion Soup, 45 Bread Pudding, Maple-Pecan, 176 in Tomato Soup, Creamy, 39 Eggs, Braised, in Spicy Tomato Sauce, 134 Cheesecake, 160 Ful Medamas, 135 Key Lime, 168–169, 232 Grits, Cheesy, 147 Cherries, Bread Pudding, Black Forest, 161 Oatmeal with All the “Fixins,” 177 Chicken Brisket Coq au Vin, 114–115, 229 in Boiled Beef with Vegetables, 66–67 Curried, 116 Corned Beef, Brown Sugar-Glazed, 70, 231 Meatballs, Spicy, 112–113 Rubbed, 64–65 Moroccan, with Cracked Green Olives and Brown Basmati Rice, 140 Preserved Lemons, 108–109 236 g jewish slow cooker recipes 15_260890_bindex.qxd:JSC1st.qxd 6/8/09 3:01 PM Page 237 in Peanut Soup, Senegalese, 51 in Veal Ragout, 102–103 with Rice, 106–107 Cocoa powder, 9 stock, 8 Coconut Milk Stock, Dark, 208 in Chicken, Curried, 116 Stock, Essential, 207 in Curry Paste, Thai Red, 204–205 Szechwan, with Star Anise Sauce, 110–111 in Fish, Thai, Wrapped in Banana Leaves with Tamales, 92–94 Jasmine Rice, 128–129 Wings, Hot, 23 in Mulligatawny, 46–47 Wings, Szechwan, with Star Anise Sauce (varia- in Senegalese Peanut Soup, 51 tion), 111 Cold-pan method, cooking duck, 121 Chick Pea(s) Coleslaw, Creamy, 149 in Basmati Rice, Brown, 140 Communal ovens, 73 Couscous and Beans, 141 Compote, Poached Fruit, 174–175, 227 in Dafina, 77–79 Confit. See Duck, Confit Hummos, 14, 230 Coq au Vin, 114–115, 229 and Lentil Soup, 35 Corn, in Tortilla Soup, 36–37 in “Risotto,” Moroccan-Spiced Mixed Grain, Corned Beef, Brown Sugar-Glazed, 70, 231 152–153 Corn Husks, for Tamales, 92–93 in Shepherd’s Pie, 95 Corn Masa, for Tamales, 92–93 Child, Julia, 61 Coulis, Raspberry, 193 Chile(s). See also Ancho Chile(s) Couscous and Beans, 141 in Chili, Bison, 58–59 Creamy Coleslaw, 149 in Chili, Vegetarian, 40–41 Creamy Risotto with Italian Sausage, Peppers, and chipotle, 37, 59 Onions, 98 in Curry Paste, Thai Red, 204–205 Creamy Tomato Soup, 39 Mole Poblano, 118–119 Crisps, Parmesan, 21 sources for, 232 Crostini, Peperonata with, 28–29 in Tomatillo Sauce, 95 Cucumber(s) in Tortilla Soup, 36–37 -Mint Relish, 129 Chili and Oranges in Rosewater, 142 Bison, 58–59 Currants, Dried, Carrots with, 148 Vegetarian, 40–41 Curry(ied) Chipotle chiles, 37, 59 Basmati Rice, Brown, 140 Chocolate Chicken, 116 in Bread Pudding, Black Forest, 161 Fish, Thai, Wrapped in Banana Leaves with as chili garnish, 58 Jasmine Rice, 128–129 in Mole Poblano, 118–119 Mulligatawny, 46–47 Pudding Cake, -Ancho Chile, with Sparkling Peanut Soup, Senegalese, 51 Sabayon, 162–163 Powder, 198 selecting, 9 Shepherd’s Pie, 95 sources for, 233 Split Pea Soup, 44 Cholent, 71, 73, 74–75 Thai Red Curry Paste, 204–205 Chowder, Wild Rice and Turkey, 55 Chutney, Tomato, 188–189 D Cilantro Dafina, 71, 73, 77–79 in Charmoula, 187 Deglazing process, 7 in Sofrito, 215 Desserts, 