ffi •`---,`I= `-`E •Sie B DE. •-.'\..EE EL ae`S! ERERE* . `i\+` :`,,i ,_..je J- Ls-arr e - is ;IEE] I .\\ \`:` 1 .' ` • ide sty 1,. Mondays ffiEHE-i- ¢i AEi $2.00 Rail Drinks Bar and $1.00 Taps With° HEE fa\giv4 Bise \4 \\....I {-*ai .-I Tt Jesdays A DifferL ,ID` e MA American Idol Volume 6 #4 $1 taps during Idol nt APRIL 2007 $2 Sprecher Mixers Point'Of .,EL View * Wednesdays \ Ei REEF &G ` .A.ri< Showtunes Nite .\ $3 Pumphbuse Martinis H --, `\ _:_==__f==T==-== EE =*'`)/ RussellS'Stprise a ,,,/`J Specials ffiREngill `r ,/-` \,.`' ,-`\-Vi..+..:#`T,; ffH8t - Thursdays fflrfe :,!^;!%i-is-;i! EI 2-for4 A7 MG E= oJ'k;;lf/I+*1!r,/\ ` +~\i :\a iEE E, =i EIl|]E .I Fridays a D I"Aj#-frth4 Ei E i-ittijipeE`\/ i:=:i i,i_ 1* .g.. +!EE-!== ]E. ; I-E E!IIi . i,A- "-kEC -+i-===- .i OR 0 kgink Sz Has f*&1 € BIT i+ Saturdays .2 Shots of Doctor's exi xurjedasI DE .I EDHE I HE= RE RE _P- a;ux EIE *RAZ§. I Sundays /ft ff I a C) $5 Bloody Marys E **--- t i{LREREEiEEEHEEEEiiEiEEiEfiF'i.F* •i5;(yRE3 :rEiERE I Happy \ i Oftg E sse l's Milwaukee's Longest! Ti Monday=Frida ee OR 12pm-E3prqp P o 2D Came Featured in Rasci.l 3-for-1 Morning's! Ty*1:irJ:" :,S, tip el' fig 'SIDS Attica •wl:;ig sO®) auction, fabulous c.I In His EI +- 11- C., C5 CO Open at 10am -+Ja.` RE in drag show, food drink specials Revie # a Ill HII REiy#i Seven Days a Week t DH Ann 48 11- itOri I, • 1111 2011 S. (414) 744-7008 Hi |IIEIEg-[E www.milwaukeepumphouse.corn MHV Celebrating Celebrati (r. ) 0020 Years:. keofunBeetofprideFestthe Official Beer of Priderest offf Pride!, Pride! iii. B4A8imro, ` cAlsiso MAIER FESTIVAL PARK ON MILWAUKEE'S LAKEFRONT JllNEJUNE 8, 8, 9 9 & a 10, 10, 2007 2007 +iiENir=::- Frida , June 8th P , i a e i e s ,. Comedian KathyKatliy Griffin Featuring Cascada ±da `dr Plus;ru-s`i.;.aaaT===: Hedda Lettuce & LJ i Chicago's Miss Foozie CASCADA Saturda June 9th Jammin' 98.3 welcomes EightEight-time-time Grammy Award® winnerwinner Chaka Khanloan > With Benassi Bras.Bros. COMEDIAN featurl.ngfeaturing DhanyDhany `,` GRIFFIN Plus SadeSade Pendarvis KATHY & Peppermint, Peppermint, NYC's #1 #1 drag drag performer performer JAMMIN' 98.3 WELCOMES EIGHT TIME GRAMMY AWARD WINNER CHAKA KHAN Sun. June 10th < Joan Jet(Jett and and the the BIackhearts Blackhearts JOAN JETT With RonnieRonnie Nyles and the Krash Band v Plus ComedianComedian ViidtieVickie ShawShaw Boi Toiz andand GurlGuri Toiz on Broadway More information available at ww.pridefest.com.www.pridefest.com. Tickets and and discount weekendweekend Nicki French passes onon sale soon.scan. performing LIVE in the Dance r _, Everyday -People- / Pavilion for 6,)118jEprff;%fy'-gi"' 1/7(e'ri(1/1d/7/ the Volunteer • Sunday SupportS\u.port Pridefiest Pridefest, Wisconsin's Wisconsin's Te today at www. Dance largestLai'gestLGBTedebrafion. LGBT celebration. i* f pridefest.com or by Join the 2007 ProudProud Crowd todaytoday at