CARL GOLDBERG MODELS THAT '«RANGER 42 The Versatile Almost- ARE REALLY Ready-To-Fly Fun Model. $1995 GREAT TO FLY! SKYLANE 62 © Takes Single To 4 Channel Proportional Radio. Molded Fuselage...One Piece Molded Wing, Stabilizer and Vertical Fin. Also Free Flight. Span 42". Weight 26 oz. For .049— Semi-Scale Beauty in .10 Engines. a Great Flying Model! I $2295 1-Piece Full-Length Sides ToU8h Roomy Cabin and Front End. For 2 To 4 Channel Proportional Steerable Nose Gear. Span 62". Weight 4>/2-5 Lbs. For 35 To .45 Engines. *OJ FEATURES: Now With 1-Piece Full-Length Sides. Takes 2 to 4 Channel Pro­ portional. Span 56". Weight 3V4-4V4 lbs. For .15-.19-.35 Engines. • See-through cabin, with die-cut plywood cabin sides FEATURES: • Shaped leading edges plus sheeting • Semi-symmetrical wing section • Coil-sprung nose gear. • Cleanly die-cut parts that fit formed main gear i / R Q w w & r • Shaped and notched leading and • Clark Y wing section, hardwood struts For Single or 2 Channel, trailing edges Pulse or Digital. Span 37" • Steerable nose gear, formed main gear • Cleanly die-cut ribs, fuse sides, Weight 18 oz. For .049 formers, etc. Engines. • New simple "Symmet-TRU'' $8.95 1/2A SKYLANE $9.95 wing construction For Single or 2 Channel, Pulse or Digital Span 4 2". Weight 22 0 2 . For .049 To -10 Engines Š A o e íto ittq $ 2 9 9 5 The GnndvearGoodyear Rar.prRacer With FnmiPhEnough ^ Area and Stability So You Can Fly It! For 4 Channel Proportional. Span 54"; Area 540 sq. in.; Weight 4V2-5 lbs. For .19-.40 Engines. Set Up and Operate R /C Models °Π H° W to FEATURES: • Shaped leading edges plus sheeting • Symmet-TRU wing construction • Full-length sides, sheeted trailing J edges LOOK WHAT A MODELER SAYS' ^ ^ ( havej Ust com- • Cleanly die-cut ribs, formers, etc. • Formed spring aluminum landing gear • Semi-symmetrical wing section. model I was dubious which model to but ■ dl^ erent from anything that I THE FLYING on your kit and I was n° \ dlsl ptp°'J®Ja t-t ^nt^together very easily. The plans FALCONS More Falcons have been built and flown in the ? & ’*>■ - * *» past 10 years than any other R/C. For values and mucn i appieuidic ----- - to be able to build all of your planes features in a functional, rugged airplane, your best bet is a Falcon. AVAILABLE IN CANADA Every design element engineered for simplicity and fast-building. eventually. Again thanks for such a FALCON 56 $19.95 Medium-Size Trainer. Single To 4 Channel ^ine ^ Arnold B. Johnson Proportional. Span 56". For .15-.19-.35 Engines. Troutville, Virginia SR. FALCON $36.95 Standard Big Trainer. 4 Channel Propor­ Γ oVi f°idb!rs * 1 tional. Span 69". For .35 To .60 Engines. JUNIOR FALCON $7.95 Small Trainer. Single or 2 Channel. ■ & Span 37". For .049 Engines. s 4S @ S E g .t e e I and Radl° Control Definition* / 0 | NAM E_____________ A D D R E S S . CITY. STATE. —ZIP. THE ENGINE THAT WON’T. What an engine won’t do is every bit as important as what it will do. And what the Northfield-Ross 60-Twin won’t do is shake your glue joints apart. Or cause radio failure. A t any speed. Its’ the smoothest running engine you can get. Every bit as vibration-free as you expect a twin cylinder engine to be (only no other twin is). In fact, it’s everything you expect a twin to be (only no other twin is) because it was de­ signed by Lou Ross and is manufactured by a company that’s famous for high precision manufacturing. And, incidentally, the Northfield-Ross 60- Twin has two big relatives that will give you even more vibration-free power: the Ross- power 4 cylinder (1.2 cu. in.) and the Ross- power 6 cylinder (1.8 cu. in.). W e’ll be happy to send you complete infor­ mation and a free brochure about all three Northfield-Ross engines. Just write to Northfield Precision Instru­ ment Corporation, 4400 Austin Blvd., Island Park, N.Y. 11558. Tel.: (516) 431-1112. Realistic Appearance Combined With fine Flying Performance KIT FEATURES: * Complete Building and Flying Instructions * Detailed Plans with Isometric Construction Views The * Formed Plastic Propeller * SIG Contest Rubber Strip for Maximum Turns and High Flight Performance * Die Cut SIG Balsa Ports ’29er DESIGNED BY PAUL Me ILK A TH S I G CLASSIC SCRICS Sig’s Classic Series kits give you three important features that assure you of successful flights: (1) A proven flya ble design (2) A re lia b le way to moke flig h t adjustments (3) Complete flyin g in structiops Second in the Sig C lassic Series, the *29er captures the familiar parasol look of several famous aircraft in an attractive blend of lines and function. A particularly stable model beenuse of the high wing position K IT F F -21 the difficulties usually found in this type of mounting have been eliminated by a simple, SPAN: 2 0 H " LENGTH: 16" effective construction procedure. Designer WEIGHT: Appro«. 