Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/80325 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Kim, C.Y. Title: The modern transformation of Korean political thinking : revisiting the political ideas of the Late-Nineteenth-Century Reformists Issue Date: 2019-11-14 Bibliography Primary Sources Confucian Classics Shujing (苗篏, Book of History) Lunyu (緰蓳, Analects of Confucius) Mengzi (耺螲, Works of Mencius) Daxue (繗谷, Great Learning) Zhongyong (襦虉, Doctrine of The Mean) Annals Chosŏn wangjo sillok (裧茗蘌裧葒罵, The Annals of the Chosŏn Dynasty) (http://sillok.history.go.kr/main/main.jsp) Kojong sillok (簙褒葒罵, The Annals of the Era of King Kojong) (http://sillok.history.go.kr/inspection/inspection.jsp?mTree=0&id=kza) Newspapers and Journals Hansŏng sunbo (豀茱菝膊, Hansŏng ten-day newspaper) · Hansŏng chubo (豀茱襋膊, Hansŏng weekly newspaper) (CD Rom) (Seoul: Tongbang midiŏ, 2003). Tongnip sinmun (☛Ⱃ㔶ⶎ, The Independent, 1896-1899) (Seoul: LG sangnam ŏllon chaedan, 2004). 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