SECRET PHOTOGRAPHIC SECTION II THIRD FLEET OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF CENTRAL LUZON LANDINGS­ INCLUDING SOUTH CHINA SEA SWEEP (Chapter 80) 0-a SECRET ~ 0-b SECRET /J11111i11q ";,.,,.,,;1 . l!a/.,1111r111lf1 .lirfidd. Fo/'111().rn. Fo111 1real/u·r ld11rl1r~d pilot., n1 allock,, 011 l/1i., imporlrntl t 111 Ill!/,,;,. baxl. 0-c SECRET lui111 . l irp'1ld ,,,,,/ />11111i11t/ 11Hlll!/ ni1rrr1ll. 80-d SECRET ( f/111t1uj/1ff/1r/ ui1r·1r1jl i11 fuf/1·1 l'flrk ~lirJitltl (f~11.zo11) di.,111r.wd11na. ( an/1tls1·rt1/111!/ ll'il!:d1tnr /II 111·11.,/1 r·111•r•1·1·rl 11il'f·/'f1/f nftmq II l'/N'/' xirlr 11/ /'Orfl/, 0-e SECRET Enemy 1:tliippit1[/· Sai[!Oll Ri1•1 I'. 80-f SECRET 80-g SECRET /J, ,/,.11..ti11n 11/ oils/1111111• of (,.rtl-' lontptltlf/ (/,f/l ,,,,,/ ,\m·o11.11 l'ru-1111111 Oil f 0111/lflllf/ (rirtlil) d11ri11r1 lw1t1him11!1/11d· I// ,\l/i111111 /.! ./ru11tr1r!l l.9~.;. 80-h SECRET 80-i SECRET 0-j SECRET .,/,ippi11y uJf r "fl \I.. /acq1118 l? ./rw11r11'!/l!1k;. Et11111yl>J:: (D and[,, .1!-typr1111rl11· bo111bi11g . .IJWJt~ uf u11ide11tified .u11ki:rt veB~el appea1 at lower rigid. 80-k SECRET 0-1 SECRET /:'11011!11·,,111•0:1 /.; 111il1.• souf/1 of ( a111ra11h !111!1. Fr11wl1 ludo f ltina. 1111 rli11111 fo11~·0·. 11111dil11n fl'liqMcr, I 11!1idenlifi'trl, a11d 80-m SECRET 1111 /II/ r/i111n tanl.·u· ll"(lN .'11111.· ·l'l/11/ll/ f'Ofl/'/Jlf /.j mi/1 s ·"'"''' fl/ rn111ro11h Bu!f. Frcncli· I 11rln Ci1inri. 80-n SECRET 80--0 SECRET 80-p SECRET 0-<i SECRET 80-r SECRET ,\f,.nptJf/ n1irl 1orl.·1 f.v tlid t/1i8 . • l 'ilof.y rel11r11lfl lo rlr.,froy ligM11w 1111loadi11g r/001111•d sliilJ. 80-s SECRET l'a11 'fl" \"///If .li1p',/t!. ·'oiqon. \f oirl'lll/I 11·11·1 1·u1111lu/ fl/I I/ii.- p1ld, n/ whit·/i .jfl 0·1n r1J11firuu d rf, sfr1Jf/1 d 1111 1ilwfoqra1il1s. 0-t SECRET 0-u SECRET fC owluu// and n·aito"f.· .! il'jidc/ in ;ortgl'UUlld; [J ong J{ ong ill bacl.:gl'Ollllcl. !long f1"011g hrirb()J main anchorage i$ on the right. 80-v SECRET /Jong /{0119 ltarbor. 0-w SECRET llonq !tong and main andwmgtJ i11 for~gro1111d. /{011'/0011 upptr riyl1t. 80-x SECRET 80-y SECRET 80-z SECRET 80-aa SECRET llong liong liarbor. J(J January 19~.5. 0- bb SECRET 80-cc SECRET 80-dd SECRET 80-ee SECRET ~c ':;:: ~. "~ ..-- _ ::::~ -....,::- - -~ ~·~ Ml-ff SECRET 0-gg SECRET 80-hh SECR ET CHAPTER 80 THI RD FLEET OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF CENTRAL LUZO N LAHDINGS - INCLUDI NG THE SOUTH CHI NA SEA SWEEP 30 DECEMBER 1944 - 23 JANUARY 1945 PREFACE SUMMARY The success or these opera lions conr 1ned the soundness or the concept upon which they were based; namely, that •oblllly or the striking and Task Force 38 cons1st1ng or Task Groups 38.1, covering forces should be aa1nta1ned while ex­ 38 .2 and 38.3 left ULITIH on 30 December to fur­ plo1t1ng ene•y •eaknesses and seizing eve ry oppor­ nish strategic support for the landing or South­ tunity offPred or created to destroy aaJor units west PACIFIC forces at LIM>AYEN GULF on UJZ<X'i on or the Japanese fleet. 