1 0« Paul Mcllrath hos written a comprehensive 8 page booklet covering all phases of assem­ bly. The trimming and testing sections ore an education in the basis of model flying. The '29er takes it's place beside the Cabin- aire os a top notch sport rubber-powered kit. si« Λ ΐΛ \ιιΐ'Λ ΓΓ ΐιι:ΐΝ < ; <:» A lo iitťK in iiii, Iow a The MODEL BUILDER 1 WHY DON’T YOU LISTEN TO TONY BONETTI? HE’LL TELL YOU.. NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT... The Guilder 12552 DEL REY DRIVE SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA 92705 The MODEL BUILDER is published monthly. Regular sub­ scription rates are $6.50 for one year and $11.50 for two years. Add $1.50 for subscriptions outside of U.S. and Canada. Please enclose check or money order. Do not send cash. N a m e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address _ City State One year at $6.50 Begin with The MODEL BUILDER 2 The SEPTEMBER 1972 volume 2, number 11 STAFF CONTENTS EDITOR FEATURES Wm. C. Northrop, Jr. W ORKBENCH...............................................................................- .......................4 GENERAL MANAGER Bill Northrop Anila Northrop LAKE E LS IN O R E ...................................................................................................12 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT A r t S n yd e r Le Gray FREE F L IG H T ............... - ....................................................................................16 SECRETARY Mel Schmidt Bobbie Tyler R/C SO AR IN G .................................................................................. - - ..............20 CIRCULATION MANAGER Le G ray Bill Phillips R/C C A R S ............................................................ - ............................................ 26 CONTRIBUTORS Gene H usting Bill Ilannan RUSS-CRAFT MUSEUM - ...................................................................................... 28 Bill Hannan Ben Mogensen HANNAN’S H A N G A R ............................................................................................30 Dick Malhis B ill H annan Walt Mooney SEAPLANES IN JA P A N .................................................................................... 34 Fernando Ramos R itsuri Honda Fred Reese SCALE F /F ...............................................................................................................36 Fernando Ramos Mel Schmidt Chuck Smith CONTROL L IN E ............................................................ - ...................................38 Dick Mathis ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES PYLON ............................ - ..................................................................... ... 42 EAST Chuck Gill, 835 Gilbride Road, Chuck Smith Martinsville, N J 08836 (201) 469 3082 P Y LO N /4 .................................................................................................................. 44 F red Reese WEST: Bob Upton, 20626 Clarendon Ave. Woodland Hills, California 91364 SCALE VIEWS (213) 883-7681 NESMITH COUGAR, Hal O s b o rn e ......................................................................................22 Subscriptions $6.50 per year, $11.50 two years. Single copies 65 cents. Add $1.50 for CONSTRUCTION postage per year outside o f U.S. and Canada (Except APO) COLEEN-12, Randy W arner ........- - ......................- ..................- .....................................8 BABY BOOMER, Art Reiners . .......................- ..........................................................--23 Copyright 1972 The MODEL BUILDER. All rights reserved Reproductions w ithout per PAPER GLIDER, Bill Hannan - - * ......................................................................31 mission prohibited. LI 1TLE TOOT, D e n n y E ld e r - - - - .................................................................................. 39 Published Monthly by The MODEL BUILD ER Magazine, 12552 Del Rey Dr., Santa Ana, Cover: Granger Williams, San Ma cos, Cali ornia, and his 1.6 inch scale model o f the Cald 92705 Phone (714) 544 1321 Deperdussin monoplane which won the 1913 Schneider Trophy. Granger researched the material and drew the 3-views presented in the June issue of Second Class postage paid at Santa Ana, Ca. The MODEL BUILDER. Wing area is 750 sq. in., weight is 6-1/2 lbs. w ith _______ Bonner 4RS and Enya 60 engine.__________ Photo by George Uveges. The MODEL BUILDER 3 By popular demand, a repeat of last year's . er . backside view of the Nats C Pattern winners. This year, the South has truly rizzed. If you don't know who they are, tune in next month. - f r o m B i n w o r k b e n c h ··· • We must apologize for the lateness of long enough that it has become a neces­ urday morning July 22, along with other this issue of The Model Builder. It ’s no sity o
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