FRENCH NICKI calling 414-272-3378. www.pridefest.com MILWAUKEE MAP LISTING 1313 Walker'sWalker's PintPint W,W, PP *Art*ArtBar Bar M,M,W W 818 S 2nd Stst (414)643-7468(414)643-7468 722 Burleigh,Burleigh, (414)372-7880 1515 Woody's Woody's M,W,G,Cr,F M,W,G,Cr,F 3 BallgameBallgame M, M,F F 15791579 S. 2nd (414)(414) 672-0806 196196 S 2nd (414)273-7474(414)273-7474 RACINERACINE / KENOSHA 7 BoomBoom M, M, Cr, Cr, P, P, St St CLUB ICON MWSD KEEP YOUR 625 South 2nd stSt (414)277-5040(414)277-5040 6305 120th120th Kenosha (262)857-3240(262)857-3240 KEEP YOUR 1010 BootBoot Camp Camp Saloon Saloon M, M, LL, LL, Cr Cr JoDeesJODees MWSMWS (262)634-9804(262)634-9804 209 E National (414)643-6900(414)643-6900 2139 RacineRacine St,St, RacineRacine 5 C'est C'estLavie La Vie M, M,S,St,F S, St, F MADISON 231 S 2nd (414)291-9600(414)291-9600 CLUB 5 5 M,W,D,S,V,Cr,LL,F, M,W,D,S,V,Cr,LL,F, P P: GOOJ9 ** CityCity LightsLights Chill Chill M, M, Cr, Cr, G, G, LL LL 5 ApplegateApplegate Ctct (608)277-9700(608)277-9700 111 W. Howard Aye (414)481-1441 COOL 111 W. Howard Ave (414)481-1441 Rays M,W,CrM,W,Cr (608)241-9335(608)241-9335 1212 FluidFluid M, M, W, W, G G 2526 E.I. Washington Street 819 South 2nd2nd (414)643-5843 (414)643-5843 Shamrock M,W,G,F M,W,G,F 1717 Harbor HarborRoom Room M, M,LL,Cr,F,P LL, Cr, F, P 117117 W.W. MainMain (608)255-5029(608)255-5029 GETGETTESTED TESTED 117117 E.H. GreenfieldGreen field (414)672-7988 NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN * KRUZKRUZ M McrLLP Cr LL P Crossroads (920)830-1927(920)830-1927 for HIV,HIV, at BESTDBESTD Clinic.Clinic. It'sIt's 354 E. National (414)272-KRUZ 10421042 W.W. Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Appleton Appleton free and it's fast, withwith nono namesnames and no needles.Weneedles. We alsoalso provideprovide 11 LaCage/ETC LacagemTC M,W,V,DDJ,F,S,G MW,VJ)PJFS,G Rascals (920)954-9262 801S 2nd,2nd, (414)383-8330 702 E.E. Wisconsin,Wisconsin, Appleton Appleton free STD testing, exams,exams, and and treatment. StaffedStaffed totallytotally byby 1616 Mona's Mona's M,W,DJ,P,F,D,V,Cr, M,W,DJ,P,F,D,V,Cr, Napalese (920)432-9646(920)432-9646 14071407 S.S.1st 1st st.St. (414)643-0377(414)643-0377 13511351 CedarCedar St,St, GreenGreen BayBay volunteers and supported byby * M's orew) donations, BESTD has has beenbeen * M's (New) Sass (920)437-7277 Sass (920)437-7277 doing HIVHIV outreach sincesince 1987.1987. 11011101 S. 2nd (414)383-8900(414)383-8900 840 S.S. Broadway,Broadway, GreenGreen BayBay * Milwaukee Pumphouse (New) MondaysMohdays 6 6 pM-8:30 PM-8:30 pM: PM: * Milwaukee Pumphouse (New) Shelter (920)432-2662(920)432-2662 2011 S.S.1st 1st st.St. (414)744-7008(414)744-7008 730 N.N. Quincy,Quincy, GreenGreen BayBay Free HIVHIV & STDSTD testing * NutHut * Nut Hut Tipsy's (920)455-1005(920)455-1005 Tuesdays 66 PM-8:30PM-8:30 #~- 15001500 W Scott (414)647-2673 301 S.S. Broadway,Broadway, GreenGreen BayBay PM: AllAll ofof thethe aboveabove plusplus . 