159–177. See also Pudding Cipollini Onions Cheesecake, Key Lime, 168–169, 232 Braised, in Mushroom-Peppercorn Sauce, Flan, 160, 166–167 182–183 Fruit Compote, Poached, 174–175, 227 how to peel and sauté, 115 pareve, 11 in Pumpkin Soup, Italian, 52–53 Peach Melba, 165 index g 237 15_260890_bindex.qxd:JSC1st.qxd 6/8/09 3:01 PM Page 238 Desserts continued Fish Pears, Poached, with Sweet Mascarpone, browning technique, 7 172–173, 228 butterflying, 83 Pudding Cake, Chocolate-Ancho Chile, with Halibut Involtini, 126–127 Sparkling Sabayon, 162–163 Halibut, Olive-Oil Poached, 125, 232 Dessert Sauces kosher status of, 3 Raspberry Coulis, 193 Sole with White Wine and Mushrooms, 123–124, Sabayon, Sparkling, 192 231 Dipping Sauce, Aïoli, Herbed, 186 Thai, Wrapped in Banana Leaves with Jasmine Dips and Spreads Rice, 128–129, 232 Artichoke Caponata, 16–17 Flan, 160, 166–167 Cheese Fondue, 15 Flavor additions Guacamole, Chef Laura’s Famous, 20 Garlic, Roasted, 212 Hummos, 14, 230 Lemons, Preserved, 213 Mushroom Terrine, 26–27 Mushroom Duxelles, 214 Peperonata with Crostini, 28–29 Sofrito, 215 Tapenade, Olive, Mixed, 18 Fondue, Cheese, 15 Tapenade, Sun-Dried Tomato, 19 Forbidden Rice, Moroccan-Spiced Duck with Sweet- Tomato Chutney, 188–189 Tart Orange Sauce and, 120–121 Duck Fruit. See also specific fruits cold-pan cooking method, 121 Compote, Poached, 174–175, 227 Confit, 122 Dried, in Lamb Tagine, 104–105 in Cassoulet, 86–87 seasonal, 11 Cauliflower-Apple Soup with, 56–57, 226 in Moroccan-Spiced Duck, 120–121 Moroccan-Spiced, with Sweet-Tart Orange Sauce G and Forbidden Rice, 120–121 Galangal, in Thai Red Curry Paste, 204–205 Dumplings Garlic Kishke, 75–76 in Aïoli, Homemade, 185 Kreplach with Short Ribs, VIP, 24–25 in Aïoli, Horseradish (variation), 185 Rice, Moroccan (Kouclas Bi Ruz), 78–79 creaming, 211 in Sabbath stew, 71 in Gremolata, 191 Duxelles, Mushroom, 214 in Peperonata with Crostini, 28–29 Pot Roast, Garlicky, 68–69, 229 E Roasted, 212 Egg(s) Glazed Corned Beef, Brown Sugar-, 70, 231 Braised, in Spicy Tomato Sauce, 134 Grains in Sabbath stew, 71, 72 in kosher diet, 138–139 Cholent, 74–75 as pantry staple, 9 Dafina, 77–79 sources for, 233 Stewed, 71, 156 Green Beans Eggplant in Ribollita, 42–43 how to choose and prepare, 133 in Tortilla Soup, 36–37 Ragù, Navy Beans with, Smoky, 132–133 Gremolata, 191 Escoffier, Auguste, 33 Osso Buco with White Bean Ragù and, 99–101 Grits F Cheesy, 147 Farro, in “Risotto,” Moroccan-Spiced Mixed Grain, Simple, 146 152–153 Guacamole, Chef Laura’s Famous, 20 Fava Bean and Lentil Stew, 135 Gusteau, Auguste (Ratatouille), 13 Fenugreek seeds, 198, 201 238 g jewish slow cooker recipes 15_260890_bindex.qxd:JSC1st.qxd 6/8/09 3:01 PM Page 239 H
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