SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 1 Stamps without TABS Stamps with FULL TABS SG Michel Bale Year Air Description Phos MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used Sutherland Philatelics PO Box 448 Ferny Hills D C, Qld 4055 Australia ABN: 69 768 764 240 website: sutherlandphilatelics.com.au e-mail: [email protected] phone: international: 61 7 3851 2398; Australia: 07 3851 2398 ISRAEL List Structure: Commems, definitives, airmails and express post are all together in approximately SG number order Half Tabs Officials Postage Dues Booklets & panes Machine Vended Labels Exhibition Souvenirs First Day Covers Columns with "TABS" in the title refer to FULL tab stamps. Stamps with HALF tabs are listed separately at the end of the price list. Plate Blocks of 4 or 6 are available for most items at 4x or 6x the single price, except for scarce items where a premium will apply. Please provide us a wants list for quotation for these items. To find an item in this list, please use Adobe's powerful search function. We obtain our stock from collections we purchase. We do not have a Middle East supplier. Consequently, where something is unpriced, we do not have it at present. We list all items we have in stock, including broken sets, and singles from sets. Prices subject to change without notice. Please note that GST (currently 10%) is applicable from 1 July 2000. International sales are GST free. The prices in this list INCLUDE GST All prices are in Australian dollars. E&OE CREDIT CARDS: VISA AND MASTERCARD WELCOME -- MINIMUM $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 2 Stamps without TABS Stamps with FULL TABS SG Michel Bale Year Air Description Phos MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used Currency: 1000 Prutot [pr] (mils [m]) = 1 Israeli Pound Ancient Jewish Coins - [DOAR IVRI] 1st P11 1 1A 1 1948 3m orange 1.70 0.65 2 2A 2 5m emerald green 1.70 1.20 0.65 3 3xA 3 10m magenta (5 line tab) 1.70 0.75 4 4A 4 15m scarlet (4 line tab) 2.40 1.05 5 5A 5 20m blue 4.90 6 6xA 6 50m brown 32.20 5.60 Set 6v 40.10 HIGH VALUES 7 7A 7 250m deep green (FU has 1 short perf) 21.00 8 8A 8 500m brown-red/buff 9 9A 9 1000m indigo/blue Set 3v Set 9v Grey Paper 3a 3yA 3a 10m magenta - grey paper 6a 6yA 6a 50m brown - grey paper (FU tab cat £90) 12.95 38.85 Set 2v Wrong Tab Description 3b noted 10m magenta (4 line tab) 4b noted 15m scarlet (5 line tab) Set 2v PERF VARIETIES P10 1b 1C 1f 3m orange - P10 2b unlisted 2f 5m emerald green - P10 4a 4E 4f 15m scarlet - P10 unlisted unlisted 5f 20m blue - P10 6b unlisted 6f 50m brown - P10 7a unlisted 7f 250m deep green - P10 8a unlisted 8f 500m brown-red/buff - P10 9a unlisted 9f 1000m indigo/blue - P10 P10 x 11 1c 1D 1d 3m orange - P10 x 11 3c 3xD 3d 10m magenta - P10 x 11 5b 5D 5d 20m blue - P10 x 11 6c 6xD 6d 50m brown - P10 x 11 7b unlisted 7d 250m deep green - P10 x 11 8b unlisted 8d 500m brown-red/buff - P10 x 11 9b unlisted 9d 1000m indigo/blue - P10 x 11 Rouletted 1a 1F 1c 3m orange - rouletted 2a 2F 2c 5m emerald green - rouletted 3b 3xF 3c 10m magenta - rouletted Set 3v CREDIT CARDS: VISA AND MASTERCARD WELCOME -- MINIMUM $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 3 Stamps without TABS Stamps with FULL TABS SG Michel Bale Year Air Description Phos MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used Jewish New Year - Flying Scroll Emblem 10 10 10 1948 3m 0.95 11 11 11 (ctd) 5m 0.95 12 12 12 10m 1.35 13 13 13 20m 2.95 14 14 14 65m 16.10 Set 5v Jewish New Year - Flying Scroll Emblem Tête bêche gutter pairs unlisted 10KZ 10a 3m unlisted 11KZ 11a 5m unlisted 12KZ 12a 10m unlisted 13KZ 13a 20m unlisted 14KZ 14a 65m Set 5v Vertical gutter pairs unlisted 10SZ 10b 3m unlisted 11SZ 11b 5m unlisted 12SZ 12b 10m unlisted 13SZ 13b 20m unlisted 14SZ 14b 65m Set 5v 15 15 15 1949 Inauguration of Constituent Assembly 7.35 5.25 3.50 105.00 16 16 16 First National Flag - tab at right 1.00 16 16 16a First National Flag - tab at left 140.00 16aMS Blk 1 MS1 Israeli Postage Stamps M/S 238.00 unlisted 17 MS1a Israeli Postage Stamps - single ex M/S 16aMS Blk 1 MS1 Israeli Postage Stamps M/S [MNG, some toning] 51.00 16aMS Blk 1 MS1 Israeli Postage Stamps M/S [hinged, creased] 42.50 17 18 17 Founding of Petah Tiqwa - tab at right 1.80 17 18 17a Founding of Petah Tiqwa - tab at left 210.00 Jewish New Year - Israeli Defence Forces Insignia 18 19 18 5pr 19 20 19 10pr 20 21 20 35pr Set 3v 18.20 10.50 Ancient Jewish Coins - [MERED-I] 2nd 9mm inscription at left 21 22 21 3pr olive grey 0.35 0.25 22 23 22 5pr violet 0.35 0.35 23 24 23 10pr green 0.35 0.15 24 25 24 15pr carmine 0.65 0.30 25 26 25 30pr blue 1.15 0.50 26 27 26 50pr brown 3.85 2.75 1.35 Set 6v 5.95 CREDIT CARDS: VISA AND MASTERCARD WELCOME -- MINIMUM $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 4 Stamps without TABS Stamps with FULL TABS SG Michel Bale Year Air Description Phos MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used Tête bêche pairs 22a 23K 22a (1950) 5pr violet 23a 24K 23a (1950) 10pr green 24a 25K 24a (1950) 15pr carmine 25a 26K 25a (1950) 30pr blue Set 4v Tête bêche gutter pairs 23KZ 22b (1950) 5pr violet 24KZ 23b (1950) 10pr green 25KZ 24b (1950) 15pr carmine 26KZ 25b (1950) 30pr blue Set 4v UPU 27 28 27 1950 40pr 28 29 28 80pr Set 2v (40pr tabs has black adhesion from album page) 5.25 3.75 126.00 Tête bêche pairs 28a 28-9K 27a-8a 40pr / 80pr 57.40 Tête bêche gutter pairs 28KZ 27b 40pr / 40pr 29KZ 28b 80pr / 80pr Set 2v 50.80 Independence - 2nd Anniversary 29 30 29 20pr (MNG has short perfs) 6.65 2.85 30 31 30 40pr 26.60 14.70 Set 2v 33.25 31 32 31 Founding of Hebrew University, Jerusalem (U has short perfs) 1.00 1.00 57.40 Air - Birds 32 33 32 ( 5pr light blue 1.35 0.85 33 34 33 ( 30pr blue grey 0.85 0.85 34 35 34 ( 40pr blue green 0.85 0.85 35 36 35 ( 50pr brown red 0.85 0.85 36 37 36 ( 100pr carmine 40.60 26.60 37 38 37 ( 250pr grey blue 4.90 2.10 3.25 Set 6v (minor gum disturbance lower tab 5pr) 44.80 29.40 420.00 Jewish New Year 38 39 38 5pr 39 40 39 15pr Set 2v 2.05 84.00 Ancient Jewish Coins - [MERED-II] 3rd 11mm inscription at left 40 42 41 3pr olive grey 0.35 0.35 2.90 41 43 42 5pr violet 0.35 2.90 2.10 2.75 42 44 43 10pr green 0.35 0.35 2.90 2.75 43 45 44 15pr carmine 0.35 0.35 0.15 45 47 45 30pr deep blue 0.35 2.90 49 51 46 50pr brown 0.50 0.25 0.45 4.05 Set 6v - Part 1 (1950 issue) 2.25 18.50 CREDIT CARDS: VISA AND MASTERCARD WELCOME -- MINIMUM $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 5 Stamps without TABS Stamps with FULL TABS SG Michel Bale Year Air Description Phos MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used Ancient Jewish Coins - [MERED-II] 3rd 11mm inscription at left 44 46 60 (1952) 20pr orange 0.35 0.15 2.10 46 48 61 (1952) 35pr olive green 1.15 9.25 47 49 62 (1952) 40pr orange brown 0.45 0.45 3.50 48 50 63 (1952) 45pr deep mauve 0.45 0.20 1.50 50 52 64 (1952) 60pr rose red 0.45 0.20 3.50 51 53 65 (1952) 85pr turquoise blue 1.15 9.25 Set 6v - Part 2 (1952 issue) 3.85 3.40 31.80 Set 12v 5.60 46.20 Tête bêche pairs 41a 43K 42a (1953) 5pr violet 42a 44K 43a (1953) 10pr green 43a 45K 44a (1953) 15pr carmine 44a 46K 60a (1953) 20pr orange 45a 47K 45a (1953) 30pr deep blue 48a 50K 63a (1954) 45pr deep mauve Set 6v (5p has minor natural gum disturbance) 54.95 Tête bêche gutter pairs 43KZ 42b (1953) 5pr violet 44KZ 43b (1953) 10pr green 45KZ 44b (1953) 15pr carmine 46KZ 60b (1953) 20pr orange 47KZ 45b (1953) 30pr deep blue 50KZ 63b (1954) 45pr deep mauve Gutter Pairs - Set 6v 52 41 40 1950 Third Maccabiah 8.05 140.00 53 54 47 (ctd) Opening of Post Office at Elat (Negev Camel) (MUH toned perf) 29.40 54 55 48 1951 Founding of Tel Aviv 1.40 1.00 49.00 55 56 49 Independence Bonds Campaign 1.00 Third Anniversary of State of Israel 56 57 50 15pr 57 58 51 40pr Set 2v 1.90 2.00 Jewish National Fund 58 59 52 15pr 59 60 53 25pr 60 61 54 80pr Set 3v 3.50 2.70 1.15 238.00 61 62 55 23rd Zionist Congress (Theodor Herzl) 1.00 0.45 0.85 3.45 Jewish New Year 62 63 56 5pr 0.35 63 64 57 15pr 0.15 64 65 58 40pr 0.50 0.50 Set 3v 1.05 8.05 CREDIT CARDS: VISA AND MASTERCARD WELCOME -- MINIMUM $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 6 Stamps without TABS Stamps with FULL TABS SG Michel Bale Year Air Description Phos MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used MUH Mint MNG Fine Used Used 64a 66 59 1952 1000pr Menorah and Emblems 39.20 Air - TABA National Stamp Exhibition 64b 67 66 ( 100pr 64c 68 67 ( 120pr Set 2v 3.95 28.00 4th Anniversary of Independence 65 69 68 30pr 66 70 69 60pr 67 71 70 110pr Set 3v 2.70 57.40 68 72 71 Opening of American Zionist Building (ZOA House) 2.00 40.60 32.20 Jewish New Year - Flora and Fauna 69 73 72 15pr 70 74 73 40pr 71 75 74 110pr 72 76 75 220pr Set 4v (40p tab has minor gum disturbance; priced as such) 4.55 58.80 Death of Dr C Weizmann 73 77 76 30pr 0.35 74 78 77 110pr Set 2v 1.70 36.40 75 79 78 Bet Yaakov Venelcha Immigration Organization [BILU] 1.40 36.40 Air - Landscapes inscribed "POSTE AERIENNE" 76 80 80 (1954) ( 10pr 0.45 0.45 77 81 81 (1954) ( 70pr 0.65 3.80 78 82 82 (1954) ( 100pr 3.80 79 83 83 (1954) ( 150pr 3.80 80 84 84 (1954) ( 350pr 1.00 8.90 81 85 85 (1954) ( 500pr 1.70 81a 138 137 (1956) ( 750pr 5.90 82 86 79 1953 ( 1000pr 8.05 6.65 82a 139 138 (1956) ( 3000pr 7.60 Set 9v (MUH 1000pr tab fingermark on gum) 13.30 224.00 83 87 86 5th Anniversary of Independence 0.85 0.50 8.05 84 88 87 International Congress of History of Science (Maimonides) 2.80
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