8 SWITCHSWITCH M,V, M,V, G, G, P, P,St St XS 11061106 Main, Main, GreenGreen BayBay STD exams && treatmenttreatment [`\ 124124 WW National (414)220-4340(414)220-4340 Some services onlyonly 20 TazzbahTazzbah BarBar & & Grille Grille M, M, G, G, F F Club 1226 (920)651-1226(920)651-1226 available forfor men; see 17121712 W Pierce St. (414)672-8466(414)672-8466 12261226 Oshkosh0shkosh Ave, OshkoshOshkosh our webweb sitesite forfor details.details. 1 ThisThis Is It M Blue Light (920)457-1636(920)457-1636 418 E Wells (414)278-9192 10291029 N.N. 8th 8th St.,St., SheboyganSheboygan Brady East STDSTD ClihicClinic 9 TriangleTriangle M,W,V,P,S M,W,V,P,S Key toto symbolssymbols - - Men, Men, Women, Women, 1240 E.E. BradyBrady St.. 135135 E National (414)383-9412(414)383-9412 Dancing, Shows, Shows, Strippers, Strippers, Milwaukee,Milwaukee,Wl WI 5320253202 Cruising, Patio, Patio, Games, Games, Food Food 414-272-2144 * VivaViva LaLa Femme MWS Video, LLLL == LeviLevi & & Leather Leather 16191619 S.S.1st 1st st.St. (414)389-9360(414)389-9360 * means not on map www.bestd.org MILWAUKEEtvIILWAUKEE MAPMAP / I I ILL I / I Hi h'LnI Av Z9 \ 1 nu, 1\/ Ijll lb 0 V I lhaSt Ill „ I( I consi e 11 I > JWallaZ = 9I9 i EI|1 -I cO 9!]1794 111E31 HAPPY SPRING, everyone! There's nothing like waking up on ® I 2 1 11 1 min - I a Spring morning, taking in a breath of that fresh, Cudahy air T|2 and reminding yourself that summer is around the corner. /I April is is thethe month month I I dustdust off my green mirrormirror ballball and and set set itit onon thethe tiny ST^+ patch of grass right outside my trailer. I paint my toe nails bright orange IIIRI Se • I patch of grass right outside my trailer. I paint my toe nails bright orange Pl ttst, rg3 I0 and II switch switch from from sipping sipping Brandy Brandy toto slurping slurping peachpeach margaritas.margaritas. 94 rJ 5 IfIf youyou ask ask me, me, nothing nothing gets gets Spring Spring off off to to a a better better start start thanthan slippingslipping 11 lorida 1 Vi in I intointo aa pair of ugly shoes thatthat hundreds hundreds of of people people have have worn worn beforebefore you.you. AsAs CO99 Bruce I 7 such, II headed headed overover toto West AllisAllis and signed upup for this year'syear's RitaRita Bowl. 2 11 Pierce ' 8 The benefitbenefit forfor thethe Holiday Holiday Invitational lnvitational Tournament Tournament brought brought dozens dozens ofof hot, hot, W Na I V I I I 11 rid/a: hunky blowers...sorry...blowers...sorry... I I mean bowlers...togetherbowlers...together for for aa night of crazy 1 -I cO1 games, incredibleincredible prizes prizes and and loads loads of of southside southside fun.fun. W a ingto e I / S t' St cOr®a9? Along with ToddTodd Richards, Mr.Mr.
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