Teaching staff and internships Master Biological Sciences, Track Ecology and Evolution Patrick Meirmans, Joost Duivenvoorden IBED, Universiteit van Amsterdam, [email protected] August 2014 Teaching staff and internships UvA master Biological Sciences: track Ecology and Evolution Guidelines for students: 1. Match your research interests with those of each staff member listed below 2. Evaluate the internship options*, recent internships and Selected publications of matched staff 3. Make an appointment with those staff members that do research of your interest *NB Remember that all staff members have many more internship options than you will find in this overview, for example outside the university Research interest by general theme: Evolution and Biodiversity: Acarology; Amphibians; Arthropods ; Arthropod-symbiont interactions; Chemical communication; Chemoecology; Community ecology; Crustaceans; Demography; Diversity patterns; Ecological speciation; Evolutionary Biology; Evolutionary convergence; Evolutionary ecology; Evolutionary genetics; Fishes; Flatworms: Systematics, Biogeography, Phylogeny, Taxonomy, Evolution; Insect-plant interactions; Molecular ecology; Nature conservation and management; Phenotypic plasticity; Plant conservation biology; Plant evolution; Polyploidy; Population biology; Quantitative genetics; Reproductive biology; Reptile conservation; Reptile ecology and population genetics; Sensory Physiology; Sexual selection; Mate choice; Sympatric speciation; Vegetation ecology; Wildlife monitoring Community dynamics: Adaptive dynamics; Behavioural ecology; Biological Control; Chemical Ecology; Community ecology; Ecological Acarology; Evolution of altruism; Evolution of specialisation; Evolutionary Ecology of Tritrophic Systems involving Mites and Insects on Plants; Ecogenomics; Evolutionary Epidemiology; Food web interactions; Herbivore adaptation; Induced plant defense; Mathematical modeling; Molecular Ecology; Multitrophic interactions; Plant- herbivore interactions; Plant-Predator Mutualisms; Population dynamics; Spatial Models in Ecology and Evolution; Theoretical biology; Virus Dynamics Geo-Ecology (Landscape ecology): Alpine Geomorphology; Application of Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing in Geo-Ecology; Biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds; Bird migration; Foraging ecology; Chemistry of emerging water contaminants; Climate reconstructions; Confronting models with observations; Drugs of abuse; Environmental chemistry; eScience infrastructure for ecological research; Fate of natural and anthropogenic compounds in terrestrial ecosystems; Hazard zonation; Human impact; Hydrology; Influence of atmospheric dynamics on bird movement; Land-sea-ice correlations; LiDAR; Long continental records; Marine palynology; Meteorology; Molecular dynamics of soil organic matter; Non-Pollen Palynomorphs (a.o. fungal and algal spores as paleo-environmental indicators); Nutrient availability; Ornithology; Paleoclimatology; Paleoecology; palaeolimnology; Perfluorinated alkylated substances; Persistent and polar organics; Plant-soil interactions; Pleistocene neotropical biogeography; Quantitative palaeoecology; Restoration ecology; Soil chemistry; Soil science; Solar forcing of climate change; Sorption and bioavailability of organic compounds; Statistics for the natural sciences; subfossil chironomids; Animal tracking technology; Tropical ecology and biodiversity 2 Evolution and Biodiversity 3 Hans (J.A.J.) Breeuwer IBED, University of Amsterdam. [email protected]. http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/j.a.j.breeuwer Research interest: Arthropod-symbiont interactions; Molecular ecology; Evolutionarygenetics; acarology Titles of recent internships as superviser/examinator Host race formation in the two-spotted spidermite: Hybrid incompatibility and genetic population structure. Host specificity and fitness effects of intestinal bacteria of thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). On the phylogeny and phylogeography of Tetillidae in Indonesia. Fingerprinting the Bili apes. Sequencing and DNA methylation of the delta-11-desaturase gene of common ‘high’ and uncommon ‘low’ Heliothis virescens. Selected publications Peijnenburg, T.C.A., Fauvelot, C., Breeuwer, J.A.J. and Menken, S.B.J. (2006). Spatial and temporal genetic structure of the planktonic Sagitta setosa (Chaetognatha) in European seas as revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Molecular Ecology 15 (11): 3319-3338. Ros, VID; Breeuwer, JAJ; Menken, SBJ (2008). Origins of asexuality in Bryobia mites (Acari : Tetranychidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8: Art. No. 153. Ros, VID; Breeuwer, JAJ (2009). The effects of, and interactions between, Cardinium and Wolbachia in the doubly infected spider mite Bryobia sarothamni. Heredity, 102 (4): 413-422. Ros, VID; Fleming, VM; Feil, EJ; Breeuwer JAJ. (2009). How diverse is the genus Wolbachia? multiple-gene sequencing reveals a putatively new Wolbachia supergroup recovered from spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (4): 1036-1043. Xavier, JR; Rachello-Dolmen, PG; Parra-Velandia, F; Breeuwer JAJ. (2010). Molecular evidence of cryptic speciation in the "cosmopolitan" excavating sponge Cliona celata (Porifera, Clionaidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 56 (1): 13-20. 