9 January. After fueling on 2 January, sustained air attacks were •ade on FCRMOSAN air!lelds on 3 The principal actions against the ene•Y •ere and 4 January. After fueling on 5 January, LUZON carried out by aircraft or the fast Clrrier Task a1rf1e Ids 11ere attacked on 6 and 7 January. On forces dur1ng the operations in January 1945. 9 January FORMOSAN airfields were again attacked, This chapter contains 1n!oraat100 or particular after 11h1ch the Task Force passed through BASHI Interest to surface ships to assist the• 1n plan­ CHA~~EL into the OfINA Sea. After running south ning, tl•lng and coord1nat1ng operations. The for tli' O days, a •Ost profitable attack was made successful handling or the world's largest Task on 12 January on ene•y shipping along the coast force, 111 th Its various subd1v1s1ons designated to or fllENO! INOO CHINA In the VIClnltY or CAMRANH errect1ve1y cope ~1th any threat fro• the ene•Y. BAY. Task Force 38 returned to a position south­ is described In COHander nuRD f'leet's narrative. west of fCJlMOSA on 15 January and in splte or bad Particular attention 1s called to proble•s or fleet weather launched attacks on a1rf1elds and sh1pp1ng log1st1cs, nav1gat1on under severe 'eather condi­ on that ts land. A I ong range VF s tr Ike was a !so tions, handling large scale fleet conunicattons , sent against HONG KONG and CAHl'ON. On the fol low - and fighter d1rect1on by surface ships. 1ng day an attack •as •ade on HOHJ KONG, CANTON and HAINAN. following this strike, the Task force This operation marks the rtrst tlae our carrier ~ithdrew to the southeast trying to find surr1- planes penetrated to the OflNA COAST. and the c1ently good weather to per•tt fueling. After placing of two Marine fighter squadrons aboard the three days or wrestling with the •onsoon, ruel1ng FSSEX marks the rirst use or Marine fighter p1 lots was co•pleted and a northerly course set !or In Task Force 'IlilR1Y-EIGfrl'. BALINTANG C~L through which the force passed on the evening or 20 January. Bet-een 3 and 22 January, da=age was inf 11cted on the ene•y as follows. 629 enemy planes de ­ On 21 January add1t1onal strikes were •ade on stroyed, 114 ships sunk, and 209 vesse Is damaged FORMOSAN airfields and sh1pp 1ng during which a or probably sunk. The ene•Y appeared to be sharp ene•y air attack •as surrered by Task Group caught by surprise. Detailed data and photographic 38 .3. At the end or the day a northeasterly evidence are not yet ava1lable, but It 1s apparent course •as set and attacks were •ade on the OKINAWA that •ore than rive percent o! the ene•y's re.ain- GUNTO on the next day. No opposition was en­ 1ng aerchant fleet •as sunk, Including •any fast countered and targets were hard to !ind . Afler and sizeable merchant•en and tankers formerly e•­ fueling on 23 January the task force returned to ployed In the vital service