AGENDA ITEM No .......13- Mi-. John Fleming Head of Central Services Civic Centre Windmillhill Street Motherwell ML1 1AB Mr. Peter Winnie Chairperson Coatbridge Community Forum C/o Mr. A Forrest 62 Agnew Avenue Coatbridge ML5 3TX Tel. No. 01236 425048 13* February 2008 Dear Sir, PlanninP Amlications C/07/0 1540lFUL C/07/01605/FUL Further to your letter dated 6* February 2008 in which you state that the area in question is outwith your control. Please find enclosed extracts from the Land Register and the Sasine Register which indicates that there has been no recent sale of this piece of land and that as there has been no change of use of this section of land ( footpath and section of road ), then North Lanarkshire Council still has control of this land. This land still being in use has not reverted to the estate. Attached documents Land Register Title No. Lan 86844 Sasine Register Search No. 2008/0371167 I wish to submit these statements in order to support our request to have this specific area upgraded Thanking you for your consideration with regard to this request Chairperson Coatbridge Community Forum, A. PROPERTY SECTION Title Number: LAN86844 Date of First Registration: 31/07/92 Date Title Sheet updated to: 19/03/04 Date Land Certificate updated to: 19/03/04 t-tectarage Code: 0 Interest: TENANT Map Reference NS7364N Des~ri ption ---_I .~___-.- Subjects on the west sideof 1 COATBANK STREET, COATBRIDGE NL5 3SP edged red on the Title Plan together with right of access to and egress from the subjects in this Title by the existing roads and footpaths (and any future roads and foatpaths) bounding same, and by the new footpath to be constructed by Strathclyde Regional Council shown cross hatched on the Suppiemerrtary Plan to the Title Plan, (which Supplementary Plan is a copy of the Plan annexed to the Lease in Entry 1 of the Burdens Section) leading from a public footpath to the siihjects in this Title (once such new footpath is constructed) . .I__ This is a Quick Copy which rc\flert.: the pocitinii at the date tliq Title Stwat was last ripdntad It does nnt haw the evirianti8I statiir; of nti Office Cooy. R. PRQPRIETQRSE.IIP SEC'TIQN Title Nrrmber: LAN86844 WactarngP Code: 0 Entry Proprietor NU rn be I ReaDate istra Of ti o n . __I ll . __ . MCIIOMAI-U'S REAL ES rATE LLP incorporated unciar the I. irnited Liability Partnerships Act ZOO0 with I Registered Number OC303157) and having its Registered Office at 11- 59, High Road, East Finchley, London, N2 8AW. This is a Quick Copy which reflects the position at the date the Title Sheet was last updated. It does not have the evidential status of an Office Copy. C. CHARGES SECTION Title Number: LAN86844 Hectarage Code: 0 There are no entries. This is a Quick Copy which reflects the position at the date the Title Sheet was last updated. It does not have the evidential status of an Office Copy. D. BURDENS SECTION Title Number: LAN86844 tiectarage Code: 0 Number of Rrirdens: 1 This is a Quick Copy which reflects the position at the datP the 'I'itlP Shwt waT la4 ripdatarl It does pot have the evidential sfatiiq nf an Office I'opy D. BURDENS DETAIL., Title Number: LAP486844 tkctarage Cnde: 0 Ntimber vf Riirderic: 1 Entry Rurden Detail Nurn ber __._ ~ ___I - 1____ ___ __ - - -. __ - 1 1 ease by Monklands District Council to McDmald's Property Company i irrritetf registered 31 Jul. 1992 of the subjects in this Titb contains conditions and biirrietw Copy in Certificate. Note 1: The foregoing lease was executed after 17 SP~.1974 and is subject to the provisions of Part II of the I".and Tenure Reform (Srotlanrl) Act 1974. 2. The said area hatched alternately blue and white referred to is tinted yellow on the Tit10 Plan, 3: A copy of the Plan annexed to the foregoing Lease is included in this 7 itle Sheet as a Sumlementarv Plan to the Title Plan. This is a Quick Copy which reflects the position at the date the Title Sheet was last !ipdated. It does not have the evidential status of an Office Copy. TITLEM - B E R LAND REGISTER 30442 C OTLAN D 10/6/1997 LA N 8 68 4 4 -.~ Scale ORDNANCE SURVEY --I__-_ NATIONAL GRID REFERENCE 1 /I 250 -___I_+O FrS NS7361NE I ...... ................... .... ................ "r ITLE N..... U M ~3 ER ............. - . -. ..... - ...... _. ... ..................... ...... ............ Produced from the Registers Direct System on 13/2/2008 at 12:OO. I-AN8684.Q.Crown Copyriqlit RPwwmi RESULT OF SEARCH SHEET NUMBER SEARCH Username: 4198 County: LANARK Search Criteria: 364 This search is not covered by the Keeper's Indemnity. This copy does not have any evidential status. Date: I3102108 Time: 12:18:29 Search No: 2008-0371167 User Reference: Number Description From I lands and estate of ?q?nCOATS?z and ?q? FROM II Series SS 364 Vo1.624 Folio.326 nWHIFFLET?z, in Parish of Old Monkland, viz. f2 land of old extent of ?q?nNETHER COATES? p called MAINS OF ?q?nCOATS?z &c. isp. if0 Maureen Allan and anr. of superior's interest in grd. to n. west ide of Calder Street, Coatbridge TO LAN 122654 919 (No.1) 13 May.1997 Fi 142.18 SP. by Trustees of MARY LOUISA WELLESLEY HOZIER, EGIRONESS NEWLANDS - TO EN ALLAN, 14 Academy Street, Coatbridge and ANTHONY REID LINDSAY, 5 Red x Crescent, Penicuik, equally, - of lands and estate of COATS and WHIFFLET in Parish of Old Monkland, viz. €2 land of old extent of NETHER COATES alled MAINS OF COATS &c. (under exception of (1.) several portions thereof ncluding pillars, blocks and portions of coal under parts of said lands &c. onveyed respectively to Committee of Management of Monkland Canal avigation, Company of Proprietors of Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway, ishaw and Coltness Railway Company, Caledonian Railway Company, North ritish Railway Company or others by various Dispositions by William Wallace ozier, Baron Newlands or his predecessors in said lands &c., (2.) subjects n Convey. and Disch. to said Caledonian Railway Company, recorded 28 Sep. 906, (3.) subjects in Disp. to Finance Board of Roman Catholic Archdiocese f Glasgow, recorded 2 Nov. 1907, (4.) subjects in Disp. to Stewarts and oyds Limited, recorded 31 May 1919, (5.) subjects in Disp. to Trustees of sonic Lodge ''Whifflet St. John", recorded 27 Nov. 1922, (6.) subjects in sp. to Magistrates &c. of Coatbridge, recorded 12 Dec. 1934, (7.) subjects n Disp. to Magistrates &c. of Coatbridge, recorded 28 Jun. 1949, (8.) ubjects in Disp. to Trustees for Firm of S. and J. Fagan, recorded 28 Jun. 949, (9.) dominium utile of portions of said Lands disponed in feu by rustees of said Baroness Newlands and their predecessors in said lands, 10.) subjects in Disp. to Lanark County Council, recorded 9 Feb. 1971, 11.) subjects in Disp. to Magistrates &c. of Coatbridge, recorded 3 Dec. 971, (12.) subjects in Disp. to said County Council, recorded 3 Aug. 1972, 13.) subjects in said County Council, recorded 10 Aug. 1972, (14.) subjects n Disp. to Strathclyde Regional Council, recorded 14 Aug. 1979, (15.) ubjects in Disp. to Robert Paterson Holdings Limited, recorded 13 Dec. 1982, (16.) subjects registered in Land Register under Title No. LAN 74193, (17.) subjects registered in Land Register under Title No. LAN 91436, (18.) subjects registered in Land Register inder Title No. LAN96171, (19.) subjects registered in Land Register under Title No. LAN 27330, (20.) subjects registered in Land Register under Title No. LAN 55871, (21.) superiority of subjects registered in Land Register under Title No. LAN 104461 and (22.) various Dispositions of minerals and Minutes of Waiver by Trustees of said Mary Louisa Wellesley Hozier, Baroness Newlands). Dated 23 and 28 Apr. 1997. No Consideration. te - I S of S ) Note 18 Aug. 1998 0 0801013 to 17/8/98 (I S of S) ) Note 01 Oct. 1998 1 1800261/LAN to 30/9/98 (over 0801013/LAN ) Note 19 Oct. 1998 sp ifo Sheffield Forgemasters Rolls Limited of part of the Lands and state of Coats and Whifflet TO LAN 132853 ) Note 19 Oct. 1998 egistration date for the immediately preceding entry should be 08/10/98 G) Note 24 Dec. 1998 11 0801417/98 to 23/12/98 (superiority of lands and estate of Whifflet) G) Note 24 Dec. 1998 10 0801417 to 23/12/98 (superiority, part of lands and estate of Whifflet) B) Note 05 Jan. 1999 isp ifo trustees for firm of larsen and ross of supy of lochrin house oatbank street coatbridge to lan 134388 reg date211298 057 (No.3) 6368.1 ISP. by ANTHd SAY, sometime 5 Red Fox Crescent, Penicuik, now 4 ebank Road, Barmulloch, Glasgow and MAUREEN ALLAN, 14 Academy Street, oatbridge, with consent of HARRY LINDSAY, 4 Ryebank Road, aforesaid aid MAUREEN ALLAfJ and GRAEME SEXTON, 14 Academy Street, Coatbridge, 9 and; and estate of CdATS and WHIFFLET, in Parish of Old Monkland, viz. €2 and of old extent of NETHER COATES called MAINS OF COATS 6.c. (under xception of (1.) several portions thereof including pillars, blocks and ortions of coal under parts of said lands &c. conveyed respectively to ommittee of Management of Monkland Canal Navigation, Company of Proprietors f Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway, Wishaw and Coltness Railway Company, aledonian Railway Company, North British Railway Company or others by arious Dispositions by William Wallace Hozier, Baron Newlands or his redecessors in said lands &c., (2.) subjects in Convey. and Disch. to said aledonian Railway Company, recorded 28 Sep. 1906, (3.) subjects in Disp.
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