4 Edo Goverse RAVON Monitoring Network. [email protected]. http://www.ravon.nl/Monitoring/tabid/62/Default.aspx. Research interests: amphibians, reptiles, fishes, monitoring, nature conservation, nature management Internship options Students with interests in doing internships concerning amphibians or fishes not listed on our website can visit me (Sciencepark C4.169) to determine a suitable internship. Also contact: [email protected], tel. 024-7410600 Titles of recent internships as superviser/examinator Natterjacks in the port of Amsterdam - status, distribution and ecology in 2010. The development of the moor frog Rana arvalis in the national amphibian monitoring program in the Netherlands 1997 - 2007. Selected publications Goverse, E., 2009. Hyla arborea (Tree Frog). Blowfly parasitism. Herpetological Review 40(1): 71. Hilterman, M.L. & E. Goverse, 2007. Nesting and nest success of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) in Suriname, 1999-2005. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 6(1): 87-100. Spikmans, F. W. Bosman, A. Spitzen, E. Goverse, M. de Zeeuw & T. van der Meij, 2012. Vuursalamanderdrama: soort op rand van uitsterven in Nederland. RAVON 46(3): 50-56. Van der Meij, T., A. van Strien, G. Smit & E. Goverse, 2009. Trendberekening bij het Meetnet Amfibieën. RAVON 31 10(4): 57-62. 5 Astrid Groot IBED, University of Amsterdam. [email protected]. www.science.uva.nl/ibed-eb Research interests: Evolutionary ecology; Chemical ecology; Molecular ecology; Sexual selection; Mate choice; Sympatric speciation Internship options Depending on the currently running projects, there are possibilities for behavioral (observational) studies, usually with chemical (gas chromatographic) analysis and/or molecular projects. Titles of recent internships as superviser/examinator The recent host expansion of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella and its effect on the female pheromone production – male sensitivity system Sequencing and DNA methylation of the delta-11-desaturase gene of common ‘high’ and uncommon ‘low’ Heliothis virescens Effects of larval food on female sex pheromone of the generalist feeder Heliothis virescens Mating preferences and development of two pheromone types of the moth Heliothis virescens Selected publications Hagström AK, Liénard MA, Groot AT, Hedenström E, Löfstedt C. 2012. Semi–selective fatty acyl reductases from four heliothine moths influence the specific pheromone composition. PLoS One 7(5), e37230. Groot AT, Classen A, Inglis O, Blanco CA, Lopez J Jr, Teran Vargas A, Schal C, Heckel DG, Schoefl G. 2011. Genetic differentiation across North America in the generalist moth Heliothis virescens and the specialist H. subflexa. Mol. Ecol. 20: 2676-2692. Henniges-Janssen K, Reineke A, Heckel DG, Groot AT. 2011. Complex inheritance of larval adaptation in Plutella xylostella to a novel host plant. Heredity 107: 421-432. Schöfl G, Dill A, Heckel DG, Groot AT. 2011. Allochronic separation vs. mate-choice: nonrandom patterns of mating between fall armyworm host-strains. Am. Nat., 177(4), 470-485 Gould F, Estock M, Hillier NK, Powell B, Groot AT, Ward CM, Emerson JL, Schal C, Vickers NJ. 2010. Sexual isolation of male moths explained by a single pheromone response QTL containing four receptor genes. PNAS, 107, 8660-8665. Groot AT, Claßen A, Staudacher H, Schal C, Heckel DG. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity in sexual communication signal of a noctuid moth. J. Evol. Biol., 23, 2731-2738. Groot AT, Marr M, Heckel DG, Schöfl G. 2010. The roles and interactions of reproductive isolation mechanisms in fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) host strains. Ecol. Entomol., 35, 105-118. Lassance JM, Groot AT, Liénard MA, Binu A, Borgwardt C, Andersson F, Hedenström E, Heckel DG, Löfstedt C. 2010. Allelic variation in a fatty-acyl reductase gene causes divergence in moth sex pheromones. Nature, 466, 486-489. 6 Cees Hof Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF). [email protected]. www.uva.nl/profiel/c.h.j.hof. Research interests: Biodiversity databases; digitization of biodiversity data, facilitate free and open access to biodiversity data. Internship options Millions and millions of our planet's living plant, animal, and microbiological species have been observed, listed and collected. Throughout the
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