<L£S Flight Engineer Jobs Now Open to Qualified Mechanics SEE PAGE THREE VOL. 18, No. 34 TRANS WORLD AIRLINES WEEKLY EMPLOYEE PUBLICATION AUGUST 25, 1955 Betty Clingman Will Reign as TWA Applies for First Non-Stop Queen of Airlines Ball Oct. 1 KANSAS CITY—Betty Clingman, 26-year-old TWA hostess, was chosen Tuesday from among nine candidates from the airlines serving Kan- •^s City to reign as queen of the third annual Aviation ball Oct. 1. Coast-to-Coast Tourist Service The other TWA candidate for the title, Dorene Cox, 24, typist clerk, I n the honor of being chosen one of the queen's attendants. Terry NEW YORK—TWA took the lead in offering the first scheduled non­ ggs, 19, Central Airlines hostess from Ft. Worth, was named the stop tourist service between New York and California in an application other attendant. filed with the CAB today. Final judging in the.queen con­ Fastest scheduled time will be 7 hours 48 minutes eastbound at fares test was conducted over KCMO- as low as $80 on a 30-day round trip excursion ticket, E. O. Cocke, TV Tuesday afternoon. Miss Cling­ sales vice-president, said. High Award of man was crowned by Pat McRey- Non-stop tourist service will be­ nolds, another TWA hostess, who come effective Sept. 25, subject to reigned as queen at last year's CAB approval, and is another balL phase of the over-all TWA plan to $200 Goes To Savings Up To provide increasing values in air­ The new queen became a stu­ line travel at progressively lower dent hostess on June 20 this year cost, Cocke said. The $80 excur­ and went on the line July 14. She sion fare on all coast-to-coast R. D. Morrison is 5'5" tall, has light brown hair $38 Possible tourist flights was announced last, and hazel eyes. She attended high week and applies Monday through KANSAS CITY—Topping the list school and one year of college in Thursday. It will become effective of suggestion plan award winners Monticello, Ark. Sept. 12 if approved by the CAB. announced this week was R. D. Dorene Cox first joined TWA With New Fare To provide the newest high­ Morrison, senior ground radio op­ in 1951, resigned, and then re­ speed non-stop tourist service at erator at Columbus, who received turned to the company in April, NEW YORK—Savings as high as lower cost, TWA will use the for­ $200 for his idea. 1953, as a typist-clerk in the mail $38 for air travel between east ward section of its roomy Model Morrison, after observing the room. She is 5'4%" tall, has brown and west coast cities are now pos­ 1049-G Constellations in tourist many changes that have taken hair and green eyes. She attended sible with TWA's new $80 excur­ class with increased seats. The place in flight release procedure Northeast high school in Kansas sion rate on round trip Sky Tourist tourist section will be separated over the last several years, con­ City. flights. The new fare becomes ef­ from the remainder of the air­ cluded that the flight dispatch Final judges were John Ran- fective Sept. 12 subject to ap­ craft and will be loaded through a form, 0-163, should be revised. dazzo of Randazzo & Morrison, proval by the CAB and will be forward entrance with separate The old form required the tran­ Photographers, Pat Koob, Bette TAKING OYER his new post as dis­ good Monday through Thursday stairway. scribing by hand of various pieces Bonn Modeling school, and Bob for round trips within 30 days. trict sales manager at Dhahran is The use of largersized aircraft of information from the teletype Allen, commercial artist. Gerry White, busy at his desk with TWA was the first transconti­ release message to various spaces The aviation ball, one of the nental airline in the United States in two classes of service has been on the 0-163. He proposed revis­ highlights of several aviation the paperwork. Gerry was formerly to offer Sky Tourist service, start­ successfully proven on many in­ ing the forms so that the release events to take place this fall, will a sales rep at Dhahran before his ing in February, 1949. In 1950 the ternational routes but this is the first adaptation to transconti­ message could be dittoed directly be held at the Hotel Muehlebach promotion. He succeeds Ivan Bor­ flights were put on a coast-to- onto the form and thus avoid the the night of Oct. 1. Tickets—lim­ coast basis at a fare of $110. In nental service. hand transcribing with its pos­ ited to 250 couples—go on sale sum who has transferred to Ama­ 1952 this fare was cut to $99. sibility of errors. Sept. 1 and may be purchased rillo as district sales manager. Today's 20% slash to $80 is ex­ John McGrath, senior account­ from Charlie Wales, 824 New York pected to repeat TWA's previous ant at Kansas City, received $169 Life building; Marena Hannon, re­ history of greatly increased loads Super-Gs Make Splash for his suggestion to eliminate sep­ ception desk, Overhaul base; Ruby stimulated by low-cost fares. arate city and state payroll tax McCully, reception desk, Airport; N. Y. Management Club In 1949, the first year the Sky in Advertising Circles deduction cards and place the in­ and Jennie DiStefano, ZZ. Tickets Tourist fare was introduced, TWA formation on the master IBM card. are $5 a couple. To Hold Meeting Sept 6 flew just under 50 million passen­ NEW YORK — Introduction of This eliminated a considerable NEW YORK—The Management ger miles in domestic Sky Tourist TWA's Super-G Constellation re­ amount of hand work and IBM club of Greater New York will service. In 1951, the year the $110 sulted in tie-in promotional ad­ cards, and an improvement in the Committee Chairmen get underway for the fall and transcontinental fare became ef­ vertising with approximately 29 efficiency of the payroll operation. winter season on Sept. 6 at the fective, this jumped to over 250 different companies, resulting in A reservations service agent in Brass Rail, Park Avenue and 40th million passenger miles and in a circulation of 39,262,634, accord­ New York, R. M. Pashen, and a Are Appointed by Kaul 1952, reflecting a 10% reduction ing to R. I. Robinson, sales promo­ St. tion director. Advertising media transportation agent at Kansas KANSAS CITY—Committee chair­ Social hour will begin at 5:30 to $99, the figure soared to 582 City, Don Baldwin, received $100 million passenger miles. included consumer magazines, men for the Kansas City Manage­ p. m., dinner at 6:45, and a busi­ newspapers, radio and television, each for their suggestions. ment club's 1955-56 term were ap­ ness meeting at 7:45. Speaker for From the beginning of Sky Pashen's idea was to consolidate Tourist service in the United trade magazines and direct mail pointed last week by C. E. Kaul, the evening will be Ralph S. and employee publications. the messages that YY sent over­ club president. Chairmen are as Damon; TWA president. States to June 30 this year TWA seas in making reservations on follows: This meeting is for members has flown 3,182,430 tourist passen­ Playing a big part in securing BEA and ALT. This consolidation only. Membership renewals for gers more than four billion pas­ these ads were the following sales of messages resulted in a consider­ Program, E. P. Burke; Budgets, 1955-56 may be made by contact­ senger miles. TWAers: Jim Edwards, Warren able reduction of words and the B. J. Smith; Membership, (co- ing Dale Ecton or any member of Just 25 years ago TWA pio­ Hearne, Charlie Pratt, New York; transmission of the messages dur­ chairmen), J. G. Ragan, W. B. the membership committee. neered transcontinental air trans­ Bud Franke, Chicago; Ed Morley, ing a slow period of the day. Murray; Reception, Lucy McNally; portation using 100-mile-an-hour Los Angeles. The idea for which Baldwin Food, J. L. Forsythe; Arrange­ Ford Trimotors which crossed the received his award was the revi­ ments, J. B. Morrow; Publicity, HOLIDAY COMING UP! continent in 36 hours at a fare of sion to the Form 0-174 to make it Art Clayton. Monday, Sept. 5, Labor Day, is $200. In a quarter of a century JOKE OF THE WEEK a single copy, single person re- Next meeting of the Manage­ a company recognized holiday for TWA has cut the fare 60% and A bachelor is a man who enjoys manifest form. This idea has re- ment club will be Sept. 19 at the ground employees based within reduced the elapsed transconti­ life, liberty and the happiness of (Continued on page 3) Pickwick hotel, 10th and McGee. the continental limits of the U. S. nental time by 70%. pursuit. HAIL THE QUEEN I Pretty Betty Clingman (center), TWA hostess, wears the crown signify­ THE NINE FINALISTS are shown at the KCMO-TV studios where the final judging was ing her selection as queen of the Airlines ball. On the left is Terry Riggs, hostess for televised Tuesday: Left to right, Terry Riggs, Central; Betty Clingman, TWA; Dorene Central Airlines, and on the right, Dorene Cox, TWA typist-clerk, who were named Cox, TWA; Joan Kee, Central; Sue Morgan, Braniff; Roberta Shook, Continental; Mary attendants for the queen at the ball Oct. 1. Lou Weihe, Continental; Tommie Moffett, Braniff, and Dona Lee Briner, Ozark, SKYLINER SKYLINER Award of Merit San Francisco Bank for That Added Touch Uses Air Courier .
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