fro• SISGAPORE to the ULITHI on the •orn1ng or 26 January. (see Charts, E•p1 re. pages 80-2 and 80-3). Commander 'IlilRD fleet states that "The China coast In January appeared as • 1de open and defense ­ MI SSI ON less !ro• an air and naval standpoint as the MINDANAO and VISAYAS appeared In October. It Is believed that the 111<llrect strategic results or the attack or the CHINA Coast •Ill be quite as The •iss1on o! Task force THIR1Y-EIGfrl' during valuable as the tangible destruction In f l icted.• the pe riod covered by this report •as pr1•artly: 80-J ,& .... 1;10 u::P r1~0 ia·t/" li1'0 IH" •!< ,,. 1!(1 ... ·~'b" ...... .,#~ ". 1,.0 "· OKINAWA JIM/\ 4 '1 ....,., 00 II' '":; !. : 2000 11 m ~ s~o~o • c n \'11'1'1"'t' $i m ~.-1' ~~ '° ~d -4 I ltOO·at _,. ,, .·i 8Al~H I> 1100 1 <MOO· lOOO~o• ··- . .,. 10 6Al\NlAtlG STRAIT ,. ~ _1000 ~ .. !.. !1 O'O~ . •1001 ""-. neoo 1 0 800 1-'ol . ... '"",,., ·- .,( ... .,.<Cl ll004 llo .. ~~ -· " ~... '2.000 t."i' . _?OOO•JI ...... , "\·.. 1·• .... ~t'~ ~0800 ·31 (',.,• ._ llOO·Jt "'"'i-· .. ·. .. .. oeoo - z~ ·. ., __ ,,. TRACK CHART ·. TASK GROUP 38.2 · I I ' 1200 Dec.30,1944- 0800 Jon. I0, 1945 (-> lOOO· l ' '., ~ ·, and ·., 11• '•, 2000 Jon. 20,1945-0800 Jon. 25,1945 r-----l 1'2.00· 30 j_ ULITH ~l'tb l I ..L _]_-~--~ ....,., l ' r"'""" T ·--,-,--r-~ ~­ r.· . " .. I ' ii ·' 0 PESCAOORES -" ISLANDS • ~ I CMINA I - ....... P~u,..~ PRATAS REEF ~I IZOO•I" ~'Z ~ F~ENC: :".t c ,. ': . PARACEL . ~ INOO 0 • IS~ANDS r CHINA ANO "'µREEFS ~~ MACCLESFIELD .. 0:; . SANK r ~ ·, l.000 13 I G , t TRACK CHART r TASK GROUP 38.2 0800 10 JAN.-1200 20 JAN. 1945 KAMRANtl i' :,·' ~ ' , 1 ·t (,-'. I , : ~' \ 0 ~ 0"' . :(p, ~ ~·~ w' 11 ! I . -..;:; ~ ... .L___J L '•_.·· L - .! ~-.L '_..J. MISSION (C()Tlt.) Cll.5HING L. K. SWENSOl'i COIAHAI\ COLLETT (a) to supoort the landing operations of the UHL\IANN MADDOX forces or Comr.ander-rn-Ch1e!, Southwest BENHAM BLUE Pactflc on WZON; YARNALL BRUSH 'l'liil'ilNG TAUSSIG (b) to destroy eneay naval forces If contacte,l. W'EDIJERBURN SAMl>l.'L N • >,()()RE De HAVEN STOCKHAM The secondary a1ss1on was the protection of air MANSnELD ana sea commun 1ca ti ons. In add1 t ion this Force was assigned, as a final mission, photographic strikes against Islands Jn the NANSEI SHC1l'O group. 12/30 STOCKHAM detached. 1/8 STOCKl!AM Joined. 1/11 FLI1'1'f, LAWS and P!IIO!ETI' Joined. The mission assigned this Task Force was to BALTIMORE, BOOTON. MAN.5FIELD, De HAVEN, prevent enemy naval and air forces interrer tng with L. K SWENS<»i, CXlLLITI' and TAUSSIG detached. the assualt on LU'lON by destroying enemy naval l/12 BALTIMORE, 8Cl5TOO, MANSFIELD, DeHAVEN, and air forces anct sh1pp1ng Jn the RYUKYU-FORMOOA­ L.K.SWENSON, COLLET'T and TAUSSIG JOlned. OIINA COAST-LU'l.ON area before the date of the land­ }LINT, LAWS and PRIO!ETT detached. ing at LINC"oAYEN; by neutrallztng enemy air and 1/17 BWE detached.
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